Easy Fat Loss Tips for Any Diet

Me today🦾

It took me over 3 decades to figure out my gut issues & relationship with food. 

I know now I lived with a food addiction the majority of my life, I’m just a little over 1 yr on a carnivore, animal-based diet.

For those of you working on increasing your food after chronically dieting, it took me nearly 4 yrs to reverse to maintenance calories. Including a poor relationship with self & scarcity mindset.

Years of tweaking food, training, & daily habits to restore health, have patience, healing doesn’t happen overnight—you can do hard things!

A reminder, you shouldn’t be living in a constant calorie deficit, dieting more than 1-2x/yr, working out 7 d/wk, never sleeping, eating sugar free diet food to cut carbs/cals. It will catch up with you, trust me.

BIOFEEDBACK to check before dieting:

✅Period normal

✅Quality sleep & energy

✅Have eaten maintenance &/or surplus calories for an extended period of time

✅Lifestyle aligned, stress managed, mindset in a positive space


**We want stress as low as possible. Caffeine, life stress, trigger food, cutting food, excessive fasting & HIIT training=all stressors**

✅Reduce caffeine, <200mg/d

✅Set calorie, protein, & step goals. Stay rigid during the week to allow flexibility on the weekend. Set controlled refeeds if needed.

✅Eat slowly until 80% full.


✅Prioritize proteins & fat. Keep meal prep basic & simple & REPEAT.

✅ Reduce intensity of workouts. Quality is quality, more doesn’t mean better.

✅Track food accurately. Licks & extra bites count.

✅ Stick to nutrient dense whole foods you can digest & absorb efficiently.

✅ Try intermittent fasting if it works with your schedule/preferences. It’ll allow larger meals in a deficit, you’ll feel more satiated


✅Invest in a coach. I offer free quick strategy calls. Link here:


Bullying: I Spoke With The Cool Kids That Made Fun of Me And This Is What They Said

They say pictures speak 1,000 words.  I don’t agree with that statement. 

If you were bullied, made fun of, or left out as a child, it might not surprise you to learn that research has shown how those experiences have long-term effects well into adulthood.

That certainly has been the case for me.

About 20% of students ages 12-18 experienced bullying nationwide according to Stopbullying.gov

Students ages 12–18 who reported being bullied said they thought those who bullied them:

  • Had the ability to influence other students’ perception of them (56%).
  • Had more social influence (50%).
  • Were physically stronger or larger (40%).
  • Had more money (31%).

Just because you slap a pretty picture of yourself on social media doesn’t mean you embody a confident person or even love the body you’re starin at.

And FYI, good health coaches, will make sure you’re not only healthy in body but also mind, because that mindset piece absolutely has to be in place first before you do any kind of dieting. If you’re looking for quality mentors, I have a wonderful network of fellow health coaches. Just message me💌

I believe actions speak even louder than a picture. I think this picture of me taken by my talented friend @matteuccij13 @lensandlightphoto is đŸ”Ľ

I’m proud.

But it doesn’t show all the hard work, emotions, & life behind the smirk.

Often times during the day when I’m triggered, my mind will wander & I will think about the ridicule my classmates put me through growing up. 

I remember kids calling me lamb chop because I had big bangs, fat farmer girl because I grew up on a farm & to say the least was definitely ‘corn fed,’ & even those trying to console me with the, “If you would only lose weight you would be x, y, & z.” 

I was told I was too big to be a cheerleader, I wasn’t fast or talented enough to be an athlete, I wasn’t pretty or thin enough to get a boyfriend. But I was smart. And I was kind.

For decades this baggage was the heaviest weight I carried through all my shapes & sizes. 

Through therapy I learned how it affected my relationships & love life. I built walls so high around myself & guarded them with weapons of avoidant attachment, sarcasm & ambiguity. 

As an adult, a person with an avoidant attachment style may experience the following:

  • avoiding emotional closeness in relationships
  • feeling as though their partners are being clingy when they simply want to get emotionally closer
  • withdrawing and coping with difficult situations alone
  • suppressing emotions
  • avoiding complaining, preferring to sulk or hint at what is wrong
  • suppressing negative memories
  • withdrawing, or tuning out, from unpleasant conversations or sights
  • fearing rejection
  • having a strong sense of independence
  • having feelings of high self-esteem while having a negative view of others
  • being overly focused on their own needs and comforts

My therapist told me I am REALLY GOOD at acting like I don’t give a fxck. So much so I somehow taught myself how to shut my emotion off & that’s why I was able to cut people out of my life with no remorse.

Ooooof. Fxck me, right?! đŸ˜†

Sound familiar? 

Anyone else an avoidant like me? đŸ¤š 

Guys that liked me who were attractive, smart, & successful intimidated me whether I liked them or not because I felt I was still that fat girl & not successful enough to be worthy of a relationship with them. My therapist said I placed them in this box of the popular boys at school that used to make fun of me, which wasn’t fair to them or myself. 

Same with successful women, too. I felt I wasn’t good enough to ‘sit at the cool kids table.”

(Outfit on left: @stitchfix And here’s $25 if you’d like to look like you have your shxt together too haha :)~

A light bulb went off in my head. She’s right. This all makes sense now.

So I decided to get to the root cause, & fix my shxt, frankly. 

I talked to a few of them via social media & this is what they had say…

God love social media, it makes connecting so much easier. 

There were a few who claimed they didn’t remember much about our school years, **cough, BULLSHXT** – others were eager to apologize & share their experiences & side of the story.

Come to find out often people are making fun of you because someone else is making fun of them. All goes back to hurt people hurt people.

I had one girl apologize numerous times & she said, “I am so sorry for putting you through that. I had a miserable home life, shxtty boyfriend & I chose to take it out on you. I’m sorry.”

We chatted for an hour. I forgave her & I really hope she was able to forgive herself.

I was shocked to learn that many of the “popular” girls we’re secretly unhappy & struggling due to their social status. 

One stated she basically had an eating disorder her entire life & she didn’t feel any of her friends were “real” friends or boyfriends really liked her other than for what she looked like. 

A few that were athletes stated as they got older they realized they had used their athletic abilities as a guard and facade to managing societal pressures. Said their worth hinged on their athletic ability, so when sports were over, they felt like they didn’t know who they were anymore. They struggled immensely for years feeling lost & shameful in adulthood.

One girl, who was like the prettiest girl at school, said she actually felt like an outcast with extreme pressure to always live up to somebody else’s expectations. Her mom was hard on her. She became so obsessed with always looking put together that she has anxiety still when she thinks about trying to put an outfit together.

As we continue to talk I realized I wasn’t always kind to others either. Gossiping wasn’t right. Making fun of someone else because they made fun of me wasn’t right. Refusing to talk to people because I thought they thought they were better than me wasn’t right. 

I had one boy tell me years later that he always liked me but my silence made other people think that I thought I was better than them or stuck up when I had finally lost weight. 

Which wasn’t the case at all it was my protection. If I didn’t say anything I wouldn’t give other people ammunition to ridicule. 

So I developed a “strong silence.”

This turned into me also being an overachiever & loather of weakness & laziness. Resting is still hard for me.

I had a performance review when I was around 27 years old & my manager told me that I had a “strong silence” which others took as me being arrogant and I needed to be more understanding of other people‘s weaknesses. 

To put it bluntly: “You’re resting bitch face & the fact you can do other people’s jobs better make them uncomfortable.” đŸ˜‚ 

It was eye-opening & ego shattering at the same time. I had no idea that is how I was being perceived & it forced me to sit down & observe my past behaviors & who I truly wanted to be.

The open conversations, therapy, mistakes, and so many years of reflection have given me the opportunity to forgive others who tormented me and also forgive myself.

Remember things aren’t always as they seem. We’re in this life together. Words and actions are painful, choose wisely. 

Above all nurture your relationship with self, even the dirty parts. Healing is the answer. A relentless pursuit of betterment is the answer. 

Perfection is not required. Effort is. 

Oxox Coach K

The One Exercise You MUST Do

When you read this title, most think of someone spending hours in the gym. If you would’ve asked me years ago, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, I would’ve thought the same thing.

The one exercise you MUST do…

…exercise your mind.

It never would have occurred to me the power and influence of our minds. How our minds push our bodies to defy expectations, beliefs, and even our own biology. Call’em miracles?

Think about the placebo effect.

So lets chat about two habits I cultivated that can also help you change your life. You can start right now. It’s easy, promise!

I knew when I was in the pit of ONE of my rock-bottoms, cuz ya gurlz had many, I had to start changing my beliefs & mindset.

⁃ My health was not good.
⁃ I was bloated & constipated all the time it seemed no matter what I ate.
⁃ I was putting on weight (FYI when you hoard negative emotional energy, that can be the actual culprit literally weighing you down).
⁃ My performance in the gym sucked.
⁃ I didn’t wanna wear anything but baggy clothes, thank God I wear scrubs to work. Which also translated into me wanting to hide all the time. Hermit mode engaged.
⁃ I was in debt, yet I couldn’t stop myself from overspending because I was putting a fxcking Band-Aid on a bullet hole — I was unhappy. You know it’s a problem when you order shxt from Amazon & you forget you ordered shit from Amazon.

I felt like this was just my story & I could never get ahead. I can’t tell you how valuable to was to invest in coaches to guide me along my way: business coach, nutrition coach, therapist, functional medicine docs, family docs. Don’t be afraid to invest, you’ll get more back in return. And if you need someone to talk to, tell me about your story here. We’ll hop the phone & get some answers for you.

Despite me doing all the physical exercise known to man (president of the ‘habitual over exercisers club’ right hurrrr), the one exercise I was not doing — exercising changing my mindset to rewrite my story.

Sound familiar?

So what did I do?

The two habits that changed my life forever — GRATITUDE every morning & cultivating my ENVIRONMENT (mental & physical) to RECEIVE ABUNDANCE & what I wanted.

I started listening to podcasts and YouTube‘s to people I inspired to be like.

Successful people.
Positive people.
Learning about things that would make me better as a coach and human and partner and friend and daughter and coworker, etc.

First thing in the morning I say at least three things I am grateful for and something I love about myself.

Second thing, I check my podcasts and YouTube‘s to see what I wanna listen to today.

BONUSES…let me give you a couple more.

I detoxed my social media and unfollowed anything and anyone that made me feel negative energy or the need to compare & mourn past versions of my body (it only fuels disordered eating and body image.)

I also detoxed the people in my life. Yes, I understand this is a hard one especially when it comes down to friends and family. But it is absolutely necessary. Stop ignoring that nagging feeling that keeps telling you you don’t need to be around that friend or that person you keep dating but they treat you like yesterday’s trash.

Trash creates more trash.
You attract the energy and vibe you put out.

When you fall in love with who you are, under any circumstance, you awaken the love you need within you and you naturally attract and experience more love and success in your life.

This is a lot easier to do when you cultivate a nourishing environment for you to grow into your fullest potential.

Some of my favorite podcasts, social media, & YouTubes:

Lori Harder, Earn Your Happy @loriharder

Chris Harder, For the Love of Money, @chrisharder

Sarah Kleiner, The Carnivore Yogi Podcast @carnivoreyogi Carnivore Yogi YouTube

Jenna Kutcher, The Goal Digger Podcast, @jennakutcher

Rachel Hollis @msrachelhollis RISE Podcast

Cody McBroom, Tailored Life Podcast @cody.boomboom

The Excellence Cartel @the_excellence_cartel

Elite Physique University Podcast
John Gorman @team_gorman
Jason Theobald @scoobyprep1_ifbbpro

Nutrition Dynamic @nutrition_dynamic
Vince Pitstick @vince_pitstick

The Cabral Concept Podcast @stephencabral

Lacy Phillips, The Expanded Podcast @tobemagic

Lewis Howes School of Greatness Podcast, @lewisHowes

Almost 30 Podcast

Barbell Shrugged POdcast

Aubrey Marcus Podcast, @aubreymarcus

Empire Podcast Show Podcast
Bedros Keuilian @Bedroskeuilian
Craig Ballantyne @realcraigballantyne

Health Via Modern Nutrition Podcast

Mark Groves Podcast, @createthelove

Max Lugavere, The Genius Life, @maxlugavere

Jon Kim, The Angry Therapist, @theangrytherapist

Dr. Nicole LePera, @The.Holistic.Psychologist

Kelly Hogan @kelly_hogan91 My Zero Carb Life YouTube

Judy Cho @nutritionwithjudy + YouTube

Dr. Lisa Wiedeman @carnivoredoctor

Dr. Ken Berry @kendberry.md + YouTube

Neisha Berry @neishalovesit + YouTube

Bella @steakandbuttergal + YouTube

Carnivore Cast @carnivorecast + YouTube

Vanessa Spina @ketogenicgirl + YouTube + Fast Keto Podcast

Kait @healthcoachkait + YouTube

So here’s to the power of your mind!

What changes will you make today?

oxox Coach K

The 1 Thing You Must Do To Lose Weight, Love Yourself, And Be Successful In Life

Had a message recently from a woman who asked me to list the one thing she needed to do to lose weight & be successful in life.

I thought, “Dayum, that’s a deep one.” I don’t have enough space on Instagram to answer this one!

So I brainstormed. Came up with one thing I felt could help you achieve & overcome anything in life. It’s dirty. It hurts. It makes your eyes well up. And it’s absolutely necessary — mental toughness.

A lil bit about my story…

This child was called fat. This child was called ugly. This child felt she would never be the girl that sparkles when she enters a room. This child is me.

I was told to lose weight & I tried to diet before I was 10 years old. My self-esteem & body issues started at 8 years old.

I hated my body.

I was told on numerous accounts, “If you just lost weight, you would be as pretty as all the other girls in school.”
Hurt like a bxtch every time.
Translated into: you won’t be successful &/or loved unless you’re thin & look the part.

I thought something was truly wrong with me & wanted so badly to be as thin as the women in my Seventeen magazine, the stars I idolized, & my thin, popular classmates.

This turned into decades of disordered eating anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, orthorexia, you name it. My body has been all shapes and sizes and everything in between. Not to mention struggling with Crohns, chronic bloating, gut issues, gi bleeding, constipation, inflammation, allergies, infertility, cervical cancer, renal stones, GERD, & a cholecystectomy.

After suffering from poor body image basically the majority of my 38 years on this earth, now, I stand as a woman who loves herself more than anyone else in the world.

I learned to finally love my body for the first time in my life. It felt like a breath of fresh air which also ushered in emotional & mental transformations. These in turn brought more abundance into my life.

I truly accepted my unique self, my mess of a message & didn’t feel the need to change it because of someone else’s opinion.

I changed my inner voice to self love & never looked back. I’ve lost 50lbs from my heaviest weight, the biggest weight lost being self loathing & doubt.

The one thing I needed to develop was the product of my struggles — mental toughness.

The one thing you have to have to be successful.

How did I do this?

It’s easy. No, really, it is. It takes some time, but if you commit to yourself every single day, you’ll get there.

When you see yourself in the mirror, what do you say?

Do you make negative comments on your appearance?

Maybe you see your stretch marks that you wish you could erase. I have’em. Call’em my tiger stripes.

Society makes us think that any “imperfection” we may have is something we need to fix.

Your “imperfections” are NOT something to be ashamed of or fixed. They make you — YOU.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, give yourself a compliment. Every time you feel a negative thought creep in, shut it down & replace it with a positive.  

If you hate your stretch marks, instead of thinking negatively about them, turn it into a positive & think about how it was an honor to stretch & grow your children or allow you to share your unique story to help another women hating hers. Some women can’t have children. Some women don’t know what it feels like to be overweight & hating themselves.

Or if you’ve struggled with gut issues & Crohns like me or any autoimmune or dis-ease, use your unique experiences to give others hope.

Fuel your fire y’all!
Use that passion to help someone else.
If someone asks you why you live & eat the way that you do, use that as an opportunity to educate them.

There was a time I was so afraid to gain a pound that I was eating about 800 calories a day.

Then I found CrossFit at 31, new obsessions appeared. I chased PR‘s & dug a hole so deep full of metabolic adaptation, gut & hormonal issues, working out for hours each day.

Although from the outside I looked “thin and healthy,” I was an absolute train wreck.

Still didn’t think I was successful at life, my relationships were less than optimal, I was in debt, my health was not good.

I basically put myself on the clearance rack.

You have to heal from the inside first. No matter what you look like on the outside or what the number says on the scale if you do not get to the root cause of any issue that brings negativity into your life, things will never change.

I started doing the inner work with a group called To Be Magnetic. I highly recommend checking them out, they changed my life.

They help me rewire my brain to one of lack to one of abundance & possibility. They helped me heal my trauma to step into the woman I am today. I’m confident and proud of my body!

— I payed off over $43,000 in debt during a pandemic
— I work three fulfilling jobs in radiology for 3 of the biggest healthcare networks in Indianapolis.

— I’m also a private health coach & able to make my own schedule in tandem with my love of healthcare.

Click image for coaching inquiry. Excited to hear your story!

— I love where I live, never thought I’d be able to afford a “bougie” apartment.


— My health & relationship with my body is better than it’s ever been.
— I’m surrounded by uplifting, successful, positive people. Cut out the toxicity.

— I unapologetically love myself more than anything in this world & I’m ok being alone. Learn to be your own best friend.

Realize life is an ongoing journey, there is no finish line, there are only experiences. And we are here to live in Joy.

Back to that mental toughness thing…

Qualities you need to develop mental toughness:

1.) Emotional Intelligence. It’s really the cornerstone of mental toughness. You cannot be mentally tough without the ability to fully understand and tolerate strong negative emotions and do something productive with them.

2.) Confidence.

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right.” Henry Ford

Mentally tough people know that your mentality has a powerful effect on your ability to succeed. Your confidence inspires others and helps them to make things happen.

3.) Ability to Remove Toxicity. Dealing with difficult people, self sabotaging habits, toxic environments are frustrating and exhausting. Be able to remove these from your life. You can’t grow in constant darkness, you also need the light.

4.) Saying No. Mentally tough people know that saying NO is healthy and absolutely necessary. Trust your gut. You don’t always owe people apologies either.

5.) Fear is the Source of Regret. When its all said and done, mentally tough people know the chances they didn’t take will haunt them far more than the risks. The worst thing that can happen to you is allowing yourself to die inside while you’re still alive.

6.) Embrace Failure. Failure is the road success is paved on. It’s how you grow. Live and learn. Don’t dwell on mistakes.

7.) Choose Your Joy. When your life and satisfaction is derived from comparing yourself with others, you are no longer the master of your own happiness. You do you, boo.

8.) Movement & Health. People who place priority on health and exercise feel more socially, intellectually, emotionally, and physically competent. Discipline also fuels mental toughness. The majority of the most successful people in the world have an exercise regimen. That means SLEEP too.

9.) Relentlessly Positive. Control what you can control, let go of the rest. 92% of your worry is wasted worry.

I keep a copy of this sheet in my daily scheduler as a reminder when I feel the weight of stress

I hope this fueled the fxck out of your Sunday. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this for you and I can’t wait to chat with y’all via text, email, or social media!

My door is always open



More is not always better, sometimes it’s just More.

I’ve talked about this before…I am the first to admit I prefer extremes & love the high of a red line heart rate.


Thought this was appropriate to talk about with CrossFit open right around the corner.

These particular videos — this workout was basically like 15 minutes in the pain cave🤢 


I prefer to overtrain & over work. I prefer that ‘sittin in the dirt’ feel of a fat loss cut over a surplus. ⁣


I’m also one to admit I’ve learned a lot through these chapters of extremes & they’re not ones you want to chronically stay in. ⁣


Most of you I talk to & SEE in the gyms…you’re doing enough. Maybe we should try to do less đŸ¤ˇđŸźâ€â™€ď¸ We have seasons for a reason. Mother Nature doesn’t hustle & grind all year.⁣


If a little is good then MORE is better right?⁣⁣ That’s the mentality we adopt.


Some examples:

Drinking a couple socially vs gettin black out drunk & wakin up in a bush.


Being content with what you have vs always wanting the next best thing to keep up with neighbors.


Losing 10lbs vs starving yourself & beating the shxt out of your body 7 days a week.⁣⁣


Sometimes you may need to push yourself more, but let’s be realistic. If you have a good routine down, you work out 3 days a week, you eat well 90% of the time — you don’t need to work out 7 days to be worthy.


Ask yourself:

— Are you working out efficiently & putting in the work when you actually train? 

⁣⁣— Are you using positive self talk & affirmations?

— Are you eating appropriately for your goals?⁣⁣

⁣⁣— Are you eating low carb because instafamous Karen does? Are you trying to be a vegan because Yoga Bob down the road does yet you don’t feel well eating vegetables?

— Are you doing stupid workouts with inappropriate weights just because Crossfit beast Sarah lifts 300lbs & you think you should do?

Be real. Be you. Do you. Be Well. ⁣⁣

More is not always better. ⁣⁣

Better is  BETTER. ⁣⁣

What no one will tell you about sharing your body

“I fear sharing my life or my body journey will open a door of scrutiny. I also fear no one will care about what I have to say.”⁣

— DM I woke up to. ⁣


I believe this is a fear many of us have. And yes, I won’t sugarcoat it, it will open the door of scrutiny but it will also open up far more windows of opportunity, fulfillment, & impact. ⁣

I remember talking to my good friend @katiecrokus about this exact topic. If you don’t follow her, I highly suggest heading over to her page. She is simply magnificent & gifted with empathy & realness!


What do you want? 

To choke on the contentment of mediocrity or thrive on the potential of greatness?⁣


“Don’t adapt to the energy in the room, influence the energy in the room”⁣⁣


A quote I’ve seen 3 times this week✨


I often wonder what my life would be like if I learned the impact of those words in my childhood.⁣


I remember it clearly— the teasing, ridicule, feeling shame, feeling small, feeling insignificant.


One day a boy called me ‘lamb chop’ because he said my thighs & hair were too big. ⁣⁣


Those words I still remember, I still FEEL vividly as if it was yesterday.⁣ So when they say people remember how you made them feel — that’s the fuckin truth. Think before you speak/act. Choose to make people feel seen, loved, supported, significant. Not small. ⁣


Those words — a catalyst to decades of eating less, comparing more, exercising more, stifling my potential, & personality.


I am thankful for my struggles because they have become my strengths. I choose to put myself & my life out there to uplift & empower others to do the same. ⁣


If only at 8, or 16, or 22, or 30 I had chosen to adapt to the energy & words in that room, things would’ve been different. Yet because of that, I’m able to influence the energy of a room through my experiences.


Remember this: Your mess is your message. Your story or words could be the magic that transforms someone’s life. ⁣


Comment YES if you needed this reminder today♥️ 

The truth about your body changing

8 years ago I had never touched a barbell or back squatted in my life.

At 8 yrs old, my food & body issues began. 

It’s been 7 years since my first CrossFit competition which I entered only 3 months after my 1st foundations class.

I was scared & intimidated af at each stage.

Even as a CrossFit coach, I was still struggling with body image, digestive issues & had no idea how to properly nourish myself. Mentally, emotionally, and physically I may add. 

Hot. Mess. Express. 

I finally reached a point years later & knew it was time to quit trying to compete & eat a certain way & be something I simply was not.

No one equips you for the flood of emotions that come with changing the way you’ve lived for years & the body changes that come with it.

Doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete, a mom, have chronic illness, or disordered eating — we never look at food, exercise or our bodies the same ever again.

No one equips you with the knowledge that before, during that season, your body’s purpose was to be an athlete, or a dancer, or a mom & wife, or a nurse, or a fur mom & single girl just doin the best she can.

No one reassures you your body is supposed to change & your life & relationships & seasons are all going to change — & all those changes are totally OK.

We’re taught young that our worth & purpose are attached to live up to societies beauty standards.

I’ve gained weight, lost weight, gained muscle, lost muscle, been every shape & size & tried every diet always coveting the smaller, leaner version of myself. 

Always  jealous of the girls that could eat anything they wanted & live like a ‘normal person’ and not have to worry about bloating or constipation or diarrhea or nausea & vomiting just because she ate a salad or had pizza with friends or ate food too late.

With frustration, I started to hate what I saw in the mirror getting in the shower. I didn’t even want to take my clothes off half of the time. Seriously affected my sex life & honestly any kind of abundance I wanted to bring into my life. 

Its taken took 30 years of struggling with IBS, Crohns, disordered eating & just being freakin human to realize that I don’t need to be a double 0, an athlete, an ‘Influencer,’ or whatever label you choose to have purpose & worth. 

I found love in relationships, & food, & entrepreneurship, & exercise, & LIFE again.

That 8 year old little girl you see on the left didn’t know it then, but she is a mf Queen, an authority, & was meant to help others thru her challenges.

She was meant for greatness. 

So are you.

I’m here to help you.
Link here if you’re struggling like I did too.

Message me anytime on IG or Facebook. I know most of you follow me on the gram and I’m grateful to have such a wonderful fam like yall!



And a reminder that greatness has nothing to do with what you look like or what diet or exercise you choose. 

oxox Coach K

10 ways to improve body image

If there’s one thing I want you guys to focus on before starting this new week it’s cultivating a better relationship with yourself.⁣
Body image issues can stunt & affect any kind of progress or growth in every facet of your life.⁣
I can tell you after losing almost 50lbs over my 38 yrs on this earth, the weight loss doesn’t magically make you love yourself more or fix any problems.⁣
10 Ways To Improve Body Image Issues⁣
Source: Myself & The National Eating Disorder Awareness⁣
1️⃣ Stop comparing yourself to others. Love & appreciate your body for what it is & what it is becoming as you live a healthier life.⁣
2️⃣ Remember that beauty is not just about appearance.⁣
3️⃣ Question the media & things you consume. Especially social media. Most of what you see is photo shopped & the highlight reels.⁣
4️⃣ Dress in clothes that make you feel your best! Wear literally whatever the hell you want. You wear your clothes they don’t wear you.⁣
5️⃣ When you see yourself in a mirror or in your mind, choose not to focus on specific body parts. You are a beautiful sum of all your imperfections.⁣
6️⃣ LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. What do you NEED? A walk? Yoga? A bath?! Listening help so much!⁣
7️⃣ Use the time and energy you might have spent worrying about food, calories, and your weight to do something to help others. Sometimes helping out other people can help you feel better about yourself and can make a positive change in our world.⁣
8️⃣ Shut down those voices in your head that tell you your body is not “right” or that you are a “bad” person.⁣
9️⃣ “I am” affirmations! Say them, write them, believe them! ⁣
🔟 Don’t rely on others for confidence boosts! Your worth comes from within.⁣
Also, seek help. Therapy does wonders❤️⁣

Training lessons learned the hard way

Had someone tell me yesterday, “I want to look like you. How do you eat & train?”

I replied with, “You can’t look like me & I can’t look like you.”

This mornin before work, I had about 40min. So this is me, a shameless gym selfie, committing to me.

Some important things I’ve learned the hard way I want to pass along when it comes to training.

Listen, I’m not the expert, but I have been one to make all the wrong moves first.

I’ll lead off with hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard. You know the saying. I’m not just talking about this in the aesthetic sense, same thing goes to your healing protocols & taking time off too.

Here goes…

1️⃣Genetics play a big part & if you hate what you’re doing you won’t stick with it. Consistency & adherence get you results with nutrition & training.

We’re not genetically made to all look the same. Thru trial & error, you will find the aligned nutrition & training program that work for you. INVEST in coaches & trainers to guide you. Quit your diet & program ADD.

2️⃣Be intentional about your training. Just because you go to the gym doesn’t mean you’ll see results if you’re not really doing the work. Just like hiring a nutrition coach, you still have to do the work. Stop trying to out supplement shitty nutrition, over training, & putting more work into posing in the squat rack or being more concerned if your hair & makeup look on point in your IG video.

→ Follow your program.

→ Nutrition & recovery build your foundation. 

→Supplements aren’t really that important. The basics are. SLEEP.

→Prioritize HEALTH first. Eat food. Get your gut & hormones in check. 

3️⃣MOST important, manage your mindset. You can wish all you want but if you don’t commit to yourself, don’t believe you can achieve, & still tell yourself you fxck up all the time — you’re gonna fxck up all the time.

We all have cups we fill: self care, career, relationships, body goals, financial goals. Choose which cup to drink from & which one to refill. Your seasons will change & that’s ok. But commit fully to that season so you can truly reach your potential.

I wish you all the best!

Self love is the best love

A while back, someone slid into my DM‘s & commented I had no boobs, no butt, & my eyebrows were too thick… ⁣


💁🏼‍♀️Apparently they drank the Hater-aid.


Years ago I would’ve been crushed. Most likely starved myself for weeks later because it was something I could control. Or tried to find the next work out that would change my body. Maybe different hair color. A bandaid. A drug. A high. ⁣


It happens to us all the time. What you have to realize is when people lash out at you like this, that is a reflection of how they view themselves.  It really has nothing to do with you. ⁣


Love them anyways. Wish them healing. ⁣


I posted these beautiful words on my Instagram stories almost a year ago:


“Every day, she falls in love -⁣

She falls in love just a little bit more.⁣

She falls in love just a little bit more, with who she is, and with who she isn’t.⁣

She falls in love just a little bit more, with her flaws, her fears, and her insecurities.⁣

With her smile, her her laugh, her voice, and her body.⁣

With her passions, her goals, her dreams and her future.⁣

Every day, she falls in love -⁣

She falls in love just a little bit more, with exactly who God created her to be -⁣

This unique, intelligent, independent, kind, caring, funny, creative, talented woman with a beautiful mind, a loving heart, and an incredibly deep soul.” @allthings_possible ⁣


What we really have is a happiness & lack of self-awareness problem. 

It’s not just because you’re overweight or underweight or struggling financially, relationally, or however this relates in your life. 

=> you dig. Go deep. ⁣

=> you spend time alone. You ache from lonely⁣.

=> you acknowledge. You heal. ⁣

=> you empower. Yourself & others. ⁣

=> you look in the mirror & see God. ⁣


I am grateful for this little body & life of mine. It is strong, resilient, & every wrinkle, scar, cellulite, stretch mark — is the mark of life I lived. 

That’s real Queen shit. 

⁣Don’t drink the Hater-aid.

