Building muscle on the carnivore diet without carbs

Q: Can I build muscle on carnivore without carbs? A: YES. It comes down to eating enough food + resistance training.

Tap photo for all the cheat sheets to help you on IG!

Before we jump into this, the most important things to remember: 

1️⃣you actually GTTFG (go to the fxckin gym)

2️⃣you eat your meat & ample fat to support your goals, hormonal + metabolic function, & energy

3️⃣you love what you do & eat

4️⃣they’re intentional & appropriately structured to help you achieve your goals

Be realistic about your goals & expectations. All our goals will be different. If your goal is to simply move your body, have fun, be healthy, & get some mental stress relief – that’s a great goal too!

⁣That will still keep you consistent👏🏼 

⁣Movement is medicine.

Most often, these are not the people I talk with, most are looking for a specific aesthetic look, often being “toned” & “look like they work out.”

2 of the biggest roadblocks:

1️⃣You’re under eating & not willing to eat MORE to actually gain the tone you want.

2️⃣You don’t know what to do to actually gain muscle, & refuse or don’t like to lift weights because you don’t wanna get “bulky.”

I hear “I’m just not hungry” ALOT. And I always put it this way: a dying animal doesn’t eat, a thriving animal fights for its food. Which one do you wanna be?

Body recomposition changes, mean building muscle. As you build muscle typically you will lose body fat too. That takes more food. 

You will feel fabulous.

You will feel strong.

You will feel badass. 

And that feeling is addictive. 

Get addicted to being healthy, strong, & committing to your health in the appropriate ways to get you what you want. Because guess what?! Your fat loss cut will be super easy after going thru this period of focusing on getting strong & eating what your body needs 1st.


There’s a reason bodybuilders look the way they do & this is the picture most clients give me when I ask them what they want to look like. 

Bodybuilders commit to their structured programs, they periodize nutrition which means eating more & gaining body fat at some point because they need to to regain health.

The principles & science don’t change, they still apply for building YOUR dream body.

Eat your meat. Lift your weights.


Coach K