Trigger Foods: Why They Cause GI Issues

Many times when asking your doctor, “What can I eat and what should I avoid?” when dealing with digestive disorders they tell you, “Just eat what you want unless it bothers you.” 🤔😳🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️

Maybe they’ll add a few restrictions like a low fiber, low-fat, gluten &/or dairy free diet but beyond that you’re on your own. 

I repeat, WE ARE WHAT WE DIGEST & ABSORB.  When dealing with certain digestive issues like IBS or IBD disorders, gut dysbiosis like Candida & bacterial overgrowths, the inflammation & symptoms can trigger further problems other than discomfort like malabsorption. Subsequently nutrient deficiencies are a prevalent issue. 



We need fat to live. It’s needed for absorption of vitamins A, D, E, & K, but in people with certain issues, it causes symptoms. Fat is a powerful stimulant to the G.I. tract which can exacerbate diarrhea & is hard to digest in individuals without a gallbladder or those who have undergone a bowel resection. 


Another stimulant. Bad for those with diarrhea, can be an aid for those with constipation. Keep <200mg/day. 


It’s a toxin y’all. Delicious yes, but does nothing positive but give you the confidence to dance & eat like an a$$hole. It inhibits folic acid absorption, is an irritant to the G.I. tract, filled with empty calories, no nutrient value, dehydrates, raises estrogen levels, & interacts with numerous medications. 


Gluten means “glue” & that’s exactly what it is: two proteins, gliadin & glutenin, stuck together. Gluten is found in wheat, barley, & rye. An intolerance or sensitivity is the body’s inability to digest or break down the gluten protein found in wheat, grains, & certain products. Causes inflammation & abdominal discomfort & symptoms ranging from skin rashes to more severe problems in those with celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder. 


Many people with problems are also lactose intolerant. Dairy is an inflammatory food, one of the top allergens. Due to lactose, which is milk sugar, it causes problems in those who are lacking the enzyme lactase which breaks down the lactose. Bacteria in the colon feed on the undigested sugar, producing hydrogen, which leads to diarrhea &/or build up of gas. 


Common culprits are high fodmap foods, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, beans, garlic, onions, leeks, cabbage, beer, high sugar drinks and fruits. Many sulfur producing vegetables produce more gas & fermentation which causes bloating. 


Minimizing red meat greatly lowers hydrogen sulfide levels which can have a negative affect on the health of the colonic mucosa. It’s harder to break down & digest which causes stress, requires more energy, which also causes that energy slump. 


The ols like sugar alcohols which are found in many sugarless chewing gum’s, cookies, sweets, processed foods are a big trigger of bloating & diarrhea via fermentation because our bodies can’t break them down.   


Consuming fruits with high sugar can cause bloating,cramping, diarrhea because certain individuals lack the enzyme to break down the sugar thus allowing the colon bacteria to consume triggering symptoms. 


There are two kinds of fiber insoluble & soluble. 

INSOLUBLE Fiber is found in raw fruits, vegetables, certain grains, leafy greens, brands, skins, nuts & seeds. This fiber does not take on water in the gut but provides undigested bulk to the stool. For those of us that cannot break down the fiber it does not easily pass through structures, can contribute to irritation in those with an inflamed gut. 

SOLUBLE fiber takes on water providing bulk to the stool but is easier on the G.I. tract. It’s found in quick oats, white bread, cereals, white rice, pasta & potatoes. 

Again, we all have different triggers so keep a food journal, notice patterns when eating certain things, have patience & know that by making simple food & lifestyle adjustments, you can help minimize your own symptoms. 

Be an advocate of your own health❤️

Do you know your triggers? Share your experience with someone else👇🏻

Sources: Healthy Gut, Healthy You, Dr. Michael  Ruscio | Crohn’s Dsease and Ulcerative Colitis,  Jill Sklar | | The Rain Barrel Effect, Dr. Stephen Cabral 

The New Chapter Begins

A lil bit wolf, a lil bit woman — it’s the wild that made her beautiful. @lil_bit_of_fit

She finally started to love the pieces of herself she used to hide & run from.

The scars, the imperfections, the things that made her different — like her Indiana twang, the way a strategically placed cuss word just rolls off her tongue a little bit sweeter, & the way she loves selflessly without abandon.

The scars physical & mental.

The ones on her shin missing a box jump.

The ones on her chest from falling off a tractor in childhood.

The ones from having her gallbladder removed, cervical cancer, Crohn’s, umpteendozen farm injuries.

The ones on her heart from self loathing, disordered eating, overtraining, periods of debt, failed relationships, food fear, fear of failure, fear of fucking up societal timelines & wondering if she’ll ever have her shit figured out.

Livin life somewhere among boots, scrubs, & lessons…

She stared at her picture & out the window, always something on her mind, & finally felt the peace & acceptance of her past, present, & future, all the knowns & unknowns, & realized the experiences & pieces that made her beautiful…

…a lil bit wolf, a lil bit woman — it’s the wild that made her beautiful. – @lil_bit_of_fit

And with that…I finally got my shit together this morning & launched my website, my little writing space to hopefully add value, laughs, mentoring, coaching, & shine some light in this world.

It’s official —

Working on a blog for y’all later, stay tuned: 10 HABITS HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO DIFFERENTLY.

xoxo -Coach K

Photo: @matteuccij13 @lensandlightphoto

Lashes: @kyra_coleman2488 @thelashloungefishersdt

Wardrobe: @tjmaxx

Hair: @skoontz1

Makeup: @sweatcosmetics @elfcosmetics

Lip: @maybelline superstay matte ink