Calorie and Macro Periodization for Dieting

♦️How To Setup Your Macros & Calorie Periodization for a Fat Loss Cut♦️

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How do we diet smart without totally turning our metabolism and hormones into dumpster fires🔥? #nutritionperiodization 

3 things I believe are under-rated, yet make a BIG difference in progress:


✌️Caloric Periodization

🤟Carb & Meal Timing

Sleep: dudes I don’t care what diet you’re following you’re not going to get anywhere if you do not get your sleep under control.

Caloric Periodization: This is the way we structure our macros (& calories) across time periods. (A week or multiple weeks) The BIG reason 👉🏻 it’s how we create sustainability & adherence. Let’s be real, diets aren’t fun. You’re gonna be hungry. It’s a big stress on our bodies. By incorporating structured refeed and diet breaks we give our bodies and minds the reset we need to stay committed to our goals.

Carb & Meal Timing: Tips I’ve learned overtime throughout my journey… keep your largest meals earlier in the day, preferably post workout. This is when our bodies are most insulin sensitive & metabolize food & carbs more efficiently. Fast 12 hours overnight — this will prevent evening snacking. This is why setting meal times & intermittent fasting are effective tools when dieting & when it comes to adherence. Don’t demonize carbs, use them with respect & with intention. If you have a bad relationship with carbohydrates, check yourself. Self sabotaging habits & emotional weight can be the exact things weighing you down. Avoid trigger foods, mental & physical, keep them out of the house. 

Love y’all! 

What’s your preferred method of dieting? I prefer a one day re-feed a week when dieting! 🤗 👇🏻