Money, Love, Abundance, & End of the Year Reflections that Make You Think…

For Christmas last year I gave away alcohol & money as gifts. Merry Christmas 🎁🥃🍗💵 ⁣
Probly do the same this year. Why lie? 🤔

I also bought my family Christmas Eve dinner – which was @doordash of all the delicious wings from @tpindyi69 Twin Peaks because that the only place open & none of us wanted to cook. 😜

💁🏼‍♀️Just thought I’d not bullshxt around & put that out there 😂
We had the best Christmas ever simply because we were together.

End of the year reflections & intentions…⁣

Do you know I had never had a Christmas before that where I hadn’t worried about money?⁣

There was a time I didn’t know if I’d have enough money to buy eggs & I lived out of my office.⁣

Last year was the 1st year I had enough money that I didn’t have to worry about it.

There was a time I could’ve told you how to sneak into every pool & hotel to snag free breakfast to save money.

Brand name clothes were not something I could align funds for. Goodwill, Walmart, second hand & the discount rack, bishes.

In college, I stayed home while my sorority sisters went out shopping.

Self confidence, vibrancy, energy, mindset, frequency & self-awareness were not things in my consciousness at the time.

I viewed money as a bad thing, something I had to work really really hard for & always felt there was never enough. And if I wasn’t saving every penny, that made me a bad person.

I came from a middle class world. We didn’t dare leave lights on, waste food, buy “unnecessary things”, or be caught not working or doing chores because that was viewed as being lazy.

From childhood I thought love was earned thru accomplishments, productivity, & what you looked like.

I felt I was never good enough to attain the life, love & wealth – things that other, luckier more affluent people had.

Totally mind fxcked me for decades. I’m grateful now to have healed to the point of peaceful evolution & gratitude.

The holidays are hard on people. I get you.

The New Year is like some imaginary clean slate that people think on January 1 everything will be different when they truly have the opportunity to clean the slate any day they want.

I paid off more than $43,000 in debt last year — in a damn pandemic.⁣ Dunno how. I had faith that I could & let the Universe take care of the rest.

I paid off all my credit cards, a consolidation loan I was paying $730 a month on for 3 years. I purchased a new vehicle, finally restored my credit & spent money on the things that brought me joy without apology.⁣

This post really isn’t about money but I needed to write this stuff out & just give thanks for this point in my life. Maybe you can relate too.

I realized I’m my own best friend. I love being alone but I’m never lonely. I don’t need anyone else to complete me — I am complete. I am ready to finally let an aligned special someone in if it’s the right time.

The past 2 years have been painful as hell too, probably 2 of the most painful & biggest roller coasters I’ve been on in my 39 years – in every facet of my life.⁣

I’ve had to swallow my ego more times than all the shots on my 21st birthday y’all 👀

Every year I reflect on what I’ve been thru & what I could do better. ⁣

I come up with a motto & a word to symbolize intentions for my next year. ⁣

My motto for 2021 was:
“Wherever I go, there I am.”⁣

⁣Still is.

2022 is:
“The wheel turns.”

Because wherever I go I will choose to make the most of it & cultivate a life & environment that brings me joy. I will honor my changes, emotions, needs & evolve as I need to.⁣

I will have purpose, impact, & I will serve to the best of my abilities.⁣

My word for 2021:

I promise to still live with JOY.⁣

My word for 2022:

So I’ll raise my glass 🥃 w/y’all, cheers!

Happy Saturday from the VA btw 🇺🇸💕 and GO COLTS! Headed to the game after my shift 🐴🏈💙

What’s you word for 2022?

oxox Coach K