Lies your disordered eating told you and what you’re really hungry for

I used to crave all the sweets. Could smash an entire pan of brownies, boxes of cereal, gallons of ice cream — & I did in the thick of my binging & disordered eating. Followed by days of guilt, inflammation, pain, & more hunger.⁣

Tap for full post with cheat sheets!

⁣Thank God every day for this carnivore lifestyle. This is an important post, please SWIPE, save tag & share freely with someone who needs to hear it or if it’s a simple reminder for yourself.

We think we crave chocolate, cookies, brownies, & ice cream, but our hunger truly is for somethin much deeper, somethin much more nourishing.⁣

⁣Things like love, significance, fulfillment, & connection are what we really crave.⁣

⁣When we allow ourselves to FEEL & RECEIVE & have these things, it’s far more satisfying than treats, overindulgence, & temporary pleasures.⁣

⁣If you feel constant, ravenous hunger, know you are probly feeling undernourished & unfulfilled in more ways than just food. ⁣

❌Watch your words, they’re powerful!

“Diet starts tomorrow, or Monday, etc”

“I deserve a ‘cheat meal’ or ‘treat’ because I’ve been, ‘good’ all week.”

“I messed up my diet, might as well splurge & start again Monday.”

“If I eat that I’ll need to make sure I workout enough to burn it all off.”

“I’ll be happy when I reach my goal weight.”

“I don’t deserve to eat that, Ima failure.”

“I can’t do that until I lose the weight.”

Look deeper for what you truly need. Maybe its a walk with a friend, a deep convo, GRACE, a hug, doing something nice for someone else just because, or quiet time with God/the Universe/the Collective or whatever you believe.⁣

⠀⁣Without connecting with ourselves, forgiving our past, & getting real honest on the bullsh*t sandwiches we’ve been feeding ourselves & understanding what TRUE nourishment is — we remain unfulfilled & hungry.

⁣If you are feeling disconnected & lost, my door (& DMs) are always open 🚪💌📲⁣

⁣ I have a whole 354 page guide with an entire section dedicated to emotional eating and things to help you. Click below ⬇️

Tap Photo to snag your copy

❤️ oxox Coach K⁣

Peace, love, & #meatbars ♨️