New Years resolutions and habits to bring into 2022.

➡️How bout them Boilers? 🏈 💛🖤🤍 #btfu

➡️I slept until almost 7. Our patient numbers in the ER are insane. Grateful for a day off right meow.🐱 

➡️I Googled #fengshui for the new year yesterday & they said to wear red or yellow underwear for good luck 🤷‍♀️🍀🩲 contemplating buying some😄 although I really hate wearing underwear. Jus sayin. I know I’m not the only one, don’t lie.

➡️Set routines not resolutions for the new year. You have to BE the lifestyle & the person you want. Routines will get you there, vapid resolutions with no true intention or action will not.

➡️Figured out how to keep Pete from waking me up when I don’t have to get up early. Set my auto brew on the coffee pot maker till later. ☕️ 🐈‍⬛ He hates it when I work on my computer in the mornings. He’s a Snuggle bug.

He wants to sit on my lap!

Holy sh*t tomorrow is a new year. I know they say as you get older time flies by, they ain’t kiddin. We’re only here for a short blip. 

Simply sharing things on my mind & heart this mornin. Swipe through for lessons I wished I’d learned earlier & “That Girl” habits to bring into 2022.

Click for full post on IG!

I just want to thank y’all for your love, your kindness, your dedication to yourselves to learn & grow & do that with me, here.

I promise the time that we spend here together is never wasted & I’m grateful for each & everyone of you!

To all my past, present, & future digital family, I love you guys! 

Let’s have us a year 🎉 🥩 🥂

Eat the meat. Go to the f*ckin gym. Be kind. Don’t be a d*ck.


Sorta sweet, Sorta Beth Dutton

✌️ Coach K

Why you binge, have carb cravings, and self sabotage on weekends. What to do instead and carnivore tips

Raise your hand if weekend eating is your nemesis & you feel you just can’t shake the carb cravings🤚⁣ I understand it’s a problem at work too! Especially around the holidays.


I was this person for years. “I’ll start my diet on Monday. I already ruined my day, might as well eat what I want”…sound familiar?⁣


Or the, “I had a stressful week or I was good all week so I deserve this.” mentality.⁣


Chasing fitness goals doesn’t mean you can’t go out & have a good time, but for many of us we’re stuck in this disordered, scarcity mindset constantly set on replay.⁣


The biggest shift to make if you want to start winning your weekends & kicking your food/sugar addiction is to deal with your inner baggage & change the way you talk & think of yourself. ⁣

On carnivore especially, make sure you’re eating enough food to support optimal body function & your goals. These are called your maintenance calories. 

Hydrate, often times we’re thirsty not hungry. Take your electrolytes. Cut the artificial sweeteners.

Keep your mind busy. The answer is always walk. Boredom & stress are huge triggers to emotionally eating. 

Make sure you’re eating enough protein & fat! Not only do we need fat for healthy hormones & protein for lean muscle mass & tissue building, they help keep you satiated too.

Once you remove the carbs & sugar I promise the easier it becomes & less cravings you will have.

I’m gonna say it again…if you constantly restrict food all week & constantly tell yourself that, well, I f*ck up every weekend…guess what? You’re never gonna become the person or have the health & body your desire because you’ve told yourself you’re a f*ck up.⁣


Do you really want to stay a slave to food addiction, disordered eating, & “I’ll start my diet on Monday?”⁣


I get it, I did it to. But there comes a time you get fed up enough you decide to make a different choice. You’re not alone.⁣

Swipe through, let me know if these resonate with you!⁣ Share this post freely with your friends! Post:

Tap for IG post with all the cheat sheets!!

Share your struggles, tips, & experiences with your fellow warriors below 👇 ⁣

Money, Love, Abundance, & End of the Year Reflections that Make You Think…

For Christmas last year I gave away alcohol & money as gifts. Merry Christmas 🎁🥃🍗💵 ⁣
Probly do the same this year. Why lie? 🤔

I also bought my family Christmas Eve dinner – which was @doordash of all the delicious wings from @tpindyi69 Twin Peaks because that the only place open & none of us wanted to cook. 😜

💁🏼‍♀️Just thought I’d not bullshxt around & put that out there 😂
We had the best Christmas ever simply because we were together.

End of the year reflections & intentions…⁣

Do you know I had never had a Christmas before that where I hadn’t worried about money?⁣

There was a time I didn’t know if I’d have enough money to buy eggs & I lived out of my office.⁣

Last year was the 1st year I had enough money that I didn’t have to worry about it.

There was a time I could’ve told you how to sneak into every pool & hotel to snag free breakfast to save money.

Brand name clothes were not something I could align funds for. Goodwill, Walmart, second hand & the discount rack, bishes.

In college, I stayed home while my sorority sisters went out shopping.

Self confidence, vibrancy, energy, mindset, frequency & self-awareness were not things in my consciousness at the time.

I viewed money as a bad thing, something I had to work really really hard for & always felt there was never enough. And if I wasn’t saving every penny, that made me a bad person.

I came from a middle class world. We didn’t dare leave lights on, waste food, buy “unnecessary things”, or be caught not working or doing chores because that was viewed as being lazy.

From childhood I thought love was earned thru accomplishments, productivity, & what you looked like.

I felt I was never good enough to attain the life, love & wealth – things that other, luckier more affluent people had.

Totally mind fxcked me for decades. I’m grateful now to have healed to the point of peaceful evolution & gratitude.

The holidays are hard on people. I get you.

The New Year is like some imaginary clean slate that people think on January 1 everything will be different when they truly have the opportunity to clean the slate any day they want.

I paid off more than $43,000 in debt last year — in a damn pandemic.⁣ Dunno how. I had faith that I could & let the Universe take care of the rest.

I paid off all my credit cards, a consolidation loan I was paying $730 a month on for 3 years. I purchased a new vehicle, finally restored my credit & spent money on the things that brought me joy without apology.⁣

This post really isn’t about money but I needed to write this stuff out & just give thanks for this point in my life. Maybe you can relate too.

I realized I’m my own best friend. I love being alone but I’m never lonely. I don’t need anyone else to complete me — I am complete. I am ready to finally let an aligned special someone in if it’s the right time.

The past 2 years have been painful as hell too, probably 2 of the most painful & biggest roller coasters I’ve been on in my 39 years – in every facet of my life.⁣

I’ve had to swallow my ego more times than all the shots on my 21st birthday y’all 👀

Every year I reflect on what I’ve been thru & what I could do better. ⁣

I come up with a motto & a word to symbolize intentions for my next year. ⁣

My motto for 2021 was:
“Wherever I go, there I am.”⁣

⁣Still is.

2022 is:
“The wheel turns.”

Because wherever I go I will choose to make the most of it & cultivate a life & environment that brings me joy. I will honor my changes, emotions, needs & evolve as I need to.⁣

I will have purpose, impact, & I will serve to the best of my abilities.⁣

My word for 2021:

I promise to still live with JOY.⁣

My word for 2022:

So I’ll raise my glass 🥃 w/y’all, cheers!

Happy Saturday from the VA btw 🇺🇸💕 and GO COLTS! Headed to the game after my shift 🐴🏈💙

What’s you word for 2022?

oxox Coach K

Why Digestion Matters & How It Can Affect Weight Loss: symptoms, triggers, and supplements

Why digestion matters & how to properly take digestive enzymes!

⁣Eating trigger foods, even when I transitioned to carnivore caused a lot of inflammation. I discovered some animal-based foods like pork, pork rinds, PSMF bread, & turkey caused water retention, constipation, weight gain, & poor digestion. 

Enzymes significantly helped! I don’t have a gallbladder either, fyi.

I created an entire supplement guide just for you!

I really had no idea the application of digestive enzymes or how vastly different foods affected digestion early on in my journey.⁣

Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body. Natural digestive enzymes, such as lipase, amylase, & protease, aid in breaking down fats, proteins, & carbs.

First & foremost, if you’re experiencing chronic problems, go get tested, see your doctor, practitioner, or qualified coach. Stop ignoring the root causes.

The best time to take your enzymes is right before, or right as you start eating. When in doubt, check the label. Usually anywhere from 10-20 minutes right before you eat is ideal.⁣

Most of us lack stomach acid. We don’t slow down when we chew our food, we’re always in get sh*t done mode & this is the 1st step in the digestion process. ⁣


💊BETAINE HCL &/or ACV: increase stomach acid to breakdown down macros, especially proteins & fats. Take prior to eating.⁣

💊OX BILE: great for people without a gallbladder, especially doing keto/low carb/carnivore. Take prior to eating.⁣


💊FISH OIL & MULTIVITAMINS: take mid meal.⁣

💊PROBIOTICS: take at night on an empty stomach.⁣

Below are lessons learned, my triggers & symptoms. You may be experiencing similar. Remember we’re all different!


▪️bloating after eating dairy, carbs, larger meals, too much sf gum

▪️reflux, poor digestion, inflammation after eating larger quantities of pork & turkey

▪️constipation when eating too lean too long & too many pork rinds 

▪️bloating & constipation after eating PSMF “bread” (egg white powder sensitivity)

▪️Bloating after larger lunch & dinners

▪️poor digestion in general later at night (which is why I don’t eat “dinners” & eat early in the day)

▪️gas & gi bleeding eating plants, grains, & most carbs other than white rice

▪️right lower quadrant pain during flares

▪️chronic constipation & slow transit digestion if I eat trigger foods, don’t get sleep, or am stressed to the titties

▪️low stomach acid & reflux eating trigger or meals too high in fat for my threshold

▪️low energy after too large/high fat meals

▪️energy crashes after eating carbs

▪️inflammation & water retention when eating triggers, too many artificial sweeteners, carbs, shitty sleep, too much stress, too much alcohol, workouts too high in intensity/volume/frequency


▪️Gluten⁣⁣, corn, fiber, grains

▪️Artificial sweeteners, preservatives⁣⁣⁣, most seasonings

▪️Nuts & seeds, popcorn, spicy food

▪️High fiber raw veggies⁣, basically all plants

▪️Gas producing veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels)⁣⁣⁣ lettuce

▪️Gritty fruit, skins/seeds

▪️Highfodmaps, lectins, oxalates

▪️Sugar alcohols, sugar free products

▪️Pork, Turkey, & dairy in larger quantities

▪️PMSF Bread 

▪️Meals too high in fat in one sitting

▪️Chewy, fatty meat like steaks & roasts (which is why I choose ground & shredded meat, I digest them better)

Hope these help! If you’re in need of a consultation, I understand what you’re going thru & we’ll figure out a plan of action.

Link to coaching FAQs here.

Who else had no idea how to take their #digestiveenzymes ?🤪 💊 ⁣

I hope you find love, but most importantly, I hope you love yourself

There hasn’t been a day of my life where I haven’t needed to read a quote, a poem, an affirmation, a book, or beautiful words from a talented creator to express how I feel, give me a hug, punch me in the gut, break my heart, or put it back together.

You know what I mean?

I told a friend one time I understood the feeling of that hopeless pit. I said, “I hope you find love, but most importantly, I hope you love yourself more to be strong enough to walk away from what love isn’t & find peace in the realization that you are already love.”⁣

In my 20s/early 30s I made plenty of bad decisions after my 1st divorce at 27.⁣

Plenty of fast & furious acquaintances, some more longer-term, they all aided in growth (some more enjoyable than others 😂)⁣

Hxll, let’s be honest, some I don’t even remember. It’s like that person you put in your phone as “Joe Bumble” or “Dude from Texas” 😆📲⁣

I talked about this in therapy. My therapist said it’s because when I was younger I didn’t believe I was worthy of love I desired.

Which is why I picked men that were not on my level, & to be frank, EASY for me. 🤦🏼‍♀️fxck me, she’s right.⁣

She said now I’m “selective & guarded”because I’m actually afraid I might find someone & be forced to choose between my happiness & freedom of autonomy & that person. I’m afraid to make the same mistakes like being a people pleaser & losing myself.

Today was an absolute sh*t show at work. One of those days the ER is completely full all day, like a waterfall that never stops. Don’t get me wrong, I love busy days. I love the rush. It’s an addiction & a high for me. 

Like working. 

I know it’s an addiction. I love working to the point of exhaustion, same with physical labor.

💁🏼‍♀️I’m a special kind of crazy, I know.

And I realized this week I use it partly as a shield. It’s really hard for me to get truly close to someone, to crack open & completely expose myself emotionally. 

I know I don’t NEED anyone. I love myself & my life so much it’s kind of embarrassing. 

Not in a narcissistic way but I have so much appreciation for the woman writing these words today compared to the woman 5 years, 10 years, 20 years ago.

I can bleed my heart via words with y’all & I’m not ashamed to talk about heartache or things I really just am not good at. 

My last marriage ripped me to shreds. I hadn’t taken a chance & loved someone like that in a long time.

I come back even better every time I experience a failure whether it’s in life, love, or fitness.

I hate heights. I’m even more afraid of falling. I’m not afraid of love, I’m more afraid of rejection & the scattered pieces of my heart that follow.

I’m not afraid of being alone, I’m more afraid of committing to a relationship & feeling lonely, again.

I’m proud of my risks & mistakes. I would never know how good it feels to realize you love someone so much it brings you to tears & no matter how much that other person pisses you off, you can look at them & you’re like, “Yeah, that’s my person.”

The thing is – I’m not the same woman as I used to be, & neither are you. We have the privilege to learn from our past experiences, good & bad, to find US & THEM.

Tips if you’re stuck in this rut:⁣

– Take off the mask & filters. Perfection isn’t needed, the “real life shxt” is what builds a solid foundation.⁣

– Own your baggage. Have the hard conversations you don’t want to have, with yourself & the people in your relationship.⁣

– Be open to meeting someone with the same level of consciousness. You attract the energy you put out. You also have to be open to receive & believe you’re worthy of your desires.⁣

– Live with JOY & Unattachment to outcomes. You have control over your reactions, which means you choose whether it is a positive experience or a negative one. It’s simply an experience, not a right or wrong decision. ⁣

Hope this helps🤗⁣ I’m working on them too.


Oxox Coach 

Why I Don’t Eat Plants, Gluten, or Fiber and What I Do Instead

I personally do not digest plants, gluten, fiber, nuts & seeds, lectins, or oxalates well. Figured this out thru trial & error & 3 decades of living with gut issues.

You can catch the details of my story & whole first year one the Carnivore diet here in this interview.

The research points to YES according to Dr. Mark Hyman. Gluten has been found to negatively impact the lining of the gut, creating “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability, even in those who do not have celiac disease.⁣⁣⁣
The lining of the gut is supposed to be strong & tight, keeping food, waste, & microbes inside the digestive tract. Gluten can cause the release of an inflammatory protein called zonulin, which opens up the junctions in the lining of the gut & causes gaps, allowing particles to leak into the bloodstream (where they don’t belong) & creating an immune response. This sets the stage for systemic inflammation.⁣⁣⁣
To summarize world renowned gut specialist, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, animal foods are the foods that FEED the human body & SUSTAIN the physical structure of the temple you live in. Because only animal foods can provide the right quality protein & fats to build your physical structure. Our human digestive system is perfectly designed to digest & absorb animal foods.

Tap photo for cheat sheets on recipe for #meatbars

These are basic physiological facts.

Plants are indigestible for human beings. In order to digest plants mother nature created ruminant animals. They are equipped to digest plants, like cows, they have 4 stomachs with specific microbes. You have to have the right kind of microbes to digest plants & fiber efficiently.

We don’t have a rumen like cattle. We have 1 stomach that releases hydrochloric acid, which creates a hostile environment for many microbes, which is why the stomach is the least populated area of the digestive system. This acid & digestive enzymes are specifically equipped to break down meats, fish, dairy, eggs.

Plants do not digest to a large degree, they are than passed through the rest of our digestive system. We digest a small amt of water, things like vitamin K, vitamin C & some phytonutrients

Our body — muscle & fat & organs, are structurally almost identical to animal based products. Only animal foods provide the optimal protein to build YOU efficiently.

The more they study plant proteins, gluten is the most common, the more researchers find it is unsuitable for the human body & damages everyone in some way.

Light bulb moments right?

And fiber?
Which is what all my doctors told me to add back in along with fruits & veggies when I was experiencing chronic constipation & slow transit digestion are all like sandpaper on my insides.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It’s abrasive to the gi tract & damages the epithelial cells. Bacteria ferment fiber, creating gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, & methane.

Now do you understand why you’re getting gas pain in building when you keep adding fiber & more plants to your diet?!

A Journal of Gastroenterology study showed stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduced constipation & its associated symptoms. Showed complete resolution of constipation, bloating, & painful bowel movements within the study group on a zero fiber diet.

Now do you understand why I stick to meat & eggs & my digestive symptoms & constipation are completely gone since going meat-based?!

You just need to eat food you digest & absorb properly. All of us will be different but biologically most of us will do better on an animal-based diet.

Choose food that doesn’t cause any digestive distress or emotional issues triggering self sabotaging habits.

Hands-down for this cattle farmer’s daughter👉that’s meat for me.

This is me this morning getting in my workout!

I feel great, I love the way I look, I feel strong, & I’m never hungry. I 💯 support our farmers & give gratitude to Mother Earth & all creatures giving their life so we can thrive❤️🦾

#crohnsdisease #carnivorediet #crohnswarrior #carnivoreketo #animalbasednutrition #carnivorewomen #ketocarnivore #meatlover #meatbaseddiet #animalbaseddiet #glutenfree #carnivorewomen #carnivoreathlete #lchfdiet #femalebodybuilding #carnivorefatloss #carnivorebodybuilding #noplants #nofiber #ibs #constipation #crohns #colitis #bloating #carnivorediet #zeroplants #ketocarnivore #eatmeat #lilbitoffit #carnivore