5 Ways To Successfully Navigate Dating And Social Functions With IBS, IBD, and Special Diet Needs

crohn's gut triggers carnivore diet eating out

I knew something was wrong in my early 20s.

It was hard enough worrying about fitting in with the popular sorority girls in college. Special dietary needs and digestive issues piled on added physical, emotional, and mental weight. My body image and food issues started at the age of eight, and exacerbated as I got older — food fear, disordered eating, orthorexia, gastrointestinal bleeding, chronic constipation, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight gain, and bloating… just to name a few.

Decades later, I finally received a diagnosis.

Crohn’s Disease can occur in people of any age. By simple definition, Crohn’s is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the years that I have been managing this disease, I have been able to find health, happiness and wellness, even living with Crohn’s. What I’ve discovered is that it’s all about boundaries and vocalizing specific needs that would have solved a lot of suffering over the years had I shared them sooner.

Have you ever stopped to think about how 90% of your relationships are arguing over picking out a place to eat then ending up smashing pizza or Mexican & sayin the word “babe?”

cheers titos lilbitoffit

Don’t lie. Y’all know it’s true. 😂🤚

Now embracing my Crohn’s & Carnivore lifestyle, I realize sticking to my boundaries, non negotiables, & OWNING my special needs would’ve solved much suffering in my lifetime.

Dating & relationships are challenging enough, let alone the added stress if you struggle with any kind of special health & digestive needs.

It’s like the Bumble Prompt: “We’ll get along if…”

— literally have put “You aren’t vegan. 🥩“ there before.

(No diet dogma here, but let’s be real 😆)

I hardly think we’re gonna have a great relationship as you sit there with your kale salad glaring at me like I’m a degenerate as I’m devouring burger patties. 🥗🍔 

Ok, ok, joking aside, here are my top pieces of advice for successfully navigating dating and being social while living with Crohn’s. These tips are also helpful to those living with other special digestive needs and diets.

1.) Be honest and upfront about your needs.

Not only do you deserve the freedom to be yourself, others deserve to know who you truly are. Everyone deserves to know the real you and you deserve a real relationship. You do not want to jeopardize your health and eat or drink something that will trigger issues just because you are embarrassed to be yourself. Use it as an opportunity to educate. Embrace your uniqueness, most people don’t know what they don’t know. Education drives compliance and acceptance.

2.) Eat beforehand, bring your own food, and check the menu prior to your event.

This eliminates food issues completely. Social functions and dates do not need to be centered around food or cocktails. They should be centered around connection. By preparing ahead of time, you alleviate the stress of the unknown. Determine your nonnegotiables. They can be things like choosing to have a cocktail over a meal or choosing to savor a special meal from your favorite restaurant over your typical meal prep. I have literally brought @Zevia as a mixer or eaten an hour or two before dates/social functions.

Luckily with Carnivore, most places have a meat option. Custom order your food with specifics like grilled over fried, no oil, seasoning, sauces, or creams. Request an earlier time if later meals trigger gut symptoms and works better for your schedule.

My go to‘s when ordering out: 

  • Burger patties
  • Grilled chicken
  • Chicken wings (naked, no seasoning)
  • Grilled salmon, fish, scallops, shrimp 
  • Chopped steak, steaks
  • Fajita meat only when eating Mexican (ask for them to be cooked in no oil, seasonings, and no veggies)


3.) Request to have your cocktails crafted to your specific needs.

Most restaurants will cater to your food needs, don’t forget about cocktails, too. Read the ingredients in cocktails. Set drink limits. I have a two-three drink rule and personally avoid any calorically dense beverages with an abundance of sugar, carbs, or gluten. Remember that no one wants to be the girl or guy sitting on the corner trying to find your dignity down the street the next day. That look is not cute on anyone.

My Favorite Cocktails:

  • Diet & vodka or Hiatus Tequila with lemon &/or lime
  • Prosecco 
  • Old fashioned (hold the simple syrup if concerned about carbs & sugar)
  • Bourbon on the rocks

4.) Be an unapologetic question-asker and boundary-setter.

If you don’t ask questions, you’ll never know. Simple as that.

Boundaries are paramount. I struggled setting and standing by my boundaries when I was younger. I felt I was apologizing for everything whether I needed to apologize or not.

I had a professor tell me one time, “Never apologize for something you purposely set out to do with good intentions or a minor mistake simply because you’re human. If you go through life always apologizing, people will take you a lot less seriously, and so will you.”

Healthy boundaries are there to protect you. Don’t apologize for special needs, non-negotiables, and protecting your energy. Maybe you require more alone time or maybe you don’t feel like going out. Own your boundaries or people will continue to step over the line.

5.) Be a realistic relentless optimist.

Accept the facts but choose to always look for the silver linings.

Thoughts become things. Most would prefer to be around people who radiate joy and positivity.

I have a letter board in my kitchen that reads, “Stay close to the people who feel like sunshine.” I choose to be one of those people and bring the sunshine more than the rain.

Remember, just because you have special needs or a chronic illness does not mean you have to dull your sparkle!

Oxox Coach K

Helpful Links and Guides HERE

You can save and share this post with Infographics on IG HERE

  • crohn's diet tips social alcohol
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hoosier farm girl & Purdue University grad, Katie is a multifaceted girlboss! She’s a nutritionist, radiologic technologist, personal coach, executive assistant, motivational speaker & writer, & brand growth consultant working with individuals, businesses, organizations, & executives.
She specializes in gut health, sports nutrition, disordered eating, social branding, human connection, and how to optimize life to attract health, wealth, & happiness.
Katie welcomes all preferences & skill levels with a no diet dogma or one size-size-fits-all approach to health, wellness, fitness, & nutrition.
After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

When is the best time to workout?

best workout time

Q: When is the best time to workout?

It’s different for us all, you may be on team “whenever my kids or job leave me alone long enough”

There’s no right answer here, & no specific time is necessarily best. Workout whenever it fits into your schedule AND keeps you going back!

If you hate waking up in the morning & the thought of working out early is miserable, then evening workouts are probly in your best interest.

For me, I love morning workouts. No matter what the day throws at me, I don’t have to risk missing my workout or an excuse that I’m tired & don’t feel like doin it. This is part of my morning routine & success regimen. You should have one too.

I also find I have significantly more energy & my attitude is more positive the rest of the day if I do workout. Also helps me sleep.

If you prefer to workout fasted, or follow intermittent fasting, it’s also much easier to roll out in the morning to get your workout done while in a fasted state before hunger sets in.

There are benefits to working out at night too. Many find they have greater strength at the end of the day due to being in the fed state, more awake, & better flexibility/mobility.

Plus, we cannot ignore the fact that life can be stressful af, & there is no better stress relief than walking or sweating it out after a long day.

Which one are you?

oxox Coach K

Helpful Guides and Links

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Things I had to do to lose belly fat and gain a lean, healthy physique

lose belly fat

“I forgot to eat.” Something you will never hear this girl say now.⁣⁣
Years ago, I wore my ability to restrict food like a badge. Result: constantly being cold, loss of appetite, & zero energy. There were days I had to pull over to catch a quick nap because I couldn’t keep my eyes open. ⁣⁣⁣
Workouts I thought I was gonna pass out. ⁣⁣
Blood pressure super low, like 80/58 low. I remember the doctor saying do you feel lightheaded a lot? ⁣⁣
I had a DM from a woman this week & she made the statement she was never hungry & didn’t understand how eating more macros would help. ⁣⁣⁣
So I put it this way…⁣⁣⁣

Dying animals have no appetite & don’t eat. Thriving animals fight for their food. Which one do you wanna be?⁣⁣⁣

Katie Kelly/ Coach K / @lil_bit_of_fit 🙂

A decrease in hunger after living in a calorie deficit for too long is our body shutting down to survive. ⁣⁣⁣
This is why females eating below their BMR or at a low body fat don’t have a period. Your body is preserving energy to live. ⁣⁣⁣
This is commonly why you’re constipated. Digestion slows. ⁣⁣⁣
This is why you’re cold, no energy. Your hormones & systems down regulate to compensate.⁣⁣

  • lose belly fat guide

Other Common Symptoms:⁣⁣⁣

  • Irritability⁣⁣
  • Cold extremities ⁣⁣⁣
  • No sex drive⁣⁣
  • Increase in belly fat⁣⁣⁣
  • Chronic fatigue & soreness⁣⁣⁣

Common Causes:⁣⁣⁣

  • Chronically eating in a calorie deficit⁣⁣⁣
  • Candida, Bacterial Overgrowth, Food Intolerances⁣⁣⁣
  • Malabsorption, gut inflammation⁣⁣⁣
  • Chronic stress, hormonal imbalances ⁣⁣⁣
  • Too much coffee (it suppresses appetite)⁣⁣⁣
  • Low quality food, deficiencies ⁣⁣⁣
    Should you eat if you’re not hungry?⁣⁣
    Or when you’re not feeling hungry but know your body needs food, what should you do?⁣⁣
    Always eat when there is physiological/internal cue – in other words, when you either feel that hunger pang or become aware that your body is in need of nourishment. ⁣⁣
    2 guiding factors of what to eat & how much:
    1. Inner Wisdom — how the body lets us know that we need food, or have had enough to eat. Growling stomach.⁣⁣
    2. Outer Wisdom — knowing what your body needs even if it’s not exactly asking for it. Knowing you haven’t eaten in hrs.⁣⁣
    I hope this helps! Swipe for things I had to do to get a healthier happier leaner physique that may also help you!!

Coach K

Helpful guides & links: https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

#carnivorediet #carnivore #lowcarblife #lowcarbdiet #foodaddiction #sugaraddiction #bingeeating #lchfdiet #meatdiet #iifym #ibs #ibd #crohns #colitis #crossfitwomen #bodybuildinggirls #myfitnessjourney #selfhealing #disorderedeating #crohnswarrior #orthorexia #crohnsdisease #reversediet #reversedieting #lilbitoffit #shareindy #indyblogger #losebellyfat #guthealth

My daily routine, carnivore meal prep, macros, workouts, and how to manage hunger

I used to be hungry all the time. Had a request to post my daily routine & how I managed hunger. Y’all it doesn’t vary much. You can find that post here on IG & save it!

All products, supplements, links, & discount codes are here.

I remember the day I looked in the mirror & realized I’d been living a lie.

I’d been living in a figurative house my lies built.

Btw, I hate sharing my food.

Other things I don’t share are toothbrushes & wieners but those stories probly aren’t IG appropriate & sure to spark conversations that’ll go down the gutter rather quickly😂 Yes, I also need to put that on a T-shirt🤔

My success, I understand now, I owe to cultivating a routine & environment that serves me positively body, mind, & spirit.

I’m still hungry but in a much different way…

I love my life & am extremely grateful. It has fed my soul & stoked my hunger in more ways than one & got me thinkin…

I remember being hungry all the time. Even after a huge meal, I still wanted dessert. 

I noticed my friends were able to eat smaller portions & be satisfied. I felt ashamed. I’d binge on massive portions of carbs, usually cookies, candy, brownies, donuts & ice cream. 

Ice cream was easier to throw up. I could eat gallons & I’m embarrassed to even tell you how many gallons I’ve eaten at 1 sitting.

As I aged & became more self aware, a sense of amazement/awakening crept over me…  

Was this bottomless hunger really all physical hunger? It couldn’t be.

Could I sit down at a meal & push away my plate, full & satisfied, without the urge to overeat?

I could, but only after I figured out that I wasn’t only hungry for food. I was hungry for purpose, enjoyment & satisfaction, & not just in my belly, but in my whole life.

Somewhere as a kid, between farm chores, playing with My Little Ponies & going on my 1st diet, I lost track of the idea that I was allowed to enjoy my body, my food, & just being me.

I had to learn the bigger lesson – that hunger isn’t simply about filling our bellies, but about something deeper: a hunger for purpose, connection, joy, & love.

From my own experience & awakening of learning to feel full, body & heart, I hope you find ways to satisfy your inner hunger. 

Sharing my routine which has enabled me to have the body & life of my dreams. 

Let this be a conversation starter with yourself. If you need help cultivating a routine, I’d be glad to listen! 🥰

oxox Coach K

#successhabits #fatlossjourney #lifelessons #happy #love #lifeisgood #carnivoretransformation #carnivorediet 

Ok reasons to not have a kid or get married

marriage parenthood

I didn’t expect to be asked this question


 No better time to discuss this than #pride 


I respect & love everyone regardless of their status & beliefs on relationships, food, fitness, parenthood — whatever you wanna fill in the blank here…

I started my social media over 10 yrs ago with the hopes of sharing my life, words, & emotions to become something greater than myself to help others out there just tryna to be a better human.

I refer to myself as “self partnered”. Ive openly been divorced twice. 


 No ragrets.

I’m grateful for every multi dimensional & faceted relationship in my life.

Use this post as a reminder you are already love.

  • marriage parenthood
  • marriage parenthood dating relationships single

I’m surrounded by infinite love, abundance, wealth & riches. Prosperity that isn’t simply monetary in nature.

Forms of wealth: self mastery, self awareness, family, health, craft, personal development, money, time, freedom, charity, adventure, circle of genius & environment.

The contrast lies in people cultivating actions & beliefs out of obligation rather than authenticity.

Thru the years, having a specific status like being married or a parent became like a status symbol or achievement.
Like somehow you’re better, more successful — more LOVED than your single or childless self.

I want to remind y’all today — your whole life is Love.

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning.” – Joseph Campbell

I’ll leave you with this…
Don’t be afraid to love. Yourself, other people, experiences — fall in love with as many things as possible!

I carry a piece of every relationship in my heart. I carry them because they made me a better woman — the confident, compassionate, hopeful, self-partnered human that is ready to openly welcome her next one


oxox Coach K

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How did you deal with weight gain through the years & transitioning on the carnivore diet?

weight gain self love lilbitoffit

It all starts with learning to love yourself & disassociating your worth with what you look like. I still have stretch marks, rolls, loose skin, & wrinkles.

My body has been all shapes and sizes! Transformation takes time!

I gained 10lbs when I started CrossFit at 31. I gained 15 when I started carnivore almost 3 yrs ago. Your body is meant to transform


For me, my body acceptance/neutrality started with mourning my own thinner self & my more “athletic” physique when I was training harder. You have to acknowledge & sit with these feelings 1st. Rest is absolutely necessary especially when it comes to healing.

This was the toughest part of finally reaching my own body acceptance & realizing I was now in a different season of life.

I understand. It’s easy to find yourself romanticizing the times you’re physically at your lowest. Realize that physical low may also mean you’re at a mental low as well.

My disordered body image, eating, & relationship with self exacerbated with the glorification of my weight loss. It fueled the fire to more disordered behaviors because you crave that validation.

It’s ok to feel all the feels & go thru the wheel of disgust. You have to get to sweet spot of self love regardless of your weight.

Some things I want you remember:

1.) It’s OK to have body goals & want to see what your body can do as long as it comes from a place of self love, not loathing. Make sure you’ve healed any imbalances, done your due diligence to eat enough food to function like a rock star & set yourself up for a successful body goal.

2.) Body positivity & acceptance doesn’t mean you use them as an excuse to eat & treat your body like a trash can. You are what you eat & we were meant to move. You are your habits.

3.) Abs don’t mean you’re healthy & having a few extra rolls don’t mean your unhealthy. We all look different. Chase health first. Choose the diet that works for you. Choose the workouts you love.

Tap for reel: Living at maintenance really is the sweet spot 


⁣oxox Coach K

The difference between IBS and IBD and how Carnivore can help with gut healing

ibs ibd carnivore gut healing

I lived the majority of my life misdiagnosed with IBS when I in fact had IBD Crohn’s.

Know the difference!

Ulcerative colitis involves the inner lining of the colon, while Crohn’s disease involves all layers of the intestine & can occur in both the small intestine & colon. Mine is specifically is affected in the right lower quadrant (around where your appendix is located).

These disorders affect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, the area of the body where digestion takes place. Digestion affects every facet of your life including fat loss goals, performance goals, & just living every day life.

It can be paralyzing when you don’t know what to eat & are struggling with symptoms.

The diseases cause inflammation of the intestine & lead to ongoing symptoms/complications.

There is no known cause or cure for IBD, but fortunately there are many effective treatments to help control it, including diet & lifestyle. Carnivore saved my life.

If medications fail to control the symptoms of IBD, or if certain complications occur, surgery may be required.

There is no single diet or eating plan that will work for everyone with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Dietary recommendations with my clients are tailored for each individual, depending on what part of the intestines is affected, if they have IBS or IBD, specific body goals, lifestyle needs & preferences.

  • ibs ibd carnivore gut healing
  • ibs ibd carnivore gut healing

Swipe for all the cheat sheets on things that I learned, things that helped me improve symptoms, carnivore healing phases, symptoms, triggers, & supplements that were helpful! IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeeqJRiJLrv/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

I assure you there is light at the end of the tunnel!!

Sending you all the love & hugs & know that I understand I’ve been there too!

Supplements you can find here with discount codes & coaching FAQS: https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

#IBS #IBD #constipation #bloating #weightloss #weightlossjourney #lowfodmap #guthealing #lowcarbweightlos #workouttips #guthealth #loseweight #sugaraddiction #foodaddiction #autoimmunewarrior #lowfodmapdiet #fatlossplan #carnivorediet #carnivorewomen #ibsdiet #crohnsdiet #crohnsdisease #ulcerativecolitis #carnivorecoach #crohnswarrior #lchfdiet #crohnsandcolitis #crossfit #bodybuilding

Client call question: Is eating 1,000 calories the same as eating 2,000 calories but burning 1,000 calories off during exercise?

fat loss tips

Client call question: Is eating 1,000 calories the same as eating 2,000 calories but burning 1,000 calories off during exercise?

A: NO. Not only are you lacking the calories needed to fuel your body appropriately to get the results you want, you’re also lacking in micronutrients, which your body needs to function at its best.

Let me point out a big issue: 1000 calories is not sustainable nor enough to sustain a toddler.

By eating so little your body begins to down regulate and fight against you, your metabolism drops, you lose muscle, your hormones begin to go wonky & the list goes on.
Basically you create a dumpster fire for yourself & attain the dreaded #skinnyfat for many.

This is what happens when you don’t strength train, abuse cardio, &
under eat, losing muscle & increasing body fat. You may lose weight but your physique looks nothing like the picture you have in your head.

I explained to my client It would be far easier & more effective to eat 2000 calories & train intentionally.
We should set ourselves up for a successful fat loss cut by reverse dieting if we need to, construct a success routine, then shoot for a small deficit & reassess.

During my last mini cut I only reduced my calories by about 300-400. That’s it.

Let me reiterate we shouldn’t obsess over our fit trackers, earning or burning food.

A much better option to overtraining & under eating is to create a lower caloric deficit, stick to that for 2-3 weeks & then reassess.

The weight loss is slower, easier, more sustainable, more enjoyable, & life sucks a whole lot less


So if this sounds like you & you’re at a point where you’re no longer seeing progress & don’t know what to do, I’d love to help.
Link for coaching options


Coach K

#fatlosscut #fatloss #lowcarb #carnivorefatloss #meatbaseddiet #carnivorewomen #ketodiet #diet #carnivoretransformation #getlean #losebellyfat #lchfdiet #fitmom #strongmom #lowcarbdiet #losebellyfat #fatlosstips #crossfitgirls #girlswholift #fitness #indyblogger #indianapolis #fishersindiana #carmelindiana #weightlosstransformation #fatlosstransformation #carnivorecoach #beforeandafterphoto

Lilbitoffit’s Crispy Airfryer Meat Bars Recipe

meat bars recipe carnivore lilbitoffit

**Videos are saved in my highlights labeled “Meat Bars” on Instagram!


  • 1-2 lb packages ground meat of choice
  • Salt &/or seasonings of choice
meat bars airfryer

I prefer a variety of meat, simply giving my body what it’s craving. Don’t care if it’s grass fed or grain fed. I prefer grain fed as far as taste, simply season with salt due to my sensitivities & Crohn’s. Season to taste however you’d like. I sprinkle the salt AFTER it’s cooked.

If you search the hastag #meatbars on Instagram people have posted tons of unique recipes!


  • LOOSELY break up meat into 4-5 sections or “bars” & place in airfryer basket
  • Airfry, 12 minutes, 380,⁣ though the preheat. Every airfryer will be different.
  • Sprinkle salt to taste
  • meat bars airfryer


  • You MUST use an airfryer for the crispy texture. Baking will not give you the same product. It will be dryer and not as crispy.
  • Do not pack tightly into patties, again the crispy texture is created from NOT packing the meat tightly.
  • You can melt 1 tbsp of bacon grease or beef tallow & drizzle on top of cooked meat or put slices of bacon on top of meat pieces in air fryer before you air fry for extra flavor & fat.
  • You can use the fat in the bottom of the basket as a “dip” or “sauce” &/or for added flavor & fat.
  • You can season with your favorite seasonings & use your favorite sauces. Go your own way, you don’t have to do it the way that I do.
  • If you’re experiencing digestive issues, digestive enzymes will help! I take Utilyze by Nuethix Formulations 5-10 minutes prior to eating my meals. Discount Code: lilbitoffit
supplements utilyze lilbitoffit carnivore
  • Be creative, tag & show me your MEAT 🥩😄🙌

Why digestion affects your fat loss and workouts, especially living with Crohn’s, IBS, and Colitis. Tips to help!

gut supplements fat loss crohn's

I’m fortunate enough to be med free loving with Crohn’s.

I’m an advocate of being EDUCATED & FLEXIBLE, eating foods that are nourishing, suit YOUR lifestyle & needs.⁣

I’m a coach that helps you find your “happy.” I understand how living with gut issues, being overweight, or simply having a poor relationship with yourself paralyzes you.

I’m not a coach that’s gonna give you a specific meal plan, sell you sh*t that doesn’t work, or put on a façade that me or my life is perfect. Perfect doesn’t help anybody, remember that.

I’m gonna share my story & let you decide how to put your puzzle pieces together as your guide.

Specific Products did significantly help me. I don’t have a gallbladder either, fyi.⁣

I created an entire supplement guide just for you! PDF LINK IN IG BIO!⁣ I’m happy to answer questions via comments or dm.

So fueling like an athlete with special digestive needs & why digestion matters.

Here are my top tips living with gut issues as a fitnessor just like you! Swipe!

⁣Why do I eat a meat based diet?⁣
— I’m sensitive to lectins, oxalates, high histamine, high fodmap foods & phytates. ⁣

I wondered for years why I felt like poo after eating nut butters, high amounts of veggies, fruits, fiber, sweet potatoes, breads, & any nuts & seeds. Basically my body hates anything but coffee, gf alcohol, eggs, & meat.

Why I choose a diet based on animal foods

  • Majority of my calories are from the most nutrient-dense bioavailable foods
  • I LOVE & thrive off meat with no digestion issues.
  • Minimal fiber, meaning everything is easy to digest.⁣
  • Low to no sugar, or highly palatable processed carb based foods. These are my biggest triggers when it comes to binging or basically eating like an a$$hole
  • Natural fats & plenty of protein. I’m fuller longer, don’t have energy crashes.
  • My body is more recovered, less inflamed, I eat more food & stay leaner with no binging. My workouts feel great & I simply do what I love.⁣

    I modify my “carnivore” diet to my preferences. There is room for leniency, you are in charge of your adventure.

    I hope this helps you find your happy! Go crush it, Team!⁣

If you need 1:1 support, apply here!

#ibs #ibd #crohns #colitis #carnivorediet