Stuck between young enough to do it often, old enough to do it right & old enough to know better, young enough not to care.

Stuck between young enough to do it often, old enough to do it right & old enough to know better, young enough not to care.


Anyone else? 😆 

🚨 Warning another long one 🙂 ✍🏼 🚨 ⬇️ 

Had a fabulous evening at the @Indystatefair yesterday! Felt like a kid again & it brought back so many memories. (Photo dump & some 4H & #stockshowlife throwbacks 📸) full post on Instagram

The county & state fairs where the highlights of my summers! For those of you still getting to know me, I was raised on a beef cattle farm in small town, McCordsville, Indiana. 

Our Farm has been in the Kelly Family for over 160 years.  I was a 10 yr 4H member & President, 4 yr FFA member & president, & graduated with a bachelors in Science from @lifeatpurdue 

Another fun fact: I’m a @purduedgs alumna💖⚓️

Working with our show cattle was my life, my heart & I miss it❤️ It was also a lot of hard work.

Reflecting, you know what else was? 2020😆 

2020 was hard work, 2021 has been no different. It’s like we thought with a new year everything would magically be rainbows & sunshine, right?!  Ha. 🙄😑 

I feel the years 2018-today have been the most transformative (painful & pleasurable) years of my life, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, & relationally.

Doesn’t matter what level of 50 shades of fxcked up, even in a global pandemic, I love having something to work towards.

Call it an obsession, whatever, kind of like the obsession I have with my airfryer & crisy #meatbars

Y’all are welcome🙃🥩♨️❤️

One thing I learned the last 2 yrs was that things can change in a heart beat! Relationally speaking, I went from being single, to a solid relationship, to single again, to married, to divorced (my 2nd).

This doesn’t trigger me anymore. I tell y’all this stuff about me because I want y’all out there who think people’s lives on the Internet are perfect because their pictures are “pretty” -they are not. 

I do not have my shi*t together nor do I know where I’m going. I know what I like & don’t like 🤷‍♀️  I just do the best I can just like you guys.

Some would be devastated by these so called “failures” or “flaws.” However, I choose to be a relentless optimist, I am SO GRATEFUL for every sweet & sour drop of experience I gained thru these chapters of my life.

No ragrets , no what if’s🙏 Not one bit.

I believe in divine timing, that I deserve everything I desire, & the Universe will bring me that – OR BETTER. (That “or better”part 👉🏻 is important. Setting intentions I always add that to the end of my statements.)

It is important to begin with thinking how I want to FEEL in 12 months time to move the needle forward.

I started by writing a long list of all the descriptive words that resonated with me. Words such as authentic, healthy, successful, wealthy, luscious, thriving, vibrant, loving, grateful, loved, significant, creative, satisfied, joyful. 

I kept thinking until I decided on the word, NOURISHED.

Immediately I knew that was how I wanted to feel.

Nourishment is usually associated with food however I want to apply that feeling to all parts of my life.

By focusing on how I want to FEEL, it reminds me what I could influence regardless of what was happening in the world❤️

Have you set any goals? Or are you just seeing how the year pans out?

As always I would love to hear your thoughts & I appreciate y’all reading the ramblings of @lil_bit_of_fit 💕

Peace, love, & 🥩 

Oxox Coach K