Loving your journey. Beauty and Fitness come in all shapes and sizes.

I saw a woman running yesterday. She was red faced, sweating, & workin it! #transformationtuesday

I talk about avoiding labels for a reason. When most people think of a runner, or weightlifter, or whatever “athlete” you choose, you automatically think of a specific body type right?

Someone long, lean, & muscular.

This woman didn’t fit that description at all. 

I loathe the word “fat”, because in my opinion,

  1. Rude.
  2. It’s a label & stereotypes someone as being unfit or unhealthy when that may not be the case at all. You don’t know their story.

I find all bodies beautiful, especially voluptuous ones. I smile whenever I see someone working out, especially young kids, the elderly, and someone who doesn’t fit the stereo typical profile of an “avid exerciser” & it motivates me. 

I’ve shared my journey with y’all many times. I’ve told you that in high school I was told I was too big to be a cheerleader or an athlete. Truly I couldn’t even run around a track once without seeing stars & wanting to pass out. Before CrossFit I had never touched a barbell nor could I do one pull up to save my life.

Fitness, running, health, weight lifting, & fat loss were not things I was genetically gifted or came easily or naturally to me.

It’s something I still have to continue to work at. The difference is I have made it a part of who I am, I choose consistency over excuses, & I’ve learned to love my journey & all the seasons, shapes, sizes, & puzzle pieces that come with.

So a reminder & message  to you, that it abso-f*ckin-lutely doesn’t matter how much you weigh, how small or big you are, what diet you choose, whether you eat meat or not, what your story is/has been — fitness & health don’t have a size or requirement.

It all starts with a choice to be your best self.

I’m motivated by anyone who gets up & moves. It doesn’t matter their skill & it sure as sh*t doesn’t matter their size.

I’m most inspired by those who are just starting out in their fitness journey because I know exactly what it’s like to start from scratch & have no fuggin idea what you’re doin or worried about what people think of you.

I’m not the fastest runner, I’m not the fittest or strongest person, I have cellulite & stretch marks on my thighs, BUT I am strong, I am dedicated, & I love this body that keeps me alive.

So to the woman I saw running, thank you. You’ve inspired me & millions of other humans in the world in more ways than one. 

Because you are the human that chooses to be better & proves beauty & fitness comes in all shapes & sizes.

Oxox Coach K