Social media and Instagram tips! How to share authentically for success

I felt pretty #boilerup In transparency this photo was taken @officialsuntancity ⁣
Yes I occasionally tan, it makes me happy. Not asking for your opinion here😉🤷‍♀️⁣

I don’t claim to be a business coach or Instagram expert, but I have been an active member on this space for over 10 yrs.⁣

Had a flood of DM‘s centered around the topic of how to increase influence, exposure, & success via social media.⁣

Never in a million years did I think my digital platform (& life) would grow to where it is today. I’m flattered this many people actually give a sh*t as to what I have to share. Grateful to have y’all as part of my digital family!⁣

Y’all know I’m a responder by nature when it comes to communication. I like to provide what you want, so here are a few lessons I’ve learned along my journey in this digital world I feel you can also apply to life in various facets. Take what you need❤️⁣

Above all➡️consistency & realness are🔑⁣

You don’t need perfect photos or a professional photographer. Be creative. They make incredible phone cameras. Show up authentically!⁣

I love photo shoots personally, they give me such a sense of love & appreciation for myself as well as other people’s creative gifts, but they’re not necessary for credibility or worth nor do you need to do this to prove yourself. You don’t owe anyone anything.⁣

People wanna see the real you. And if you ask yourself, “What would people say if they met me in ‘real life’ vs social media?” & it isn’t a response of, “She/He is exactly how they are on social media!” — you have an issue & inner work to do.⁣

Like assessing: your integrity, values, who’s the human you wish to be, what message are you spreading & why, is it from ego, what is your purpose, do you have past trauma to nurture & heal?⁣

⬆️ the BIGGIE.⁣

Swipe for other quick tips jotted down on IG

Know that I love & appreciate all of you! I want you to be confident in believing your story matters, your voice matters, & the opinions of others don’t matter. What matters is you lead with love, purpose, & it sets your soul on fire❤️‍🔥

What old facebook memories taught me about adulting & aging gracefully

Cringe worthy.

Like, “Dear Baby Jesus, did I really put that out in the world?” SMDH

My old social media posts, ESPECIALLY those on Facebook often make me wanna hide underneath a rock. On the other hand, some make me smile, some laugh, some wonder if I even had a brain or any sense of style. Those you see & you’re like, “WTF was I wearing &/or WTF was I thinking dating that person?!”

Come on, laugh, let the WTF’s flow! Judgment free zone!

As I’ve aged & became more comfortable & in love with myself, I realized they are also clues & puzzle pieces to the way I absorbed the world, evolved, & learned to eventually (hopefully), more successfully navigate as an adult.

Don’t know bout ch’all but I still feel like I’m a kid. I remember when I thought 30 was old & by 40 all the fun sh*t was over.

Hell I’m just gettin started!

I don’t consume much social media nowadays as compared to when I’d scroll endlessly without INTENT. Key word – Intent.

I use it more for content creation & connection. It is easy to get sucked into the rabbit hole. Be careful to not place your worth in your profiles. I enjoy using mine as an educational tool & expressive extension of my personality, but I choose not to use it as a barometer of my worth, existence, or social resume.

The other day tho, up popped a FB memory that went back 16 years to when I was married, unhappy, confused af, an addict to food, alcohol, & toting around a sh*tty midset, “shoulding” all over myself. 

It read, “Fck this adulting, bout to get fckedddd up!”

Welp, glad my use of sentence enhancers haven’t changed.

But instead of feeling shameful, this 39 year old human felt such a sense of pride & gratitude. Pride for how much I’ve grown & gratitude for this space in life, in time – with all of you!

I know y’all relate to this too. Just wanted to check in with ya in hopes you’re also sittin in this space of awareness, love, & acceptance instead of shame, sadness, & regret.

Laugh y’all! Life is meant to be lived in JOY! No ragrets.

Anyone wanna share your “walls of shame?”

Oxox Coach K

They only follow you because you’re pretty

My favorite sport to watch is hockey 🏒 Used to see the @fwkomets ⚙️ play all the time. I love sports.

Random fun fact. 

Actually there are tons of fun facts none of you know about me or the other people you scroll thru via social media or work beside on the daily.

I had a girl ask me how I handled people who say things like, “People only follow you because you’re pretty & show your body.” ⁣ Someone had told her the same thing.

I said you just gotta learn to forgive & Love people.

That may be true for some accounts, seeking validation via their body, but I know I (& many others) also have shxt to say & a purpose behind our words & photos.

Thanks to all of you who read our words. You are our family.

And to the rest of you who choose to hate those of us who share openly & make waves, I’m sorry you feel that way.

I’ve learned thru my own shxt when you’re ready to be the person you’re meant to be, you’ll stop making excuses & choose to give fux about the ‘right’ things that light you up. 

Things like love, coffee shops, sunsets, road trips, sports & concerts. Live music, new songs & old songs that bring back memories. And people more than anything else. You will need a tribe of the right people & you will need to be that person to someone else.

I choose to be the hope for someone else. 

A lil bit savage & a whole lotta soul 😉🔥💋 And the shirt says it all — don’t think for 1 minute you can bullshxt me, Darlin. 

Shirt: @amandaradke

Xoxo Coach K