Life Is Too Short For Bad Sex, Bad Food, And Watered-Down Cocktails

The one about life is too short for… bad sex, bad food, watered down cocktails & the one that “gets around.”

I experience life as “moments of loving & learning.” And myyy have I had some exquisite moments of loving🥰😉

I had a woman message me yesterday stating she wanted to embrace her sexuality, but was afraid of exploring & being judged as the woman who “gets around” vs “perfect.”

She recently transformed her body, lost weight, feelin good about herself, & finally in a position to date. I can empathize. I too have lost 60 lbs in my lifetime.

weight loss before and after carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly

Lemme tell ya…real women aren’t perfect. And perfect women aren’t real. We all out here with stretch marks, cellulite, hair in weird places, & skeletons in our closets.

It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks it only matters what you think. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Take the one that “gets around.” Here’s my 42 year old perspective. My observation & experience is the only thing that matters on my opinion of a person. People view people & life thru their own lenses of experience & trauma.

If someone tells me, “Oh he gets around, you don’t want that,” my 22 yo self would immediately dismiss that person with a negative label.

At 42, I’m now like “Thank God! I ain’t got time to f*ckin teach!” 🤣 For real. I want someone with experience. You add more to the table of life with more experience. With anything in life — not just sex.

You learn confidence. Likes/dislikes. How to be better & work with what you have. You put the puzzle pieces together to create your masterpiece.

It’s like getting really excited about a guy then having sex & finding out he has a really small penis. But he’s the guy with a really small penis that isn’t good at anything else so the whole experience is f*cking sh*t & you’re like, “Yep, never hittin that again.”😹

Whatever. Y’all are laughing, nodding, &/or ready to unfollow me right now. 🤭 It’s OK.

Live life for YOU. Not the opinions of others.

Ain’t nobody got time for bad sex, bad food, & watered-down cocktails.

Oxox Coach K

Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, & travel registered radiologic technologist. A sweary Indiana farmer’s daughter who likes to describe herself as a storyteller, experience collector, & athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs, in Crohn’s remission, & financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: 𖡡 Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.

On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!

Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️

You can find free resources, guides, coaching, & all the links you’ll love here🔗

Have you ever met a woman who takes her time?

A women who takes her time lilbitoffit katie kelly fishers indiana haybale sunrise

Had a DM today from a frustrated woman who stated she felt she was always “Behind with everything.” Relationships, love, her body, financial situation, for examples.

I’ve felt this way more times in my life than I’d like to admit. How bout y’all?

A women who takes her time lilbitoffit katie kelly fishers indiana

I’m 40, childless, divorced (twice), & for humor’s sake, my cat, Pete, is the longest successful relationship with a male I’ve had. LOL!

My life is incredibly rich in love, laughter, joy, & wealth, however. It’s about gratitude & perspective. My wealth is found in experiences, honoring myself, & being a human that makes somebody feel like somebody.

She cried, “I should be further along.”

Seriously, what does that even mean anymore? Like wth is even “normal” anymore?

And who cares?!

I replied, Honey, take your time. I paused, smiled, & sent her these beautiful words from a post that changed my life years ago.

I hope they resonate with you in the beautiful way that you need, too.

Have You Ever Met A Woman Who Takes Her Time?⁣

A woman who takes her time moves slow. She knows what she is worth. She values herself enough that she doesn’t need to hook you quickly with her shiny carnal lures.⁣

⁣She takes the time to see you.  She waits patiently as you take off your armor. She knows the sadness hidden beneath your smile. She knows the hurt you hold inside. She isn’t in a hurry to pull it out of you. She knows that her purpose is not to heal you, but to teach you how to heal yourself.⁣

⁣A woman who takes her time does not believe in Love at first sight. Not the Love she is interested in. Because she remembers how long it took to love herself. She knows that is how her Love will grow with you. Slowly. Gradually. With forgiveness. Patience. Compassion for all your greed, all your lusts, all your competitiveness.  Even your possessiveness.⁣

⁣But a woman who takes her time will not let you keep her as your pet. She has taken the time to know who she is in truth. She knows she cannot be owned. She is a wild wolf. Made of shark teeth, hummingbird feathers, and the first drop of dew on the morning rose.⁣

⁣If you have the courage to be with a woman who takes her time, there is nothing that you can keep hidden. No secrets will be kept safe. You will be naked, vulnerable, exposed. You will see yourself for who you truly are. All your shadow, all your glory. You will be forced to see Her for who she truly is. When there is nothing left to hide, then and only then will you be able to decide…If you are meant to slow dance with the woman who takes her time.⁣ @aubreymarcus ❤️

#SundayChurch #selfloveisthebestlove

Oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Singleness and creating a life of your own first

There hasn’t been a day of my life where I haven’t needed to read a quote, poem, affirmation, or beautiful words from a talented creator to express how I feel, give me a hug, punch me in the gut, break my heart, or put it back together.

Ya know what I mean?

Swipe for a couple of my favorites today, & this is one of my favorite pics taken of me. 

I told a friend goin thru a break up I understood that hopeless pit feeling. I said, “I hope you find love, but most importantly, I hope you love yourself more to be strong enough to walk away from what love isn’t & find peace in the realization that you are already love everyday.” 

— I needed to take my own advice.

In my 20s/early 30s I made plenty of bad decisions after my 1st divorce at 27.⁣

Plenty of fast & furious acquaintances, some more longer-term, they all aided in growth (some more enjoyable than others 😂)⁣

Hxll, let’s be honest, some I don’t even remember. It’s like that person you put in your phone as “Joe Bumble” or “Dude from Texas” 😆📲⁣

I talked about this in therapy. My therapist said it’s because when I was younger I didn’t believe I was worthy of love I desired.

⁣Which is why I picked men that were not on my level, & to be frank, EASY for me. 🤦🏼‍♀️fxck me.

She said now I’m “selective & guarded”because I’m actually afraid I might find someone & be forced to choose between my happiness & freedom of autonomy & that person.

I’m afraid to make the same mistakes like being a people pleaser & losing myself. Losing the beautiful life I’ve created.

One of the major reasons I struggled with singleness when I was young was because I didn’t have a life that I truly enjoyed. Sure, I had stuff that I did because I had to (school, work, farm chores) & a few friends to hang out with, but there was so much down time where I was alone with my thoughts.

And in that down time, I wasn’t nurturing myself. I was still searching for someone to build a home in.

Unfortunately, with women, there is so much emphasis put on being “picked” that most of us focus the majority of our energy on that, controlling our bodies, & not enough on creating a bomb a$$ life for ourselves.

Ladies, stop being the hopeless romantic woman who tends to do the bare minimum when it comes to life because y’all are waitin for your prince charming to come sweep you off your feet. 

Build your own life 1st, THEN find someone just as BombDiggity as you to build a life with. And that may be for a season, it may be for a lifetime. Define your relationships however you want.

I encourage all the single women & men reading this to begin to create a life that YOU live (while in your singleness). The right man or woman who comes along will just ADD to the enjoyment…but they won’t be the creator of it.


Coach K

Photo: @matteuccij13 @lensandlightphoto Can’t wait to do another one of these! 

The One Thing You Need to Do To Attract Successful Relationships

I said, “Get a life.”⁣

Had the pleasure of snuggling up with a green beverage & answering questions with a digital friend yesterday on St. Patrick’s day.⁣

She said, “I just need to pick your brain about some relationship things I’m going through. I respect & appreciate your positive energy sprinkled with such blunt honesty.” ⁣

I laughed 😄 ⁣
Best compliment I had all day.⁣

My dad used to say I was a lot like a caged raccoon. They’re attracted to shiny things & look all cute & harmless, but as soon as you stick your fingers in the cage they bite’em off. ⁣

Thanks Dad. ⁣
If you don’t come from the Midwest or the South you may not understand that metaphor. Lol 😂 ⁣

I swear I don’t bite 😉⁣


She asked, “What’s the 1 piece of advice you would give to someone with codependency in every relationship they seem to have? Because that’s me. I feel I change for every relationship and rely on other people for my sense of happiness which in turn results in failed friendships & romantic relationships.”⁣

I don’t know about y’all but I felt this woman’s question in my soul. That used to be me.⁣

I wasn’t happy or felt any self worth unless I had a partner. I would let their energy affect my energy. I would change my interests, wants, & needs to suit their‘s. I would make their life, my life — to the point I felt my purpose was to simply serve them. ⁣

If you don’t know what codependency means:⁣


  1. excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically one who requires support on account of an illness or addiction.⁣

    Apparently being in a relationship was an illness and an addiction. My Achilles’ heel per se.⁣

    So I told her, “Get. A. Life.”⁣

    You know why we struggle with relationships in today’s society? Because we don’t cultivate a self aware one with ourselves first. ⁣

    Because we don’t connect our souls with one another anymore, we like to connect our social media accounts & swipe right. ⁣

    We communicate with ambiguity. Vapid small talk just to fill silence. We ourselves don’t get clarity on what we really want. ⁣

    It seems when we do fall in love, it’s only after considering if we’re settling or not, whether a person can give us the life we want & fulfill unrealistic desires. ⁣

    We’re blinded by filters. We forget to date one another. We let passion & playfulness & adventure die. We don’t ask what the other needs to be seen, heard, loved, & supported. ⁣

    We look for someone perfect to complete us while we already have the best possible one within us. ⁣

    I’m just gonna say this, ‘singlehood’ has been vilified for way too long. I believe it’s actually the 1 thing people need to experience fully in order to cultivate more successful , meaningful relationships. ⁣

    If you don’t build a home in yourself first & don’t even know who you are as your authentic self, how do you expect to get to know someone else on a deeper level & accept them as they are?⁣

    It truly goes back to self love & self worth. You are seeking these things from other people. ⁣

    High seekers do the same thing. Everything‘s great when it’s new & fun but as soon as the ‘real life’ mundane button is pushed, you become avoidant & seek new highs.⁣

    Yup, calling myself out there too. Queen of the avoidants. Thanks to my therapist for pointing that out.⁣

    Through therapy I learned how being made fun of as a kid affected my relationships & love life. I built walls so high around myself & guarded them with weapons of avoidant attachment, sarcasm & ambiguity. ⁣

    My therapist told me I am REALLY GOOD at acting like I don’t give a fxck. So much so I somehow taught myself how to shut my emotion off & that’s why I was able to cut people out of my life with no remorse.⁣

    Oooof. Fxck me, right?! 😆⁣
    Sound familiar? ⁣
    Anyone else an avoidant like me? 🤚 ⁣

    Guys that liked me who were attractive, smart, & successful intimidated me whether I liked them or not because I felt I was still that fat girl & not successful enough to be worthy of a relationship with them. My therapist said I placed them in this box of the popular boys at school that used to make fun of me, which wasn’t fair to them or myself. ⁣

    So I’d ‘settle’ for less than men, frankly, as she put it, “Not on on the same level as me.” I did this because subconsciously I knew I was smarter, more successful, and more in control.⁣

    Same with successful women, too. I felt I wasn’t good enough to “sit at the cool kids table.”⁣

    Oooof. Another fxck me.😫⁣

    These are the things you need to hear. I understand it’s not what you want to hear. They’re dirty, & heavy, & gross.⁣

    Find yourself. Date yourself. You have to be whole first. No one completes you or owns your relationship. A relationship is shared, it’s like a Google Drive. ⁣

    What happens is you get into a relationship & lose your life slowly. That relationship then becomes your life, your world.⁣

    Then when something goes wrong in that relationship, or there is conflict, your world comes crashing down because you’ve made that relationship your world.⁣

    We share our life with our partner we don’t give our life to our partner & vice versa. It doesn’t mean to love LESS it means to love SO MUCH your wholeness, & your partners wholeness mean more individually so you can both be POWERFUL AF together.⁣

    Find someone carrying their own bag. ⁣
    Find someone that is willing to sit on the floor beside you. Y’all can pack & unpack your bags together. ❤️⁣

    I’ll be right there with you, with a cocktail or coffee, your choice 😉 ⁣

    Oxox Coach K⁣