During therapy, she said, “I don’t feel you really have social anxiety & neither do you, I feel, & as self-aware as you are, you feel, you’re surrounded by the wrong people & always seeking truth. Why stay in circles you’ve grown out of? You already know the truth you’re seeking.”

Fxck me. She right. Does this every time.🙄🤔🤦🏼♀️😄
I keep it real with y’all. I don’t just post health & “fitnessey” stuff. Yes, y’all need to learn that content too, but the meat 🥩 (lol always makes me giggle 😆) of what you need work on is self healing, self love, self awareness, & bluntly put – owning your shxt.
🔆The biggest pillars my clients & I work on.
That’s truly how you get what you want – the abundance, love, happiness, body we all dream of.
So, let me share some of my real life lessons that may just help you…
💡 The entire time you may think it’s you but what it really is is the people & environment you surround yourself is toxic & misaligned. Be choosy who you let in your circle.
💡 I will never go thru another stage of life depending on someone to take care of me, validate my worth, have to tell a man/friend/etc – how to treat me.
💡 I do not need to explain my beliefs, definitions, & choices on diet, relationships, religion, politics, or what I choose to do with my body.
💡 Never be embarrassed or ashamed of your current situation. Most people in this world are covering up the same situations with filters & fake smiles.
💡 Choose people who understand, don’t judge, & lovingly allow you to be yourself. Those people feel like sunshine, gravitate to the energy givers.
💡 Relationships truly meant for you should come easily & feel like freedom & home. Any one you have to keep secret, force, chase, change or censor yourself – is most likely one that will end & teach you a hard lesson.
💡 The best decision I ever made was to promise myself I would have the hard conversations I didn’t want to have because those are the ones that matter. I decided hiding my words was hiding me, & they may just be the words someone else needs to here to change their life. Your message & voice matter.
How do you know you’ve found the truth to what you’re seeking?
You get to the point where you feel like your life depends on constantly research, studying, & seeking. When we’re in school, often times it does, our life trajectory depends on our studies.
As we age I feel we more study & seek truth about life, our purpose, & who we are in general. We try to make sense of it all. I can tell you I’ve been doing this constantly my entire life.
So the question has been asked, “How do you know when you found the truth to what you’re seeking?”
👉🏻The way you know you’ve found the truth is the truth that you’re seeking is the residence of who you’ve become.
It feels like home.
It’s easy.
It flows like water.
You’ll hear me say be like water, you have to learn to flow like water throughout life.
The problem is for many of us growing up we are taught the truths of all the other people & society. We’re told we have to blend & fit into all the truths. Which then feels heavy, puts many of us into a box or forces us to feel we have to slap a label on our diets, our relationships, & about who we are as humans.
Like we have to fit in a file cabinet in exactly just the right spot or we’re tainted & to be thrown in the trash.
Blend with the loudest most powerful & most authentic truths.
💡Ask yourself, “What if it does work out exactly how I imagined, or greater?”
How bout we end on that note & entertain that thought?! 🌈
High five if read all this 👋
Peace love & meat 🥩 🔪
Swag: @kincaidsmeatmarket @kincaidsmeatmarketfishers
Gimme your best life lessons, share with someone else below👇🏻 Love y’all ❤️
Oxox Coach K