In a world that glamorizes quick fixes & a pill for cure all’s, what we need most is education. Education on how the body is interconnected & how every organ affects the next & trickles over to every system.
How stressors affect body fat gain even in a low-carb state:
Stressors can come from lifestyle. Ex: exams, travel problems, relationship issues, kids, work. They can come from over exercising, over caffeinating, or eating high inflammatory foods & sugar.
In response, the brain signals the body to produce Cortisol. Your body needs a quick fuel source. It’s primary focus is survival. This is where low carb misses out. Even in a low carb state this release of cortisol releases liver glycogen for short term fuel which causes an insulin spike.
So say you’re depleted, low carb for 3 days, what happens? You can begin to break down muscle tissue for short term fuel. Your muscles contain 400g of stored glucose. So stressors like hard workouts, overly fasting, over caffeinating, or high levels of life stress still spike your blood sugar.
The more chronically elevated your cortisol, your cells become less responsive which can cause insulin resistance.
⬆️stress=⬆️cortisol=⬆️blood sugar=⬆️insulin=⬆️inflammation=⬆️cortisol=⬆️estrogen=⬆️body fat
Post here on IG with cheat sheets!
Moral of the story: educate yourself. Chase health 1st. Too much caffeine or stress can cause you to gain body fat/become insulin resistant w/out eating an excess of sugar & carbs. So carbs are not always the enemy.

Balance yo!
Our bodies are miraculous, learn the way it works so that you can work with it and not against it!
Coach K