Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
I used to buy those “fancy bras” because that’s what all popular girls wore.
Hated them. They’re not comfortable. Bralettes or no bra at all are the way to go, Sisters.
Confession: I actually had a guy ask me if I even owned a “regular” bra. In typical “Hello, signed by a Scorpio ♏️ fashion” I replied, “Let’s just be real here, it all ends up on the floor anyways, does it really matter?” 😄🤷🏻♀️
This all ties into living life for YOU & not for other people.
For decades I lived an unfulfilled, lackluster life because I felt I had to:
Stay in relationships I knew weren’t right
Be a certain size & weight, lift a certain number on the barbell to be worthy
Stay in the same job you hate your entire life because, well, that’s what was expected
Just follow suit because that’s what good little girls & good little employees do
Water down my personality & sexuality & not take chances asking men out because I feel rejection & judgment
Keep toxic people around because I was just being nice. 🤢 I cringe at the words good, nice, & vanilla.
In one of the most popular posts I’ve ever written👉NO.1 REGRET OF THE DYING: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
Of all the elderly patients I’ve had the honor to take care of their joys & regrets have nothing to do with over working or what they looked like but their relationships, fulfillment, time & health, not their resumes.
Most who spent huge chunks of their lives working toward a vision of societally defined “success,” i.e. titles & money, regret. But those who poured themselves into deeply meaningful relationships, joy, & experiences, don’t.
Most boil down to one overarching regret: not doing & saying what really matters to you. Living out of obligation instead of purpose.
The dying people I cared & care for help me understand how irrelevant stupid rules, “proper” timelines, & the opinions of others are in the end, & my courage has set me free of such cares.
Live free❤️
Oxox Coach K
Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!
Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, & travel registered radiologic technologist. Indiana farmer’s daughter who likes to describe herself as a storyteller, experience collector, & athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs, in Crohn’s remission, & financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: 𖡡 Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.
On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!
Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️
You can find free resources, guides, coaching, & all the links you’ll love here🔗
The one about life is too short for… bad sex, bad food, watered down cocktails & the one that “gets around.”
I experience life as “moments of loving & learning.” And myyy have I had some exquisite moments of loving🥰😉
I had a woman message me yesterday stating she wanted to embrace her sexuality, but was afraid of exploring & being judged as the woman who “gets around” vs “perfect.”
She recently transformed her body, lost weight, feelin good about herself, & finally in a position to date. I can empathize. I too have lost 60 lbs in my lifetime.
Lemme tell ya…real women aren’t perfect. And perfect women aren’t real. We all out here with stretch marks, cellulite, hair in weird places, & skeletons in our closets.
It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks it only matters what you think. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Take the one that “gets around.” Here’s my 42 year old perspective. My observation & experience is the only thing that matters on my opinion of a person. People view people & life thru their own lenses of experience & trauma.
If someone tells me, “Oh he gets around, you don’t want that,” my 22 yo self would immediately dismiss that person with a negative label.
At 42, I’m now like “Thank God! I ain’t got time to f*ckin teach!” 🤣 For real. I want someone with experience. You add more to the table of life with more experience. With anything in life — not just sex.
You learn confidence. Likes/dislikes. How to be better & work with what you have. You put the puzzle pieces together to create your masterpiece.
It’s like getting really excited about a guy then having sex & finding out he has a really small penis. But he’s the guy with a really small penis that isn’t good at anything else so the whole experience is f*cking sh*t & you’re like, “Yep, never hittin that again.”😹
Whatever. Y’all are laughing, nodding, &/or ready to unfollow me right now. 🤭 It’s OK.
Live life for YOU. Not the opinions of others.
Ain’t nobody got time for bad sex, bad food, & watered-down cocktails.
Oxox Coach K
Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, & travel registered radiologic technologist. A sweary Indiana farmer’s daughter who likes to describe herself as a storyteller, experience collector, & athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs, in Crohn’s remission, & financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: 𖡡 Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.
On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!
Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️
You can find free resources, guides, coaching, & all the links you’ll love here🔗
Might be one of the most impactful things you read this year.
Self reflection and confession time.
You may relate to this if you’ve been frustrated with food, your body, & let’s be honest here, — adulting so hard.
Thank you for reading vulnerable pages of my storybook❤️
Swipe thru some chapters. Read more about my weight loss journey here.
The root of the word ‘Inspire’ is ‘in spirit.’ I reflect on my own journey—from thinking money and material things would bring happiness to realizing that true joy comes from using your gifts to serve others.
Be Unique. The opposite of bravery is to conform.
Be a Leader. A “true leader knows when to follow” means that a good leader understands the importance of not always being in charge, but also recognizing when to listen to and learn from others on their team, leveraging their expertise in specific situations instead of insisting on making every decision themselves.
Be Love. The more you truly love the more you get back.
Be Truth. Honor your truth more often.
Be Kind. One of the rarest things in the world right now. It changes lives. It is free.
Be Beautiful. Celebrate your beauty. Humble confidence, flexibility, adaptability, positivity, reliability, and being someone who strives to always be useful are some of the sexiest and most beautiful things a person can be.
Be Movement. Movement is health. Emotions are physical too. Movement is medicine and life. Stagnation builds resistance.
Be Growing. You’re either growing or dying. You choose.
Be Playful. Approach life as play! It’s a constant evolvement of experimentation and experiences. That’s it.
Be Forgiving. It will set you free. It’s either medicine or poison. It’s the poison that poisons you.
Be Courageous. The most courageous people experience the greatest emotions, and therefore, the greatest life experience. Courage is taking action in the presence of fear.
A current reflection…
As I sit here listening to this podcast and reflecting about my recent experiences with food and my body… (tip: journal your thoughts and realizations. They are pages, secrets, and solutions to your best life.)
💭🤔Katie: Why I can eat carbs and still stay lean & not gain fat per se (maybe a little water weight gain, brain fog, & inflammation from eating shit I know I shouldn’t for a few days…Like cookies lately 😆 🍪 freaking love cookies. Confession.)
💭💡🎙️🧠💪🏼While listening to podcast episode: It’s because I’m metabolically flexible. I gave myself time to heal via strict carnivore for years. I healed my relationship with myself. It’s because I walk after I eat. If I do consume carbohydrates or a larger amount of calories, no matter what food I’m consuming, my body uses them efficiently now. My cells are happy. My hormones are happy. Because I sleep, eat, get sun, & love the shit out of myself 99% of the time. My daily routine supports this.
✅I have realized my body absorbs and utilizes carbohydrates more efficiently and shuttles them into my muscles and as repair versus fat storage more now at 42 than it ever did in my 20s and 30s. This is the power of simple movement and functional fitness. My entire day is my workout. My job is active and challenging af moving patients all day as a radiologic technologist. My workouts are play vs punishment now. Or something I “have to do” to stay lean.
✅I never realized how powerful fidgeting and being an active person was on maintaining a healthy body fat level and weight. I thought my workouts were the only things that mattered, which they do and have helped me build the body that I have today, but the most impactful factor was the food I put in my mouth, my
Mindset & inner narrative, and how active I was throughout the day.
🚶♀️🏃🏼♀️🏋🏼♀️Get up and move throughout the day! Workout snacks and wonder walks are everything! I am rarely sedentary. I am always up moving and doing things.
📈I find I do feel better cycling carbohydrates or days of larger amounts of calories about every three days. This is just a Recent observation. I will admit I feel better following strictly an animal-based diet. The carbs that I feel best consuming are plain rice cakes, plain white rice, and gluten-free, Whole, natural food options. Confession: I am able to consume sugary treats every once in a while, but I do realize these affect me like drugs, it’s hard to stop, and I always want more. But rarely do I ever gain weight anymore from eating these, which does bring me a sense of safety and comfort, but I do realize how out of control And high my blood sugar gets after consuming them.
🥩🍚So considering my recent experimentation and observations, I stick to meat, eggs, healthy animal fats, and occasional dairy 99% of the time. I INTUITIVELY sprinkle in occasional refeeds of higher calorie &/or carbs via low fiber, gluten free, rice based options.
🏆As long as I get in ample movement, lift more and utilize my muscles shuttling those nutrients and calories efficiently, + get adequate sleep 👉 I function like a mf champ.
❤️I love the way my body looks and feels. I’m proud of myself for learning to separate emotions from science and what my body is doing. I take everything as data and I don’t take it personally.
👩🏼🏫I learned macros, tracked food, coached hundreds of athletes and people, tracked my steps, wore a continuous glucose monitor, experimented with all different kinds of fitness and was a competitive athlete, and have done everything in between including tracking ketones and blood sugar. I fucked up and continue to mess up more times than I can probably recall. It’s all ok! So are you! 🫶
👏 I no longer need to track these things for validation because they’ve become part of who I am. I don’t “have to” because I know exactly what my body is doing.
‼️I recently quit wearing my fit tracker and tracking anything because I realized all of these things were taking energy away from myself and my day that I could be focusing on purpose and service and wealth building and other things that mean more to me. I don’t need these things to be my healthiest anymore because I’ve done the due diligence to learn all of them. So a reminder, you don’t have to do this shit forever, but learn it so that you don’t need them anymore!
❤️🩹If I eat too many carbs one day and I feel like shit, I own that, I give myself grace, and take actions appropriately the next day to feel my best.
🥳Don’t be afraid to experiment. Don’t be afraid to mess up. That’s how we learn. That’s how we learn about our bodies and what we need to do to look and feel our best. You don’t have to fear carbs or any food for that matter. View them a tool and a learning experience.
🙌You will never know if you don’t try new things. I used to fear carbs, getting fat, basically I feared eating altogether. I would throw up my food to “undo” what I had done. I abused my food. I abused exercise. I abused myself.
💊🙏Forgiveness, gratitude, and love are the true medicines. Be a leader and a forever student. Learn, grow, evolve. Once you know better, do your best and DO BETTER. That doesn’t mean perfect. We’re never perfect. We fuck up all the time. That’s just how it is. Your character is revealed by how you respond next.
**Steps off soap 🧼 box 📦.
***Pats myself on back. 👋 😆😎🤗😉🙃
Oxox Coach K
A letter to myself and hopefully inspiration for you.
Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, travel registered radiologic technologist, Indiana farmer’s daughter, Crohn’s warrior, experience collector, and athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs + financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.
On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!
Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️
📸Life drop lately + 9 life lessons from 2024 that make me the woman writing this today…
You make the clothes, you define your style, you create enjoyment in your job, your profession, you sexify your weight, your fitness, your energy, your relationship(s), the way you make people feel, etc. YOU wear your “costume”, not the other way around. I’ve embraced the lifestyle of minimalism & it has significantly improved my health too. Read more about that story here.
It’s okay to be weird. Different. Misunderstood. Normal people get normal outcomes. Your weirdness is a gift.
You’re not bad at anything. You simply need more reps. Practice. Stop judging yourself & do the work.
At the end of the day we are a tiny spec within a giant galaxy & when we die nothing matters. So stop worrying & do the sh*t you love & build a legacy.
Emotions & motivation are fleeting but your character is forever & forever changing. Reflect, act, & define wisely. Choose better. Do better.
Your life is a story. When you’re faced with a chapter you don’t like, ask yourself: “What following chapter do I want to write about for what happens next?” I shared my weight loss story here.
Material things are only valuable if they truly give you energy. Same with people, things, environments — basically EVERYTHING you consume. Love people, use things, be USEFUL.
There are no rules, do what feels right. Choose your own adventure. Happy people don’t spend their lives TRYING to be happy, they do what they want & happiness is a byproduct.
The person that’s capable of saving the day and fixing all your problems, is you.
In a world where most try to keep you in a box. I hope I’m the person who shows you there are no limits for yourself.
Oxox Coach K❤️
Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!
Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, travel registered radiologic technologist, Indiana farmer’s daughter, Crohn’s warrior, experience collector, and athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs + financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.
On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!
Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️
I find the topic of minimalism absolutely fascinating, mainly because I always feel like I’m on a quest to remove clutter to live a wealthier, more free & peaceful life.
I will tell you, I was born a maximalist. My immersion into the world of minimalism did not come easy or natural. It was a skill I had to learn.
So if the thought of living with less gives you anxiety, y’all, I feel you. Like how can I live without a dozen cute coffee mugs, 20 pairs of leggings & 30 pairs of shoes?! 😱
The connection between clutter & weight gain
Clutter is defined as “a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass.” But lately, with all the talk on minimalism & doing away with excess stuff, we’ve come to realize that clutter is more than just the physical & tangible things.
There is a deep connection between our stuff & our weight. The more clutter & crap we hoard can be directly correlated to the quality of health we enjoy.
The connection between clutter & weight gain is that body fat & clutter both act as protective layers to help people to feel less emotionally vulnerable. However, the stagnant energy that accumulates around both causes a feeling of stuckness that can be very frustrating & restrictive.
Many of my clients have told me over the years how much easier it is to focus on dieting their home instead of dieting their body. And the great thing is that when they start looking after their environment more, they naturally feel more inclined to look after themselves better too. As one woman put it, “After you have cleared the junk out of your home, it doesn’t feel quite right to keep putting junk food in your body.”
A recent study has found that “stressful & chaotic food environments” influence people to reach for high-calorie snacks. In effort to determine the impact of mindset & environment on eating, researchers from Cornell University invited around 100 women to write about a time they felt out of control, neutral, or organized, then eat snacks in kitchens that were either cluttered or orderly. They discovered that participants who were in a more chaotic mindset in the messy kitchen consumed more cookies than those in the tidy space.
My personal experience on declutterring
I noticed as I started decluttering, not only did I feel more peace & clarity, I also felt lighter — physically, energetically, & emotionally. My finances got better. I felt I could truly focus on what was most important & fulfilling to me in life (most being affordable & free).
I used to be Velcro to clutter. I loved to shop, I loved to fill my life with things & a busy schedule & a go, go, go mentality. And then after a while, it kind of just hit me.
As I started traveling more & more as a travel radiologic technologist, I’d get anxiety with each move because of all the sh*t I had. I had to move it all. Every. Time. It took time & energy.
Do I really need all this? Does it really make me happier? Hotter? Healthier? More worthy? More successful? More loved?
From a young age, I would have something called FOMO, fear of missing out. If I wasn’t invited to something, or if I didn’t have the biggest piece of cake & my brothers had bigger pieces than I had that FOMO.
And probably in my late 30s, I realized that more was not always more, & that I could actually have more meaning & more beauty in life if I could focus on finding the more in the less. I mastered this way of living into my 40s.
And so clutter, most of us think of it as tangible. It is all the things. AND it’s not just all the tangible things.
We carry a lot of mental & emotional clutter as well. And the mental clutter, those are really inauthentic thoughts that we & life should be different. And when we have those thoughts, we experience resistance or we experience such heaviness that that’s another form of clutter.
And so clutter to me is anything that gets between you & showing up the way you really want to or you & the best version of your life, you & the life you want to live.
As human beings, we get really distracted. And we are drawn to the idea of complication. The more complicated, the better. (WRONG.)
Minimalism is about removing all of the clutter so that you can focus on the things that matter most, getting rid of those distractions so that you can hone in on the most beautiful & powerful aspects of your life.
It will take some intentionality. It will really take sitting down & being honest with yourself.
Sometimes that could be relationships. I would imagine you know different circles that you might be floating around in that may not be the healthiest or the most supportive or the most positive.
So sometimes it’s removing people & relationships from your life. It can be removing an ideal of “relationships” you’ve had yourself boxed into.
I had this discussion with my bestie today on this very topic. As a happy, successful, self-loving, confident, self-partnered woman, I don’t feel the white picket fence “traditional relationship” works for me anymore.
I enjoy being in my own company & energy so much, the thought of cohabitating full time with another almost makes me cringe. I’ll admit it.
I love relationships & deep connection & companionship, but I don’t feel seeking “A relationship” or “The relationship” or “The One” applies to my needs today like it did for my fairytale loving 20 & 30 something self.
I’m open & excited for relationships & connection divinely meant for me. But now, I know I attract these people & opportunities.
I have so much peace & space in my life for amazing projects, creativity, collaboration, adventures, experiences, jobs, & new skills not constantly SEEKING a relationship.
Do you realize we can get most of the feelings we desire of being heard, seen, understood, fulfilled & loved from anyone?! Friends, partners, coworkers, strangers, clients, family, as well as yourself. These feelings don’t always have to come from someone you’re romantically involved.
The weight & food connection…
When I was in middle school I had a teacher tell me I was “too big to be a cheerleader.” That I needed to lose weight & do something else. Harsh af, but she was actually was right. I was overweight at 160 on a 5ft frame.
You can read about my carnivore weight loss story here in this blog.
A magical question, just two words.
What if?
What if I address my diet? What if I do things differently?
And of course I had the thought, I don’t eat that bad. And I thought, what if I could eat better? So no judgment.
What if I could eat smarter? What if I could be better to my hormones? What if I could love myself more? What if I could eat & move more lovingly & intentionally?
And so I changed my lifestyle.
I have Crohn’s disease. After a couple weeks of changing my diet to a more carnivore based approach all of my autoimmune conditions & gut flares had subsided.
And I thought, gosh, if I can feel this good, how good could it get? I’m gonna keep going with this food, this new food approach. I’m gonna focus on health & heal.
I realized a lot of the foods that I was eating, like rice & gluten & breads & high fiber stuff — those foods were just cluttering up my body & cluttering up my potential.
As a functional nutritionist & weight loss coach, I’ve heard many clients say, “Oh I cheated. One cheat day turned into a cheat weekend.”
And I remind them that word comes with so much baggage — mental baggage & emotional baggage.
So instead, we like to use the term experimented. That’s what we’re doing, really. We experimented, got some more data on how we felt after eating or making certain choices, & that helps us sometimes see the blessing in a setback.
It creates more lightness, because prior to that experience, you might not have known. And now, you know.
Just like dating 😂
Food clutter
Instead of saying “Eat this way” or “that way” I prefer to help somebody become the expert of their own body & the symptoms that they’re feeling. This includes what foods fill them with energy & what foods fill them with shame & frustration.
Because it’s those foods that are yummy in the moment, but then fill us with the heavy negative feelings & physical symptoms to release. Those are the clutter.
We focus on 3 different areas: clutter in the mind, clutter in the body, & then clutter in the home.
When we’re stuck in our thoughts or we’re stuck in our feelings, or we’re literally physically stuck in a lot of clutter, it does prevent us from really taking the next steps needed to go in the direction that we really want and desire to go in.
Something beautiful happened…
My FOMO over just a matter of months slipped to something called JOMO — the joy of missing out.
So for me, that joy was, oh, I like the way my body feels. I like the way my clean space feels. I like having mental real estate to think about what I want to think about that’s meaningful.
I like waking up with energy. I like that I don’t have to take medication to control gut flares. I like the feeling of not being bloated and inflamed.
And so do I miss eating cake & sugar & French fries & bagels full of gluten? No, I don’t. Because I like the JOMO on the negative side effects better.
So let’s all join the no clutter club!
Its not about not enjoying life or luxuries, its about investing in what means the most to you. It’s all about releasing the clutter: the mental, the emotional, the physical clutter in life so that we can show up light & happy & healthy!
As Marie Kondo would ask, “Does this bring you joy?”
If it makes you feel light, then it’s right. 😉
Oxox Coach K
Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!
Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, travel registered radiologic technologist, Indiana farmer’s daughter, Crohn’s warrior, experience collector, and athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs + financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.
On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!
Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️
A few painful things I learned while self healing: If you’re angry or regretful you’re hoarding & livin’ in the past. If you’re worrying, you’re livin’ in the future. If you can look back & smile, look forward & smile, & you’re content…well, that’s when you know you’re livin’ graciously in the present.
And that’s when life all started to make sense.
That truth is what I hold onto every day. It doesn’t mean things are always easy, in fact, I’ve had really frickin hard times on some of these travel Xray assignments, but…
I always learn new things
I always discover I’m tougher & more able
I acknowledge & savor growth is never comfortable. It’s what has made me perfectly imperfect & wise.
How you handle discomfort says it all & I choose to handle them with grace like a boss😉👑
A trip down memory lane from 1 year ago, Photo dump of a weekend on my travels in #omahanebraska I LOVE it there! Hoping to go back soon! My heart & soul are were happy there. Some places make an imprint on your life & never leave.
Open up to opportunities & people that make life more fun. It’s that simple. There’s no right time or specific version of yourself needed when you’re setting goals, living in alignment, embracing your purpose & loving yourself.
Ask yourself what you’re livin’ for & who you’re livin’ for, & if neither of those answers are YOU, even if you think you’re weird as hell, you’re livin’ the wrong life.
And if I can offer you anything today, one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that it’s MY JOB to create a joyful reality & I choose to treat others better than they’ve treated me.
So let everyday be YOURS. OWN IT & don’t apologize for who you are🫶 Home is wherever you are.
Coach K
Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!
Hey there, I’m Katie. Indiana farmer’s daughter, former hot mess, overweight, shopping addict turned minimalist mindset & carnivore guru. In 5 years, I went from totally broke, to a 60lbs healthier, financially-free minimalist. I joke & say I did most of this with nothing more than an air fryer, ground beef, & a prayer.
I currently am a nutritionist & travel radiologic technologist RT(R) with 20 years experience in the healthcare & nutrition industry. I got rid of my apartment, ditched my storage unit, & now, basically everything I own fits in the back of my 2019 Ford EcoSport (named Ruby btw). We travel all over the US somewhere between scrubs, boots, & steak.
Looking back, there is one thing I wish I had had. A friend to share the journey with me, who actually understood what I was going through. This is my hope for everything I share here & social. It’s is for you.
To be a place where you can shake off the shame of imperfection, the need to people please, & where we can both show up as our authentic selves, even if we’re still in yesterday’s sweatpants.
Think of this as a standing coffee date with an old friend whose only job is to hear you out, hype you up, remind you that you are already enough, & doesn’t mind if you spike your coffee. 😉 🥃
As always, let’s keep this simple.
Let’s keep this real.
Let’s choose our own adventures!
Life is hard enough. Welcome to my storybook & a farmer’s daughter’s guide to life.
I used to be gorger & hoarder of things. Material things.
Emotional things.
Relational things.
Food things.
Minimalism, or peacefully living with less is not something that came easy for me.
Back in my 20s & 30s I racked up those credit cards so high I was drowning in 50k+ of debt. It imprisoned me. I fully admit I was owned & controlled by my addiction to things.
My car was even repossessed at one point. I remember sinking to floor, tears streaming down my face, in disbelief & shame that I had allowed myself to get that low.
I bought things to make myself “feel better.” To numb empty feelings of aloneness in my relationship, disappointment with myself, & the void of fulfillment & purpose in my life.
I realize what’s clutter for you may not be clutter for me, & vice versa. Minimalism to me is the willingness to sit with the following question:
How might my life be more with less?
We encounter a lot of temptations in the form of things to be possessed, things to be pursued, things with which to be preoccupied.
And these become little traps for us that lead to a life of defeat, a life of discouragement, a life of distraction & so on. And so, I see minimalism as the willingness to let go of anything that gets in the way of us living our most free, authentic life.
I asked myself one morning: What is my life about? What am I about? What do I fully support & love? What is my why? Why am I here? What is the impact that I am to have? What gives me anxiety & heaviness that I can prevent or improve that will GIVE me freedom & energy?
And “clutter” became anything that got in the way of the answers to those questions.
And so when I think about wealth, I don’t think of it so much in terms of what I have, but what I do with what I have. That to me is having a more spiritual understanding of what wealth is.
For example, you could say if I were to give you a Tesla right now, that would make you wealthy.
What would truly make you wealthy is your use of that Tesla to serve other people, to solve problems, & to create value for yourself & others. That’s what wealth is. It’s defined by what we do.
And so, I like to think of minimalism as not scarcity or being better than someone else because I they’ve on less, but abundance healthfully expressed.
Minimalism doesn’t mean not wanting things or buying things we love but investing in things that make us vibrate & embody our highest selves.
For me, if it isn’t a necessity, or doesn’t bring me extreme joy, or make me money in some way — I don’t buy it or I return it. If it’s something I can’t sell, I donate to charity.
I see hoarding now as hoarding energy & holding me back. I live with an open hand, open mind, & open heart. Which means letting things & people go when it’s their time.
A minimalist lifestyle has been more than just decluttering for me. In fact, it went hand-in-hand with my spiritual awakening.
Have you ever considered the freedom you could find with breaking up with the world? Letting go of what everyone else thinks or expects from you & going with the natural flow of things?
To me, I have worked so hard or let go so much to just embrace the fact that I have no idea what’s going to happen to me tomorrow.
I used to get so beat up, so mad about the fact I used to be angry at myself feeling like I could have changed some of my life’s outcomes. And in reality, the letting go & the accepting of has been one of the best things I have done for myself & my sanity.
And it has truly allowed me to live a richer life just by changing my mindset by breaking up with the world.
I think so often we can become so consumed with the things that we see, the things that we feel, our accomplishments, what we think we are, what we think we’re capable of.
We can get so lost in our jobs, we can get lost in a partner, we can get lost in our looks, we can get lost in the opinions of other people.
And by breaking up with the world, by not letting any of these things define us or control us or rob us of joy in any way, we allow ourselves to be in control of our own joy.
I say that oftentimes the clothes were me trying to be who I thought the world wanted me to be, & the same with my fake lashes, fake nails, fancy apartment, & my “stuff.”
I invest in things now because they bring me joy & creative self expression, not to convince people to see me as I hope they would see me.
Now I love & enjoy thrift stores, consignment, goodwill, & supporting small business.
And by eliminating that “stuff,” I started taking back my power. I started telling the world who I was & who I wanted to be, & not giving a frick what people thought. It’s about boundaries.
The more I have learned to just love everything & everyone & myself as they are, as it is. And saying no to a situation or to a person isn’t me saying no to that person. It’s just me saying yes to how I spend my time, money, & energy. It’s me saying yes to my own sanity.
If I keep saying yes to everyone & everything, I am going to have nothing left to give anyone.
By letting go of my stuff, it was a way of releasing myself from people-pleasing & other people’s opinions.
Minimalism has allowed me to transform my life & release so much of the stress & the pressure of control that I used to carry with me every day.
I have been able to find so much freedom, not only in the time that it has granted me or the freedom that it allows, but the freedom in my soul that I have been able to gain because of it.
Minimalism, though at its core is having less things, but it’s really about intentional living & having the things in your life that are meaningful & energy giving to you.
Marie Kondō helped me take minimalism to another level. She wrote the book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Her baseline concept is really looking at the material goods & the things that you have in your life & asking yourself, “Does this truly bring me joy?”
Before I purchase something, I ask myself, “Do I need this? Will I use this? Will this bring me joy, comfort, fulfillment, & creative self-expression enough to warrant investing my money energy on it?”
✅YES = that’s what I call “Happy Money” spent. Highly suggest reading Ken Honda’s book, Happy Money. Also a game changer.
So, for me, that was a really big shift in my mentality when it came to looking at my things. Gratitude instead of shame. Empowerment instead powerless.
That gave me the ability to look in my closet where I felt a lot of guilt when it came to expensive clothing that I bought, maybe clothes that I bought that were cute, but I never actually ended up wearing, nostalgic pieces from old boyfriends or gifts or whatever it was & make a better decision.
Like shirts that I’ve had for a long time & felt like I should still keep. I was able to approach my closet, look at some of those things & say, “Hey, thank you, white T-shirt that I can’t keep clean. I need to release you. And thank you for the good memories sweatshirt from my ex or dress from that amazing party. Thank you! But it time for me to release you & let someone else love you to allow fresh, new, better energy into my life. Thank you for bringing me joy.”
I learned to appreciate what I bought & also know that I could live untethered & separate from them without stripping my worth or a label I somehow received because of them. I really shifted from guilt to gratitude. I could say thank you for bringing me joy & put it in my donate pile with love & release.
There were times I bought something because I thought it was really going to be cute & make me feel a certain way, but the truth is 95% of the time when I go into my closet, I’m looking for something tactical, maybe a certain color, & most importantly, comfortable.
Simply appreciating & acknowledging that fact prevents you from going into the store & making more mistakes in the future.
A promise practice I created for myself: whenever I buy something, I must donate & release something. Eliminates clutter, hoarding & impulse buying.
With traveling somewhere new about every 13-26 weeks as I do for my career as a travel radiologic technologist, you realize you have to pack light & smart. You learn what you really value & what’s important to you because moving a bunch of sh*t all the time…well, you ain’t got the time or energy for that. It used to give me anxiety. Now everything I own fits in the back of my 2019 Ford EcoSport.
A big part of cutting down the clothes was doing a capsule wardrobe.
So what’s a capsule wardrobe?
So glad you asked 😊
Capsule wardrobes are where you intentionally buy things that are tactical, of similar style, similar color, so that most of the pieces will flow & piece together well with each other no matter what season. You have outfits that work together. So it’s just easier to pick out your clothes.
Not only will a capsule wardrobe make your life easier, but it is also:
Saves time & money
Longer-lasting fashion
Start with a small selection of clothing pieces that make up many different outfits when combined. Part of the concept is having an overall neutral color palette with a few pops of color, maybe a stylish jackets or sparkly funsies thrown in there.
Hugely helps with decision fatigue!
There is no strict rule for the number of items in a capsule wardrobe, It all depends on your lifestyle & your preference. Usually, a capsule wardrobe doesn’t exceed more than 50 items.
If most of your clothes fall under a certain color scheme, you can really mix & match whatever you need to.
Here’s a little checklist if you’re unsure of how to get started. The following items are basic items that get you covered for most occasions, including work. If you’re not sure what color to pick, I recommend going with neutrals, such as navy, grey, black, beige, or white.
Sweatpants, shorts, t shirts, sweatshirt (think gym wear that double as pajamas)
Here are some suggestions to think about when putting together your capsule wardrobe: a timeless blazer, a button-down shirt that fits you well, a sleek pencil skirt, a sweater that can be layered, a fabulous pair of jeans, and a versatile dress that can be dressed up or down depending on the accessories.
These pieces can be combined in various ways to create outfits, and you can also incorporate seasonal trends to keep your wardrobe interesting and up-to-date.
To expand your women’s capsule wardrobe, you can consider including a few essential items like a striped shirt, basic T-shirts, a sweater, a blouse, a cardigan, a denim jacket, and black leggings.
This same principle can also be applied to accessories and footwear by ensuring you have at least one representative item from each category.
This just makes it easier to take things out. When I was going through my wardrobe the first time, I realized that there are certain colors I don’t wear. I don’t wear anything that I have to iron either haha! So now I don’t buy things that I have to iron, but little things like that are helpful to acknowledge.
Another big thing for me too when it comes to wardrobe is I realize that sometimes I do know right away after I bring something home that I don’t like it, but I’m used to be so terrible about returning things! So now I only shop at places that have a very generous return policy because for me, sometimes I still have the tag on it three months later. Amazon is also awesome. Easy returns.
Now I fearlessly just buy the clothes, but keep all the receipts & keep the tags on until I wear it. I have a receipt drawer/folder, and if needed, I can return anything that needs to be returned. I also always get digital receipts if that’s a possibility.
Another thing that can be helpful as far as avoiding accumulating things is not purchasing things the moment they go to your mind. Because now with Amazon online shopping, you can literally think of an item and then purchase it in that second with one click purchasing.
Instead, you can write it on a list and wait a few weeks to see if you still want it. I really only give myself 24-48 hours. And it turns out that’s all the amount of time I need to control my impulse shopping. Because a lot of times I really, really, really think I need something. And then after sleeping on it, I just realized that that was an impulse purchase.
Another tip, never enter Target. Hahahah!!! But for real, I try to avoid Target & TJ Maxx as much as possible.
I hope this inspired you a little bit today! And feel free to reach out on social media or via email ( & let me know how you feel about it all because I always love to hear from y’all as well!
Oxox Coach K
Like blogs like these? Come adventure, get FIT, & live your best life with me, too!
I posted this picture of myself sitting in my living room one morning 7 years ago. I used to hate looking at Facebook memories. Now I admire in awe at the beautiful transformation of my life & spirit this go round.
I actually enjoy checking memories. They remind me I’m alive. They remind me I lived. They remind me I still have a lot more AMAZING life to savor. To learn. To adventure. To experience.
Some of these memories bring pain. Like salt on a wound. Some are sweet like the most decadent treat. Some sting & burn so good…So. Good. Like a fine bourbon or strong coffee.
Some simple thoughts of awareness. Some things I enjoy, things I’ve learned & simple raindrops of life sprinkled on the pages of my storybook thus far…
I like cutting my meat with scissors ✂️ Easier. More efficient.
I love supporting small business & giving back to others as much as I can. It brings me more fulfillment than any fancy stuff I could buy for myself. I love & welcome in all the money into my life so that I can invest it into others & things that truly matter.
I’m way prettier in my more natural state without make up & fake stuff on my face. With age comes wisdom, thank goodness. And thank goodness I didn’t have social media back in college😂
I really love embracing this life of more minimalism. It has given me much freedom & energy to focus on things that truly mean the most to me versus worrying about what I’m going to wear or dreading packing up all this “stuff” when I leave to another travel Xray assignment.
I really, really love my careers & my life at 42. It’s far from perfect & makes absolutely no sense sometimes 😆 but I am infinitely happy in the now & for the woman I’ve become. For the loving family & friends I have, have made, & will make.
And if I was to pass on today or tomorrow, this would be enough❤️ And I’m forever grateful.
Oxox Coach K
Like blogs like these? Come adventure, get FIT, & live your best life with me, too!
BEAUTY SECRET👉RED LIGHT THERAPY Q: What is #redlighttherapy ? Is it worth it & something I can do at home? I’ve had my Firewave @emrtekinc red light for over 3 years! By far one of my favorite biohacking devices in my success routine! I use it once a day for 20 minutes, typically when I eat breakfast. I simply sit in front of it. I don’t use goggles. You can use it on bare skin, clothes, not clothed 😉 — whatever floats your boat!
I noticed changes in my skin, digestion, & energy in just 2 weeks. My face has never looked better imo. Less skin discoloration & a more youthful, rested appearance. I feel happier & more energetic when I use it in the morning vs not. These are just a few of the many benefits! Doctors have been using it for years especially with patients with skin issues & diabetics. Over the past 2 decades, thousands of published studies have shown that red light therapy can be used to treat pain, inflammation, scar tissue prevention, overall wellness, joint health, anti-aging & more! Don’t be afraid to try new things! You never know if things can work or not if you don’t give them a chance!
One of the biggest obstacles to fat loss for most of us midlife, busy, boss girl queens is being in a hurry & getting lost in information.
We wanna look like insta fit Sally IMMEDIATELY. News flash, it probably took her decades to look like that. And her lifestyle is probably completely different than yours.
This causes us to waste a lot of time with unsustainable approaches & beating ourselves up.
While I’m not a fan of obsessing over numbers & chronic tracking, it’s common to not have any idea how much energy your body needs to thrive!
Fat loss rarely requires a complete overhaul of your nutrition approach or severely slashing calories. It usually comes down to a few simple tweaks like walking more, self awareness, & a slight 250-300 calories reduction.
When You Say You Hardly Eat But Fat Loss Seems Impossible
Solutions to consider
Understand your ACTUAL ENERGY NEEDS. use a calculator like to find your maintenance calories
This habit pattern is usually your typical “I don’t have time” starter pack based on convenience, time constraints, lack of cooking desire or skills
Pick a couple different protein options like ground beef or chicken & start there. Protein is a priority no matter what diet
Reduce or eliminate snacking. We should be fueling with protein centric meals. Try 2-3 well-sized, nourishing meals, evenly spaced thru the day.
Alcohol frequency & quantity is a sticky point for many. It inhibits good decision making & prone to overeat or choose foods you normally would not. also adds calories, dehydrates, & does nothing positive. When fat loss is a goal (& for many reasons) it’s elimination or significant reduction is one of the biggest levers you can pull.
Solutions to consider
KNOW YOUR ACTUAL ENERGY NEEDS** again, use the calculator: temporarily tracking calories for a couple of weeks can be especially helpful If you have no idea what you are truly consuming.
You can be successful and not have to fast all day. Trust that you can have nourishing & satisfying meals during the day and still lose fat. i prefer to eat my largest meal post movement in the morning then taper meals as the day goes on & fasting longer overnight. Better digestion, absorption, & blood sugar regulation.
Start with a savory protein & healthy fat breakfast with at least 30 g protein. I find this helps with daily hunger.
Don’t skip a meal if youre HUNGRY. Starving is not a badge of honor. Ps go outside, get sun, walk, & drink more water.
Plan meals in advance when possible so you’re not rushed. Prevents reaching for less optimal choices. Have nutrient-dense, protein snacks on hand. Skip the alcohol.
Pro tips no matter what diet you prefer or experimenting
For each scenario, knowing your actual energy needs is key & most of us are spectacularly inaccurate at guessing. Fat loss comes down to a consistent calorie deficit. Not perfection but intentional choices each day. If you’re not losing fat, you haven’t maintained a deficit & need to look at your lifestyle habits. It really is that simple.
Tracking isn’t for everyone. If that’s you, keep reading this
Be intentional about portions & snacking. For 14 days, track accurately how you truly are eating. Everything – all licks & bites. If you start by seeing exactly where you are now, rather than guessing, you may not need to slash calories as low as you think. The least drastic calorie deficit that’s effective will increase enjoyment & sustainability.
Once you know your current typical daily calorie consumption, see where you can reduce by 250-300 calories (smaller portions, less calorically dense swaps, reducing high calorie foods like nuts, cheese, butter, high fat meats, dressings, etc). Be willing to take time and have fun experimenting! Thats how you figure out what works!
Take this time to learn macros: what amount of protein & fat keep you healthy & satisfied. Build your meal staple routine for those targets. It’s ok to have to adjust, that’s how we learn! PRO TIP: people who repeat simple, nutrient-dense meals, rather than constantly seeking novelty, have a much easier time with the fat loss process.
oxox Coach K
Like blogs like these? Come adventure, get FIT, & live your best life with me, too!