All About Gut Health on the Self Transformed Podcast with Emily Nichols!

I don’t eat vegetables or fiber.⁣

I eat a 💩 ton of meat.⁣


It works better for ME & my special digestive needs.⁣ For decades I chased fat loss & performance as a Crossfit Athlete following diets because everybody else was doing it. But I found myself broken, emotionally eating, inflamed, bloated, & unable to lose body fat despite “eating ‘clean’ & all the right things.”

⁣Honored to have the opportunity to chat with @emilynichols22 on the @selftransformed podcast today! You don’t want to miss this episode!

Had a consult call yesterday with a client struggling to find the right diet. The problem — focusing solely on fat loss & not holistic health first. That includes mindset, gut health, & your relationship with food & exercise.⁣

⁣First thing’s first — there is no such thing as a “clean” or “best” diet. This only creates food fear & stress. There are only foods that NOURISH & make you feel GOOD & foods that HINDER you & make you feel CRUMMY. Some of these can be those deemed “healthy” like fruits & vegetables, you just can’t break them down & digest them properly.⁣

You may still be having symptoms because:⠀⁣

❌You haven’t addressed the root cause. There is a reason for symptoms. Don’t put a bandaid on it. My approach is find the root cause & develop a system to fix it. Is it an infection, stress, lifestyle, overtraining, Candida, bacteria, no sleep, too much fiber/too little fiber, not chewing your food, too large of meals, food combos?⁣

❌You’re stressed af & not making a change. That gut brain connection isn’t bs. It controls many things from mood to energy to digestion. If you can’t chill out, your gut can’t do its job.⁣

❌Sleep. Rest & digest means just that. If you’re always wired, it’s hard for the body to adequately rest & digest. It affects the 🚽 too.⁣

❌Histamine/food intolerance: some lack enzymes to break down specific foods &/or our guts are so inflamed we’ve developed an intolerance over time.⁣

❌Stress. Over exercise. Under eating. Malnourishment. Life stress. ALL STRESSORS.⁣

Love y’all & I’d love to hear your experiences/feedback below and on the Gram!