Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
Stuck between young enough to do it often, old enough to do it right & old enough to know better, young enough not to care.
Anyone else? 😆
2020 was hard work, 2021 has been no different. It’s like we thought with a new year everything would magically be rainbows & sunshine, right?!
Reflecting back, I feel the years 2018-today have been the most transformative (painful & pleasurable) years of my life, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, spiritually, & relationally.
Doesn’t matter what level of 50 shades of fxcked up I wade thru, even in a global pandemic, I love having something to work towards. Call it an obsession, whatever, kind of like the obsession I have with my airfryer & crisy meat bars.
Y’all can thank me, I know I’m not the only one out there 🙃🥩♨️❤️
Where To Begin
One thing I learned the last 2 years was that things can change in a heart beat! Relationally speaking, I went from being single, to a solid relationship, to single again, to married, to divorced. Some would be devastated, however, being the relentless optimist, I am so grateful for every sweet & sour drop of experience I gained thru that chapter of my life. No ragrets , no what if’s, y’all🙏 Not one bit.
I always go back to how I want to FEEL in my life (on all levels), I romanticize about specific things I desire but I leave the specificity to the Universe (God, whatever you choose to believe in. FYI, I am a non-specific manifestor, manifesting generator energy type #humandesign for all my people of WOO✨ out there)
I believe in divine timing, that I deserve everything I desire, & the Universe will bring me that – OR BETTER. (That “or better”part is important. Setting intentions I always add that to the end of my statements.)
So it was important for me to begin with thinking how I want to FEEL in 12 months time.
I started by writing a long list of all the descriptive words that resonated with me. Words such as authentic, healthy, successful, wealthy, luscious, thriving, vibrant, loving, grateful, loved, significant, creative, satisfied, joyful.
I kept thinking them through until I decided on the word, NOURISHED.
Immediately I knew that was how I wanted to feel.
Nourishment is usually associated with food however I want to apply that feeling to all parts of my life.
By focusing on how I want to FEEL, it reminds me what I could influence regardless of what was happening in the world❤️
Have you set yourself any goals? Or are you just seeing how the year pans out?
As always I would love to hear your thoughts & I appreciate y’all reading the ramblings of @lil_bit_of_fit 💕
I know I’m not the only one out there that has let themselves get to the point where your mood is basically, “Fxck EVERYTHING.” That deserves an LOL fo sho!
There’s no way to sugarcoat this – I’m just telling ya like it is. Coach “Keepin it Real” K 🙋♀️
We can’t BS ourselves & say we don’t know how we got here, because in retrospect – WE DO. This is a big topic my clients & I talk about & how we can prevent these roadblocks from stopping us in our tracks.
To offer a lil bit of help, so this “mood” doesn’t swallow & paralyze you to the point that overwhelm, poor health, weight gain, hopelessness, depression, & normal functioning stops (as you see it impacts you both emotionally & physically) — here are some exercises that have helped me & my clients avoid major catastrophes!
Create a “Control & Release” List
One of the first things I do with clients who are dealing with burnout or hopelessness is have them write a list of everything that’s stressing them out, or making them angry & upset.
Then, we go through the list & divide it into things that are within their control, & things that are beyond their control. Like a pros & cons list.
You can’t avoid work hours or certain bills or social/family commitments but you can control how are you react to them, things like your sleep, over training or lack of movement, choosing foods that make you feel nourished & fantastic vs guilty & bloated, self-care time.
The point is to get familiar with what’s demanding the bulk of your time & energy, assessing how you’re reacting to it, & controlling only what you can control.
Create “You Time”
We need time to ground. Setting aside time each day that are completely your own will only serve you positively in every facet of your life. Doesn’t matter what it is. It could be getting a pedicure, taking a walk, coloring, journaling, meditating, catching a workout, taking yourself out on a date. I would even suggest putting it in your scheduler as an appointment to keep “work” from bleeding into your time.
Invest In A Coach or Mentor
We live in a society & culture that is all hustle. Seek out those people who seem to balance it well and embody the life and the person you desire to be. I call them expanders.
“Success leaves clues.” – Tony Robbins
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” – quoted by so many top leaders
You’ve probably heard it more times than you can count…
“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn.
There’s also the “show me your friends & I’ll show you your future” derivative.
Whichever you’ve heard, the intent is the same. Audit the people around you!
Create “Personal Success Boundaries” to help you navigate socializing.
While I agree one of the preventative tactics for burnout is to have a robust & fulfilling social & home life, constantly getting texts/calls/DMs/Snapchats, whatever, can be taxing, & energetically draining too. Especially for us introverts & empaths.
To avoid getting into the “I have no people juice left or fxcks to give” zone, you gotta set boundaries, sis.
This can look however you want it to. Maybe it’s letting people know that you’ll be slow to text back or “off the grid” till Monday. Or it could be as simple as saying NO to certain people & things, because you’ve decided they’re energy draining vs energy giving. Or maybe it interferes with your workout time or Netflix & chill time, whatevs.
Whatever your success boundaries, stick to them as best as you can AND communicate your “rules” to folks in your inner circle as they come up.
If somebody doesn’t understand them or can’t evolve WITH YOU — they’re NOT your people. I don’t care how hot they are, this especially matters in romantic relationships. The people meant to be in your life align with you at this very moment. Learn to be unattached to outcomes & lovingly release what is not meant for you. Anything meant for you you should not have to chase and it shouldn’t be hard.
Balance shxtty tasks with things that bring you JOY
Know what brings you joy, unapologetically.
I say this all the time, “Self-awareness is your superpower.”
If lifting weights doesn’t bring you joy, and running does – run. And vice versa.
If you love staying at home but your friends &/or other half likes to be social, find a balance! Stay home this weekend and go out the next.
If you hate your job or relationship or financial situation or the fact you don’t feel well & don’t like your body – you have the power to choose again & choose a thought or something that brings you JOY.
There is so much abundance out there if you keep an open mind & heart, just focus on doing what makes you happy & give up expectations, control, & worry.
I keep this reminder in my scheduler. Anytime I feel overwhelm, I pull it out and read it aloud to myself.
I hope these exercises help you feel a lil better on a day to day basis, which is a sunnier place to launch & will give you the ability to advocate for the bigger inner, & subsequently, outer changes we desperately seek ❤️🌈
And if you need to book a consultation and talk, about whatever is hindering you – nutrition, health, life, relationship related – fill out an inquiry HERE and we’ll schedule time.
Easy like Sunday mornin 🥚🧀 🥓 You can make these carnivore bites 100 different ways with your favorite ingredients! My fav is sausage egg & cheese! Used recipe 👩🍳 Other options: Bacon Your fav veggies Pork sausage Turkey sausage Ground beef Ground pork Ground turkey Cheese or no cheese Etc Bites are the perfect low carb, grab & go, keto/carnivore/really any “diet” friendly breakfast option! Perfect for any easy meal prep. You can freeze them for later too! Ingredients
1 pound breakfast sausage, cooked, drained
4 ounces cream cheese, softened
3 eggs, beaten
1 cup shredded cheddar
1/3 cup coconut flour (optional, makes them more “fluffy”)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cook your breakfast sausage, drain and set it aside to cool slightly.
When the sausage has cooled add it to a mixing bowl and combine with the cream cheese until there are no cream cheese clumps left.
**It is important to make sure the sausage is not too hot before continuing as it will cook the egg when you add it in the next step**
Stir in cheese, eggs, coconut flour (optional) and baking powder.
If adding coconut flour, when the mixture is well mixed allow it to chill for 5-10 minutes. Coconut flour continues to absorb moisture so if it seems to runny it won’t be.
**Skipping this step and not chilling the dough will result in flat bites, not balls like you see in the photos**
Grease a baking sheet, place the Sausage Egg and Cheese Bites on the tray & bake 18-20 minutes. Enjoy!!! Don’t forget to tag me and share your creations!!
If you’ve been following a low carb diet (low carb, keto, carnivore) for a while and have been experiencing weight loss plateaus, hormone imbalances, low energy, or a decline in athletic performance, you might want to consider implementing strategic refeeds.
A refeed is an intentional, strategic increase in calories consumption This can be via carbs, fats, or both carbs and fats. Often done on a periodic weekly basis. These refeeds are an effective strategy for minimizing potential negative hormonal &/or metabolic effects from longer term dieting or low carb intake.
So lets talk Carbohydrates and Insulin
We know carbs have a larger impact on the hormone insulin. Most of us that follow a low carb diet have chosen to go this route for more efficient blood sugar balance as well as improved mental, emotional, and physical improvements. When our bodies don’t respond properly to insulin, we increase our risk for disease like metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, heart disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Alzheimer’s, and more.
Insulin is responsible for telling our cells (mostly muscle, liver, and fat cells) to soak up sugar from the bloodstream. If your cells don’t respond, the level of sugar in your blood remains high and can begin to have toxic effects. This is called “insulin resistance”.
One way we can become resistant to insulin is from eating carbohydrate-rich foods in excess, especially from refined, heavily processed sources like sugary cereals, donuts, cakes, candy, brownies, poptarts – you get the picture. These foods result in excess glucose in the blood, leading to chronically elevated blood sugar and cells that eventually become resistance to insulin signalling. Chronically elevated blood sugar is a serious problem in and of itself, but so is becoming resistant to insulin, as it serves many important functions in the body.
When You Might Need to Implement Refeeds
Carbs can help athletic performance.
They’re not the devil, you’ll hear me say it over and over again what it really comes down to is our relationship with foods and they’re application.
Carbs are helpful for optimal high-intensity performance. They provide fuel for your muscles in the form of glycogen. Long term low carb dieting can lead to depleted glycogen in muscles/liver and a hindered ability to perform high intensity, glycogen-demanding exercise, especially in the beginning stages of adapting to a low carb lifestyle. HAVE PATIENCE. Performance will improve and even out over time.
One diet strategy that has been shown to actually increase performance is a carb cycling method, where athletes & avid exercisers switch between periods of low and high carb intake. The aim is to maintain the ability to efficiently use both carbs and fats for energy, referred to as “metabolic flexibility.” Not only does this ability reduce risk of disease, it also improves performance and can aid in fat loss.
In other words, properly timed carbohydrate refeeds can be an effective strategy for optimizing athletic performance and maintaining metabolic flexibility when following a low carb diet.
You can also incorporate caloric refeeds by increasing your fats macros (vs carbs) and therefore increasing your over calories to maintenance or a slight surplus in time of dieting. This is a great mental & metabolic break for many and will also help restore your “tank.”
Weight Loss Plateaus
The dreaded plateau! Trying to lose the last 5-10lbs can seem like a never ending cycle. It’s not uncommon to see significant weight loss in the first couple weeks of a low carb diet, but then stall. Coincidentally, it’s shown that 1 week is all it takes to see a drop in leptin levels.
If you’re close to your fat loss goal and have reached a plateau, a refeed can give you the hormonal & metabolic boost needed to shed the last few pounds.
How to Do a Carb Refeed
There are many ways to do a carb refeed, and depending on your situation one may be better than another. Each method involves a larger quantity of carbohydrate intake at a scheduled time, but the size and frequency will vary based on individual activity levels, genetics, bioindividuality, goals, training modalities, digestive needs, etc.
A few common methods you can experiment with to see what works for you:
Best For: Individuals who engage in lower intensity physical activity, are currently dieting and need a mental break like on the weekends, or are seeking the health benefits of a low carbohydrate diet but want to avoid any possible negative long-term effects.
How to Do It: Pick one day or one meal per week to eat a larger amount of carbohydrates. For example, your refeed could be on a weekend or on your most physically-active day.
Recommended Amount of Carbs: 50-150g carbs, depending on the individual.
Best For: Individuals that perform a intense training sessions (heavy resistance training, CrossFit, HIIT, Orange Theory, Spin, etc) each week and want to optimize performance and recovery, while maintaining ideal body composition.
How to Do It: On big training days, increase your normal amount of carbohydrates in your first meal post-workout.
Recommended Amount of Carbs: 50-150g carbs for most, depending on the individual’s needs
Best For: Serious athletes who train nearly every day or multiple times per day who need to enhance recovery between sessions and have no negative physical or mental issues with carbs.
How to Do It: Pick a meal to consume a larger amount of carbs. Most often this is post-workout &/or at dinner.
Recommended Amount of Carbs: 50-200g carbs, depending on the individual.
Less Optimal Sources of Carbohydrates
When choosing where to get carbs for your refeed, some sources are more optimal than others. Refined carbohydrates, stripped of their fiber and micronutrients, tend to cause a greater spike in blood sugar compared to their whole food, fiber-rich counterparts. They are better used around training pre/post when you want this spike for fuel and recovery like white rice & all natural/low sugar cereals, rice cakes. Additionally, refined carbs have been shown to promote overeating and weight gain, alter your gut biome, and damage your intestinal barrier.
Here are some carb sources that you’d be better off avoiding during refeeds:
White, processed, non nutrient dense bread
Pastries, cake, brownies
Candy, chocolates
Sugar-sweetened beverages
Most packaged foods — check the ingredients!
More Optimal Sources of Carbohydrates
A more optimal carb choice is going to be one that replenishes glycogen, balances insulin sensitivity, and also provides valuable nutrients. Unrefined, complex carbohydrates from whole-food sources are going to be a more optimal choice for most for getting the most out of your carb refeed unless you have issues with fiber, high fodmap fruits & veggies, etc.
Here are some of the more optimal carb sources for a refeed:
Starchy vegetables like potatoes, squash, yams, etc.
Properly prepared grains like white rice, quinoa, oats, etc.
Natural fruits
Nutritive sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, or blackstrap molasses
Carb refeeds & fat refeeds in general can be a valuable tool if used appropriately. There are several options, from once a day to once a week, but some experimentation will be necessary for determining the exact method that works best for you.
Some of the benefits you may start to see after strategically including more carbs &/or fats in your diet include:
Balanced hormones
Better body composition
Enhanced athletic performance and faster recovery
Increased energy
Reduced cravings
More restful sleep
Hope this helps team! You’re always welcome to message me on Instagram!
You had me at pizza❤️🍕 Add this one to your carnivore cookbook! 🍗🍕CHICKEN CRUST PIZZA 🍕🍗 INGREDIENTS
1lb ground chicken 1 cup grated parmesan cheese 1/2 tsp salt 3 large eggs Recipe makes two ketopizza bases or 1 large one. Your choice. DIRECTIONS
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line baking sheet or pan with parchment paper.
Stir together the shredded chicken, grated Parmesan cheese, and salt.
Whisk the eggs lightly, then mix in.
Divide the dough into two equal pieces. Spread the chicken crust pizza “dough” onto the parchment paper as thinly as possible (about 1/4 in thick).
Bake for 15 minutes, until firm & golden on the edges.
Let the crust rest for 10 minutes.
Add sauce & toppings of your choice. Return to the oven for 10 minutes, until the cheese is melted. Some recipes add almond, coconut, or flaxseed flour for “fluffiness.” I like to add a little ground sausage to the ground chicken for flavor too! My favorite toppings are black olives, mushrooms, sausage, ham, & pepperoni! (Black olives & mushrooms I can tolerate) Just be mindful of toppings & ingredients that can cause got irritations like high fodmap veggies & excess dairy 🧀 What are your favorite toppings?
You’re gonna love this casserole for your taco Tuesday y’all! Because tacos are good any day that ends in Y! You can make so many different versions of this casserole, be creative and make it your own! Some add onions, peppers, & olives. Omit if you’re sensitive to high fodmap foods. You can also reduce the amount of dairy if you’re sensitive. There’s no one way to do this dish! Others also use this as a baked ‘dip’ if you want to use it with pork rinds or your favorite tortilla chips. Don’t forget to let me know how it turns out, I love hearing about y’all’s home cookin! INGREDIENTS
1 pound ground beef
1 packet gf taco seasoning
1/4 cup water
2 ounces cream cheese
1/4 cup salsa
4 eggs
1 tablespoon hot sauce (optional)
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup grated cheddar
1/2 cup grated pepperjack cheese INSTRUCTIONS
Preheat oven to 350. Spray an 8×8 baking dish with non-stick spray.
Brown the ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat, drain fat
Stir in the taco seasoning and water and cook for 5 minutes.
Add the cream cheese & salsa & mix
Crack the eggs in bowl & whisk together with the hot sauce and heavy cream.
Pour the meat mixture into the prepared baking dish and top with the egg mixture.
Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 30 minutes or until eggs are set. Boom 💥 Low Carb Taco Tuesday. Done ✅ Now gimme a 🌮 👇🏻
The quick & dirty on how to properly take digestive enzymes.
These were one of the first supplements I tried when experiencing chronic bloat, gas, pain, cramping, etc. I created an entire supplement guide just for you! LINK HERE!
I really had no idea the application of these supplements or how digestion worked. I’d take them willy nilly expecting my gut flares & issues to magically disappear.
Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body. Natural digestive enzymes, such as lipase, amylase, & protease, aid in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
First & foremost, if you’re experiencing chronic problems, go get tested, see your doctor, practitioner, or qualified coach. Stop ignoring you have a problem.
The best time to take your enzymes is right before, or right as you start eating. When in doubt, check the label. Usually anywhere from 15-30 minutes right before you eat is ideal.
Most of us lack stomach acid. We don’t slow down when we chew our food, we’re always in get sh*t done mode & this is the first step in the digestion process.
💊BETAINE HCL &/or ACV: increase stomach acid to breakdown down macros, especially proteins & fats. Take prior to eating.
💊OX BILE: great for people without a gallbladder, especially doing keto/low carb/carnivore. Take prior to eating.
💊FISH OIL & MULTIVITAMINS: take mid meal.
💊PROBIOTICS: take at night on an empty stomach.
I take primarily @nuethix_formulations products. Link Here. Discount Code: lilbitoffit at checkout! Above are my favs!
Swipe for tips on how to improve your digestion, supplements that help me and common triggers that cause problems.
Who else had no idea how to take their #digestiveenzymes ?🤪 💊
Trying to figure out your carnivore diet macros can seem like Tetris!
Y’all have to experiment to find your puzzle pieces as far as foods, macro ratios, & what shade of the carnivore diet is your preference. Enjoy this list of my favorite foods + Macros!
Getting it “right” can mean the difference between feeling great or feeling more like a dumpster fire 🔥
Know this will take tweaking but I want to make this simple for you when you’re first starting out. All of your goals, histories, training modalities, metabolic abilities, etc will be different from your neighbor. This is just a general base.
➡️The most important thing you’ll need to know is how many calories your body currently needs to function its best & maintain your weight. This is typically referred to as your maintenance Calories. I will create a future post & expand on this.
You’ll need to consider sex, age, height, weight, & activity level. MORE goes into this but I do not have enough room to write a novel! 😂
➡️Set protein 1g/lb of lean body mass or desired weight.
➡️Set fat the same, 1g/lb of lean body mass or desired weight.
➡️Carbs will vary. Like I said, there are 50 shades of the carnivore diet. Some people include non-starchy veggies, some include non-benign carbs like white rice on occasion. Go your own way.
➡️If you like or need your fat higher, or you need higher calories, by all means increase your fats. Some prefer higher protein, you can do the same here, but beware, you can get your protein too high & it can cause issues.
Not everyone needs to track macros but it will be extremely helpful to make more educated decisions on where to make adjustments.
Happy calculating guys!
Leave a tip for your fellow carnivores below, don’t hesitate to send a DM if you need direction!
Link here for coaching, we’ll calculate your macros for you! 🦾
I highly recommend anyone hiring a coach 1st & foremost. It will alleviate a lot of guessing & frustration. Everyone needs someone they can lean on for advice🦾
Let’s dive right in!
1.) Finding your maintenance calories, which is the calorie sweet spot where you maintain your bodyweight.
Maintenance Calories = Bodyweight x [11-16]
11-sedentary-light activity
14-moderately active, 3-4 basic 30min-1hr workouts/week, (most fall in this range)
16-very active, 5 or more intense workouts/week, endurance training, 2 hr sessions, etc
Ex) 130 lbs x 14 = 1820 maintenance calories
2.) Calories for Fat Loss (-) or Muscle Gain (+)
**If you’re leaner, error on the side of conservative
Aggressive: Maintenance Cals -/+ 500
Ex: 1820 – 250 = 1570 Fat Loss Calories
Ex: 1820 + 250 = 2070 Muscle Gain Calories
3.) Macros (These will vary based upon training modality & personal preference) Protein: 4 cal/1g
Carbs: 4 cal/1g
Fat: 9 cal/1g
Traditional ratio: 40% C/30% P/30% F
Keto: 5-10% C/10-20% P/70-80% F
Basic Rules of 👍🏼
🍗Protein = 1g/lb of body weight (or goal weight)
Ex: 130 x 1 = 130g of Protein
🥑Fats = 25%-30% of calories (some prefer higher fats & lower carbs, some prefer higher carbs & lower fats. Again based on training & appropriate fuel for that training & your personal preference)
Ex: [1570 x .3] /9 = 52g of fat
🍚Carbs = calories left
Ex: 1570 – [130 x 4] – [52 x 9] = 582
582/4 = ~146g Carbs
Suggested Macros:
130g Protein
146g Carbs
52g Fat
Check your weight every couple weeks, make adjustments based upon your biofeedback.
Let me know if you need help on the gram! Dm me @lil_bit_of_fit
♦️How To Setup Your Macros & Calorie Periodization for a Fat Loss Cut♦️
Save & share this one!
How do we diet smart without totally turning our metabolism and hormones into dumpster fires🔥? #nutritionperiodization
3 things I believe are under-rated, yet make a BIG difference in progress:
✌️Caloric Periodization
🤟Carb & Meal Timing
Sleep: dudes I don’t care what diet you’re following you’re not going to get anywhere if you do not get your sleep under control.
Caloric Periodization: This is the way we structure our macros (& calories) across time periods. (A week or multiple weeks) The BIG reason 👉🏻 it’s how we create sustainability & adherence. Let’s be real, diets aren’t fun. You’re gonna be hungry. It’s a big stress on our bodies. By incorporating structured refeed and diet breaks we give our bodies and minds the reset we need to stay committed to our goals.
Carb & Meal Timing: Tips I’ve learned overtime throughout my journey… keep your largest meals earlier in the day, preferably post workout. This is when our bodies are most insulin sensitive & metabolize food & carbs more efficiently. Fast 12 hours overnight — this will prevent evening snacking. This is why setting meal times & intermittent fasting are effective tools when dieting & when it comes to adherence. Don’t demonize carbs, use them with respect & with intention. If you have a bad relationship with carbohydrates, check yourself. Self sabotaging habits & emotional weight can be the exact things weighing you down. Avoid trigger foods, mental & physical, keep them out of the house.
Love y’all!
What’s your preferred method of dieting? I prefer a one day re-feed a week when dieting! 🤗 👇🏻