Seeking truth & finding the answers

During therapy, she said, “I don’t feel you really have social anxiety & neither do you, I feel, & as self-aware as you are, you feel, you’re surrounded by the wrong people & always seeking truth. Why stay in circles you’ve grown out of? You already know the truth you’re seeking.”

Fxck me. She right. Does this every time.🙄🤔🤦🏼‍♀️😄

I keep it real with y’all. I don’t just post health & “fitnessey” stuff. Yes, y’all need to learn that content too, but the meat 🥩 (lol always makes me giggle 😆) of what you need work on is self healing, self love, self awareness, & bluntly put – owning your shxt. 

🔆The biggest pillars my clients & I work on.

That’s truly how you get what you want – the abundance, love, happiness, body we all dream of.

So, let me share some of my real life lessons that may just help you…

💡 The entire time you may think it’s you but what it really is is the people & environment you surround yourself is toxic & misaligned. Be choosy who you let in your circle.

💡 I will never go thru another stage of life depending on someone to take care of me, validate my worth, have to tell a man/friend/etc – how to treat me.

💡 I do not need to explain my beliefs, definitions, & choices on diet, relationships, religion, politics, or what I choose to do with my body.

💡 Never be embarrassed or ashamed of your current situation. Most people in this world are covering up the same situations with filters & fake smiles.

💡 Choose people who understand, don’t judge, & lovingly allow you to be yourself. Those people feel like sunshine, gravitate to the energy givers.

💡 Relationships truly meant for you should come easily & feel like freedom & home.  Any one you have to keep secret, force, chase, change or censor yourself – is most likely one that will end & teach you a hard lesson.

💡 The best decision I ever made was to promise myself I would have the hard conversations I didn’t want to have because those are the ones that matter. I decided hiding my words was hiding me, & they may just be the words someone else needs to here to change their life. Your message & voice matter.

How do you know you’ve found the truth to what you’re seeking?

You get to the point where you feel like your life depends on constantly research, studying, & seeking. When we’re in school, often times it does, our life trajectory depends on our studies. 

As we age I feel we more study & seek truth about life, our purpose, & who we are in general. We try to make sense of it all. I can tell you I’ve been doing this constantly my entire life.

So the question has been asked, “How do you know when you found the truth to what you’re seeking?”

👉🏻The way you know you’ve found the truth is the truth that you’re seeking is the residence of who you’ve become.

It feels like home. 

It’s easy.

It flows like water. 

You’ll hear me say be like water, you have to learn to flow like water throughout life. 

The problem is for many of us growing up we are taught the truths of all the other people & society. We’re told we have to blend & fit into all the truths. Which then feels heavy, puts many of us into a box or forces us to feel we have to slap a label on our diets, our relationships, & about who we are as humans. 

Like we have to fit in a file cabinet in exactly just the right spot or we’re tainted & to be thrown in the trash.

Blend with the loudest most powerful & most authentic truths. 

💡Ask yourself, “What if it does work out exactly how I imagined, or greater?” 

How bout we end on that note & entertain that thought?! 🌈 

High five if read all this 👋 

Peace love & meat 🥩 🔪 

Swag: @kincaidsmeatmarket @kincaidsmeatmarketfishers

Gimme your best life lessons, share with someone else below👇🏻 Love y’all ❤️

Oxox Coach K

Stuck between young enough to do it often, old enough to do it right & old enough to know better, young enough not to care.

Stuck between young enough to do it often, old enough to do it right & old enough to know better, young enough not to care.


Anyone else? 😆 

🚨 Warning another long one 🙂 ✍🏼 🚨 ⬇️ 

Had a fabulous evening at the @Indystatefair yesterday! Felt like a kid again & it brought back so many memories. (Photo dump & some 4H & #stockshowlife throwbacks 📸) full post on Instagram

The county & state fairs where the highlights of my summers! For those of you still getting to know me, I was raised on a beef cattle farm in small town, McCordsville, Indiana. 

Our Farm has been in the Kelly Family for over 160 years.  I was a 10 yr 4H member & President, 4 yr FFA member & president, & graduated with a bachelors in Science from @lifeatpurdue 

Another fun fact: I’m a @purduedgs alumna💖⚓️

Working with our show cattle was my life, my heart & I miss it❤️ It was also a lot of hard work.

Reflecting, you know what else was? 2020😆 

2020 was hard work, 2021 has been no different. It’s like we thought with a new year everything would magically be rainbows & sunshine, right?!  Ha. 🙄😑 

I feel the years 2018-today have been the most transformative (painful & pleasurable) years of my life, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, & relationally.

Doesn’t matter what level of 50 shades of fxcked up, even in a global pandemic, I love having something to work towards.

Call it an obsession, whatever, kind of like the obsession I have with my airfryer & crisy #meatbars

Y’all are welcome🙃🥩♨️❤️

One thing I learned the last 2 yrs was that things can change in a heart beat! Relationally speaking, I went from being single, to a solid relationship, to single again, to married, to divorced (my 2nd).

This doesn’t trigger me anymore. I tell y’all this stuff about me because I want y’all out there who think people’s lives on the Internet are perfect because their pictures are “pretty” -they are not. 

I do not have my shi*t together nor do I know where I’m going. I know what I like & don’t like 🤷‍♀️  I just do the best I can just like you guys.

Some would be devastated by these so called “failures” or “flaws.” However, I choose to be a relentless optimist, I am SO GRATEFUL for every sweet & sour drop of experience I gained thru these chapters of my life.

No ragrets , no what if’s🙏 Not one bit.

I believe in divine timing, that I deserve everything I desire, & the Universe will bring me that – OR BETTER. (That “or better”part 👉🏻 is important. Setting intentions I always add that to the end of my statements.)

It is important to begin with thinking how I want to FEEL in 12 months time to move the needle forward.

I started by writing a long list of all the descriptive words that resonated with me. Words such as authentic, healthy, successful, wealthy, luscious, thriving, vibrant, loving, grateful, loved, significant, creative, satisfied, joyful. 

I kept thinking until I decided on the word, NOURISHED.

Immediately I knew that was how I wanted to feel.

Nourishment is usually associated with food however I want to apply that feeling to all parts of my life.

By focusing on how I want to FEEL, it reminds me what I could influence regardless of what was happening in the world❤️

Have you set any goals? Or are you just seeing how the year pans out?

As always I would love to hear your thoughts & I appreciate y’all reading the ramblings of @lil_bit_of_fit 💕

Peace, love, & 🥩 

Oxox Coach K

Carnivore Maintenance Calories & Macros for Women Who Prefer Higher Protein

Big question from yesterday: What would my general maintenance calories be & protein & fat macros for carnivore if I prefer higher protein?

These are simple calculations & general ranges for you guys to use. This doesn’t mean you have to eat these exact calories or macros. Needs will be different for everyone but this will get you close.

A refresher on what maintenance means. **Macros will vary with training/goals/personal history, etc.

The maintenance period is when we are eating enough calories to support our activities, energy expenditure & MAINTAINING our weight. Not to lose weight/fat. Not to gain.

Being in a cut adds more stress on our bodies and generally, we shouldn’t be living in those phases for more than 12-16 weeks & not dieting more than 1-2x/year.

The different ways our bodies burn calories:

1️⃣ BMR/RMR (basal/resting metabolic rate)

The amount of calories we need just to exist.

2️⃣ TEF (thermic effect of food)

Our bodies burn calories by eating & digesting our food. We burn about 10% of our total food intake cals here.

3️⃣ NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)

Our everyday activity like walking/taking, cleaning house, etc. These burn more calories than you think which is why we suggest moving & getting 10k steps/d.

4️⃣ Exercise

The calories you burn while you workout.

I love using the TDEE calculator (  ) for a good place to start, but finding a coach is the best way to make sure you tackle any imbalances or metabolic issues from the past & build a solid foundation.

Tag, share, & save for future use on Instagram!

Remember, you can’t live a BIG, FULL life on an empty tank!

If you don’t know where to begin, simply fill out an inquiry here and will hop on the phone and talk about it!


Loving your journey. Beauty and Fitness come in all shapes and sizes.

I saw a woman running yesterday. She was red faced, sweating, & workin it! #transformationtuesday

I talk about avoiding labels for a reason. When most people think of a runner, or weightlifter, or whatever “athlete” you choose, you automatically think of a specific body type right?

Someone long, lean, & muscular.

This woman didn’t fit that description at all. 

I loathe the word “fat”, because in my opinion,

  1. Rude.
  2. It’s a label & stereotypes someone as being unfit or unhealthy when that may not be the case at all. You don’t know their story.

I find all bodies beautiful, especially voluptuous ones. I smile whenever I see someone working out, especially young kids, the elderly, and someone who doesn’t fit the stereo typical profile of an “avid exerciser” & it motivates me. 

I’ve shared my journey with y’all many times. I’ve told you that in high school I was told I was too big to be a cheerleader or an athlete. Truly I couldn’t even run around a track once without seeing stars & wanting to pass out. Before CrossFit I had never touched a barbell nor could I do one pull up to save my life.

Fitness, running, health, weight lifting, & fat loss were not things I was genetically gifted or came easily or naturally to me.

It’s something I still have to continue to work at. The difference is I have made it a part of who I am, I choose consistency over excuses, & I’ve learned to love my journey & all the seasons, shapes, sizes, & puzzle pieces that come with.

So a reminder & message  to you, that it abso-f*ckin-lutely doesn’t matter how much you weigh, how small or big you are, what diet you choose, whether you eat meat or not, what your story is/has been — fitness & health don’t have a size or requirement.

It all starts with a choice to be your best self.

I’m motivated by anyone who gets up & moves. It doesn’t matter their skill & it sure as sh*t doesn’t matter their size.

I’m most inspired by those who are just starting out in their fitness journey because I know exactly what it’s like to start from scratch & have no fuggin idea what you’re doin or worried about what people think of you.

I’m not the fastest runner, I’m not the fittest or strongest person, I have cellulite & stretch marks on my thighs, BUT I am strong, I am dedicated, & I love this body that keeps me alive.

So to the woman I saw running, thank you. You’ve inspired me & millions of other humans in the world in more ways than one. 

Because you are the human that chooses to be better & proves beauty & fitness comes in all shapes & sizes.

Oxox Coach K

New chapter, scared shitless, boss moves & leveling up…

Here’s to closing another chapter & 39 years with nothing figured out yet 😆🥂

Tomorrow is the last day in the apartment I scared myself sh*tless moving into. 

I drained my bank account to $5 to move in & this home quickly became the one I’ve grown the most in…

I didn’t know how I was going to make rent but I was done living less than I deserve.

2.5 yrs later…

I worked my azz off. I move tomorrow just down the street. I payed 3 grand to get moved in this time & didn’t bat an eye.

I still have a lot of growing & learning to do. 

I still have so many goals & life experiences I want to achieve & savor.

Some things will probably never change…

I still shower with a shower cap. Not washing my hair is a sport I have mastered.

Pete 🐈‍⬛ 🚿 will still sit on the side of the tub in between the curtains.

I will still yell at him every day for throwing up all over the place.

I will still smile every time I walk thru the door to him standing there & walking down the hall to find he’s opened half of my cabinets.🤦🏼‍♀️🚪 

My place will still smell like freshly cooked meat in the airfryer & @scentsy mystery man. Meat & men’s cologne, yum 😋😂

I’ll still lay my clothes out for the next day.

I’ll still be an early bird like my dad.

I’ll still get my best ideas when I’m drunk, working out, coloring, fishin, or in the shower. 

I’ll still hate wearing underwear & love living bralettes.

I’ll still change my mind all the time. 

I’ll still be a more introverted extrovert.

I’ll still be obsessed with @morganwallen @nelly @postmalone @saintjhn & @thegr8khalid

⁣I’ll still be rough enough around the edges to keep things interesting but polished enough to get the job done when I have to😉 

I’m not afraid to admit there are a lot of things I still have not mastered nor do I know exactly what I’m doing or where I’m going…

…but I know & trust I always end up where I’m meant to be.

Change is hard. Closure is hard. New beginnings are scary & EXCITING at the same time.⁣

So if you’re struggling right now, know this, I too have been that human who:⁣

◽️chose the cheapest apartment living paycheck to paycheck⁣

◽️divorced twice & wondering if there is something wrong with her

◽️had her car repoed, $40,000+ in debt, $5 to her name, basically living out of her office & car, eating at hotels to save money on food⁣

◽️is sick, struggling with Crohns, disordered eating & orthorexia feeling powerless & ugly ⁣

▫️is comparing, wanting to be someone else, coveting their life &/or body thinking that would make her happy⁣

◽️sees “single” as a dirty word & feels the  need to settle instead of realizing she needed to be the person she wanted to be with first ⁣

▫️insert whatever ya want here _____.

MOOD: boss moves & leveling up ✌️

I’m proud as hxll of this almost 40 somethin self.

Hi five to all my brothers & sisters out there jus tryna to be the best versions of themselves, scared sh*tless too! You got this. #mindsetmonday