The holy grail of all the fat loss knowledge bombs this girl has in her head for all you carnivores out there!

I’ll create more guides for performance/muscle gain, hormone healing, & anything else I can think of later. Stay tuned!
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I’ve made plenty of mistakes throughout my journey, this is what I have learned & has worked for me but always remember we are all bioindividually different so experiment & play around – there is no one-size-fits-all in anything in life!
Remember we should be livin at our maintenance calories the majority of the time. We should not be dieting more than 1-2 x/year no longer than 12-16 weeks.
Also, I’m all about cashing in fun tickets & having social cocktails in moderation, but if you are serious about body fat loss goals AND being kind to your hormones, alcohol HAS to be minimized. It elevates estrogen levels, lowers testosterone, slows your metabolism, trashes your recovery, dehydrates you, & gunks up the livers detox pathways.
The body also does not metabolize food well in the presence of alcohol. Alcohol is a toxin & the body’s primary responsibility is getting rid of the toxin, so it metabolizes alcohol first. That means all that extra food (energy) is more apt to be stored as body fat.
So think about that when you’re smashing excess nachos, pizza, burgers, whatever — I don’t care if it’s Carnivore or not. Calories matter when it comes to body fat loss.
I typically choose to either eat or drink I do not do both together, limit to 2-3 basic af drinks. I order a diet Coke & 1 shot of vodka. I moderate the liquor that goes into my drinks & mix it myself. Eat an hour or two before I go out.
Feel free to leave advice for your fellow dieter & I’d be glad to answer questions on the gram!