What Do Dying People Regret The Most?

I used to buy those “fancy bras” because that’s what all popular girls wore.

Hated them. They’re not comfortable. Bralettes or no bra at all are the way to go, Sisters.

Confession: I actually had a guy ask me if I even owned a “regular” bra. In typical “Hello, signed by a Scorpio ♏️ fashion” I replied, “Let’s just be real here, it all ends up on the floor anyways, does it really matter?” 😄🤷🏻‍♀️

This all ties into living life for YOU & not for other people.

For decades I lived an unfulfilled, lackluster life because I felt I had to:

  • Stay in relationships I knew weren’t right
  • Be a certain size & weight, lift a certain number on the barbell to be worthy
  • Stay in the same job you hate your entire life because, well, that’s what was expected
  • Just follow suit because that’s what good little girls & good little employees do
  • Water down my personality & sexuality & not take chances asking men out because I feel rejection & judgment
  • Keep toxic people around because I was just being nice. 🤢 I cringe at the words good, nice, & vanilla.

In one of the most popular posts I’ve ever written👉NO.1 REGRET OF THE DYING: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Of all the elderly patients I’ve had the honor to take care of their joys & regrets have nothing to do with over working or what they looked like but their relationships, fulfillment, time & health, not their resumes.

Most who spent huge chunks of their lives working toward a vision of societally defined “success,” i.e. titles & money, regret. But those who poured themselves into deeply meaningful relationships, joy, & experiences, don’t.

Most boil down to one overarching regret: not doing & saying what really matters to you. Living out of obligation instead of purpose.

The dying people I cared & care for help me understand how irrelevant stupid rules, “proper” timelines, & the opinions of others are in the end, & my courage has set me free of such cares.

Live free❤️

Oxox Coach K

Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!

Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, & travel registered radiologic technologist. Indiana farmer’s daughter who likes to describe herself as a storyteller, experience collector, & athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs, in Crohn’s remission, & financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: 𖡡 Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.

On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!

Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️

You can find free resources, guides, coaching, & all the links you’ll love here🔗

Fall Feels And Lynchburg Livin’ Lately

Eating meat. Collecting moments. Writing things. 

January will be here before we know it. Grateful to spend fall & winter with you, Virginia❤️

I started my travel Xray contract extension here October 21st. I’ve been in Lynchburg since the beginning of July. I’ve loved it here.

I work with great people at the hospital. Yes, the grind is grueling, but I’ve come to appreciate the 3 days off after 7 days on. Sadistically I love the pain. F*cked up, I know. But it’s what it is & how I’m wired.

I appreciate the small airport here that flys into Charolette. I don’t feel trapped, I feel more free than ever. If I wanna do something, I just book a flight & go!

Solo travel has been soul-deep nurturing for me. A journey of self discovery. A journey of being good at being ME.

There is a really wonderful circular relationship among confidence, inner peace, traveling, & simply feeling like a BADDIE that can take on anything.

Traveling in itself is an act of confidence. The fact that you went somewhere by yourself demonstrates strength. As your self-esteem grows, you start engaging in more independent, self-serving behaviors.

You let sabotaging ones fall away. Honestly I feel like I just don’t give a sh*t about a lot of silly things anymore. 😄🤷‍♀️ It’s great.

Truthfully, I can’t pinpoint where the travel antidote came from. Images of happy women doin life on their terms stamped an impression into my brain of the person I wanted to be, but my 20 something old self felt I couldn’t — a woman who can pick up & go & feel confident in all of her decisions.

But I freakin did it, & I’ve done it well. I did it scared sh*tless. Haha! And I’ll continue to choose my adventure.

I’ve made my way to touristy spots, rural gems, hills & hollers, chatted with locals, made out with cute guys at bars on occasions, even let some of them steal a piece of my heart along the way.

The ability to be okay with being by yourself, to not need constant stimulation & company, is extremely empowering. It opens up choices for you that are not contingent on what others want & it enables you to be out in the world with others & then be with yourself to reflect, to regroup & to feel replenished.

Lost & found come from the same box & not all who wander are lost😉 

To be continued…

Oxox Coach K

Like blogs like these? Come adventure, get FIT, & live your best life too with me!


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📕 Gut Healing + Weight Loss Blog

How to Stop Fitting In to Finally Belong

I know what it’s like to ache for belonging…

I had a teacher tell me in middle school I was “too big to be a cheerleader.”


➤ That meant I was different.

➤ I was less than.

➤ I didn’t. Fit. In.

 (I’m 60lbs lighter than I used to be for people new here. I spent the majority of my life sick, over weight, & broke af. You can find my weight loss/healing story in the link in my IG bio) link here

weight loss before and after carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly

In the absence of love & belonging there is suffering.  -Brené Brown

I still feel alone (not lonely – big difference). 

I truly am a dominant introvert. Being around a lot of people is really hard & energetically draining.

I won’t, however, sacrifice my loves like live music, travel, & exploring because of it tho. I’ve taught myself to be a selective extrovert.

If I wanna go do something – I do it. 

Here’s been the game changer for me: I belong to ME

I spend a lot of time belonging to myself &, frankly, that makes a portion of other people feel uncomfortable🤷‍♀️ 

Even when I feel alone or “don’t fit in” I know I belong to ME. For the first time in my life at 41, I feel fully embodied in the unique, sparkly, sweet & spicy essence of MY “being.”

You see the opposite of belonging 👉is fitting in. Belonging doesn’t ask for us to change ourselves it asks us to BE ourselves. 

The more you love yourself & give yourself what you need, the less you’ll demand & need from others. 

♡ I challenge you to ask yourself the question, “Who am I?” 

How would you answer that?

To give you examples, today, as the 41 year old model, I’d describe myself as follows…

∞ Storyteller & Experience collector

∞ Life & people lover

∞ Creator & entrepreneur

∞ Messenger & mentor

∞ Psychic Intuitive & Healer

∞ Forever student & athlete of life

∞ Your safe space & biggest adventure

I don’t like to be “defined” by labels, nor do my values reside there. I value freedom/time/health/& energy more than anything.

 I used to live for labels like being defined by things like being a CrossFit athlete, a former Marine wife, an X-ray tech, yada yada, etc

I am an athlete of LIFE!

And guess what?
So are for you!

Enjoy flexibility & the ability to shed & create whatever shade/character you want every day. 

As a travel RT & clinician, I’ve learned to make HOME in MYSELF. That’s how I’ve found happiness, joy, & peace embracing this lifestyle. 

 I belong everywhere I go as long as I don’t betray myself. 

If I’m worried about:

  • if other people like or accept me
  • or the need create for likes or follows instead of what my heart wants
  • & I feel the need to change for those reasons…

THAT is the moment I’ve betrayed myself. 

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” -Brené Brown


Coach K

Like this blog? Join my newsletter family!

My name is Katie Kelly. I’m a multi-modal travel clinician 🩺💀, nutritionist, high performance coach & biz consultant specializing in human connection & process optimization with over 20 years experience. On social I’m better known as Coach K & I’m just like you!

More importantly, I want you to believe in yourself, your health, your business, your voice, & your ability to live your best life! I believe in vibrational living in life, fitness, health, relationships, & business. Intuition is one of our greatest gifts! I’m here to help you discover & follow yours to a more abundant, joyful life!

I’m known as the sweary, Indiana farmer’s daughter who went from a sick (Crohn’s Disease & bulimia), overweight (lost 60lbs via the carnivore diet, CrossFit & Orange Theory), broke bish (was 50k+ in debt) to a thriving, self loving human here to inspire, educate, & mentor!

Welcome to my digital diary & wellness blogs full of life lessons learned the hard way🫶

I post content about life/biz/self improvement anywhere from fat loss, therapy, disordered eating, Crohn’s, self love, entrepreneurship, healthcare, food, fitness, finance, & everything in between to a social media audience of 47K+!

Thank you for allowing me to add value to your lives! Grateful to have you part of my digital family ❤️

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com