Had a mentor tell me one time,
“When you are “getting your shit together” & finding clarity it oftentimes gets lonely. There’s growth in being alone & there’s a big difference in being lonely vs alone. You don’t have to be the person with a lot to say & you don’t owe anyone any explanations. The most powerful person is the best listener, especially with yourself.”
I’ll never forget that.

I’m writing this update & sharing my thoughts just as much for me as it is for you. Enjoy the storytelling! I appreciate all of you who take time to read & allow me to add value to your lives whether it be here on the blog, Instagram, or “real life.”
I’m at a point in my life where I’m so trusting in my abilities, self awareness, adaptability, & faith that the Universe always takes care of me, it’s unfathomable. I always end up where I’m meant to be. Especially when I feel anxious, stagnant, & just fuckin weird sometimes.
I finally surrendered & quit trying to make sense or rigidly control everything.
I live by the MO: “I don’t do rules, I do what feels right.“
Maybe you’re here in a similar energetic space, too.

When you first meet me, I’m pretty quiet. (Unless I’m jacked up on caffeine😂)
I’m an observer, an “experience collector” I like to say.
I might not have a ton to say. I may not have a ton of questions to ask, but that’s because I do a lot of listening.
Not in a judgmental sense, but out of an intention to learn. To actually hear your story. To connect with your energy & not just the words coming out of your mouth.
The more you listen, the more people tell you. The more you get quiet with yourself, the more clarity you have with your answers & paths you wish to take.
In these times when I go internal & solitary (hermit mode lol), some people in my life tend to get triggered. My silence is nothing personal, but a protective growth measure & absolute survival necessity for me.
{A tip that will help you live a more peaceful life: live by the Four Agreements}
The Four Agreements are:
- Be Impeccable With Your Word.
- Don’t Take Anything Personally.
- Don’t Make Assumptions.
- Always Do Your Best.

Here are a few blogs for you, because I know I’ll get asked about food/workouts/routines, etc. ↓
🦾Biohacking/Anti-aging Guide Here

I’ve had a lot of conversations. I’ve listened to a lot of stories from y’all. I’ve heard a lot about life. I’ve had a lot of wisdom, vulnerability, courage, & confession shared with me.
And while I’d never disclose the words & revelations composing these exchanges, the one thing I am constantly reminded of is:
→nobody has their shit together.
The ONLY way to truly have your shit together…is to accept that you’re NEVER going to have it together & to find out how to live within that.
The people we admire for their “togetherness” just have one piece or a few pieces of the puzzle figured out. What they don’t do, is let the subsequent balls dropping interfere with their success & progress.
Managing overwhelm comes with how well you know your comfort zone. Not for the purpose of staying within it, but having enough awareness to know when it is beneficial for you to push past your pre-existing limits & when you need to stay in it.
Get comfortable in the chaos.
Hey, I like my bourbon on the rocks kinda like my life LOL! Beef & bourbon can solve alotta problems ya know. [ Write that down 🙂 ]

Having it together is boring. It doesn’t give you much else to learn nor extension to grow.
I’d rather take my mess & have a story to show😉
I stumbled across a letter I wrote to myself my freshman year at Purdue.
During orientation, we were told to write these letters to our future selves with our hopes & dreams.
“Dear Katie, I hope you always remember how wildly beautiful you are. And on those days that you forget, I hope you always remember you have the strength to come back, forgive yourself & try again.”
The one piece that struck me → I ended it saying that, “I hope that when I read this letter, I have learned to love myself & have grown as a person.”
You’ll learn as you get older when you know you’re rare, you live different.
You love different. You surround yourself with other rare, high value people, too.
You don’t waste your rarity taking things personal or trying to control other people.
You don’t waste your time trying to chase or convince others of your worth.
I wrote another letter on July 1st to myself on my 40th birthday eve last year.
I sent it to a woman today mourning a younger version of herself…
“People everywhere walk around fearing aging, & trying to deny its fate.
But it is exciting…a new decade, a new start, a new adventure!
I love how much you have grown in your acceptance of being just who you are over the last few decades.
I love how you are willing to do the hard work of examining thoughts, actions & past experiences.
How you work to find all the little elements that make you, you.
I love how you have taken on challenges & stepped into new things, with some trepidation but also excitement.
I love that you feel more & more comfortable in your own skin, with your own particular way of dressing, loving, eating, & being.
I love that you are a good friend & an encourager of women.
I know that last decade had pain, some heartache & tears, & I can’t promise that the next decade won’t hold that too.
But I pray that you will continue to remember that grief is a part of life, that you will allow it to wash over you but not overwhelm you.
I pray that you grow in your writing. That your words reach women of all ages, that you lift them up will a simple phrase or a recognition of “me too”.
I pray that you continue to grow in your capacity to love. That you will continue to be a true, honest friend & lover. One who is able to have hard conversations & grow a friendship & relationship.
I pray that you will not despise the small ordinariness of life. But also, that you won’t get subsumed by it & will reach for extraordinary experiences.
I pray that you will continue to treat your body with the respect & honor it deserves. Not despising any part of it, but celebrating that you are a woman of 40 years.
Above all I pray that you will continue to listen to your maker & creator, when he says “this is the way, walk in it”. (Isaiah 30:21)
Happy 40th, & may the next decade be better than the last,
It was✅
Take what you need from this❤️
✪All resources, email list, discount codes, guides, recipes, coaching, & more here
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 18 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog, Lilbitoffit.com