Big question from yesterday: What would my general maintenance calories be & protein & fat macros for carnivore if I prefer higher protein?
These are simple calculations & general ranges for you guys to use. This doesn’t mean you have to eat these exact calories or macros. Needs will be different for everyone but this will get you close.
A refresher on what maintenance means. **Macros will vary with training/goals/personal history, etc.
The maintenance period is when we are eating enough calories to support our activities, energy expenditure & MAINTAINING our weight. Not to lose weight/fat. Not to gain.
Being in a cut adds more stress on our bodies and generally, we shouldn’t be living in those phases for more than 12-16 weeks & not dieting more than 1-2x/year.
The different ways our bodies burn calories:
1️⃣ BMR/RMR (basal/resting metabolic rate)
The amount of calories we need just to exist.
2️⃣ TEF (thermic effect of food)
Our bodies burn calories by eating & digesting our food. We burn about 10% of our total food intake cals here.
3️⃣ NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis)
Our everyday activity like walking/taking, cleaning house, etc. These burn more calories than you think which is why we suggest moving & getting 10k steps/d.
4️⃣ Exercise
The calories you burn while you workout.
I love using the TDEE calculator ( ) for a good place to start, but finding a coach is the best way to make sure you tackle any imbalances or metabolic issues from the past & build a solid foundation.
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Remember, you can’t live a BIG, FULL life on an empty tank!
If you don’t know where to begin, simply fill out an inquiry here and will hop on the phone and talk about it!