“It’s always a beautiful day to save lives.”
Insert cheesy #greysanatomy quote here⬆️💙😷

But for real…I’ve received an influx of messages about emotional eating during this time of heightened emotions.
As one who suffered from disordered eating, body dysmorphia, bulimia, orthorexia…all the deep 💩 — I HEAR YOU❤️🙏🏻

They go hand-in-hand.
We use them for celebration, socializing, fitness, etc. They’re a necessity. We need food to LIVE. BUT if you feel like food is your go-to coping strategy, it may mean that you’re not actually meeting your needs — emotional &/or physical.

How to approach emotional eating:
❤️Like not having your period ladies, categorize emotional eating as a red flag 🚩 Something is off balance. Physically &/or emotionally your needs aren’t being met.
❤️Journal. Let’s get to the root issue. Ask yourself “What am I feeling ?” “What do I need?”
❤️Braindump. How can you meet your needs?
✅journal, read, walk outside, sauna, read, listen to a podcast, workout, talk to someone, what puts you in a better mood?
EAT ENOUGH FOOD in the first place, we binge most often because we’re restricting in some way, positive self talk.
❤️Know thy self. If you know you can’t control yourself from trigger foods, get them out of your home. Find an approach to redirect those thoughts from ones that are hurting you to one a that are helping you.
The point is to become a mf boss at identifying & meeting your needs before they own you.
Emotional eating, like any gut &/or hormonal dis-ease, is a complex topic that affects many differently.
Please seek help from a qualified individual🥰
Leave advice & your thoughts for others in comments🙏🏻👇🏻
Rose 🌹 are red, my scrubs are blue💙……& I ❤️you🤗
-Hugs xoxo Coach K