How to create the life and body of your dreams by choosing your own adventure

Yesterday I pulled over at Hardee’s & ordered 3 chicken boobies, grilled, plain. (I had to refrain from sayin “chicken boobies”😂)

Back to work today after a fun few days in Nashville!

The dude looked at me like I had 4 eyes. He was like, “Oh you want the chicken club sandwich?” 

I’m like 🙄, “No b*tch, I want exactly what I ordered.” My carnivores, I know you feel my pain when ordering out.


video here

My past self would’ve simply settled for the sandwiches when it wasn’t exactly what I wanted because I would’ve been afraid to order something different.

Do you know we all just supposed to be here Vibin, enjoying ourselves?! That’s it. 

Why do we over complicate things?

-Because we fear judgment & not being accepted.

Manifesting the life & body you want is not about changing your current reality, it’s about shifting into the reality you desire.

Speak up for yourself.

You still have to do the work with food, exercise, money, & relationships.

The biggest steps are self-awareness & learning not to give a 💩about what other people think.

For example: my diet is 99% meat & egg-based. How dare I post me enjoying alcohol or coffee because that makes me different. It opens myself up to criticism.

I’m not sorry they bring joy to my life in moderation & I don’t give 2 fux what anyone else thinks. And neither should you.

It would’ve saved me much heartache in relationships. Because I was too afraid to ask for what I needed in fear they wouldn’t love me.

It would’ve saved tons of debt because I wasn’t buying sh*t I didn’t need just to impress other people or numb my unhappiness.

It would’ve saved years in agony trying to eat fruits, fiber, vegetables & foods that absolutely tore my insides up, exacerbating my Crohn’s.

You don’t have to be perfect or fit a mold to be worthy, to matter, or for your voice/story to impact others.

Do you boo. 

Happy hump day🥩 

Eat meat, lift weights, be happy😃 

Oxox Coach K