What Do Dying People Regret The Most?

I used to buy those “fancy bras” because that’s what all popular girls wore.

Hated them. They’re not comfortable. Bralettes or no bra at all are the way to go, Sisters.

Confession: I actually had a guy ask me if I even owned a “regular” bra. In typical “Hello, signed by a Scorpio ♏️ fashion” I replied, “Let’s just be real here, it all ends up on the floor anyways, does it really matter?” 😄🤷🏻‍♀️

This all ties into living life for YOU & not for other people.

For decades I lived an unfulfilled, lackluster life because I felt I had to:

  • Stay in relationships I knew weren’t right
  • Be a certain size & weight, lift a certain number on the barbell to be worthy
  • Stay in the same job you hate your entire life because, well, that’s what was expected
  • Just follow suit because that’s what good little girls & good little employees do
  • Water down my personality & sexuality & not take chances asking men out because I feel rejection & judgment
  • Keep toxic people around because I was just being nice. 🤢 I cringe at the words good, nice, & vanilla.

In one of the most popular posts I’ve ever written👉NO.1 REGRET OF THE DYING: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Of all the elderly patients I’ve had the honor to take care of their joys & regrets have nothing to do with over working or what they looked like but their relationships, fulfillment, time & health, not their resumes.

Most who spent huge chunks of their lives working toward a vision of societally defined “success,” i.e. titles & money, regret. But those who poured themselves into deeply meaningful relationships, joy, & experiences, don’t.

Most boil down to one overarching regret: not doing & saying what really matters to you. Living out of obligation instead of purpose.

The dying people I cared & care for help me understand how irrelevant stupid rules, “proper” timelines, & the opinions of others are in the end, & my courage has set me free of such cares.

Live free❤️

Oxox Coach K

Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!

Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, & travel registered radiologic technologist. Indiana farmer’s daughter who likes to describe herself as a storyteller, experience collector, & athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs, in Crohn’s remission, & financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: 𖡡 Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.

On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!

Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️

You can find free resources, guides, coaching, & all the links you’ll love here🔗

Being scared but doing it anyways

Epiphany🤷‍♀️Feel I’ve reached the point in my life I comfortably/confidently embrace I really have no idea what I’m doing but f*ck it I’m doing it anyways😆😂🙃

Anyone else,feels, too?

Numerous occasions I’ve had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, so, well…🤔 I just started doin stuff scared sh*tless.

Yup👉made a LOT of mistakes. But the beauty is you gain the data & experiences to make better decisions as an improved/wiser version of yourself.

I believe if I just keep going intentionally purposeful/hopeful as a kind/positive soul, everything will work out.

I think about the quote, “You can do anything, but you can’t do everything.” I acknowledge when I’m trying to do EVERYTHING➡️which leads to burn out & then not wanting to do ANYTHING.

I’m not comfortable being “in the middle.” I’m either chill af or intense af. I thrive in extremes. I know they’re dopamine hits.

I need the periods of doing less to do more. I need the contrast. I no longer have shame in this realization about myself.

I’m constantly trimming & purging my life. To be honest I feel 2023 has been a year of unlearning, exploration, releasing, simplifying, & freedom.

I like having change AND routine. I need both to keep life grounded/interesting + vibrant!

I constantly savor deep connection + mental & physical stimulation👉professionally, personally, physically, mentally, & relationally.

I’m proud to be at the point in life where I’m chill & content the majority of the time no matter what season.

Today I realized I don’t run away from anything or anyone anymore. I’m already gone from what I wanted to escape. I am home in myself.

I’m home & running towards what comes next.

A CHAMPION to me is someone that loves the work of becoming one more than the idea of becoming one.

Friday morning feels🫶 🌽 🍁

Feel good to be home in Indy for a few days♥️

Fire up for @warrenzeiders tonight!! 👢🤠🪩✨💎

Oxox Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit : http://www.instagram.com/lil_bit_of_fit

Blog: Lilbitoffit.com

All links:  https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

The secret of a happy life is found in your snow globe

One of the best pieces of advice thru my #selfhealingjourney was about how to manage it all“One day at a time.”


👉Acquire something that will fortify you against poverty (scarcity), against death (healthy living), loneliness (connection/love), stagnancy (personal improvement/purpose/service), etc.

Just make sure to do 1☝️thing each day that positively moves your life forward. That’s it.

When I was younger, I didn’t quite understand when I heard people use the phrase, “It’s like polishing up a turd💩.“ 😂(I still laugh, but there’s extremely deep meaning to the comical reference.)

💎👉If you do not enhance & heal yourself, you cannot enhance & heal your experience.

Finding joy, peace, self-awareness, & self acceptance ARE your answers. It’s not a diet, a partner, a new relationship, money, or of singular worldly/material things.

💎The magic exists inside you. You’re like a snow globe. You can flip yourself upside down & shake shit up whenever you want to experience the magic. 

💎You can either become wise, or you can become wounded. 

The wounded:

Gossip. Bully. Kill. React. Scarcity mindset. Negative inner/outer chatter. Pessimistic. Are oftentimes unhealthy/sick/overweight/broke/sad/lonely/depressed. Feel like heavy black clouds when you’re around them.

The wise:

Praise. Support. Accept. Respond. Growth/abundance mindset. Optimistic. Positive inner/outer chatter. Are oftentimes healthy/vibrant/more youthful/wealthy/happy/confident. Feel light/warm like a cup of hot cocoa & sunshine on a chilly day when you’re around them. 

Don’t get trapped in the logic of life, get trapped in the loving & living of life.

I think about the contrast of how I live my life now vs how I used to live my life…

…people think I’m crazy to do travel Xray b due to the constant change, nomadism, challenges, & the unknown. ( “travel nurse” life for those new here)

And ya know, I thought I’d feel ungrounded & constantly homesick but I’ve never felt more authentically rooted & confident in myself, EVER

Yes, it is a stressful af lifestyle. It changes constantly, I’m challenged constantly, but I’m experiencing WEALTHS of extraordinary emotions/skills/& real life sh*t that have filled my tool belt of life! I’m constant collecting wisdom & memories.

I’m (FINALLY imo) building a mudder truckin’ life right now. ✨ 

I didn’t do this in the past. I lived on auto pilot. I didn’t challenge myself daily. I stayed stuck in self sabotaging habits. I accepted my past story as my forever story, & in turn, I was lonely, miserable, overweight, sick, unfulfilled & aimlessly wandering void of the nourishing feels/experiences/fulfillment I desired. 

Hopefully this helps you gain insight & INVOKE awesome-sauce & badassery inside of your snow globe.

Shake shit up.

Do it whenever you want.

I believe you!

You don’t need to know or find your purpose to start living life. This is where we get things wrong. You need to simply start living + challenging yourself (& others/society).

I promise you will find the things that make sense, light you up & pave the golden path in front of you. 

You don’t find the yellow brick road by doubting yourself, Dorothy. Shake your globe, find your Ruby Red slippers👠✨😉 


👉 always your biggest fan

Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit : http://www.instagram.com/lil_bit_of_fit

Blog: Lilbitoffit.com

All links:  https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

Thrifting, lifting, Country Style Ribs + how to build your strength workout program

Who do you think you are?” she asked me (my supervisor).

In a performance review when I was 27 I was told that I had a “strong silence” & was “different” which others took as me being arrogant & cold & that I “needed to be more understanding of other people‘s weaknesses.”

💁🏼‍♀️In Beth Dutton fashion, let me interpret this: “Your resting bitch face, your sparkle, & the fact you can do other people’s jobs better make them uncomfortable.” 🤷‍♀️😆

It was eye-opening & ego shattering at the same time. I had no idea that was how I was being perceived. It did encourage me to sit down & observe past behaviors & presentation & how I was “different.”

At that time I was going thru a divorce, in radiology school full-time & working part time on top of it. As I put it, stressed to the titties.🫣

I was like come on sister, my life feels like getting stuck halfway putting on a sports bra when you’re sweaty & ya need Jesus to come down & cut you out of it 😂 

When you’re “different” & a “high performer” in life, you might notice that some other people, well — aren’t.

If you want a great life, tattoo these words on your brain: LIFE IS NOT HARD ON YOU; YOU MAKE LIFE HARD FOR YOURSELF.

Life can be hard & people won’t understand you sometimes, yes, but the majority of the “hard” sh*t in life people think is really “hard” in my opinion is really the EASY SH*T. 

Just be you & stop over complicating things. People don’t need to understand you you just have to love yourself.

Took myself thrift shopping & a rainy date to the gym yesterday. Had a beautiful day of treasure hunting!

The thing I’ve learned over the years is that many live life haphazardly complacent in a mediocre, lost state…

I hope this can meet you with inspiration today ❤️

Oxox Coach K


1. Go in with the right mindset—it’s about finding a treasure.

2. Look through everything, ALL sections. Try them on, they look different on 🙂 If it looks even remotely interesting, throw it in the cart. Have fun!

4. Go often & when the store opens to get the best buys.

5. Feel good supporting the community! My FAVorite part is giving back! My thrift store order of ops: Mom & pop stores → Church stores —> Salvation Army —> Goodwill.

6.Wear outfits that are easy to layer over so you don’t need a fitting room.

7. Buy it if you LOVE it!



bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer/speaker, nutritionist — doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog, Lilbitoffit.com
