Smiling cuz I spent the mornin with a barbell & B.O.B. (Battery Operated Boyfriend.)🍆⚡️
Just kiddin. (Maybe😂)
Ladies, come on, you know exactly what I’m talkin about. A girl has needs🤷♀️
Mom & Dad — just ignore that statement, earmuffs.🙉
Actually I did spend the morning with Bob — Bob Proctor, & Lewis Howes. Lewis’s podcast talked about the law of attraction, creating wealth, & manifesting abundance. BTW, that’s your podcast recommendation for the day. I’ll post in IG stories too, swipe up.
A woman asked me yesterday via Dm, “How do I make a good impression & attract the right kind of people?”
Phenomenal question.
You know that anxiety-invoking moment you’re asked, “So tell me about yourself?”
I don’t care if it’s a job interview, conference, date, or a frickin dating app bio 😩 — it’s like what do I say here?
Or more like, what level of my weird do I not disclose? I got 50+ shades to play with here🤷♀️😆
I responded with a quote, “Chandeliers don’t go looking for rooms to save from the darkness; they’re attractive because they just hang there, illuminating, sparkling, & shining their light.”

I also told her she only needed to do 2 things no matter what the situation: be authentic & be memorable.
As for attracting high value people, I journaled these following words years ago.
Ways to attract higher quality relationships:
1. Be authentic & be the person you want to be with. We can have all the checklists we want, but how many of those qualities are we committed to embodying? You attract the energy you put out.
2. Be fierce with your boundaries. You don’t have to include everyone, & everyone doesn’t have to include you. Don’t take things personally. Remove toxicity, & send them love from afar.
3. Reflect back the magic you see in someone. Don’t hesitate to tell someone why you think they’re marvelous. Remind them, all the time. This is so important. And smiles are FREE.
4. Put yourself out there. Go to events, join groups, do what you can to place yourself in rooms with people light years ahead of you & living the life you desire. Never be the smartest person in the room. These people will push the hxll out of you to level up as a human.
5. Be the last person to speak. Listen – like, really listen. Remember that thing I told you about the most interesting person in the room is the most interested? Being a good listener means holding space for the other person to be seen & heard & not judging them for what their truth is.
6. Own your power & remember The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable With Your Word.
Don’t Take Anything Personally.
Don’t Make Assumptions.
Always Do Your Best.
If you haven’t read that book, do it. Now.
Let your light shine & be CONFIDENT as hxll in who you are.
Our goal is to simply be authentic, & memorable.
Own your weird.
Now, every time you hear the name, B.O.B, you’ll remember this message.😉
How’s that for memorable? 😄⚡️
Oxox Coach K