Cardio or weights? What should I do?

Q: Cardio or weights?

Before I can dive into this, we need to agree on a few things. First, if your goal is body fat loss, the number 1 magical “exercise” you should be doing daily is quit eating sh*t food.

Ditch the highly processed, I have no idea how to pronounce that ingredient, junk.

Eat real food.

Next, to cardio or not? A: it depends. What are your goals/limitations? How’s your biofeedback/stress/recovery? While I agree it can be overdone, I don’t think it needs to be avoided entirely. When done in combination with strength training, cardio can have benefits. 

It is possible to lose fat without doing cardio at all, but that depends on your goals. And be realistic here, do you mentally & physically have what it takes to diet down to those shredded pics do you think you want to look like? Are visible abs worth it?

Cardio is a way of increasing your deficit without having to severely deprive yourself. Cardio will NOT increase your muscle mass. Ladies, pick up the weights.🏋🏼‍♀️

Aerobic exercise can help increase blood flow & oxygen to your muscles & brain. This is good for recovery from intense activity & getting rid of brain fog. Some of my best ideas come when I’m walking (or drinking 🏃🏼‍♀️↔️🤷🏼‍♀️↔️🍸😁) 

Endorphins release when exercising. This helps lower stress & improve mood. Take that 20 minute walk at lunch.

Don’t use cardio as a way to punish yourself for indulging. Practice forgiveness. One cheat meal or bad day won’t kill you. Refocus, get back on track, eat real food, drink your water, & conquer YOUR LIFE.

Most of all be true to yourself & realistic about your goals. If you love cardio & approach it with the right mindset, who cares if the person next to you tells you otherwise.

That might not be their cup of tea, but that might be your shot of whiskey 😉 🥃 #cardiovsweights