If I’m going to over eat, what food should I choose to not gain weight?

I know I’m not the only one who has wondered this exact thing in times of hunger & juggling fat loss &/or physique goals…or playing the ole “macro Tetris” 😆

Basic rule of thumb: if you hungry & you’re choosing to over eat, CHOOSE A LEAN (means lower fat) PROTEIN SOURCE. The higher the fat content, the higher your calories will be.

Carbohydrates typically affect your blood sugar the most.

This is also a reason higher protein carnivore & meat-based diets vs high fat are extremely effective in helping you achieve & maintain a lean, more muscular (athletic or “toned” as a term many of you use) physique.

Also a reason why fat cycling is effective. (which is similar to carb cycling for those who are familiar with carb cycling)
It focuses on higher protein and helping you achieve a calorie deficit by lowering your fat on specific days. Basic science and math at the end of the day.

My favorite lean protein sources:
Ground chicken
Lean ground beef (90-93%)
Chicken breast

Hope this helped you guys!

  • If I'm going to over eat, what food should I choose to not gain weight?