Are you really living & being your own muse

You’re alive right now or you wouldn’t be reading this😊 BUT…what proof do you have that you’re really living? Don’t overthink the question. 

“Often a very old man has no other proof of his long life than his age.” Seneca. 

Meaning👉they’ve chronologically aged, but spent little “living.”

Channeled Messages (embrace what resonates for you) Sing your own song🐦🎶🗣️ You are the magician. Do things different to get different✅🎨 Fuck it, try it🤷‍♀️🤭😂🙃 There are no rules❌😉 Be your own muse👑💄👩‍🎤🧑‍🎤👨‍🎤Be where you are accepted & celebrated in all your “freak flag” glory🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🏁⛳️🫶🌈🦄

💎🤑💍👑👢🤠👠Denim & diamonds, baby. That’s me. Take it or leave it. Carrie Underwood, you my sis.

I remember social media being joyous back in the day. We could connect with friends & family as we chronologically posted content important to us. We could post whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted, as often as we wanted.

Somehow it’s evolved to this pressure that whatever you share has to be “good enough” & professionally well polished. It’s normal nowadays to spend hours creating something people scroll by.

Maybe self-inflicted🤷‍♀️ Had this thought, figured I wasn’t the only one. I quit concerning myself with us, and simply share what’s on my heart and my mind because I know I’m not alone out here in my feelings/struggles/joys/emotions.

Maybe Cosmic chaos. Don’t fear🚫 Chaos leads to order as you navigate thru it…smooth like butter. I believe in you👏🏼🏆 (& in me)

However you feel about yourself👉that’s how people see you. You truly have to #betheenergyyouwishtoattract 

This is why focusing on health brings you everything you desire as far as body (& LIFE) change. 

How you feel about yourself reflects your reality outside. Everything else in your life will start happening beautifully FOR you when you start feeling better about yourself. I remind myself inner peace out or peas, enter chaos, outer chaos. 

This concept is exactly why I coach clients holistically because it’s all connected body mind & spirit. You’re free to believe, eat, live, live however you want. I honor you no matter what, & from the bottom of my heart I hope y’all find your solutions.

You’re all too wonderful & beautiful to waste this precious life not loving yourself & living your life to its fullest.

Highly recommend, listening, or picking up the book, Infinite Possibilities by Mike Dooley. I refer to this audible book often. He puts me in a high vibe, makes things easy to understand, & transforms you into a hopeful, joyous, enthusiastic, empowered state.

Script your Dream Reality! 

Pinterest board. Vision board. Journal. Scrapbook. Whatever you want. Add images, quotes, pictures of happy smiling faces, healthy bodies, whatever you wish to feel & embody to be your highest self. 

I start new ones whenever I feel like I’ve turned a chapter or a season. I give thanks for my previous board & invite whatever is meant for me in my highest alignment & love for my next one. 

Then I smile & let my thoughts, my feelings, my desires, flow like water & wash over me. I feel into my abundance, my health, & the happiest, most joyous, wealthy version of myself. My most fulfilled self. Those are the images I fill my boards with.

All you have to do is focus on what you want & allow the universe to work out the how, the who, the where, the when, & what form.

Remember, YOU ARE ALIVE right now or you wouldn’t be reading this😊 BUT…what proof do you have that you’re really living THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS?

Oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit


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Carnivore-ish: Why I Choose Animal-Based Nutrition

I’ve tried every diet in the book…

I’ve talked about it openly through the years via my Instagram.

For yrs my reason for diving into these fad diets were focused around self loathing, lack of education & wanting to shrink my life away.

I’m grateful, however, bc I learned how my body responded to different foods, different quantities, my energy level during training, my crohn’s & digestion, recovery, & realistic sustainability.

I don’t believe in any perfect way of eating — only the perfect way of eating for you. So I don’t bash anyone who hates meat or prefers a certain way of living. 

💁🏼‍♀️Golden rule: basically don’t be a dick.

I simply want to educate you on my journey & why I utilize specific methods.

Currently I’m going through a reset diet. I found with my high carb approach I was feeling inflamed, blood sugar consistently high, digestion off, hungry more often than I should’ve, energy was all over the place, & I was having to eat an asinine amt of food to feel full to keep from wanting to binge during my cut.

Obv life has been pretty crazy for everyone recently so stress levels high. I felt I needed to hit the redo button.

Why I choose a diet based on animal foods👇⁠

✅Majority of my calories are from the most nutrient-dense bioavailable foods⁠

✅I LOVE & thrive off meat with no digestion issues #farmersdaughter yo 🐮❤️ BM’s have been normal! Maybe TMI but for those of us who struggle with gut stuff — shit matters — literally 💩 😂

✅Minimal fiber, meaning everything is easy to digest⁠. I’ve talked before about my special needs — I don’t digest vegetables very well at all. Gritty, tough textures like skins, nuts & seeds, gluten, dairy, high FODMAP foods are a no no FOR ME.

✅Low to no sugar, or highly palatable processed carb based foods. I found these are my biggest triggers when it comes to binging or basically eating like an asshole.  

Cereals, cakes/donuts/cookies/chips. I told you I’m an all or nothing person — I’m not a moderator. I can’t have any of that stuff in my house bc I know if I have it here, I have a higher probability to binge. KNOW THY SELF!

✅Natural fats & plenty of protein. I’m fuller longer, I don’t have energy crashes, I can eat 1 to 2 large meals & be happy all day & not have to worry about having a bunch of meal preps. 

I work in healthcare — I don’t have a lot of time to fuggn worry about 100 perfectly measured out meal preps. I like to live life simple, this takes the guessing out. It was driving me nuts. 

✅My body is more recovered, less inflamed. I do have to take it easy with higher intensity work like CrossFit. Yes, I love it but trying to do a 30 minute metcon on no carbs — let’s be real people, you’re gonna have to change your training. 

Don’t be a dumbass & try to do Orange Theory & CrossFit on zero carbs thinking you’re going to perform like a games athlete. It’s not gonna happen. These are highly glycolytic sports & the most efficient fuel for these will be carbs. They’re not your enemy. 

I modify my #carnivorish diet to my preferences. There is room for leniency, you are in charge of what you put in your mouth. If there is a food not animal based, that doesn’t trigger symptoms for you, don’t feel pressured to avoid it.⁠

Some I include in my diet are:⁠

💟 nut butters (pb @sunbutter & coconut)

💟 eggs & egg whites & spray butter (vice)

💟 @strongcoffeecompany & coffee

💟 water flavoring (dudes I hate water, whatevs, pick your poison)

💟 @zevia & occasional alcohol

💟 Plant based protein powder 

⁠💟Jasmine Rice or Rice Chex around training

I loosely track & eat till I’m satisfied. I still eat mainly animal foods, but this is what works for me. I don’t beat myself up if I want nachos. I make them fit. They’re still my #bae