Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
Be who you wish you had grown up seeing in the mirror, the one you’ll proudly & affectionately look back on being, & the one savoring the process becoming them
It’s 5:55am this is likely & algorithmically the worst time to post
Alas, sometimes we just need to create when we have the mental real estate to do so.
We get so stuck in what’s next we don’t take enough pause to see how far we’ve come.
I cringed at my first stretch mark & belly roll. I bought the lotions & creams, I cursed the genetics that gave them to me. I hated food – it was the enemy. The thing that made me fat & “undesirable.”
That’s where we started.
Now? I feel nothing except gratitude for “flaws.” They did everything they were supposed to.
I was the girl who wore a T-shirt over her bathing suit for years both because I was ashamed of my body & overweight, & I was always in pain, bloated, struggling with gut issues — which made me a miserable person because that’s how I chose to react.
I empathize with anyone struggling with a dis-ease that makes them feel like a prisoner in their own body, that makes them feel lost & weird & less than & hopeless.
I have scars from surgery on my abdomen. I have a scar from a navel ring, which I got when I turned 18 because my parents told me I couldn’t
I have creases & cellulite & stretch marks on my tummy & thighs because my body is miraculous & adaptable.
I have belly rolls when I sit down just like you. I have tons of sunspots & freckles & wrinkles from days making memories in the sun.
I’ve survived cervical cancer, infertility, renal stones, eating disorders, obesity, chronic pain from #crohnsdisease , scoliosis & old injuries, broken bones, depression, childhood & relationship trauma, debt in so many more ways than money…
…it’s called life. And we have the power to control how we respond to things
Take your power back.
Oxox Coach K
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
She told me, “Once I lose the weight I know I’ll find the right guy & the right job because I’ll be happier & more confident.”
I felt her emotion in my soul, that was me at one time, too.
I thought as long as I shrunk myself to the smallest version possible I would, then & only then, finally be happy in the depths of my disordered eating & abusive relationship with myself.
Somehow I convinced myself by controlling my body, I held the power.
Guess what?
Life kicked me in the face repeatedly.
However, despite the painful experiences of sickness, mental/physical heaviness of being obese, pain of living with Crohn’s, failed relationships, men cheating on me, ME cheating on myself – I gained awareness of my strengths & weaknesses.
I learned about communication, humility, compassion, empathy, self love, pride, proper nourishment, fitness, mindset, purpose, & the true meaning of wealth & happines.
I had one job I hated so much I wanted to cry every morning. I resigned after 2 months because I was stressed & miserable. I felt like the biggest failure & fell into a depression.
I didn’t know my purpose or what the f*ck I was supposed to be doing with my life. I didn’t know how to become the best version of myself.
I dove head first into researching & learning from resources & mentors such as The Secret, Abraham Hicks, Lacy Phillips @tobemagnetic , Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Napoleon Hill, Dr. Joe Dispenza.
I learned about how I was wired, to embrace & accept myself thru researching my enneagram, astrology signs, human design, & Myers Briggs.
I learned that the statement, “I’ll be happier when”…
– was total bullsh*t.
You’ll find the right guy/girl, the right job, the body, the health, insert whatever you desire here __________ — when you learn you attract & manifest everything you want by choosing to be happy & confident right now, despite the circumstances.
Some of life experiences you might relate to…
I know people who some would be categorized as “larger, less attractive, &/or less successful” by society’s standards than other “slimmer, more attractive, &/or more successful” & they are the happiest, most fulfilled, rich, & have the most nurturing wonderful relationships I have ever seen.
This has zero fux to do about their size & everything to do about their beliefs about themselves, their abundance mindset, & commitment to making decisions to constantly create a better human.
They f*cking rock life because they love themselves & the Universe rewards them so.
You have the power to create the life & attract whatever you want simply by learning to love yourself, focus on what makes YOU happy, what brings YOU joy, & choosing to keep commitments to yourself from a loving heart.
Learn the lessons or they will repeat themselves until you do.
You matter simply because you exist not for what you look like.
Not every relationship is meant to last forever, & that’s OK, enjoy the season & experiences.
Not every job is meant to last forever, just the same as relationships.
Love is the most nourishing & essential nutrient of life. Without it life has a little meaning. And this could be love for yourself, love for a greater purpose, or love for another. It is the most important thing we have to give freely & the most valuable thing we can receive.
Our job is to reject love or a life that is lackluster, abusive, emotionally damaging, or vanilla. Step up to plate of your desires & knock that ball out of the park.
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
I lived over 3 decades of my life scared shxtless. Embarrassed of my messy, scarcity driven life.
Scared to rip off labels I told myself dictated my worth. Like being: an athlete, overweight & skinny, x-ray tech, nutrition & sales consultant, pharmaceutical sales rep, dudes, the list goes on & on.
We hold onto emotions when going thru traumatic experiences. The trauma I encountered as a child & younger adult held me back from incredible experiences & opportunities – stifled my potential.
I see that now & I want y’all to learn from my mistakes.
The trauma of running from debt & the fear of poverty. Embarrassed to ask for help or tell anyone I was living out of my office & eating at the hotel across the road for food.
The trauma of failed relationships which prevented me from dating, asking for what I wanted, & settling.
The trauma of kids making fun of me as a child. Being told I was too big to be a cheerleader, too fat to run track, & not pretty enough to stand out.
The trauma of being told I would “never make it without him” & I wasn’t “smart enough to support myself on my own.”
A scarcity mentality caused me to believe: making money was hard I always had to trade my time for money I couldn’t eat out or make memories with friends because I was afraid I would get fat or I wouldn’t have anything to eat & people would judge me because of my Crohn’s I was overworked & made no space in my schedule for fun, adventure, love, dating – all the things that make life worth living.
I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, so if you feel like you’ve are a failure, I’m here to tell you it’s OK.
You’re doing more than OK. The question is, are you able to flip the script, change your priorities & learn your lesson?
When we use what has happened to us & it creates a lightbulb moment for another person – that is you living your purpose. It’s one of the best feelings in the world.
Nothing is wrong with you & your story matters. So what are you telling yourself?
Character is judged when things are going wrong. It’s easy to be your best self when things are going right but the person who is able to flip the script & extract the sunshine from the rain is the one who wins.
Be an athlete of life. Tomorrow is never promised.
Oxox Coach K
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
She told me I really have no idea my purpose or where I fit in.
To anyone who has struggled with this question, I feel your emotions to my core.
Some of my painful realizations that may help you too:
👉🏻I love entrepreneurship but I’m a really shxtty number 1 person when it comes to running a business. I’m a GREAT connection maker & number 2!
Learned this coaching nutrition full time at one point & managing a sales territory for an online meal prep company.
I have gifts I’m naturally good at. Im a responder by nature, not an initiator. Great idea thinker. I’m phenomenal at reading people & the energy in a room — which makes me good at connecting with emotions.
I loathe being ‘salesy’ & feeling like I HAVE to make sales for my livelihood. I lose the love for it and build resentment.
The thought of cold calls make me CRINGE. I also HATE luke warm small talk. Give me a hot lead, give me something to respond to & I’ll close the deal 99% of the time.
Taking on a high volume of clients takes a huge toll on my energy. I had to learn to scale & balance my loves of healthcare & coaching to create a positive, abundant, & safe environment to cultivate a lifestyle I loved without losing my shxt.
I felt ashamed & embarrassed to own this for years. Felt it made me a “failure”
I enjoy working as a team & for other people. I need direction but enough freedom to not feel caged in. That’s the sweet spot where I thrive.
It hurts. It’s painful to go through these experiences, but let me remind you the roads less traveled lead you to some of the most important people & places you’re meant to be.
My 1st job ever was working on my family farm.
2nd was working as an animal science lab assistant at Purdue.
3rd was a vet tech.
4th was a well-paying job with a
pharmaceutical company.
—I hated it.
I made the decision my happiness was worth more than a paycheck.
Turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I met my 2nd love — healthcare. My 1st will always & forever be agriculture.
Guess what?
Still dunno wtf I’m doin or where I’m goin. One thing is for dxmn sure my life is never boring😂
It’s OK to not know.
It’s NOT OK to settle for mediocrity.
Don’t be afraid to take risks & take the path less traveled.
One change that will massively impact every facet of your life — find your magic time.
Everyone has a time a day where they are 10x more effective at the GSD than the rest of the day. FIND IT.
Most successful people have a refined early morning routine, habits, & thus, successful SYSTEM that ensures optimization.
Every day is a new day to make a different decision. No regrets. Learn from past decisions & choose to not stay there.
The past doesn’t need you & the future hasn’t happened yet, it hinges on your present 🎁
“You are where you are because of your choices. There is nothing to gain by regretting. Review your decisions for lessons and make a new decision to change.” @realcraigballantyne
When you read this title, most think of someone spending hours in the gym. If you would’ve asked me years ago, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought, I would’ve thought the same thing.
The one exercise you MUST do…
…exercise your mind.
It never would have occurred to me the power and influence of our minds. How our minds push our bodies to defy expectations, beliefs, and even our own biology. Call’em miracles?
So lets chat about two habits I cultivated that can also help you change your life. You can start right now. It’s easy, promise!
I knew when I was in the pit of ONE of my rock-bottoms, cuz ya gurlz had many, I had to start changing my beliefs & mindset.
⁃ My health was not good. ⁃ I was bloated & constipated all the time it seemed no matter what I ate. ⁃ I was putting on weight (FYI when you hoard negative emotional energy, that can be the actual culprit literally weighing you down). ⁃ My performance in the gym sucked. ⁃ I didn’t wanna wear anything but baggy clothes, thank God I wear scrubs to work. Which also translated into me wanting to hide all the time. Hermit mode engaged. ⁃ I was in debt, yet I couldn’t stop myself from overspending because I was putting a fxcking Band-Aid on a bullet hole — I was unhappy. You know it’s a problem when you order shxt from Amazon & you forget you ordered shit from Amazon.
I felt like this was just my story & I could never get ahead. I can’t tell you how valuable to was to invest in coaches to guide me along my way: business coach, nutrition coach, therapist, functional medicine docs, family docs. Don’t be afraid to invest, you’ll get more back in return. And if you need someone to talk to, tell me about your story here. We’ll hop the phone & get some answers for you.
Despite me doing all the physical exercise known to man (president of the ‘habitual over exercisers club’ right hurrrr), the one exercise I was not doing — exercising changing my mindset to rewrite my story.
Sound familiar?
So what did I do?
The two habits that changed my life forever — GRATITUDE every morning & cultivating my ENVIRONMENT (mental & physical) to RECEIVE ABUNDANCE & what I wanted.
I started listening to podcasts and YouTube‘s to people I inspired to be like.
Successful people. Positive people. Learning about things that would make me better as a coach and human and partner and friend and daughter and coworker, etc.
First thing in the morning I say at least three things I am grateful for and something I love about myself.
Second thing, I check my podcasts and YouTube‘s to see what I wanna listen to today.
BONUSES…let me give you a couple more.
I detoxed my social media and unfollowed anything and anyone that made me feel negative energy or the need to compare & mourn past versions of my body (it only fuels disordered eating and body image.)
I also detoxed the people in my life. Yes, I understand this is a hard one especially when it comes down to friends and family. But it is absolutely necessary. Stop ignoring that nagging feeling that keeps telling you you don’t need to be around that friend or that person you keep dating but they treat you like yesterday’s trash.
Trash creates more trash. You attract the energy and vibe you put out.
When you fall in love with who you are, under any circumstance, you awaken the love you need within you and you naturally attract and experience more love and success in your life.
This is a lot easier to do when you cultivate a nourishing environment for you to grow into your fullest potential.
Some of my favorite podcasts, social media, & YouTubes:
I still shower with a shower cap. Not washing my hair is a sport I have mastered.
Pete can attest.
He sits on the side of the tub in between my shower curtains. Can’t get a moment alone I tell ya. Moms, ya feel me?! 🤚
One my favorite pics of Pete. RBF on fleek. Fun fact: I rescued Pete from Pet Smart over 2 years ago when I got my new apartment. I bought a bottle of Crown Royal & a cat, it was Valentines Day. LOL!
I’m not afraid to admit, however, there’s a lot of things I have not mastered.
“So what’s your 5 year plan?” Me — instant anxiety.
To be quite honest I can’t even tell you what I’m doing next weekend.
I mean, I can give you a generalization but I know as an emotional human being my wants & needs are going to change.
I’m a manifesting generator energy type ( human design ), it is what it is. I’ve learned to design my life around it, figured out how I’m wired, & I have manifested so much more abundance into my life since doing so.
I understand most of you, unless you fly your “woo flag” like me, have no idea what Human Design is or what that means — Google it. Links above! You’ll thank me later.
I had a phenomenal question by an instagram follower yesterday, which served as the inspiration behind this blog. I felt it was something everyone could use in their life.
I’ll summarize, she asked, “How do I effectively communicate to get what I want?”
I asked myself on numerous occasions over the years how in the hxll some people get whatever they want?
Let me paint a picture what my life used to be before halfway figuring this shxt out…
I too have been that human who: – was living in the cheapest apartment in Anderson, IN & had to listen to the people downstairs physically beating each other & arguing every night – was going through a divorce feeling like failure & confused about identity – had my car repoed, $40,000+ in debt, $5 to my name, basically living out of my office & car, eating at hotels to save money on food – was sick, struggling with Crohns, disordered eating & orthorexia feeling powerless & ugly – was comparing wanting to be someone else, coveting their life &/or body thinking that would make me successful & happy – was thinking being single meant there was something wrong with me & I needed to settle & find a partner fast to actually be worthy instead of realizing I needed to work on myself & be the person I wanted to be with first – was getting involved in relationships, jobs, social plans when I felt resistance & ignoring my intuition, excessive drinking, overspending, giving my body to people who didn’t deserve it
So what did I do?
I knew I had to learn, hustle, believe in myself, be relentless in the pursuit of betterment, be resilient, & learn how to communicate with people to get what I want.
I made a list of the things I would need to do & the person I would need to embody to achieve these things. Areas: Health, Wealth, Self, & Relationships. These are my life pillars.
⁃ The BODY(Health) — healing, health, rest, eating ENOUGH, working out because I love my body, vibrancy, food & body freedom, self love
⁃ The CAREER(Wealth) — freedom, loving what I do, making an impact, following purpose not a paycheck
⁃ The RELATIONSHIP (Relationships) — doing the inner work, believing in myself worth, getting rid of preconditions I learned over time, self awareness of my shadows and triggers, being the person I would want to be with
⁃ The MINDSET (Self) — telling myself I’m a survivor, a thriver, I lead with my heart & I deserve everything I desire so I can serve others & myself to the highest degree. I deserve QUALITY and refuse to discount myself any longer.
Steps to get anything you want:
1.) You have to make a decision & get clarity on what you want (even if you don’t know how to get it). Find out what kind of manifestor you are. Here’s a great article on Specific vs Non Specific Manifestors. If you’re a specific manifestor, use detailed decisive statements like, “I want a partner by my 30th birthday” or “I want to lose 20lbs in 3 months.”
If you’re a non specific manifestor, like me, we prefer open generalities about how we want to FEEL. My favorite affirmation, “I accept and am open to receive whatever is meant for my highest alignment or better.”
2.) Detach from the “How” & desired outcome. Not knowing how something will come to fruition holds a lot of people back. Two things: divine timing & the Universe always has your back. Throw worry out the window. You have to take emotion out of it & be grateful no matter what happens.
3.) Visualize and BELIEVE in the desired outcome. Focus on how you feel with that thing you want. It’s like how athletes visualize perfect performance that leads to a win.
4.) Gratitude. Do you you look at your struggles as opportunities to grow or road blocks holding you back? When you practice being grateful for everything in your life no matter how small, you’re ability to manifest & get you want accelerates. Getting what we want from others comes down to two things, awareness & communication. Being a good communicator opens the doors to so much abundance & opportunity in your life. It’s applicable in every facet of your life. Whether you’re a: ️- Mom or dad raising children – Entrepreneur growing a venture – Businessman or woman trying to make a sale – Coach working with athletes or clients – Boss or coworker or part of a team, community, or organization Awareness is being aware of the emotions, energy, & humanness of people & yourself. Communication is being a good conversationalist & making someone feel seen, heard, understood, supported, & significant. We live in a world of instant gratification, texts, swipes, & sliding into those DM’s. Having a meaningful conversation & connecting with a person is truly an art. I made an IG tv video on this very subject a few years ago. Check it out here on the gram!
Click image for link to full video on Instagram
I talk about being a good question asker, the difference between a shift & support response, & being an empath vs empathetic. If you learn how to understand & communicate with people (including yourself), you will learn how to get that easy button a lot quicker & get what you (and they) want!
…now [insert inspirational quote] actin like I have my life together & actually wiped my makeup off before bed.
—I didn’t. 💁🏼♀️we all have our vices.
Couldn’t figure out what day it was when I woke up at 4 AM.
I love mornings, get most of my ideas & messages 🧿🔮before anyone else is up.
Had to remind myself what hospital I was working at today. (I have 4 jobs including nutrition coaching. Might be an obsession but I love working & love money)
Pete knocked over my tree. YES, still have my Christmas tree up but I’m taking it down this weekend, purging old stuff Promise🤞🏼
The Ottoman I’m sittin on is made of real cowhide. I’ve wanted for decades but couldn’t bring myself to spend the money, it cost almost $400. Pulled the trigger. I’m done discounting myself. I deserve it.
I keep crystals in my pocket & all over my place. They’re like children (like Pete 🐈⬛ & my plants🪴) I don’t name my crystals however. 🤔Dunno why. I name all my favorite appliances & plants.
Today I have selenite & citrine in my pocket 💎
Selenite instills deep peace & assists judgement & insight. It clears confusion, aids in seeing the deeper picture.
Citrine is the stone of prosperity, wealth, protection & good luck. It shines light & promotes happiness☀️
Just some random stuff this mornin & for those of you who are new here, I’m kinda weird, kinda awesome😎 I thrive on an animal-based diet & believe in no diet dogma.
Can also be an Ahole & emotionally unavailable. (I know, it’s a defense mechanism) I love myself more than anyone else. Been a loner for a long time, became my own best friend.
Really have no fxckin idea where I’m going. Only thing that matters is I experience as many things as I can & choose to live with joy every day.
Couldn’t really figure out what to write so I wrote about whatever popped into my mind.
— guess the moral of this post, nothing is as they seem. There is so much more to a picture & smile — AND YOU TOO! ❤️
Wishing y’all the most awesome Super Bowl weekend full of the good stuff.