Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
We see you googling, “Why is my life f*cked up.” 😂
If you have ever asked yourself, “Why is my life f*cked up?” this entry is for you.
It’s like that meme:
THERAPIST: what do we say to people who want to get to know us?
ME: welcome to the shit show.
Life provides an infinite supply of inspiration & lessons should you choose to see them. I started a few years back as part of my therapy writing them down in the moment, without a filter, without questioning them.
Some of these will inspire, some may bore you & some will piss you off 🤷♀️
And that’s ok, because I’m not here to be the most popular, the most successful, the most beautiful, the most perfect, the most intelligent, the most anything for that matter.
I’m here to challenge, to provoke thought, to invoke feeling, to challenge you AND to help us all wake the f*ck up, define our own reality, take up space, find our voice & do something f*cking amazing with it!!!
I remember walking into the gym thinking everyone was judging me. 👉🏻 Am I too fat to be in here? 👉🏻 Are they judging me because I’ve been on the treadmill for an hour & don’t know how to use this machine? 👉🏻 Are they laughing at me because I’m not as strong as I used to be or I’m not very good at doing this specific lift. 👉🏻 Are they judging me because I am not as lean as I used to be? What matters is you find the movement your heart loves. Movement is energy, movement is life, movement is abundance! This doesn’t mean killing yourself in the gym 7d/wk. How do you start? ✅Shoot for 10K steps a day. ▪️Park further away from your destination. ▪️Take the stairs. ▪️Time block morning or evening walks. ▪️Take a walk at lunch. These can even be short 10 minute walks. ✅Time block 2-3 workouts a week. ▪️ Pick what time of day works best for your schedule. ▪️Shoot for 20-30 minutes starting out. ▪️ If large crowd stress you out pick a time a day that’s less crowded or workout at home. ✅Invest in a trainer or workout buddy ▪️ They are there to help you! They will show you what routines & how to use equipment. ▪️ Swole mates keep you accountable & give support you need! ▪️ Sign up for online training programs that give direction & align with your goals. ✅Set your day up for success ▪️Sleep in your gym clothes if this makes it easier for you to get up & go in the morning ▪️ Wear clothes you’re comfortable in & make you feel GOOD.
5 years ago, I wrote a journal entry about my ongoing struggle with binge eating & unhealthy addiction to exercise.
I detailed longstanding struggle with my seemingly endless appetite & f*cked up addiction to stuffing huge amounts of food in my face, struggling with gut flares & drowning in a black cloud of self loathing & frustration.
I had no “cures” as of yet, but I was now out of the closet getting REAL with living in a haunted house.
Since writing that entry, I created a community here simply sharing my life in hopes of helping others living a similar nightmare. I’ve received dozens of messages asking about my journey of recovery from disordered eating, poor body image, food addiction, orthorexia, & Crohn’s disease.
Living 3 decades with these devils on my shoulders, I’ve learned much about these demons that used to haunt me.
After going “carnivore” with my diet & changing my perspective on health & fitness, I never binge & am healthier than ever at 40 years old. I want the same for you.
How did I crack the code?
Well, first, I stopped looking outside myself for solutions, online & advice from friends, doctors, & latest fads. Instead, I decided to compassionately look inward & get curious on what life & fitness meant to me.
I started observing myself to understand why I behaved. I found without exception, I binged in response to 3 different situations that left me hungry physically & mentally:
When “restricting” & trying to eat like everyone else instead of ME When avoiding an emotion or lacking purpose When neglecting my own pleasure & needs
My priorities now are: Great food in the form of animal based nutrition — quality sleep & exercise — simple joy & peace.
I don’t categorize dieting & working out as a daily must-do activity anymore. I’ve learned to consider lifestyle a choice I love, not a chore.
A CHAMPION means to be someone that loves the work of becoming one more than the idea of becoming one.
Strong gave me the life I thought skinny would.
Be the woman who wakes up with purpose, shows up, & takes up space with intent.
Even when you reach the age where your heated seats are more about easing muscle pain than heating you up 😝😂📛
She couldn’t find her fire & asked what sparked my flame.
I responded to a dm from a woman telling me she felt lost in life. This is what I said…
“The sexiest thing in the world is someone who’s sure about you. And it’s not always about other people, it may oftentimes be yourself. Which is the most important relationship.
For me, I want a love & life & fitness so fiery passionate & fulfilling it gives me a 3rd degree burn. THAT is the feeling I seek in every experience.
I want a love & life & fitness so decadent it tastes like freedom & home.
Connections where you don’t have to say a word but you feel all the feels so deep like you had an entire conversation under the stars where only you & that other person exist.
I want a life that forces me to grow, one that is so far from vanilla & ordinary that it ruins me in the best way possible.
I owe it to myself to not live in fear.
To love as many things as possible.
And to never settle for anything that makes me feel that I can’t be myself.
Like that love you can feed all your gritty secrets to & they’ll still be there in the morning, staring at you like you’re the finest meal they’ve ever seen after starving 100 deaths.”
Took me a minute to put those emotions into words, but I think she got the hint 😉🔥
The healing process is all peaks & valleys.
For me, it has been like the tallest mountains & the deepest oceans.
I actually get uncomfortable now in the in-betweens. Straight roads make me nervous.
40 yrs of life have taught me so much. We can grow in great moments but we grow extraordinarily greater in the trenches.
The great thing about the fact you’re reading this is that it means you were probably born in the 70s or 80s. So you have a thick skin.
You can be told you’re at fault without taking it personally. It’s like your parents saying, “Quit yer cryin or I’ll give ya somethin to cry about!” I can still hear it.
This is important, because I have to tell you, if you are like me, you were or still are doing all sorts of dumb sh*t that needs to change if you’re feelin bad — overweight, stressed to the titties, tired-looking, demotivated, physically weak & grumpy.
Still reading?
I knew you would be. You’re my people!
I’m 40, born in 1982, & freely admit to having developed all sorts of dumb, counter-productive habits in my teens, 20s & 30s that affected my health, body shape & wellbeing as I approached 40.
The fact I looked puffy & felt like sh*t had less to do with: Genetics Not having time Other people The weight on the scale or jean size Work And really had everything to do with me just not taking care of myself, following what I thought I should be doing as far as diets & workouts, & building healthier lifestyle habits.
I consistently chose to let others & outside factors control my life, which ironically made life harder as I approached 40.
I won’t sugar coat it (literally), if your health & body shape aren’t great, it’s mostly your fault to a larger degree.
What if there was a gateway drug that could give you happiness? That could give you focus, discipline, confidence & fulfillment?
What if it guaranteed a life of greater significance, stamina, impact, & success while alleviating depression, stress, & anxiety?
Would you take it?
Wanna know what it is?
This ‘gateway drug’ …is FITNESS.
Fitness isn’t just about the physical. It’s about the mental, physical, & energetic transformation of creating & embracing an evolutionary journey for LIFE.
What fitness really teaches you…
If you’ve followed me for years, you’ve witnessed I’ve been all shapes & sizes. And if you’re new, I cannot wait to get to know you!
I been thru 50 shades of healing, strong af, thiccc af, shredded af, & f*cked up & everything in between.
Struggled like all of you.
And I’m honesty getting emotional writing this, thinking, having spent so much of my energy nitpicking the “perfect” set of macros or training routine. Not going out or dating because I felt less than or I was over my calorie allotment that day.
It’s about finding that perfect blend of balance.
Fitness 100% taught me that I CAN do the hard things👇
➡️It taught me how to stay committed-not just by what I looked like in the mirror, but by keeping promises I made to myself.
➡️It taught me discipline. Getting workouts in, hitting macros, eating whole nourishing foods & not crap.
➡️It taught me the value of hardwork & that I can do anything I put my mind to.
➡️It taught me seasons, how to work with my body, self care, time & energy management.
It’s hard to find something that will teach you how to f*cking finish something more than that.
As creatures on this earth, we either find comfort in not trying or comfort in the extreme. It’s difficult to find comfort in the balance.
I firmly believe pressure creates diamonds, & the challenges endured mentally & physically through fitness have helped reveal my highest self.
Today, I’m 40 years old & 55 pounds lighter. My heaviest weight at 5’1 was 160lbs & it’s been one hell of a journey living with challenges like gut issues, Crohn’s dis-ease, disordered eating, training as a Crossfit athlete & juggling all the life lessons along the way from the school of hard knocks. My story is not one of overnight success. I didn’t take a magic pill, although admittedly tried diet pills & every diet known to man. The physique I earned today took over 10 years to build. My results were not from a fad diet or a product from an infomercial. My journey has been more like a roller coaster ride of trials, errors, & a collection of milestones along the way, eventually leading to more than I ever expected to gain (or lose). I was an unhappy girl with no self-esteem, trapped beneath a baggy t-shirt & stretchy pants & desperate to lose weight to just “be normal.” I had no idea that it would turn into a journey of self-discovery, freedom, & finding joy. Trying to lose weight & build muscle while working a job(s), commuting, trying to take care of your family & juggling all the adulting can be hard work. But I want you to know that it doesn’t need to take hours each day. In fact, you can make a lot of progress with only 20 minutes of daily effort. The key is that you need to focus on the right lever-moving actions each day. It’s about controlling your environment & creating a success routine with the intentional habits to help you embody the person you wanna be & the life you wanna live. You won’t always be motivated. In fact I loathe the word motivation because I feel people use it as an excuse to not do what you need to do to be better. It comes down to keeping commitments. You’re worth keeping commitments to. A professional is a human who can do their job when they don’t feel like it; an amateur is one who can’t when they don’t feel like it. Which one you wanna be? So here is your 5 step blueprint & simple 6 guide for building a lean, energetic, happy, healthy body for LIFE!
Garyvee got it right: The biggest poison in us – regret.
But I feel it’s super-tricky.
Regret is not an immediate consequence of your actions. You do or don’t do something today, & MAYBE you’ll end up regretting it years later. I feel it’s problematic because it prevents learning from the feedback of your own life.
To live a regretless life, to me, you have to learn from other people’s lives as much as your own.
An example from my storybook, I had the wrong perception of productivity. It’s something I still struggle with.
I always thought that to be productive, I needed to do & achieve something constantly. If I wasn’t working on SOMETHING, I must not be working hard enough.
This led to much self-imposed stress, criticism, self sabotage, & anxiety. Plus, I wasted time & energy addressing burnout.
I later learned from the book “Deep Work” by Cal Newport that productivity doesn’t mean “doing.” It means less mental clutter that automatically translates into quality actions & habits.
As an experiment, I started deleting my to-dos that I didn’t like or necessarily have “to-do” to eliminate mental chaos.
The major benefit I gained from my not-to-do list: increased clarity & mental stability by reducing guilt & overwhelm.
It also improved my connections with clients, coworkers, friends, & family because it prevented me from making empty promises & over commitments.
In a nutshell, I saved time, freedom, energy, inner peace, & creativity — the most treasured resources.
Misconceptions & confusion that are most likely holding you back.
Like these: “I am not losing weight on the scale but am losing inches. Is this working?“ & “Muscle weighs more than fat”
Which isn’t actually true.
A lb of muscle weighs the same as a lb of fat. Just like a lb of chicken breasts weighs the same as a lb of ribeye…YES, one is fattier than the other, but a lb is a lb.
The more accurate way of saying this & probably what most people mean when they say this is “Muscle is more dense than fat.”
When you’re losing inches but not weight, this means that your body is going through what’s called recomposition or you’re losing body fat, which takes up a significant amount of space, & you’re left with a greater proportion of muscle, which takes up less space (i.e., more density)
This is actually a great sign due to the positive changes your metabolism & overall health are undergoing as you continue to build muscle
Muscle is the organ of longevity & metabolically taxing. This means that the more muscle you have on your body, the leaner you will be. The less muscle you have, the less efficient your body is at using the calories you consume on a daily basis & the greater decline you will have in your overall health.
The scale can be a useful tool to show long-term trends but it doesn’t give you the entire picture. Additionally, fluctuations in your scale weight can happen for SO many different reasons that have absolutely NOTHING to do with body fat gain or loss.
With that, here are 7 fat loss and fitness misconceptions that are most likely keeping you!
I have confessions…(Yeah I’m channeling my inner Usher to share all the things)
Witches, vampires, superheros, paranormal, & immortality excited me! Dudes, I read all the Goosebumps & vampire books I could get my hands on as a shy, nerdy, overweight, insecure little girl.
Even as an adult, Twilight & The Vampire Diaries consumed me. I wanted to be Bella & Elena.
When I was 8, I asked a librarian: “I wish we all had a choice to live as a superhero or immortal.”
I’ll never forget what she said as she pushed back her dirty glasses. She said, “You know, you can. Your thoughts have power to become things. Start taking & embracing the hard pills right now so you can savor the good pills.”
I thought, “WTF are hard pills & good pills?” (Ok, maybe I didn’t think WTF as an 8 year old but that’s exactly what my adult mind would’ve been saying)
Reading & learning about The Dalai Lama later in life, I realized our lives provide us with a shared portion of those hard & good pills that librarian was referring to.
Hard pills: Death, life stress, debt, health problems, obesity, relationship problems, depression, bad habits, addictions, heartbreak, etc.
Good pills: Love, assets, family, friends, a home, income, good habits, health, success, knowledge, etc.
I realized when I was younger, I feared & avoided the “hard” pills instead of embracing them as experiences to learn from.
Experiences to grow from in order to become the best version of myself. They didn’t make me a failure or less worthy, but actually MORE credible & valuable because I could confidently say I had been through some shit, accepted sometimes it be that way, & STILL come out on top.