“Who does she think she is?”
…Well it appears she is someone who is living her life unconcerned with who you think she is.”
Anyone else need to make that quote your screensaver?
Tips for you today!
IG post version here for my Igers

Suggestions to live by starting now:
- Repeat, “Every day in every way I am better & better.” Every. Day. Post-it on your bathroom mirror.
- A negative, self sabotaging mindset will do more damage than any piece of cake. Saying, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” is bs. I can think of 100 different things right now that feel &/or tastes as good as skinny feels. (Some are not IG/Blog appropriate LOL!)
- You can choose your diet & your foods, but you will never OPTIMIZE your health/physique when dieting if you don’t follow these simple rules:
- Prioritize protein & eat food that optimizes digestion.
- If you don’t eat enough, you’ll also lose muscle. The more muscle you lose, the lower your metabolic rate, the less food you can eat, the less “tone” you will have.
- Doesn’t matter if the food is “healthy” if you bloat & cant digest it — it’s not nourishing you efficiently.
- Skinny syrups & sugar free jello aren’t food groups, they belong in the trash
- Sleep & Move. Trust, life will suck a whole lot less in every facet if you get enough sleep & simply walk.
- Resistance Train. Resistance training helps preserve muscle & metabolic rate. You wanna look good naked right? You wanna eat food right? You wanna eat tacos & all the beef confidently while being naked right? (Maybe that’s just me 🙂 )
- Accept you will never look the same. Periodize your nutrition. We have seasons for a reason. A number does not define you. You are the sum of all your gifts & imperfections. That’s why people love you. If people don’t like you — fxck’em be you anyways, & be KIND.
- Placing worth on titles, achievements, numbers, & people pleasing don’t make you happy. You do. It’s a state of being. Do the inner work to heal. Our shadows can make us do & say things that aren’t kind or becoming. Kindness is always cool.
**FYI: All links, discount codes, guides, recipes, coaching, & more are located here
Community Question & Answer: “HELP! I’ve lost & regained the same 10-20lbs pretty much my entire life!”
Used to be me too. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say this, so let me start out by saying that having the “perfect” diet or macros are rarely the weight loss issue.
When it comes to losing weight, it’s quite easy if you set yourself up for success. Eat less for a period of time, & you’ll likely lose weight. Most of us have the willpower to diet for a couple weeks & lose 5-10 lbs.
What most don’t understand is that once you lose weight, your dietary intake needs to support that new weight loss in order to maintain it. Reverting to your old habits will result in weight regain.
Many focus on simply the outcome or a quick fix & not the processes like daily actions & routine to cultivate a new lifestyle to become the person you actually want to be. If you want to lose weight & change your body & your LIFE long-term, then YOU MUST commit to it every day.
Everyone wants to believe that there’s some hack or “secret” successful people know about that they don’t – there isn’t.
The only “secret” I’ve found is called:
“Know what you want out of life, & do the things you need to do to get it.”
-Coach K
If you want to make success easier & the “right” decisions, diet, workouts, etc, automatic…
You need to get crystal clear on your values & vision.
Because when you know exactly what you want & what you value & what is realistic & sustainable for you…
…everything else becomes easier. You simply act in alignment with your values automatically.
Every decision is easy when you know what matters. Because your values & vision drive every decision.
There are tons of habits that I’ve outlined in previous posts, & they will look slightly different for each person. However, your current dietary habits support & align with the body you currently have. Unless you change them long-term, your physique will not change.
Some habits might include:
eating at the same times each day, no snacking
making sure you’re hitting your protein & staying within your calories
resistance training 4-5x per week
hitting your daily step & sleep goal
It may seem like a lot of small monotonous tasks, but once you start doing them regularly, they become part of your life & make a HUGE impact.
There are no secrets to improving your body, it just takes work. The sooner you come to terms with it, the sooner you can be on your way to creating the physique you want!
Things I had to do to lose body fat
- Realize cardio should be used as a lever and not abused.
- Do just enough for enjoyment, get 10k steps/day minimum. It should not solely be done in excess and in the absence of strength training.
- Our bodies are smart, they will adapt to you over exercising which means it will take even more to get results.
- More is not always better. Train smarter not harder. Strength & resistance training should be the foundation of your workouts. 3-5 workouts per week is appropriate. Get your steps, this doesn’t mean always doing HIIT.
- You have to build the “toned” physique first. Its much easier to maintain once you go through a proper building phase. Which means you need to EAT as well.
- Losing fat means you need a calorie deficit, but that doesn’t mean you need to slash your calories down to 1200 or even 1500 in most cases if you’ve done the due diligence to reverse diet and eat like a well nourished human and not a toddler.
- Stick to a consistent, sustainable calorie deficit.
- You can’t over exercise a poor diet. It will also make you hungrier and life will suck.
- Protein should always be the priority. Meals should be protein centric.
- You body can’t build or maintain muscle without it. Your body also burns more calories simply digesting protein more than carbs and fat. Its called thermodynamics.
- Most do well with meals containing 30-50g of protein & eat real food, primarily meat. 1g/lb of body wt for most, goal wt if you have more to lose. Protein also keeps you more satiated. Life will suck less.
- If you need to increase your calorie burn, simply increase your daily steps. Another reason to use cardio wisely and as a lever.
- If you’re getting in 8k, increase it to 10k, if you get 10k, increase it to 12-15k. Walk after meals, in the morning, park further away, walk during commercials, take the stairs. Walking also decreases stress. We were made to move.
- Quality sleep is also absolutely necessary. This is a non-negotiable. 7-9 hrs/night. Our brains, muscles, and body recover when we sleep.
- Stress management is super important. The higher your stress, the higher your cortisol, the higher your blood sugar, the harder it is to lose body fat.
- You cannot function at your highest when you’re sleepy & stressed to the titties. Stop being impatient af. It takes time, grace, & effort.
Thank you for allowing me to add values to your lives!
Again, All links, discount codes, guides, recipes, coaching, & more are located here
oxox Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.
Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!
You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog, Lilbitoffit.com