Years ago I came face to face with 2 of my problems. As I sat there staring at myself in the mirror I felt weak, vulnerable & didn’t know what to say. I could see the concern in my eyes, but couldn’t find the words to explain why I was doing what I was doing.
I asked myself why I drank by myself so often & I didn’t have a clear answer. On the surface, it’s because I enjoyed it. Why wouldn’t I? There’s satisfaction about taking the edge off with the luscious drop of a sweet burn. Then something happens. I feel more relaxed & I’m able to forget what’s running rambunctiously in my mind. Sometimes it was 1, 2 or even 3 drinks.
Then there are the snacks & closet eating. I would buy a giant bag of Reese’s pb cups or packages of cookies & brownies & eat them all in one sitting. I’d feel sick, inflamed, & disgusted with myself for days after. Falling deeper & deeper in the binge/restrict/guilt cycle.
I thought to myself, “Katie, this is f*cked up.” A drink alone is so different from a drink with friends. Eating in hiding is different than enjoying food with friends. The social aspect is key to the motivation & appeal of enjoying social spirits & food with friends. I have friends that I like to drink wine with, friends that I like to eat with. Who’s my friend when I decide to drink & binge eat alone?
Coming to terms with unhealthy coping mechanisms isn’t easy by any means but absolutely necessary for growth. It’s dirty & painful & forces you to shed layers of yourself you didn’t even know existed.
Now that I’ve faced those fears & learned to love myself through challenges vs numb with binging food & alcohol, I can finally say at 40 I am free & the healthiest I’ve ever been.
I created my own heaven on Earth with an abundance mindset. I found the carnivore WOE, walking as my therapy, & crossfit as my sanctuary.
— Louise Hay
I go beyond barriers to possibilities.
Here are mantras I use with clients & used myself to help you shift your thoughts, calm, soothe & re-focus your brain (& LIFE) where you want it to be.
Please share this post if it resonated with you & to help someone else out there that may also be struggling ❤️🩹
oxox Coach K

She specializes in gut health, sports nutrition, disordered eating, social branding, human connection, and how to optimize life to attract health, wealth, & happiness.
Katie welcomes all preferences & skill levels with a no diet dogma or one size-size-fits-all approach to health, wellness, fitness, & nutrition.
After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!