Simple saving, minimalism, & life hacks to living your “less is more” BEST life!

Today’s theme for self/life improvement/optimization: UPLEVEL & UPCYCLE

⭐️Uplevel: Having greater capabilities. To transform & grow in an area previously stagnant. To make progress or improve in a specific skill or area of one’s life.

⭐️Upcycle: form of recycling where instead of turning waste into new materials, you can take a product that you would otherwise throw away & give it a new use in life.

Being frugal & living as a minimalist aren’t about restriction &/or living a life less than…it’s about freedom & living MORE with LESS.


Photo dump of my morning loves & the simple things!

Spending is massively influenced by advertising & marketing. Don’t fall to consumerism. I did in my 20s & 30s, resulting in $50,000 of debt which I payed off 3 years ago👉an achievement I’ve most proud of to have overcome & continually evolve to improve.

Learning about health & money haven’t been easy or natural for me either. I simply do the best I can every single day to live my best life as my best self, physically, mentally, spiritually, & financially.

It’s not about perfection or feeling guilty every time your spend money, it’s about investing in what is important to you & detoxing the clutter. That’s it. You determine your rules.

I sat down & wrote out how I wanted to feel in life. Where was my resistance? Fear? Frustrations?  Most orbited around having too much clutter. Having too many unnecessary decisions. Saying yes, when I should say no.

Freedom, ease, & joy. Bingo 🎯

Enjoy all these tips, tricks, & #lifehacks I’ve learned about #lifeoptimization & #minimalism . Lots of brain vomit here, but I promise they’re worth their weight in gold + time reading.

I’ll continue to add to & improve these✨ 

One of my favorite go to books! Lifts your vibe & improves your perspective about money! I listen to it on Audible!

Blueprint on how I optimize a simple, more peaceful, successful, & abundant af life!⁣

Lessons learned the hard way. Anyone else belong to this club? 💁🏼‍♀️work smarter, creating more flow.

** These are recorded for me & from pages of my story book. They’re things I’ve learned. These are from my perspective & my experiences. I am in no way telling you exactly what’s gonna work for you, but these have worked for me. Enjoy. Take what you need, leave what you don’t **

➡️ @instacart & @amazon prime delivery. Saves time, money, stress, & energy. Allows you to get other sh*t done during your day without having to run errands.⁣ prevents impulse shopping. 

**I noticed if I shopped in store i bought tons of crap I didn’t need. I’m an emotional buyer. I reduce this as much as possible. All comes down to self awareness. I ask myself before I make a purchase if it will make me feel amazing in my soul & is NOT AN EGO OR NUMBING BUY. (Like making me feel “better” like a dopamine hit. These are short term & usually don’t last & make you happy long term.) if I don’t love & use something consistently I have to take it back, another reason I like Amazon, easy returns. If I buy something I also have to get rid of something. Reduced clutter & attachment to things. 

➡️ Workout 1st thing in the morning & get sunlight. Get up early & have an easily adaptable success routine nailed down. Works wherever you go. Walk after meals, set an alarm every 20-30 minutes to get up & walk around at work, take stairs, park further in parking lots, take the stairs, walk hallways. Easy changes to get more movement.

➡️Bought a cheap treadmill off Amazon & simple set of dumbbells (15, 10, 5, 3 lbs weights) I workout at home with to save on excess gym memberships & keep fitness at the forefront. You can google & YouTube free workout ideas. Luckily, the treadmill fits in the back of my car, as well as the dumbbells, and I take these with me on travel assignments, which eases my mind not finding a convenient gym.

➡️ Get easy tasks & must do‘s done 1st. Work 1st, play later.⁣ Creates energy of achievement & peace vs anxiety & procrastination.

➡️ I have multiple income streams (both active & passive) & do travel healthcare (I understand this isn’t for everyone or does everyone have the lifestyle to allow it). Transparently, I make 3x as much working less as a travel healthcare worker vs a staff healthcare worker. I also get insurance & benefits through my company. 

**I view ME as a business. I know I am my product. I have coaching & Xray as active income sources, meaning I trade my time for money. My passive income comes from e-books, courses, & partnering with other aligned people/businesses for the greater good. Social media is also viewed as a business. I use it wisely + with intention. 

**I do my research on travel Xray contracts that I take, I’m smart about cost of living, location, & expenses. I don’t take time off much, I don’t go out excessively & I save as much love-earned money as I can to invest where I please& pay off any debt that I have. This gives me peace of mind, freedom, happiness, and everything I’ve ever wanted. I also feel free and easy vsdown the road I go. It’s help me live simple and actually with Wess. It’s made me a more well rounded person as well as healthcare, professional, and has allowed me to travel while making really good money! 

➡️ I use clear storage bins & containers to help organize closets, shelves, cabinets, pantry’s & drawers when I plant roots somewhere longer term & aren’t traveling. Creates peace of mind & order.

➡️I purge & clean every week unnecessary items & any items attached to old energy no longer serving me.⁣ I take old clothes to stores like Plato’s Closet or Clothes Mentor. They give you money for old clothes to resale. Learn to live unattached to things. They weigh you down. This also means social media & media on your phone. I clean my car completely out once a month.

➡️ Organize shelves, cabinets, drawers, pantry’s, & closets by color. It creates a beautiful aesthetic look & you know exactly where to find things.⁣ this make me so happy 😀 which helps user more abundance into my life because I feel good. Manifesting what you desire is all about feeling. Feel good juju, get good juju.

➡️ Clean 1 area of my home every day. No dirty dishes in the sink. Declutter. Simplicity & detachment are bliss.

➡️ Get movement & steps in while your food cooks. Sometimes I do a mini workout with bodyweight or dumbbells while my meat Airfry‘s⁣ or meal is cooking.

➡️ If you’re 1 that travels often, have pre-packed bags with essentials ready to grab & go. I have an overnight bag with me at all times, I keep it in my car & closet.⁣ I also invested in an Anytime fitness membership because wherever I travel, I always have a gym for low cost. 

➡️ I lay clothes out for the next day, brush my teeth in the shower, set my coffee on auto brew. It speeds up the process. ⁣I bring my own coffee & maker when I travel. Saves money & energy. I also utilize hotels free breakfasts/coffee/& amenities to save money. Research hotel beforehand. Book this with the amenities you need like free breakfast & fitness center.

➡️ I delegate things I don’t like to do or hire it done.⁣ saves energy & frustration in the long run which again, make me happy & user more good energy & wealth into my life. 

**I have people drop me off when i don’t wanna drive or get an Uber or Lyft. I get to meet new people & have a more peaceful life not living in stress when I don’t wanna do something. I also feel good paying someone for their services & allowing them to have abundance in their life too. I call it gifting the universe. I find if I drive or do something I don’t wanna do, negative shiz like getting a ticket or having to pay for parking or car trouble is more likely to happen therefore costing me more in terms of money, time & energy.

➡️ Have ready to go or go to meals or snacks. I keep a freezer full of sale & budget buy meat (like steak or rib sales & ground meat. They’re cheaper). Go to snacks are deli meat, @applegate brand sausages, string cheese, & packets of tuna just in case I don’t have time to go to the store.⁣ I grab rotisserie chickens at the store & keep pork rinds in my car to carnivore on the go. Most hotels also have free breakfast with eggs/sausage/bacon. Also travel with an air fryer & grab my meats when I get to a destination.

**Cheapest low carb, carnivore foods I love: eggs, chicken drumsticks, stew meat, & fattier ground meats. Chicken/Turkey/pork is cheaper than beef/bison/lamb/seafood

➡️ I save & fill up my water bottles in natural springs or filtered water fountains at the gym. Reduces trash, helps with detox, & saves a TON on money on a budget.

➡️ I do my own nails. I order press on nails + glue from Amazon. I also do my own toenails. Have days I wear no make up & only wash my hair once a week. Saves time & money.

➡️ I don’t use much makeup. Again, simple is best & less is more. Reduces toxic products, your hormones and body will thank you. I use tallow lotion on my face & natural lotions, beauty products, deodorant, shampoo etc. as much as I can. Shop sales, places I have coupons or discounts for cleaning, beauty products & groceries. Love Aldi, amazon, TJ Maxx, thrift stores, goodwill, garage sales. Just do the best you can.

➡️ Pay your bills on time! I have credit cards that are cash back, I use these for purchases, shop sales, & then pay them directly off vs use my debit card. I also keep cash on hand, this will help reduce charging things. Set a loving  boundary to only buy what your cash will purchase.

➡️ Shop at second hand stores like thrift stores, goodwill, & the Salvation Army. Most of my favorite clothes have come from thrift stores! I also love to buy kids clothes & shoes, one benefit of being a petite person 😂 saves a ton of money! Some of my favorite budget buy stores are Walmart, Marshall’s, tj maxx, old navy, kohl’s, meijer, & shoe carnival.

➡️ I don’t go out excessively. A benefit of being an introvert, I save a ton of money not going out. I also don’t drink alcohol or fancy coffee drinks much. I go out like once every couple weeks & set a 1- no more than 2 drink limit.

➡️ If you get a large sum of money, like a promotion or inheritance, or a happy surprise, put that towards your debt or something you really really want/need like a vacation or hair extensions or whatever the hell you want here. 

➡️Set YOUR nonnegotiables & services/products you LOVE. Mine are my hair extensions & lash extensions. They help me feel incredible and save me money on make up, time, and energy. That is worth it to me. Don’t spend it all frivolously. Remember, love and respect your money. Give it a good/quality purpose.

➡️ Close any “leaky faucets” like services/subscriptions/memberships/products I don’t need or use. Motto: saving & investing are sexy. Travel & experiences are wealth, don’t be afraid to invest on self care & things that bring you expansion, joy, freedom, fulfillment, & help you vibrate at your highest. This helps me attract fulfillment in the ways I need. 

➡️ Be open to accept income from endless opportunities available. Create opportunities to welcome income for your unique abilities & gifts. Do shit you love & get paid for it. Mindset is everything. I Repeat, “Whatever I spend comes back to me x10!” And I treat $1 like 1 million. Money has ears, loves love, & loves purpose👉give it purpose. 

✨Remember, your energy allows you to attract what you want, but your aligned action allows you to claim what you want. You still have to act. Simply wishing & creating a vision board won’t magically make it happen. 

✨Outer order, inner calm. An organized clean environment welcomes & attracts more abundance. ⁣Think less & simple, not more & complicated.

✨The most successful people are organized, honest, frugal, invest wisely, service driven, prioritize health & education, & communicate effectively.⁣ Above all they KNOW THEMSELVES & are KIND TO EVERYONE no matter who they are. They know people remember how you made them feel. And how you make them feel ultimately determines how you’re remembered & treated. Remember that thing called the Golden Rule? It’s like the Universal Laws & Karma. They aren’t bullsh*t. 

✨I vow to spend my time working on improving my health, environment, attracting wealth, educating myself & others, & embracing different ways to utilize my gifts to better other peoples lives. I live by a personal creed & set of values I’ve written down. You should do this too.

Now go get sh*t done ✅ ⁣

Oxox ⁣

Coach K

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Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development.

You can find her personal weight loss & healing story here.

She’s been involved in travel nursing & radiography for 20 years! She’s a writer, connection maker, nutritionist, branding consultant & entrepreneur who loves helping others & squeezing every drop out of life!

Katie grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves.

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation with weight loss & Crohn’s disease.

She competed as a competitive CrossFit athlete in her early 30’s. After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, & hormonal imbalances, she is passionate about helping others find self-love, achieve their health & business goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit :

Do this right now to start living your best life

live your best life list katie kelly indiana lilbitoffit

@lil_bit_of_fit ‘s Live Your Best Life List
If you’re ready to begin again, start here!

Sharing my list!

Name off at least 3 things you’re grateful & do at least one thing that brings you joy. Smile more. Compliment more. Do at least one nice thing for someone every day. Make a vision board or list on Pinterest & fill it with visions, quotes, pictures, & expanders of the life, love, body, & person you desire to embody. Believe you are worthy & deserving. Listen to positive podcasts, read books, surround yourself with extraordinary people & nurturing environment.

Get a walk or some kind of movement done 1st thing in the morning. Be intentional about getting 10K steps/d. Choose nourishing food that does not cause any negative physical or mental triggers. Eat slow & mindfully. Hit your protein grams/d. At least 30-50g/meal. Average 2-3 meals/d, no snacking. Let your carbs & fat grams fall where they will. Eat at your maintenance calories the majority of the year. Hydrate. Walk after meals, even 10 minutes. Eat your largest meal & carbs (if you eat them) after your workout & taper meal sizes off later in the day. Moderate caffeine & alcohol. Strength train 3-4 x/week. Use HIIT cardio wisely.

Do sh*t you love everyday, fill your cup. Sleep 7-8 hrs/night. Take rest days. Sweat, get sunshine & nature as much as you can. Live by the 4 agreements: Be Impeccable With Your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, Don’t Make Assumptions, Always Do Your Best.

LOVE what you do. Spend & invest wisely. Find out what you love to do & get paid well for it. Realize you work to live not live to work. Money is good, it’s energy & freedom. Give back. Wealth means more than just money in the bank. Make decisions from a source of love not greed or loathing. You deserve a life of abundance!

Connect with your people. Make memories! Tell people you love them. Communicate efficiently & often. Seek first to understand before judging. Your network is your net worth. Every opportunity is a networking opportunity, carpe diem, savor the present.

  • live your best life list katie kelly indiana lilbitoffit

That’s it. There’s mine. Make your own! Remember motivation is fleeting, but you have the choice to be a person who keeps commitments to themselves!

Now that know better…

Do better


Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

3 Stories That Will Change Your Life

lilbitoffit katie kelly success habits morning daily routine girl

Good morning & happy @spotify new music Friday, Loves. Couple of my favorite things about Fridays👉new music 🎶 & 💁🏼‍♀️ payday 💰🤑🙃💚)

I call them #brightspotsFriday

lilbitoffit katie kelly coffee morning success habits
Peep that new Morgan Wallen shirt 🙂

Gratitude, HUGE part of my success routine.

Just like getting up early ☀️⏰
Just like writing for myself & y’all ✍🏼👩🏼‍💻
Just like expanding my mind, via podcasts, books, YouTube 🧠
Just like doin chores 🐈‍⬛🧹👚🧼
Just like eating well, all the meats🥩
Just like getting workouts in🏋🏼‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️
Just like spending time with friends & family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Just like taking time for ME 💝

Still woke up at 6 AM despite getting home at 1 from the @MorganWallen concert #earlybirdproblems

I take pictures, snap stories, & write to connect emotions & memories of my everyday’s — to remember, reflect, learn, & connect.

My IG is my digital journal.

Stories are important. They create your identity.

I’ve read ‘Atomic Habits’ twice, a section talks about stories.

What stories are you telling yourself? ⁣
Who do you want to embody? ⁣
What systems do you have in place to help you achieve goals?⁣

3 areas of life affected by the stories we tell ourselves ⏬

⁣- Money stories⁣
⁃ Relationship stories
⁃ Food & Body stories

I fxcked up over the years, too.🤷‍♀️ Like my IG bio says, “𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙚𝙧 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦 𝘣*𝘵𝘤𝘩” 😆

In some form I told myself I wasn’t worthy in all 3 of these areas, setting blocks instead of boundaries — there’s a difference.

Example, with Relationships: if I was asked to do something & really liked a person, I’d lose myself & completely change my plans to suit them.
Or shxt like settling for a booty call🫣

I know, I know…shxt happens, y’all. Dust yourself off.

Learn your lesson.

(Steps off soapbox 📦😂)

This was me not valuing my worth.
A block.

Now, instead of denying myself of my plans/needs I simply say, “Let me get my workout in (insert whatever task or commitment I had) & I will connect with you & confirm plans because I would like to spend time with you.”⁣

This is setting a boundary not a block.

Example, Food & Body: instead of saying, “I’m not a morning person, I don’t have time to meal prep.” Set a system & a worth affirmation. “I don’t like to get up early but I will commit to 3 mornings this week & meal prep lunches because I want to be healthy.”

Now repeat & build from here. ⁣

These are all pivotal changes we work on via coaching. They will get you to your goals, I promise.

✍🏼 📖 Journal exercise for the day: write down the identity you want to embody around money, relationships, food & body. ⁣

💰MONEY: I am safe, able, successful, abundant, & provided for. ⁣

🥰RELATIONSHIP: I am special, loved, seen, heard, safe, understood, & chosen. I allow mental real estate for the people in my life giving me the same respect.

🥩FOOD & BODY: I am healthy, safe, strong, & beautiful in every season.

Inner calm, outer order😉⁣

Coach K

lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

The stories you tell yourself can create blocks or boundaries. How to create healthy boundaries for extraordinary stories!

What if instead of trying to fix your entire story, just focus on writing one extraordinary story at a time. Then commit to planting those extraordinary seeds every day and watch your story grow.⁣

I write everyday.⁣

Stories are important. For they create your identity. The book, Atomic Habits talks about stories.⁣

What stories are you telling yourself? ⁣
What identity do you want to embody? ⁣
What systems do you have in place to help you achieve your goals?⁣

I feel there are 3 big areas of emotion affected by the stories we tell ourselves.⁣

Money stories. ⁣
Relationship stories. ⁣
Health (Food & Body) stories.⁣

What I did wrong: all 3 of these in some way I discounted my worth & desires.

I set blocks instead of boundaries — there’s a difference. ⁣

For example, relationships: If I was asked out & I really liked a guy, I’d lose myself & completely change my plans to do what they wanted to do. This was me not valuing my needs. A block. ⁣

Now, instead of completely denying myself of my plans/needs I would simply say, “Let me get my workout in (or insert whatever plan I had for myself). I will connect & confirm plans later because I would like to spend time with you.”⁣

This is me setting a boundary not a block. This application can be used across the board.⁣

Example, Health: instead of saying, “I’m not a morning person, I don’t have time to meal prep.” Set a system & a boundary. “I don’t like to get up early but I will commit to 3 mornings this week & meal prep lunches because I want to be healthy.” ⁣

Choose extraordinary actions because you deserve to write extraordinary stories.⁣

Write the identity you want to embody around money, relationships, & health.⁣

MONEY: I am safe, able, deserving, successful & abundant.⁣
RELATIONSHIP: I am loved, seen, heard, safe, & significant. My relationships feel like freedom & home. I want my future partner to feel the same in the way they need.⁣
HEALTH: I am healthy, energetic, thriving, strong, intelligent, & beautiful in every season.⁣

Inner calm, outer order😉⁣

Share yours!⁣