The game of relationships & choosing wisely

I wanna be with someone that would divorce me if I gained 50lbs.

Now hear me out…morning ponderings & real talk…

I’ve thought a lot about my journey of becoming my best self: past mistakes, my health, my fitness journey, my relationships, & every facet of 50 shades of f*cked up & beautiful on this ride.

For those of you new here I’ll be 42 years old this year & still don’t know what the f*ck I’m doing. It’s ok. I love every minute of this life! I’m grateful for all the sh*t I’ve been through because it’s made me the woman writing this today in this journal entry.

My opening statement isn’t about weight gain & aesthetic changes, it’s about being THE PERSON & with a partner who holds high standards for themselves too & one who makes me want to be a better woman, partner — human.

A reminder for myself & maybe you too 🤷‍♀️to be with people who make you want to be the best version of yourself. Maybe they make you feel a little uncomfortable. Good. Choose people who are different & help you grow.

I set these standards for all relationships — platonic, business, & romantic.

Why? Because it influences who you are.

I understand we’ve all been taught about these “fantasy” relationships & unconditional love …

… I believe love is conditional because people change & that’s totally OK. Lovingly allow the right people into your lives yet also realize it’s OK to lovingly release those who do not fit your nonnegotiable conditions.

👉 The game of relationships & choosing wisely @hormozi 👌🏻 🎙️

Oxox Coach K

Reflections and life feels lately

When Cardi B said, “I gave you more than I gave myself. So loyal to you that I betrayed myself.” I felt that…⁣

Deep shiz reflections & life feels lately

I’m in such a wonderful place in life. I give gratitude every day for this privilege. This growth. I prayed for it. 

How many times have you betrayed yourself because you were giving more to other people or your personal issues & limiting beliefs?

I understand how changing myself to please others or validation attracted all the wrong things that I needed to figure out all the right things. I know if I can’t be my raw, authentic, no filter, little weirdo self around someone it’s not meant for me.

Maybe it’s disordered eating

Maybe it’s that toxic relationship

Maybe it’s that job you hate

Maybe it’s drinking too much

Maybe it’s negative self talk

Maybe it’s stagnation & fear

Maybe it’s a scarcity mindset

Maybe it’s as simple as too much coffee🙋🏼‍♀️⁣ (I’m trying 😆)

I’ve been in an abusive, obsessive relationship with all of these at one time or another in my 41 years.

What helped me? Journaling & getting real. Falling on my face. Failing. Spending time alone. Finally getting a place of my own that I LOVE. Stepping into my worth. Focusing on being the person that I would like to be with. ⁣

Knowing I don’t have to be in a relationship to be happy or more worthy. But knowing I’d really like to find a special someone to live life with that looks at me the same way I look at them.

Look for beautiful people & places that quiet your soul. Not just beautiful people & places.

I love my family & small circle.

We may not like or see each other every day but I’m grateful to know that I have a forever home to go to whenever I want & that’s wherever my people are. It’s wherever I am.

When we show up fully & completely as ourselves, content with where we’re at, being fully present & conscious in the moment, listening attentively, showing love & respect, practicing gratitude — we attract more love, positivity, & abundance into our lives & expand those feelings to others. 

It took me a long time to learn that what society deems as “beautiful” people & places are common.

Hell, nowadays all you need is a good filter & just the right angle. You can’t build anything with beauty alone.

I prefer the REAL good stuff. The stuff that stings a lil bit. The ones with scars that tell a story. The places with history & character.

I had a client tell me she just wanted to be told she was beautiful. I teared up, I understood exactly how she felt.

I explained to her the difference between a beautiful person & person who was simply beautiful. 

Yeah, it’s nice to be told you’re beautiful or hot or whatever, but I’d much rather hear someone say that I made things easier.

That they’re happy because I exist.

That I’m strong, & smart, & able.

That their life is better with me in it.

That they’re proud of me.

That they value what I bring to the table.

Be a person who is complimented on more than just appearance.

Love is in the depth & details❤️

Happy Friyay friends!

Oxox Coach K

What are your life reflections today? 

Life thoughts lately….a page from my diary on partnership, love, relationship, & self awareness

Life thoughts lately….a page from my diary.

“Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it is the middle that counts the most. You need to remember that when you find yourself at the beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up.”

🎥 Hope Floats. One of my favorite movies!

I sat the other morning with coffee ☕️, talking with my plants about personal awakenings surrounding partnership & relationship 🪷🪴☺️ (I’m weird. It’s ok 😆 At least I’m high vibe🥰 haha! High five 🙌 to all my fellow woke weirdos) 

Maybe y’all can relate to some of my thoughts & feelings 🤷‍♀️ Hope they resonate in a way that you need to find clarity, clear the cobwebs, or serve as a provoking thought conversation starter.

For those of you who are new here, I’ve struggled with relationships basically my entire life. It’s been about remembering myself. Not losing myself in another. Building a home in myself so that I can be that safe space and partner for another, too.

I’ve been divorced twice. Casually dated all different kinds of men. I’m really proud of myself for creating a kick ass self partnered life that I am so grateful for. But I do truly believe we are not meant to go through this life alone. I just haven’t quite been sure what kind of a partnership is right for me. I acknowledge not every relationship is meant to last forever, honoring whatever time a contract serves.

I understand now that I simply need a partner that sees & accepts me as I am, my whole self. “Flaws” quirks & all. Not just for my looks. One that does not judge/criticize but allows me to be my weird little self. 

Someone who can fall in love with their safe space. One like simply sitting in solitude appreciating the sweet sounds & murals of nature outside.

I understand that I do have to be emotionally, mentally, AND physically attracted initially to a person, because that does not develop later. (For me) I’ve tried to force this in the past. Doesn’t work.

I no longer allow myself to let relationships romantically continue if I do not feel romantically attracted to that person.

I’ve realized I have had a lot of wonderful friendships with men, i’m naturally a “guys girl” being raised with brothers & on a farm. What I thought potentially was a romantic relationship on many occasions was a platonic attraction to someone.

So yes, I feel I have broken a lot of hearts, but I’m proud of myself for being honest. Honest in telling those people that I love them (because I do), but our relationship was more in the “friend zone” kind of way.

I align to someone that loves me not just for my looks or what I can do for them. I desire a partner that simply makes me feel safe & protected, special & appreciated. Money comes and goes. But I know you can always build a better life together with someone that makes you feel the way you want feel & aligned with your energy. 

Memories & experiences are everything & meant to be shared. We weren’t meant to go through this life alone forever.

I used to think I needed a super successful, rich business man type. And I have dated many wealthy men because I needed those experiences. But what I discovered was that I actually wanted that success for myself so I had to go out and create that for myself. Which I did 👏🏼 I didn’t need that through another.

I had to show myself that I could travel and be free and be successful and create my own business & opportunities scaled to my needs, on my own. I didn’t need someone else to do that for me. 

I realized I needed the aligned partner that made me feel emotionally & physically the way I wanted to feel, and that gift, that package, was probably going to be different than what I expected.

So I opened my mind and my heart to that concept and simply followed what I loved & was drawn to. I followed what I felt was right, and listened to the signs and the things, places, & people that I was drawn to whether I understood it or not. 

I admit, there were/are many times I’m like l. “Katie you are f*cking crazy. I do not understand why you resonate & are so drawn to certain things.” 

BUT… I know that I walk by FAITH, not by sight.

I enjoy & admire partners that let me take care of them. Not in the mommy role kind of way. But in the energy of allowing my to embrace my feminine strengths. To be soft & let a man take care of me, too. 

I know my “role and my place.” I know my strengths and my weaknesses. I don’t say that in a disrespectful way, but one of self-awareness and appreciation. 

i’m very very good at taking care of a household and I make shit happen because I am driven and I am strong. I am the glue. I am a natural caretaker. I am able and extremely resourceful and resilient because this life has made me that way and I’m grateful.

I cannot thank my parents enough for helping me build a solid foundation in myself. Same for people who were cruel and harsh to me. I appreciate every time they were hard on me &/or had high expectations because it made me the woman that I am today. 

Although I do not wish to fall into the role of mother & teacher, as I know, I deserve an equal partner, I do acknowledge that I excel in both of these places, but I do so respectively.

I do not desire to be more masculine than my other half, I understand some women are guarded, and maybe a little defensive sometimes when it comes to allowing a man to be a man and take care of them. “Men” are natural providers and I feel that that is their right.

Loyalty, honor, duty, understanding, & respect are vital, really when it comes to supporting men especially in a certain environment.

I had to understand throughout my journey that I had to love myself as I was, first. That I didn’t always need to change to suit someone else or have materialistic items, titles, things outside of myself. But, on the other hand, that it was OK to love the things that I loved that made me feel amazing from a place of self-love and not by ego.

We all deserve abundance & everything that we desire. We weren’t meant to go through this life miserable, living in scarcity & fear. 

Abundance is everywhere & love is everywhere if we let it in. And all of this comes via our unique journey and self-awareness, unlocking the doors to everything we have ever desired. 

Thank you for reading my thoughts from the pages of my heart, my storybook, that I pour into the notes pages of my iPhone 📲 💕

Oxox Coach K

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Bulimia And Body Dysmorphia: Beauty Beyond Binge Eating

anorexia bulimia

Unveiling the part of me that went unseen.

I’ve never talked about it like this before.

I’ve disclosed to close friends & coaching clients that I battled bulimia & body dysmorphia since the age of 8.

It started with a scarcity mindset around food. I was the “fat” girl in class & “bigger” than my brothers. Kids in my class were cruel & mean.

As I got into middle school & adulthood it exacerbated into full blown bulimia with bouts of anorexia.

Life was bleak & I KNEW I was 50 shades of F*cked up. I knew I had to stop or I was gonna die because of my disorder &/or my Crohn’s disease complications.

With this blog post, I’d rather focus on the healing part than rehashing the past. Grateful it made me who I am so I can now help you.

In a way, I’ve purposely avoided sharing TOO much about my pre-recovery story because it can horribly backfire.

Those in the pre-contemplation or contemplation stages of change can hear these stories & think, “I’m not sick enough to get help,” “I don’t have a problem,” or “She was far worse than I am.” or even get ideas to further deepen the dark relationship with food, exercise, & self hate.

But when carefully crafted, these stories can be the very propellant that pushes someone into taking action.

The reality is, millions of people, right now, are living the secret life I once was as they battle disordered eating & body dysmorphia.

May my story instill the hope that you, too, cannot only recover but take back your power!

The Beginning

My relationship with disordered eating & poor body image started when I was just 8.

I spent the majority of my childhood & early adulthood overweight & unhealthy. Had a middle school teacher tell me I was too big to be a cheerleader at tryouts.

Kids were cruel, calling me names like lambchop because I had big 80’s hair & even thicker thighs.

My disorder began with overeating & then restricting to punish myself. I’d skip breakfast & barely eat lunch which I’d “allow” myself sugar free jello, a small travel size cottage cheese & 5 Ritz crackers.

My stomach would growl. I remember being embarrassed if the classroom was quiet enough for others to hear. Inevitably, I’d return home in the afternoon absolutely ravenous & binge on cookies, candy, cereal, chips, & junk food.

These episodes got more & more out of control. I continued eating less during the day, binging at night & sometimes I’d take cold medicine to make me sleep to keep from eating.

Years passed, & my eating habits fluctuated. I had never considered throwing up until I saw a Lifetime movie about a girl who had bulimia.

The process seemed easy. Eat whatever you want, throw up. The first time I purged was in middle school after eating a tub of ice cream.

Bulimia became a sort of coping mechanism for me. I told myself my obsession with diets & exercise were normal. It was about control. I was dealing with increased stress: school, college, & later on, relationships, a failed marriage on top of debt & drinking too much.

There were many things in my life I felt I wasn’t able to manage. I’d binge & get a rush. Then I’d get an even bigger, better rush after getting rid of it all.

12 Years Old: Barely Average

In so many ways, I guess I was an average midwest farmer’s daughter, pre-teen girl growing up in the 90s.

I played catcher, 3rd base & outfield in softball & threw shot put in track. After being criticized for going out for cheerleading being “my size,” I was mortified & self hate thickened.

I idolized Britney Spears & wished I was liked enough to be invited to the popular girls’ parties. I had boy crushes & a very small circle of friends. I was the smart girl & quiet & extremely insecure. I didn’t dress “cool” like all the pretty girls or athletes. I was awkward af. (hell I’m still awkward af 😂)

Then, one day, I did something not so average. Something I’d never done or known anyone who had but recently learned about from a boy at school.

I wish I could say I went home & masturbated, but that would be an untruth. Instead, I did something that felt extra perverse. I made myself vomit after eating.

Yes, I thought. This would make me skinnier faster & then I’d be liked.

I swore it would just be this one time. I’d just try it.

See, for about a year up to that point, I’d struggled with binge eating and fantasized about food because I allowed myself so little. My body starving, I’d gorge.

I just needed a single “fix” of ice cream or cake or cookies, and then I’d be good to go.

But then it happened again. And again. And again.

In no time at all, I met the diagnostic criteria for bulimia nervosa.

We always had junk food & snacks at home, so despite eating large quantities, my mom or siblings never grew suspicious. I also purged when no one was home to eliminate any risk of them finding out.

Bulimia had become my dirty little secret. A secret, unbeknownst to me at the time, I would carry for another 20+ years.

12–17 Years Old: Popularity and Pleading

Part of what fueled my eating disorder was my insatiable need to have something most every kid my age wanted: popularity.

My theory went as such: restrict food > be thin > get more friends/a boyfriend.

I went through many school days with only nibbles of food in my belly. If I had gym or farm chores in the evening, I ate a little extra so I could basically not pass out.

I wound up bingeing and purging when I got home because starving myself intensified the urge to eat uncontrollably. I could smash whole boxes of cereal, cheese nips, & goldfish.

All the while, I portrayed myself as the nice girl, the smart girl. I never reached Homecoming Queen nominee status, but I did bounce around between multiple friend groups. I got along with everyone.

I was in the honors society, president of the FFA & 4H, top part of my graduating class & received numerous scholarships to Purdue University.

I had duped everyone — even myself, at times — into thinking I was “normal.”

But no one saw me crying in the shower because I was so sick and scared or throwing up my food after every social gathering.

No one saw me looking at my reflection in the mirror and telling myself how hideous, fat, and worthless I was.

No one saw me keeled over after purging, pleading with God to forgive me for my gluttonous, grotesque behavior.

After every episode, I swore to higher power that it would be the last. Tears streaming down my face, I begged for God to not to give up on me. But week after week, month after month, year after year, the scene kept replaying.

18–22 Years Old: A Not So New Chapter

In August of 2000 I moved into my dorm freshman year & then participated in sorority rush.

I joined as a sister of Delta Gamma at Purdue University. Perhaps this — and my new life in college, in general — could be a chance to begin again.

Unfortunately, my keenness outweighed my hopefulness. I quickly learned my roommates’ schedules and when I could be alone with my behaviors.

But after a couple instances of them arriving home early or not leaving at their normal times, I realized I wasn’t guaranteed any solitude.

I secretly ate in my bedroom, blarring music to conceal the purging. They overheard on more than one occasion, and I either blamed it on being sick or hungover.

Swollen lymph nodes, puffy cheeks, and blood-shot eyes. A broken-out chin and sores on my lips from the stomach acid that often coated them.

WTF was I doing?

Still, I carried on as a social butterfly. Like my friends, I went to parties, took shots of God awful cheap tequila & vodka, and ate fourth meal at 1 a.m.

Unlike my friends, I made myself pay for it. I could easily down a super size fry & 20 piece chicken nugget meal from McDonalds. I could eat a whole box of Mad Mushroom Cheese sticks.

To make matters worse, at 22, I married my college sweetheart, not even knowing myself. I couldn’t love myself, How could I love another? My first marriage lasted 6 years, we were together 11 total. That post divorce hoe phase is real y’all 😂 let me tell ya. Added fuel to the fire.

In retrospect, my life hadn’t changed much at all in college. It was still an endless stream of lies, deception, self-hatred, and suffering.

What’s more, I’d completely lost sight of who the real me even was anymore & that continued well into my late 20’s & early 30’s.

41 Year Old: Current Flexible Carnivore Me

“My Fitness Journey” started at the age of 8. I started my Instagram over 10 years ago & that has been one helluva transformation story all on its own. I don’t even know how it happened but I feel it’s important for you guys to know the person behind the Instagram handle.

I wanted to share my fitness, health, & healing journey with y’all because it’s similar to many of yours. I want you guys to know you’re not alone, you’re seen, & you’re heard.

Before I started sharing my story, meals, fitness tips or acting like I know “everything” about “healthy” living, it’s important to share I am not a therapist, a doctor, or the best trainer of any sorts, yet, I am a person who lost a significant amount of weight, kept it off & has dedicated her life to living a healthy lifestyle & forgiving herself of her mistakes.

I’ve overcome decades of gut issues. Physical & mental hurdles.
⁃ Crohn’s disease
⁃ cervical cancer & infertility
⁃ numerous other health issues including renal stones & having my gallbladder out
⁃ decades of disordered eating, bulimia, orthorexia, & food addiction
⁃ managing Crohn’s & being a Crossfit athlete
⁃ managing social pressures of being told I needed to eat, workout, live, & BE a certain way to be “significant” & fit in a certain box

Some of you have watched & have been there for my journey since the beginning, while others are reading about this for the first time.

To put it out there plain & simple though, I’ve lost 60 lbs over my lifetime & transformed my body to all different shapes & sizes.

While that may not seem like a huge or significant feat to some, on my petite 5’1 frame – the transformations have been huge, mentally, physically, relationally, & spiritually.

Throughout my whole journey, my heaviest was 160 lbs at barely 5ft tall & my lowest in my adult life has been 97 lbs.

I’ve had ups, downs, I’ve gained, I’ve lost & learned a whole lotta life lessons along the way. My journey started at 8 years old, I’m 41 years young now, will be 42 in July, & the best is yet to come!

Everyone’s journey is different & this is mine…
I hope it can help you in any way possible & know my door is always open.

Join my Newsletter Community! I’d love to share & grow with you! It’s a weekly newsletter full of  ideas to help you become the most EXTRAordinary version of you!

Age [Whatever You Are, Doesn’t Matter]: YOUR Moment

Whether you’ve been secretly battling an eating disorder for a few months or 50 years, I want to make 3 things very clear:

You are sick enough
You deserve help
You can’t do it alone
Sadly, there are thousands upon thousands of eating disorder stories like mine, but each one is still different. Some cases are more severe, some less. But that’s all irrelevant.

What matters is knowing, at your core, you have an unnatural or undesirable relationship with food. That realization, alone, warrants getting help.

It doesn’t matter how much you’re restricting, what you weigh, how often you’re purging, or how much you’re bingeing. Yes, certain factors will determine the level of treatment you need, but you deserve help, regardless.

The first step is saying something. Is there someone who’s been there for you when you confided in them about other personal matters? Someone who exudes kindness & compassion?

I hope you can also learn from my experience and not hold out for a wake-up call or a feeling of readiness to tell someone. If you do, you may never get the chance.

As long as a piece of you recognizes there is a problem and wants something different, you are ready to start your new life & begin again!
Who you are with your eating disorder is not who you are destined to be.

You can heal yourself.

You can find yourself.

You can be the version of yourself you wish for you and the rest of the world to see!

oxox Coach K

Resonate with my story? More resources here!

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

I Gave Up One Of My Best Friends This Year. Goodbye Alcohol, Hello Sobriety

Life reflections lately…2 years ago today I was at a bar crawl with this beautiful soul. Thank you Facebook memories 😆 

I have a small circle of high value people & I prefer it that way. When I was younger, I thought if everyone didn’t like me &/or I didn’t have a huge friend circle that I must not be cool or hot enough to spend time with.

In my 20’s, I lied to myself with a plethora of “good” reasons to drink, & I thought that everyone would drink if they were dealing with problems like mine…

I drank because I was depressed & hated my body

I drank to cope with the trauma of Crohn’s disease, obesity, orthorexia, body dysmorphia, & bulimia

I drank because my marriage was misaligned

I drank because it made me feel confident & vibrant (numbing social anxiety & insecurity)

I drank because I felt life was “really hard” when I didn’t

Navigating the world in a marginalized body can be hard. Add trauma &/or mental sabotaging to that, & it makes sense that some of us might use substances to cope with the weight of living in a fog of scarcity & lies

A coping mechanism doesn’t have to be healthy to be valid; we’re all just doing the best we can with the tools & level of consciousness that we have.

I Had Lots of Reasons to Think I Didn’t Have a Problem

Despite the fact that I had been admitted to the hospital one time with a BAC of .346 & on a vent, a year later after that incident I started drinking again. 

I had lots of reasons I told myself I wasn’t an alcoholic:

I didn’t drink every day or much on many occasions

I didn’t drink in the morning (unless I’d been up all night & was still drinking. That didn’t count)

I’d never had a DUI (but should have)

I didn’t drink alone. Even if I went to the bar alone, there were always people there, so that wasn’t technically “alone”

And then one day, I was fed up with giving something power over the magic of my life. 

And someone said to me, “It’s not about how much you drink; it’s about what happens when you drink & how you feel when you don’t.”


With that one sentence, everything fell into place for me. I started to connect the dots about my behavior & it was like warm sunshine came thru my windows of life. 

1. I Often Drank More Than I Planned

I often went out with the intention of having “a cocktail. No more than 2.” No matter what I told myself at the beginning of the night, it hard to just have a couple of drinks. I got a better handle of it in my late 30’s but would still wake up & feel less than even if I had 1. 

2. My Drinking Interfered with My Life

Waking up hungover affected my work, productivity, energy, workouts, Crohn’s disease, weight gain, energy, mood, hunger, satiety, money, relationships — EVERYTHING. 

3. I Routinely Did Things When I Was Under the Influence That I Wouldn’t Have Done Sober

I used to be the queen of drunk texting. I’d wake up & delete all my text messages before I couldn’t even read them because I didn’t even want to know. I slept around. In the morning, I never wanted to hear about what I’d done the night before. “Just don’t. tell. me!” 

4. I Was Drinking to Fix How I Felt When I Was Sober

Drinking may have caused a lot of problems for me, but the real problem was how I felt when I was sober. When I was drunk, I was relaxed & confident. I wasn’t so insecure about my body. I was outgoing, I could talk to people, & I could go places without my empathy & clairsentience going into overdrive, especially in large crowds.

5. Drinking Controlled Where I Went, What I Did, & With Whom I Hung Out

I was way more likely to attend a function if I knew there would be booze. I could be friends with anyone as long as there was alcohol involved. I avoided hanging out with people who didn’t drink like me because they made me feel guilty. I’d take shots before going out to social functions to “chill out.”

6. I Kept Promising That I Would Stop, But Never Could

I tried to stop (or cut back) drinking many times in my 20’s & 30’s. My 40s haven’t been bad, but I still enjoyed drinking less & less the more I realized how it affected me & my spiritual awakening strengthened. Remember swearing off drinking many weekends?

I’m not writing this to say you’re wrong if you drink. And I would be lying if I said, I didn’t enjoy drinking. I love enjoying cocktails & enhancing experiences. But I had to come to terms & ask myself if I was really enhancing experiences when it did nothing to make me feel better or improve my life?

If you’re reading this & thinking, “Wow, this sounds a lot like me,” then hi! 👋 I’m so glad you’re here! Thank you for reading a chapter out of my diary of life!

Knowing that other people thought & acted like me was a huge step towards getting well. It meant that I wasn’t abnormal, I wasn’t broken, & there was a solution.

As a first step, I encourage you to do some reading. Read other stories & blogs written by people embracing sobriety & the sober curious life. 

There are many wonderful venues out there now with alcohol free options, & mocktails, too. You’ll come to realize there are an abundance of life things to enjoy that do not have to include alcohol.

If you’ve read this far & relate to what’s written here, I want you to know that you are an incredible human!

Recognizing that you want to make a change is the beginning of a lifelong journey that can be incredibly difficult, but it’s one that you never have to take alone.

If no one has told you how strong you are yet today, let me be the first❤️🫶

Oxox Coach K

My name is Katie Kelly. I’m a multi modal travel clinician 🩺💀, nutritionist, high performance coach, & biz consultant specializing in human connection & process optimization with over 20 years experience. On social I’m better known as Coach K & I’m just like you!

More importantly, I want you to believe in yourself, your health, your business, your voice, & your ability to live your best life! 

I’m known as the sweary, Indiana farmer’s daughter who went from a sick (Crohn’s Disease & bulimia), overweight (lost 60lbs via the carnivore diet & CrossFit), broke bish (was 50k+ in debt) to a thriving, self loving human here to inspire, educate, & mentor! 

Welcome to my digital diary & wellness guide full of life lessons learned the hard way🫶

I post content about life/biz/self improvement anywhere from fat loss, therapy, disordered eating, Crohn’s, self love, entrepreneurship, healthcare, food, fitness, finance, & everything in between to a social media audience of 47K+!

Thank you for allowing me to add value to your lives! Grateful to have you part of my digital family ❤️

How To Eat Carbs And Still Lose Fat On a Low Carb Diet

woman smiling eating food

So you tried low carb, keto, maybe dabbled in some carnivore too & now you’re ready to add some carbs back in…⁣

Yikes, right?!

It’s normal to be a little scared & anxious after seeing results on a low carb approach to your nutrition, but feeling you need to switch things up.

I’ve felt that too! But after pushing through the fear & embracing more vibrational, functional eating, you’ll strengthen your trust muscle with each experience & season of experimentation! It’ll help you find your sustainable lifestyle approach to look & feel your best!

⁣Y’all know I’m an advocate for meat-based, protein-focused nutrition for my Crohn’s & health preferences if you’ve been here a while. If you’re new, WELCOME! Pumped to have you here in this safe space of love, wellness, & learning!⁣

I’ve lost 60lbs & put my bulimia & Crohn’s disease in med-free remission via a flexible carnivore diet approach & kept it off for over 4 years!

weight loss before and after katie kelly carnivore
Tap photo for a blog guide I documented just for you on how I lose the weight & gained health!

Y’all should also embrace that nutrition isn’t one size fits all! I fully support a no diet dogma approach & support trying new things to find YOUR WAY. ⁣

⁣So say low carb worked short term, maybe you lost a few lbs, maybe you tried it for a reset, a medical condition — whatever. ⁣⁣

For most, yes, you’ll lose weight initially, primarily because of water loss & more food awareness (quality & quantity). Most don’t stick with the low carb/keto/carnivore diet long-term unless they’re on it for a specific reason or it fits their lifestyle/preferences appropriately. That’s ok too!⁣

⁣⁣The most common reason people fail to stick to any diet regimen: “real life” & social situations ends up “getting in the way.” Adherence & consistency are the keys to any success plan. ⁣🤷‍♀️You ultimately make the decision to stick to your commitments to yourself or not.⁣

⁣⁣You can incorporate carb cycling just like you incorporate fat cycling, it’s the same concept just utilizing a different macro as a fuel source. I have a blogs on resetting your insulin & leptin resistance here and specifically how to carb & fat cycle here.

Regardless of why you stop, there are things to know to help ease your transition.

You can save this post on Instagram here!


1.) Have a plan⁣

2.) Get familiar with portion sizes⁣

3.) The order you eat your food matters

4.) Focus on whole foods over processed⁣

5.) Go slow⁣

6.) Expect fluctuations⁣

Things I believe in no matter what diet:

  • ⁣⁣NO diet dogma & eating for HEALTH
  • Cyclical, seasonal eating
  • Quality, Quantity, When, & What you eat matter
  • Variety & nutrient density
  • Eating for efficient digestion & absorption
  • Experimentation & fun = learning & results!
  • Optimal protein centric meals
  • Eating for strength, health, & functionality
  • Loving your life & being kind to others!
  • Self love living + an abundance mindset!

Take it slow, you got this! ⁣ No need to exclude or be dogmatic about any food choices or diet as long as they help you be your best!⁣ 

⁣Here are some more gut friendly, gluten free, low fiber, low fodmap options that worked for me.

Great options for pre or post workout carbs. I keep mine post workout in the form of plain rice cakes mainly if I feel I need a carb refuel after heavy training or high intensity cross training or cardio. These tend to be easy on the stomach with minimal bloating & gut issues for most.

Let’s dive in further!

Regardless of why, there are some things to know to help ease your transition. ⁣⁣

1.) Have a realistic plan

One of the biggest problems with dieting altogether — lack of clarity/planning. Most people end up falling back into bad habits. What’s your why? What’s sustainable & realistic for you? What’s your relationship with food, self-awareness, and your body image? Your story matters & your results hinge on all of these details.

2.) Assess portion sizes

⁣Quantity, quality, when & what you eat all matter. With any form of restriction, especially carbs, once you allow them, you’re more likely to go ham. Make sure you’re a moderator (not an abstainer) & comfortable & ready to add them back in. Measure & weigh your portions! Check nutrition labels for anything you’re sensitive to.

It’s all about balancing blood sugar. Food order & when you eat matter. Sugar & carbs spike your blood sugar more than any other macro (protein & fats are the other 2 macros).

meal timing pyramid


  • Don’t eat your carbs naked (by themselves): pair them with a protein like ground beef or grilled chicken or a fat of your choosing like bacon fat, butter, or a nut butter if you aren’t sensitive to those. It acts as a buffer & slows your blood sugar spike. If you can eat fiber & non starchy veggies, these will help buffer the spike as well, but not as efficiently as protein & fats.
    • Examples: white rice & butter & ground beef, rice cake & peanut butter, grilled chicken and sweet potato, etc.
    • When eating a meal, eat your protein & fat first, veggies if you eat them next, then your starchy carbs. You’re less likely to overeat as well because protein & fats are more satiating.
    • I time my carbs if I’m going to eat them after my workouts. That’s when I refuel my body & it uses the carbs more efficiently vs storing them as body fat. Also reduces your cortisol levels & helps with recovery. Choose sources that serve you best mentally & physically. I personally avoid anything treat-like or sugary, including fruit to prevent binge eating tendencies & gut issues. High fiber, fruits & veggies, & sugar are huge gut irritants for me. You may be able to eat them and that’s ok! Do you!

3.) Quality Matters

Rather than going straight for processed options like chips, pasta, doughnuts, & cupcakes, go for whole-food, non-starchy vegetables first like your greens, then white rice, potatoes, gf oats, fruit, etc. Again, choose things that are not physical or mental triggers for you.

4.) Go Slow

Keep it easy on your GI system: choose gluten free, cook food thoroughly, & go low fodmap if you’re one that struggles with any G.I. distress. Start with adding carbs in at 1 meal/d for a few weeks & assess how you respond. If you’re good, add a serving into another meal. White rice is usually a safer, gut friendly option.

5.) Expect Fluctuations

You might have weight & blood sugar fluctuations — it depends on how your body metabolizes carbs, your diet, exercise, etc. Much of the weight changes are water weight initially. Pair carbs with protein & fat to help control those blood sugar spikes. With every gram of carb, you get 4g of water.⁣ Bloating & constipation could happen because of the re-introduction of fibrous foods, drink your water! You may have more energy or less. You might feel hungrier. Again, we’re all bio individually different. Have patience.

Supplements to Help With Carb + Nutrient Utilization & Body Goals

I was tired of struggling with post-meal blood sugar spikes when eating carbs and grappling with insulin sensitivity issues. NuEthix Formulations has a wonderful profuct, Slin-Trol™, the glucose disposal agent designed to assist your approach to managing blood sugar levels.

Slin-Trol™ enhances your body’s ability to efficiently utilize glucose, ensuring it is directed towards muscle cells rather than being stored as fat.

DIRECTIONS: As A Dietary Supplement, Take 1 Tablet With Carb Containing Meals To Improve The Nutrient Partitioning Of The Meal And To Possibly Minimize Fat Storage.

I take mine prior to my largest meals & walk 10-15 minutes after eating for better digestion.

Utilyze is a dietary supplement designed to support digestive wellness and nutrient absorption.

It contains a blend of digestive enzymes that target the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the body, which can improve overall digestive function and help with nutrient absorption.

Utilyze comes in convenient travel packets and aims to support overall health and wellness through improved digestion. This supplement is gluten-free, non-GMO, and suitable for adults of all ages.

DIRECTIONS: As A Dietary Supplement Take 1 Packet With Larger Meals 2 To 3 Times A Day.

Cort-Eaze is a natural supplement designed to help with stress and anxiety relief. It contains a blend of herbs and nutrients that work together to promote a healthy stress response and support adrenal function. I use it for recovery & cortisol balance, which can affect your sleep, digestion & ability to build muscle & lose fat.

Some of the key ingredients in Cort-Eaze include ashwagandha, rhodiola, holy basil, and magnesium, all of which have been shown to help reduce cortisol levels and support overall mental and physical well-being.

DIRECTIONS: Take Two Capsules Daily. I take mine post workout & before bed. One post workout & one before bed.

Helpful Educational Resources

eating carbs on low carb

EXCELLENT article on food sequencing and balancing blood sugar here

Take-Home Message

Watching glucose spikes is particularly important if you have diabetes or a handful of other medical conditions. Your treating doctor or dietitian will advise how to modify your meals or food intake to avoid glucose spikes. Food ordering & timing may be part of that advice.

For anyone wanting to live a healthier, leaner, stronger life, consider removing sugary beverages & foods, processed food, & focusing on protein/meat-based foods as the foundation of your meals. Add fiber, proteins or fats to carbohydrates to slow gastric emptying and flatten glucose spikes. Walk 10-15 after meals & shoot for 10k steps per day. Lift 3-4x per week and watch your body & well being change!

If you found this blog helpful, join me on Instagram for daily inspiration & subscribe to our newsletter community here! I would love to have you!

Shedding Old Versions Of Yourself: Calling in Fresh Energy, Partnership, & Attracting the Right People

blonde girl at sunrise

Journaled my feelings & thoughts this morning around energy, intentions, & alignment.

Big Dolly Parton energy ✨

I realize I’m constantly shedding skin into new versions of myself. Like peeling layers off an onion. I reflected back even 2 years ago & wow such a transformation inside & out!

body weight loss transformation before and after
Check out my transformations throughout the years & join my digital fam on IG here

I share this in hopes of being relatable to y’all wherever you are right now too. We’re all humans living this experience.

I reminded myself this morning I deserve people & companies & connections who are SURE. SURE in themselves and SURE about me. Because I SURE as heck is sure about me 🙂

This year, one of my big intentions is calling in aligned partnership & connections. I’m open to receive whatever is meant for me & my highest alignment without judgement or questioning.

Yeah, it’s painful & uncomfortable af for someone who loves control 👋 😂 

Another change is the way I view time. I had to let go of my old “routines” & simply organize & schedule my daily activities & energy management to cycles that serve me best.

So I decided to stop looking at time like the norm & view it in cycles authentic to me. Maybe you can relate to this too?! ⏰ 

February is the month of love. I hope you manifest & receive whatever love (for yourself, others, & your life) is meant for you🙏💕

I was asked before if I had a “best friend.”

So I thought, well,  I guess I don’t really use labels like that at 41 🤔 

As I’ve aged it doesn’t “fit” in my life anymore.

I view people in terms of frequency & the qualities they bring out in me – you see, they’re all different. 

I don’t judge people based upon race, sex, sexual preference, religion, politics, size, shape, whatever da fugg you wanna put here.

I ask myself:

Do you make me want to be a better person?

Do you bring me joy?

Are you kind & energy giving?

High vibe?

Do you embody a human & life I align with?


  • Cool. We can hang out.

I have friends that hold keys to all different doors of my personality. I have close friends I’ve never even met in real life thanks to social media. I am incredibly grateful to have all of you in my life!

Some keys open my mind. Some my heart. Some my entrepreneur. Some my introvert or extrovert. Some my feminine side. Some my masculine. Some laughter. Some adventure. 

Some Saint.

Some Sinner. 

Some my rawest, deepest, ugliest, & most beautiful parts too.

Some I haven’t seen in decades or years, past lovers, acquaintances, friends, family, yet they’ve been a part of the most pivotal moments in my life.

They all take a piece of my heart that I plant in my garden of life. Some only grow & bloom for a season, or moment, or a lifetime.

It’s OK if a past friend, family member, spouse, or partner don’t hold all the keys to your billion dollar home or nourish every part of your field of life.

Some of the most beautiful weeds are the most beautiful flowers, some of the most magnificent creatures are the most unruly. 

Throw away the labels, definitions, boxes, chains, & cages – let love grow wild. 🥀🌱🌹

Be fearless. Let your guard down. Always put your oxygen mask on first. Stand by your boundaries.

Love fiercely (especially yourself) because this all ends.

Morning ponderings.

Oxox love y’all 

Coach K

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How to Stop Fitting In to Finally Belong

I know what it’s like to ache for belonging…

I had a teacher tell me in middle school I was “too big to be a cheerleader.”


➤ That meant I was different.

➤ I was less than.

➤ I didn’t. Fit. In.

 (I’m 60lbs lighter than I used to be for people new here. I spent the majority of my life sick, over weight, & broke af. You can find my weight loss/healing story in the link in my IG bio) link here

weight loss before and after carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly

In the absence of love & belonging there is suffering.  -Brené Brown

I still feel alone (not lonely – big difference). 

I truly am a dominant introvert. Being around a lot of people is really hard & energetically draining.

I won’t, however, sacrifice my loves like live music, travel, & exploring because of it tho. I’ve taught myself to be a selective extrovert.

If I wanna go do something – I do it. 

Here’s been the game changer for me: I belong to ME

I spend a lot of time belonging to myself &, frankly, that makes a portion of other people feel uncomfortable🤷‍♀️ 

Even when I feel alone or “don’t fit in” I know I belong to ME. For the first time in my life at 41, I feel fully embodied in the unique, sparkly, sweet & spicy essence of MY “being.”

You see the opposite of belonging 👉is fitting in. Belonging doesn’t ask for us to change ourselves it asks us to BE ourselves. 

The more you love yourself & give yourself what you need, the less you’ll demand & need from others. 

♡ I challenge you to ask yourself the question, “Who am I?” 

How would you answer that?

To give you examples, today, as the 41 year old model, I’d describe myself as follows…

∞ Storyteller & Experience collector

∞ Life & people lover

∞ Creator & entrepreneur

∞ Messenger & mentor

∞ Psychic Intuitive & Healer

∞ Forever student & athlete of life

∞ Your safe space & biggest adventure

I don’t like to be “defined” by labels, nor do my values reside there. I value freedom/time/health/& energy more than anything.

 I used to live for labels like being defined by things like being a CrossFit athlete, a former Marine wife, an X-ray tech, yada yada, etc

I am an athlete of LIFE!

And guess what?
So are for you!

Enjoy flexibility & the ability to shed & create whatever shade/character you want every day. 

As a travel RT & clinician, I’ve learned to make HOME in MYSELF. That’s how I’ve found happiness, joy, & peace embracing this lifestyle. 

 I belong everywhere I go as long as I don’t betray myself. 

If I’m worried about:

  • if other people like or accept me
  • or the need create for likes or follows instead of what my heart wants
  • & I feel the need to change for those reasons…

THAT is the moment I’ve betrayed myself. 

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” -Brené Brown


Coach K

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My name is Katie Kelly. I’m a multi-modal travel clinician 🩺💀, nutritionist, high performance coach & biz consultant specializing in human connection & process optimization with over 20 years experience. On social I’m better known as Coach K & I’m just like you!

More importantly, I want you to believe in yourself, your health, your business, your voice, & your ability to live your best life! I believe in vibrational living in life, fitness, health, relationships, & business. Intuition is one of our greatest gifts! I’m here to help you discover & follow yours to a more abundant, joyful life!

I’m known as the sweary, Indiana farmer’s daughter who went from a sick (Crohn’s Disease & bulimia), overweight (lost 60lbs via the carnivore diet, CrossFit & Orange Theory), broke bish (was 50k+ in debt) to a thriving, self loving human here to inspire, educate, & mentor!

Welcome to my digital diary & wellness blogs full of life lessons learned the hard way🫶

I post content about life/biz/self improvement anywhere from fat loss, therapy, disordered eating, Crohn’s, self love, entrepreneurship, healthcare, food, fitness, finance, & everything in between to a social media audience of 47K+!

Thank you for allowing me to add value to your lives! Grateful to have you part of my digital family ❤️

You can simply book a call via email:

Time for a Life Edit. 5 Simple Steps to Stop Drinking & Eating Too Much.

people drinking at a bar

When I was in my 20’s & early 30’s, I used to drink a lot on the weekends.

Every Friday and Saturday night, my friends and I would head to a local bar. We’d start with a few beers or cocktails, have dinner, and then head out for the second half of the night, often drinking until 3 a.m. Finally, after 12 hours of overindulging, I’d pass out in my bed until noon the next day. I’d wake up to the bad decisions still lingering from the night before.

I’m embarrassed to say this behavior went on for years. I was, by some definitions, an alcoholic. And eventually my binge drinking ended me in the hospital, on a vent with a blood alcohol level of .346. I’m lucky I survived.

I had terrible side effects: I hated my unfulfilling life, had anxiety attacks, binge eating, gut symptoms, my Crohn’s disease was out of control, relationships in the shitter, & over 50k in debt.

I share this story as a cautionary tale, but I’m not here to say that you should never drink alcohol. I still drink occasionally, but I use it now with respect to enhance and savor an experience. I no longer drink to get drunk. I rarely have more than two drinks and rarely more than once every couple weeks.

If you’ve recognized that you drink too much &/or binge eat, then it’s time to implement a life edit & the system that worked for me when I was cutting back.

Love this blog! Wonderful tips on how to do a life edit!

This system uses five simple steps that anyone can follow, and over time, builds habits that dramatically reduce your dependency on alcohol and junk food.

Step 1: Spend Time with the Right People (Your environment is everything!)
This lesson comes straight from entrepreneur, author, and speaker Jim Rohn. Here’s the gist: You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If you spend your time with people who are getting drunk all the time & eating shit food, then guess what you’re going to do?

Think about it—do you really think you’re going to have superhuman willpower and be able to stop at one drink or eat healthy when all of your friends are grabbing a second, third, and fourth and smashing pizza and nachos all night?

On the other hand, if you spend your time with people that drink less, they eat well & exercise often—then you’ll soon have control over your poor habits.
Pick your friends wisely.

Step 2: Slow Down
It’s easy to say you’re going to stick to just one drink or eat a healthy, protein based meal when meeting a friend after work in the right atmosphere. But when the bar is buzzing and you’re starting to loosen, slowing down just isn’t going to happen. The next thing you know, you’ve downed that first beer or cocktail in record time and you’re ready for a second & a huge plate of loaded fries because you’ve numbed you’re decision thinking.

Here’s how you get over the “suck it down vs savor” urge: Order a drink that doesn’t go down so easily. Mine is vodka water. Even better, order a shot and a water then mix your own. That way you are in charge of the alcohol content you consume.

Once upon a time, I used to love drinking margaritas, malibu & coke, & anything sweet! The trouble was, they were sweet and I have a strong sweet-tooth & poor relationship with carbs and sugar. They’re triggers to binge eating (& bulimia), over indulging, gut issues, & me feeling like crap. It’s no surprise that those drinks went down fast and easy.

These days, I order bourbon, a glass of vodka & water on the rocks or maybe tequila & water on the rocks. If I want flavor, I add electrolytes (Ultima Replenisher or LMNT) to my water. The flavor is powerful—and remarkably un-sweet—so I sip it instead of down it. As a result, I don’t drink more than I should.

Success requires removing obstacles, leading yourself out of temptation, and getting accountability to stick to your goals. With these in place, you’ll soon kick the booze & junk food to the curb and start enjoying more nourishing, higher performance days—moving you closer to your big goals and dreams.

Step 3: One Drink of Alcohol + One Glass of Water. Stick to Protein at Meals.
This one seems obvious, but so many people forget to drink water while they’re enjoying alcohol. It’s critical to keep yourself hydrated—not only to prevent hangovers the next morning, but also for slowing down your intake. Every time you finish a cocktail, beer, or glass of wine, make sure to take a pause from the booze and down a glass of water.

Keep your meals to a lean protein source like chicken breast, lean beef, pork, or seafood. You’ll be more satiated & less likely to overindulge. Grilled chicken is my go to.

Step 4: Ask Yourself These 2 Questions Before Eating
2 things changed my relationship with food. They allowed me to beat binge eating & lose 60 pounds while healing my gut👇

1️⃣Before I ate, I asked myself, “How does this food make me feel?”
⁃ Does it help or hinder?
⁃ Do I feel energized & satisfied? Bloated & tired?
⁃ Am I still enjoying my meal? No? Time to stop eating. Yes? Ok, I’ll eat a little more.
⁃ Does it make my gut feel happy & healthy? Or inflamed & painful?
⁃ Does it support me physiologically, aesthetically, & mentally?

2️⃣I asked myself, “As fuel, what am I using this food for?”
⁃ To fuel a workout? A meeting? Playing with your kids? A walk?
⁃ Am I truly physiologically hungry or am I bored & this just a craving?
⁃ Am I numbing a difficult emotion with this food?

The food, environment, habits, & information you consume each day are the soil from which your future thoughts, body, & reality are grown! Many of the best things in life grow along the way by simply having better awareness, understanding, & then once you know better, you CHOOSE BETTER!

  • Start hanging out with high value people & success & love grows along the way.
  • Start exercising & eating well & motivation + results grow along the way.
  • Start writing, therapy, spending time alone & aligned inspiration grows along the way.

Start now & watch the feelings & results follow!

Step 5: Schedule Something for the Next Morning
Let’s say you’re planning on heading to the bars on Friday night. Set up a workout, an appointment or meeting for Saturday morning. Knowing that you have that appointment—and that you have to be ready for it—will keep you from going overboard at the bars. (I often recommend setting up a physical activity. Your body will hate you if you try to do it while nursing a hangover, so you’ll quickly learn not to overindulge.)

These five steps can help you cut back on alcohol & binge eating and regain control so that you can focus on the more important things in life.

For example, cutting back on my drinking allowed me to tackle my gut issues, have better sleep, higher energy, more mental clarity, more money, and more freedom to focus on my life’s work – serving ya’ll!

Success requires removing obstacles, leading yourself out of temptation, and getting accountability to stick to your goals. With these in place, you’ll soon kick less optimal habits to the curb and moving you closer to your big goals and dreams.

When you’re ready to move from distractions like alcohol to the tools and routines that build your dream body and life, I urge you to check out resources that helped me + a Blog Guide I created just for you documenting how I lost 60lbs, healed my gut, & beat binge eating:

Atomic Habits by James Clear
Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne
My Story & Weight Loss Journey Transitioning to a Meat-Based, Carnivore Diet & Losing 60lbs!

Thousands have used the insights from these sources—all gathered over decades of experience. Take your life to the next level!

If you want to improve your relationship with food, reach your fitness goals, increase your income, stress less, love yourself more & become the person you’ve always wanted to be…Katie Kelly is the coach who will help you do it! With more than 20-years of experience as a multimodality travel clinician 🩺💀, nutritionist, & high performance coach, she specializes in helping struggling women & men get out of the mud and build the life & body of their dreams. To see if you qualify for Katie’s Coaching Program, fill out an inquiry form here.

Like blogs like this one? Sign up for her weekly Email Newsletter Community here 🤗

Shockingly Embarrassing Acknowledgments about Life and Love That Changed Everything For Me

I had a patient tell me I had really BIG blingy earrings in the ER one day💎✨😂… 

I find in general people are afraid to step outside the norm.

Y’all, the more we embrace the concept of being colorful & XTRA, the more we will normalize people feeling comfortable in their own skin.

When my patient commented on my appearance in the ER, I was so freaking proud of myself in that moment because instead of being triggered, I thought f*ck yeah, I’m doing my life right.

I feel amazing, regal, beautiful, luxurious, abundant & I’m not afraid to show up. I no longer live life trying to shrink myself. (Note most of my jewelry is affordable & from Amazon. These particular earrings were Kate Spade AB crystals. LOVE. OBSESSED.)

There are threads that connect our past, present & future selves together. 🧵🪡🧶They’re unique to us. No thread is identical.

Btw… my patient smiled, I looked at her with loving eyes, & I said, “Hell yeah, I love my big earrings 👉just like life. Little person, big personality. That’s how my mom describes me.”

I experience JOY crafting & creating my character of the day. That’s me creating my heaven + my reality. You can create yours too! That’s the magic of thoughts become things. 🪄🦄 

💫I manifest the feeling of my reality via my writing, my words, my wardrobe, my accessories, the way I take care of myself, the way I present myself. 👉It all comes from me. We co-create life. Utilize your resources & inner beauty.

I truly do enjoy the “ #travelnurse “ life. (I’m a travel Xray tech & clinician for newbies here) The decision to partake in this unique lifestyle didn’t come lightly, however. I did it scared shitless & had self doubt, too. 

What if I suck?

What if I’m homesick?

What if people don’t like me?

What if I hate my assignment?

What will people think of me?

What if, what if, what if…

I’m elated embarking on this journey. It’s exciting, enlightening, challenging, adventurous, fulfilling, pleasurable & painful af too.

You become a more resilient, able, adaptable, loving, insightful, resourceful, badass & bombdiggitty human in my opinion. 

Dudes, we rock 🤘🫶💀💕🚑🏥 Travel healthcare workers UNITE!

I realized in a rock-bottom point in my life years ago that I was stuck in a stagnant, hyper vigilant state. I was addicted to the complacent, “busy life” instead of one of inner peace & fulfillment.

GSD (get shit done) is a dopamine hit with pros & cons on both ends of the spectrum.

On one hand, it made/makes me super successful, productive, & proud, but on the other hand, also burned out, tired, cranky, oftentimes sick. It can feel on occasion I’m stuck in a phase called “chasing the next best thing,” missing out on the sweetness of life. I forget to be present.

I’m clearly aware of it.
Back then I simply didn’t know how to change it or how to evolve into a better version of me. Some things that helped me understand myself & other people to get what I wanted 👇

I’ve lost 60lbs in my life’s time and kept it off. I documented my healing, weight loss, & carnivore journey HERE just for you in case you’re struggling like I did.

My complacency with life was a protective mechanism. I armed myself with “safe” decisions & stagnancy because of past trauma:

being a people pleaser

always feeling like I had to achieve to receive love

feeling I had to look a certain way or weigh a certain weight to be seen as beautiful & worthy of love

wanting to change myself to be accepted & validated…I could go on & on here. 

Ego got me into debt because I would buy shit just to look the part instead of because it made me feel amazing or enabled me to express my creative authenticity.

It’s taken over 40 years for me to acknowledge & accept the following things that are seen as weird & non-traditional to society. 

I’m exuberatingly proud to say that I am OK living an extremely satisfied, loving life being self partnered & non traditional.

Self partnered to me is living life on my own terms to feel, look, & be my best…AND THAT MEANS designing a life optimized to help me live my most peaceful, happy, easy, joyous, abundant, loved filled, & purpose driven life possible.

I don’t give a shit that my light shines differently. And you have permission to shine bright yourself, as bright as you want, however you want! ✨🪩✨

Huge observational revelations I scripted one morning trying to make sense of myself & life. They’re a tad bit triggering but honest af. Maybe you’ll relate to them too!

🧠I sleep in cycles & when I’m tired, I don’t pay attention to the time or whether it’s deemed morning or night. Chock that up to probably working weird 3rd and first shift cycles. I am always responsible/respectful of my work schedule. I feel my best when I honor my natural sleep/wake cycles. I sleep really well 😆 in the back of my Ford Ecosport (named Ruby btw 🚗) where I’ve made a little bed. I had to take naps on my lunch breaks to conserve energy on many travel assignments and road trips. I travel often & this has been a Godsend in keeping my energy/health as a priority.

🧠 I am a biohacker 🤷‍♀️ To answer y’all’s questions about my anti-aging & biohacking routine, I wrote a blog HERE for you.

🧠Music is my life force just like food. So is my wardrobe, colors, & the vibe of my environment. They immensely influence my mood & energy. I’ve learned how to change & utilize these to my benefit. I have playlists & colors that I’ll wear & listen to to reflect the mood I’m in or vibe/state I need to be in. Playlists I enjoy are my Denim & Rhinestones list, coffee house jazz, classical pop, nature sounds, country, red dirt music, caffeine & kilos playlist, etc. morgan wallen, post Malone, & Warren zeiders always 🙂  A HUGE VARIETY! 🎶 Spotify playlist HERE

🧠I feel my best when I’m caffeinated. Haha! I do enjoy coffee & occasional alcohol in moderation. I don’t drink alcohol much tho. If I’m going to partake in alcohol or a cocktail, it’s to enhance an experience like a special occasion or my favorite venue. I don’t drink to get drunk anymore. Not worth it, dims my light & numbs my abilities. I’d rather go to bed early & get up early. If I’m going to partake in alcohol, it’s usually early in the day, socially.

🧠I eat when I’m hungry & eat what I’m hungry for. I do whatever form of exercise/workouts feel good to me in that moment. Here lately it’s Orange Theory, zone 2 cardio, walking, occasional CrossFit & strength training. I look & feel my best when I honor my body without force. I do better digestively & energy wise eating one large low carb, MEATY meal early in the day & sipping on my daily chocolate nutritional shake from @acheiveequilife or @nuethix_formulations Medipure DS during daylight hours. (LINK to discounts & products IN IG BIO & HIGHLIGHTS btw)

OR one larger meal in the morning post workout & a small snack around 1pm-ish.

Meat bars and my airfryer are my jam. You can find recipes and videos in this blog HERE.

I have a whole recipe book full of low carb deliciousness! 👇👇

cook with coach K carnivore recipe book

I prefer eating alone or intimately with few people vs eating out. My energy is best with liquid meals (I am more satiated with real food however, that’s why I keep one large meal in the morning) I do fab fasting longer hours overnight (like 20 hrs) That’s when my digestion is the best.

🧠I prefer being a lone wolf. I am social, but do it in doses on my own terms.

I have very few people I am comfortable sharing my space with (traveling, sleeping over, adventuring, etc): my parents, + my 2 besties @lisamitchellindy & @just___jess___

They are my persons & make my life FULL❤️ no matter how little or how much we talk, or are/aren’t physically around one another, I know they are always there & we pick up where we left off. People that feel like Freedom & Home. Thank you for being my biggest adventures + safe spaces.

🧠I define & base my relationships on how they make me feel. Traditional relationships, the married then kids then picket fence things, feel like masks & facades people put on to appease society. They simply don’t feel aligned. It’s not that I haven’t tried being the bride with the white picket fence in the past, &/or I’m not open to love, I’m just open to love & relationships on my own terms that serve me best. And why is it that the majority still feels they HAVE to have kids?

I understand this is “weird” for most people. Let me explain what is aligned to me…

💕I typically don’t stay over at peoples houses. I feel more comfortable in my own home around my own energy.

💕I enjoy driving myself, Uber, & travel solo.

💕I enjoy & sleep better alone.

💕I like going to bed early + getting up early. My mornings are everything to me & set the tone for my entire day.

💕I am energetic in the morning & more productive. I don’t lay around in bed when I first wake & I’m not one to lay & cuddle for hours. (I like cuddling & I love physical affection, but I don’t want it first thing in the morning I have things to do 😂 Same with Sex…I LOVE passionate sex, but would rather have it spontaneously throughout the day or in the middle of the night. I don’t like it first thing in the morning because ya girl dedicated to her routine)

💕I love people & being in an aligned relationship. I’ve realized I am frankly super happy & satisfied doing my own thing on my own time and I would hope that other person would feel the same. Then when the time is right, we come together later when our energies & attention are aligned to be a freakin POWER COUPLE.

🧠I love being by myself🤷‍♀️ Took me decades to get here. One thing I’m SUPER proud of myself for cultivating. It’s effortless. I am my own best friend, in my own energy. I openly love myself a ridiculous amount👉 I’m not afraid to admit that. It’s taken me over 40 years to love the essence of my being & my body & being able to just BE me. 

🧠I don’t feel the need to be a wife. I look forward to a life partner that agrees with my lifestyle, my ambition, my goals, my personal boundaries, & similar beliefs. I prefer someone that compliments me in their own unique way. I prefer diversity, someone not exactly like me. I like the wisdoms that comes with challenge & variety. I like someone that wants to build something together, I like someone that is OK with me striving to always be my best. 

🧠I desire someone that doesn’t want to change me. I am able to evolve & compromise but the moment you tell me what to do when I don’t want to do it & it doesn’t feel aligned, you’re trying to change me. The relationship will not work. I say this with love because I want you to be your best too. (I’m speaking to whomever my life partner is here.)

➡️➡️I call this kind of writing/journaling scripting. Simply get your thoughts out. I suggest trying it to everyone out there! Visualize/journal your thoughts & what you desire! That’s why I write all of these down in the morning on my notes page in my phone. It has helped me make sense of my life, myself, make better business decisions, relationship decisions, health, & body decisions, money decisions, etc.

🧠I am an impulse shopper. I’m an emotional being & I buy shit on a whim. 😂 I’m aware of this. I don’t shame myself for it. It just is what it is. If I buy something when I’m being emotional & I don’t love it, I require myself to take it back. It’s a self love boundary. Because money is freedom and I want to utilize it in the best way possible. I’ve made investing & saving a game that is SEXY & FUN TO ME! That’s how I’ve been able to create wealth, including getting myself out of 50k+ in debt! If finances & wanting to be a high performance achiever are things you struggle & want to improve, book a consult call with me. I’ll coach you how to do this specifically for your situation. I’m not just a “ nutrition coach “ 😉. Email me,

Sign up for our email newsletter community! I drop all the tips, guides, inspiration, specials & more every week!

🧠I love to save time & make my life effortless. I love Amazon➡️easy returns, effortless shipping. I love Instacart. They save me time going to the store & having to be around other people when my energy is low.

🧠I don’t shop in stores often because I buy shit I don’t need 😆another reason I like Amazon. I tend to only get what I’m inspired to buy. I love goodwill and thrift stores. Sometimes I just want to dress in a different style or a different color for a day or a week. I don’t need to buy designer I just buy what I feel good in. It can be a dollar or it can be $500

🧠I invest in what I feel is worthy of my well earned and deserved money. I tell myself I’m gifting the universe when I invest in other peoples crafts and skills or wardrobe. I don’t care my hair extensions and lash extensions are expensive 💁🏼‍♀️they make me feel amazing! The same with my lip injections. I love the way I look & I don’t care that other people criticize me for investing in this form of self-care.

🧠I love an effortless, energy giving life. I like auto brew on my coffee maker, I organize my space in a way that makes sense to me. I purge and clean old energy & stuff constantly. I update my wardrobe all the time with the seasons, with my seasons. If something frustrates me, I get rid of it, I change it, I cut it out of my life, I optimize it, or I delegate it in someway. I am here to love every bit of my life and I have the power to change whatever I want.

🧠I know I don’t have to do everything myself. I can utilize my resources. I am worthy and deserving just being me, I deserve being paid for just being me, in whatever form that means, I don’t have to perform or achieve or look a certain way to be incredible.

I record these reclamations/thoughts/acknowledgments simply for observation & self nourishment reasons with so much self-love, not ego.

And now I can go out & serve everyone to my best ability because I know my blueprint.

Oxox Coach K

Love you. Mean it. 

Who’s Coach K? Wrote this for you, my fellow warriors working to be the best versions of yourselves!

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Catch me daily via the Gram! @lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: