10 ways to improve body image

If there’s one thing I want you guys to focus on before starting this new week it’s cultivating a better relationship with yourself.⁣

Body image issues can stunt & affect any kind of progress or growth in every facet of your life.⁣

I can tell you after losing almost 50lbs over my 38 yrs on this earth, the weight loss doesn’t magically make you love yourself more or fix any problems.⁣

10 Ways To Improve Body Image Issues⁣
Source: Myself & The National Eating Disorder Awareness⁣

1️⃣ Stop comparing yourself to others. Love & appreciate your body for what it is & what it is becoming as you live a healthier life.⁣

2️⃣ Remember that beauty is not just about appearance.⁣

3️⃣ Question the media & things you consume. Especially social media. Most of what you see is photo shopped & the highlight reels.⁣

4️⃣ Dress in clothes that make you feel your best! Wear literally whatever the hell you want. You wear your clothes they don’t wear you.⁣

5️⃣ When you see yourself in a mirror or in your mind, choose not to focus on specific body parts. You are a beautiful sum of all your imperfections.⁣

6️⃣ LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. What do you NEED? A walk? Yoga? A bath?! Listening help so much!⁣

7️⃣ Use the time and energy you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and your weight to do something to help others. Sometimes helping out other people can help you feel better about yourself and can make a positive change in our world.⁣

8️⃣ Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not “right” or that you are a “bad” person.⁣

9️⃣ “I am” affirmations! Say them, write them, believe them! ⁣

🔟 Don’t rely on others for confidence boosts! Your worth comes from within.⁣

Also, seek help. Therapy does wonders❤️⁣

The power of being your own best friend

I love a glass of Prosecco, laughs, & good conversation.

Sometimes that’s all a girl needs.

I’m an introvert by true nature. Used to feel guilty for it. I recharge in my aloneness, however.

As this fine wine has aged, I find so much peace in being alone. Having a small circle of friends. And I find myself realizing, finally, I am my own best friend. 

Being alone used to be a fear for me. I can’t think of a more pressingly painful feeling that cuts deeper than falling into the bottomless pit of loneliness.

Heartbreak is a close second.

My girlfriends & I talked about how as you age you become more comfortable knowing what you want and what you don’t and having no remorse for your feelings, thoughts, needs, & behaviors.

I am so grateful for the shit & numbing I’ve had to wade through to get to this point.

Here is the tricky part about the art of numbing: There is only so long a person can survive off Band-Aids. At some point, you’re going to have to treat the infection — even if it means having to feel the burn when the painkillers start to wear off. The breakdown.

That’s the beauty of the breakdown. When you hit a rock bottom, you’re forced to make a choice. You either die, or you deal with it.

I talked this morning about how the relationship with yourself dictates all of the relationships with everyone else in your life. 

In learning to be my own best friend, I found the remedy for loneliness & stillness & mundane. I hope these words can help you.

I encourage you to take the time to get to know yourself. Don’t be afraid to confront all the feels. Don’t apologize for your wants and needs and all the weird shit that makes you, you. Some days even if I really like you I just flat don’t feel like talking to people. And I don’t apologize for that anymore.

No matter how hard or how amazing or how confusing or wonderful or wild life is, you will never be truly alone if you harvest a loving relationship with yourself.

You are the most precious person in the world. 

I think I’m funny as hell, I laugh at myself all the time, I have complete conversations with myself.

And if you can do that, you’ll never be alone. ❤️