The Stupidly Simple System I Use to Stay in Shape And Love My Body As An Empath At Age 40

red thong body love acceptance

Yeah but whadda YOU do?! 

I get that question from folks all the time, in person & online, when asked to give advice about getting in shape, protecting energy, & preventing self sabotage. 

I lay out a really simple, low-maintenance approach. It’s true — I don’t put much effort into all this health & fitness stuff. What I do, I do week-in, week-out, though. And it all starts with self awareness, self love, & frankly, not giving a f*ck what other people think or do.

So yes, over several decades, I have put in A TON of effort in total. It’s taken over 10 years to build the body y’all see today. But day-to-day, not so much. BECAUSE I’ve made it a lifestyle. I eat plenty of food (around 2000 cal/d on avg) & still enjoy occasional social alcohol in moderation.

I want you to look & feel fabulous as you get older, too, so strap yourself in for a typical, really low-maintenance week for me (that you can copy or use as inspiration) that helps me stay lean & healthy as an empath at 40.

Mapped out my daily routine here just for you in this IG post!

I Train for 5 Hours a Week, Tops

“Ah but you’re a nutritionist & single & have no kids, you can work out all the time if you want to?!”

Yeah, I could…but why the f*ck would I want to?

I’ve been working out for 30 years — believe me, the novelty wore off long ago. Nowadays, workouts are like vacuuming for me — a necessary thing I need to get done so things don’t get messy & I feel my best. We all wanna look good nekkid too!

I workout out for 4-5 sessions of 40–60 mins a week [depends if I get side-tracked by that work thing or extracurricular activities between sessions 🙂 ] Every muscle group gets hit with a wee dose of damage because I am too damn old to waddle around for days after some hardcore leg day or CrossFit workout. Upper body push/pull days & lower body glute/leg splits. Schedule varies with work schedule. (Routines, guides, & resources in link in IG bio)

training before and after

I Walk 15k Steps/d As A Target

Walking Is a True Health Hack. I have no desire to run at a medium pace for an hour or do hours of CrossFit WOD’s a day anymore, messing up my joints & hormones. If I need to get somewhere 5 miles away, I’ll drive. Thanks.

But I do plenty of brisk walking — 15k steps per day is my target. This has enormous payoffs on several levels:

  • Low-impact stamina-building.
  • Vitamin D for hormonal balance cuz I walk outside in the sun.
  • Clears my head & energy like nothing else does.
  • Torches tons of calories per week.

Takeaway for You

If you hate a particular exercise, please don’t force yourself to do it — there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

Walking is fantastic. Also, I have no idea how many calories cat skinning burns <opens Google>.

I Take & Use a Few Things To Thrive

You can easily find yourself taking handfuls of pills & powders daily because you think they’ll magically solve all your problems. They won’t if you don’t have your foundational success routine in place first. If you’re eating a varied & healthy diet (for YOU) & exercising, you don’t need to supplement with much at all.

There are a few things I take & use that help me thrive. You can find these along with discount codes in the link in my IG bio & highlights.

Complete Biohacking guide here!

Biohacking that helped me instantly feel better & reverse aging
cort-eaze nuethix formulations
  • Nuethix Utilyze digestive enzymes prior to meals for better digestion & absorption
  • Nuethix GDA-Max before large meals &/or meals with carbs for better digestion, blood sugar control, & nutrient partitioning
gda max
red light
  • Infrared sauna – got mine off Amazon

Takeaway for You

If you’re taking tons of shit, do an audit & ask yourself, “What happens if I stop taking this?” If the answer is “nothing,” then save your $$

I Eat 2 Meals & Nothing I Don’t Like

I want to maintain my weight while eating enough to build a wee bit more muscle if I can. This means I aim to eat at my maintenance level in total each week. Use the to find yours.

I do what works for me, which is a form of intermittent fasting every day in windows that suit my work & social schedule.

  • coffee & plenty of water + Ultima Replenisher electrolytes
  • a big breakfast of protein & healthy fats after my walk or workout in the morning
  • a smaller meaty meal mid-late afternoon
  • fast overnight until the next day usually 12-18 hrs. No snacking
  • throw in occasional a large OMAD (one meal a day) on days I work a 1st shift & then a 3rd shift or if I’m just not as hungry

I don’t eat kale — it’s gross. I don’t eat veggies, fruit or fiber because I can’t break them down due to my Crohn’s disease (my whole story is documented in the link in my IG bio & highlights). Carbs & sugar I have a really shitty relationship with so I abstain. I don’t eat any food “because it’s healthy”, I eat what healthy food I like because I like it.

Takeaway for You

Start with the healthy foods you like. Base meals on those. Keep protein high for muscle retention & satiety. Avoid trigger foods, sugar, & junk.

Post workout breakfast. 1.25 lbs of *0% ground beef #meatbars Airfry. 380. 12 minutes. Did not consume the fat in the bottom of the airfyer to make it leaner.
meat bars guide
click for guide here

My Weekends Are Never A Shit Show

You could get in great shape if you gave up sugar, alcohol, & junk food & ate only grilled chicken & broccoli for meals for 12 weeks straight. But you’d also hate life & everyone around you, & after 12 weeks, you would probably binge off the rails.

80-90% for Health. 20-10% for Flexibility

Instead of quick fix, masochistic approaches to dieting, we can lose body fat & stay lean intentionally managing calories & eating healthy foods the majority of the time, say Monday to Friday, or 80-90% of the time, meaning things like:

  • High protein breakfasts (eggs, bacon, sausage, etc)
  • High protein lunches/dinner (meat, seafood, eggs, etc)
  • No-minimal sugar & snacks between meals (2-3 meals/day)
  • Intermittent fasting overnight (12-16+ hours) Do what works for you as far as eating windows.
  • Use carbs (fruit, veggies, oats, rice, etc) intentionally. Typically the more active, the more you tolerate. If they cause issues mentally & physically, you may do better abstaining.
  • If you like weekend/social flexibility, use wisely.

Takeaway for You

Controlling your weight long term: control portions & eat your protein. Remind yourself what makes you feel your best mentally & physically.

Health & Fitness Tips As An Empath

Tips that have helped me to eat well, stay fit, & release negativity before self sabotaging & over eating:

  • Minimize Sugar & Processed Food As Much As Possible: Although you may crave carbs & sugar (as well as alcohol), they will destabilize you mentally & physically. This makes you more susceptible to absorbing unwanted energy & self sabotaging. These kinds of hyperpalatable foods are like drugs, leaving you wanting more.
  • Prioritize Protein: Protein stabilizes everyone. It gives a sense of grounding & satiation. Get protein at every meal, at least 30g. Big reason many food addicts thrive, lose weight, & heal on carnivore.
  • Rest: Sleep. Solitude is your best friend to energetically rest & reset. Go take a restorative walk in nature.
  • Eat Alone & Mindfully: most of us empaths need to avoid outside energy & distractions when eating. It allows us to have full presence, chew thoroughly & savor our food which helps us feel true hunger & satiety cues. This aids in avoiding over eating & thus weight gain.
  • Manage Your Emotions, Time, & Energy: Managing your emotions actually frees up the energy you’re spending on things that do not serve you. Emotions are messengers. They alert you to boundaries being crossed. If you’re like I was, that is what made me want to stuff my face with donuts, cookies, cake, chips, cereal, crackers, & ice cream & then throw it up. I was suppressing emotions & giving my time & energy to everyone else. UNTIL I realized that self loathing & sabotaging behavior meant staying sick, broke, & lonely AF.
  • Move Your Body: Walk, go to the gym, get out in the sunlight, connect with friends. We cope with stress, including loneliness, by using dopamine-triggering substances & behaviors as a means of avoiding painful emotions & self-awareness. But if we make a commitment to living a kick-ass life, then moving the body will get the dopamine flowing, reconnecting us to what we truly enjoy, like our friends & families. I will reiterate again, walking is a GODsend. If in doubt, go walk!

Final Thoughts

Most of adult life isn’t about finding new answers, but unravelling the web of misinformation we pick up over the years.

Here’s the truth about exercise & eating well — it’s a lot simpler than it sounds. The more you eat well & exercise, the stronger you’ll get, the better you’ll feel, and, the more you’ll enjoy it. Then it becomes you & your lifestyle.

When people ask my fitness regimen & I respond with “I workout 4-5x per week for 45-60 minutes & walk 15k steps per day.”…I get, “I could NEVER find time for that!” or “How long do you have to do this for? Are you losing fat or on a diet?”

I shake my damn head. Because, society has programmed us that exercise & eating healthy are short-term things to lose weight for an event or to fit into clothes – not a LIFESTYLE.

Like reps & weight, they’re merely tools to build a fulfilling life. On their own, they’re meaningless. I started counting intentional moments & habits. I no longer log hours of workouts a day, binge & restrict food from a place of self loathing, or find myself obsessed with chasing a smaller body. You can’t live a BIG life chasing a SMALL body on an EMPTY tank & TIRED soul.

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Looking Better Than 99% of People Over 40 is About This One Thing

fit blonde woman over 40

I tried every program possible to get in shape in my 20’s & 30’s & I still felt like sh*t. I didn’t “look like I worked out” & had low energy. My gut was a dumpster fire.

I constantly had ‘projects’.

Keto for 30 days. CrossFit competitions. Fat loss cuts on a never ending cycle. Cold showers for… well… I didn’t last long with that one, to be honest. Brrrr. Not my thing.

It seemed this kind of dopamine hit, short-termism was “fine” for me in my 20’s. (I turn 41 this year.)

After 40 your body starts arguing with you a little, you wise up (hopefully), & learn a few things by, frankly, doing a lot of dumb sh*t. Things that don’t work as well as they once did.

So to avoid wasting time on dumb stuff, if you want to:
get in shape
lose weight
look & feel younger than your age
You gotta change & flow in alignment with your season.

Look around you. You won’t see many folks over 40 in great shape & full of energy for the majority. I’ve worked in healthcare in radiology & as a nutrition coach for 18 years. I see it everyday. People younger than me, in worse shape & health because they don’t take care of themselves. Because 99% of people struggle to do something that can’t be found in their social media feeds and Google searches…

…consistently show up & master the big rocks to true transformation, health, & fitness.

Here’s how I do the damn thang. Enjoy!

  • fit blonde woman over 40
  • Looking Better Than 99% of People Over 40 is About One Thing

oxox Coach K

Minimally Optimal Effective Dose

What is M.O.E.D. ?

I noticed after turning 40 my physique & health were actually getting BETTER by doing LESS & simply focusing on enjoying my workouts while staying consistent af. The Minimally Optimal Effective Dose meant doing just enough to move the needle & improve your health, fitness, & body shape as I got older.

For any age, it is better to nail consistency week-in week-out than to only manage to do something much higher maintenance for weeks, while hating life, being desperate to stop, & eventually giving up & falling into bad habits.

I’ve noticed as I’ve aged, if I push it too much in the gym I get puffy, inflamed, gain weight & experience fatigue as a negative stress response vs if I take it “easier” on my body with lifting, simple movement & keeping my heart rate at a more moderate pace.

My workout M.O.E.D. methodology: 45 min-1 hr of resistance training 4-5d/wk paired with short bursts of cardio + daily walking (I get 15k steps/d).

Slice & dice it any way you want, do what works for you. You can do two 20 minute workouts a day, 1 long workout, etc.

This will:

  • build strength & muscle
  • improve cardiovascular fitness
  • help you burn body fat & transform your body shape in no time

You can fit this in every single week because you haven’t had to turn your busy work & family life upside down.

Zone Training Basics

zone basics training

Training zones allow us to understand which energy systems & muscle fibers we use at a given exercise intensity level.

There are 6 zones. Zone 1 is the lowest intensity (for example, sitting on the sofa to watch Netflix), while Zone 6 is the highest (for instance, all-out sprinting).

  • Zone 1: Energy source mainly used: fat (and oxygen)
  • Zone 2: (easy jog; relaxed biking). Energy source mainly used: fat (and oxygen)
  • Zone 3: Energy source mainly used: fat trending into carbohydrates
  • Zone 4: Energy source mainly used: carbohydrates
  • Zone 5: Energy source mainly used: carbohydrates
  • Zone 6: (all-out sprinting). Energy source mainly used: carbohydrates trending into creatine phosphate.

**The fuel type you burn to create ATP changes with exercise intensity. In zones 1 & 2, you are primarily burning fat. In Zone 2, you also exercise at a level that optimally stimulates your cells’ mitochondria.

The Benefits of Zone 2 Cardio

Why do I spend much of my physical activity time in Zone 2 cardio?

First, I want to increase the number & efficiency of my mitochondria. In Zone 2, I maximally stimulate my mitochondria to produce ATP (energy). Your body will create more mitochondria in response. With more mitochondria, I can create more ATP through fat oxidation.

As you work in Zone 2, your body will get better at burning fat for energy. You may lower your risk of health problems such as insulin resistance, cancer, & dementia.

I do Zone 2 training to improve my health & longevity. I also have more energy throughout the day, I’m not as sore, my mental clarity if better, & my heart rate has lowered.

I get my heart rate up higher 2-3 times a week but no longer redline my CrossFit workouts daily like I used to.

staying fit and healthy made simple

Healthy Eating & Fat Loss M.O.E.D.

80-90% for Health. 20-10% for Flexibility

You can still lose weight after 40. Yes, I do feel the levels of indulgence we could get away with in the past bite us in the ass pretty quickly. <weeps quietly>.

Instead of quick fix, masochistic approaches to dieting, we can lose body fat & stay lean using the minimally optimal effective dose of dietary effort — intentionally managing calories & eating healthy foods the majority of the time, say Monday to Friday, or 80-90% of the time, meaning things like:

  • High protein breakfasts (eggs, bacon, sausage, etc)
  • High protein lunches/dinner (meat, seafood, eggs, etc)
  • No-minimal sugar & snacks between meals (2-3 meals/day)
  • Intermittent fasting overnight (12-16+ hours) Do what works for you as far as eating windows.
  • Use carbs (fruit, veggies, oats, rice, etc) intentionally. Typically the more active, the more you tolerate. If they cause issues mentally & physically, you may do better abstaining.
  • If you like weekend/social flexibility, use wisely.
carnivore diet food list

Energy Boosting, Stress Reducing, Biohacking

Sleep & Walk more while balancing hormones.

The people I meet over 40 who have boundless energy & seem younger than their years all have a few things in common:

  • they are conscious of managing stress
  • they prioritize their sleep & get outside in the sun
  • they understand the importance of hormonal balance

Ultimately all those things are interconnected.

  • Sleep helps you manage stress & regulate hormones
  • Reducing stress helps you sleep & keep Cortisol low which again regulates hormones
  • Keeping hormones balanced improves mood, energy levels, libido, & metabolism

So what are the tiniest, simplest yet most effective steps for us to achieve all that? 2 simple habits:

  • Fit in as much walking as you can each week. This reduces stress, helps you sleep, builds stamina, burns calories, & lifts your mood.
  • Prioritize sleep by getting 7-8 hrs/night. Avoid screens, alcohol, & heavy meals before bedtime.
Looking Better Than 99% of People Over 40 is About One Thing
Link here
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Workouts & Tips That Helped Me Build A Lean Physique At Home, Work, While Traveling, Or The Gym

Workouts & Tips that helped me build a lean physique at home, work, while traveling, or the gym

I remember getting anxiety when I thought I’d miss a workout due to travel or work because I couldn’t get to a gym. Then the C-word hit in 2020 & rocked our worlds right?!

Tips on how I optimize workouts at home, work, & travel creating a more peaceful, successful, abundant, strong af life!⁣

  • Workout 1st thing in the morning. Have a success routine nailed down. Walk after meals, set an alarm every 20-30 minutes to get up & walk around, take stairs, & park further away.⁣ Add a weighted vest to your routines!
  • Get movement & steps in while your food cooks, down time at work, make walking especially outside your meditation! Sometimes I do a mini workout with bodyweight or dumbbells while my meat air frys⁣. I keep dumbbells, yoga mat, resistance bands, & a suspension set at work in the cabinet. I don’t sit much & walk around as much as possible.
  • If you’re 1 that travels often, have pre-packed bags with essentials ready to grab & go with workout gear & snacks. Book hotels with a fitness center, fridge/kitchens, & or near parks/trails.
  • I keep an overnight bag with me at all times.⁣ Travel with my barbell & bumper weights in my trunk. I keep a bag of my bands, dumbbells, trx, weighted vest, etc in my car. I got all mine from Amazon.
  • I lay clothes out for the next day & set my coffee on auto brew. It speeds up the process & gets me pumped to get sh*t done! YouTube & Google are wonderful resources for workouts. They have apps that generate workouts for you too. Do your own life admin!
  • Have ready to go meals or snacks. I keep string cheese, packets of tuna, hard boiled eggs, ready bacon just in case & I don’t have time to go to the store.⁣ Rotisserie chickens on the go are BAE!

I have a whole Biohacking/Anti-aging guide HERE complete with all the products & supplements that keep me looking/feeling my best!

before and after weight loss

You can ready more about my carnivore, weight loss, & gut healing story to help answer all your questions HERE!

weight loss before and after carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly
I’ve lost 55lbs!

Swipe, share & save for workouts, tips & more!

  • Workouts & Tips that helped me build a lean physique at home, work, while traveling, or the gym

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, body transformation, & adapting to a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, Brand Growth & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Coach K’s Hopeful Gut Healing and Body Transformation Guide: From Disordered Eating, Fat Loss, Recipes, Crohn’s Disease, Food Addiction, Biohacking, Habits, Mindset & More

IBS vs IBD lilbitoffit hopeful gut healing guide

5 years ago, I wrote a journal entry about my ongoing struggle with Crohn’s disease, binge eating, unhealthy addiction to exercise, & poor body image.

I detailed longstanding struggle with my seemingly endless appetite & f*cked up addiction to stuffing huge amounts of food in my face, struggling with gut flares & drowning in a black cloud of self loathing & frustration.

I had no “cures” as of yet, but I was now out of the closet getting REAL with living in a “haunted house.”

Since writing that entry, I chose to turn that pain into something constructive. I created a community here simply sharing my life in hopes of helping others living a similar nightmare.

I wrote a super informative blog on my healing & carnivore story here that will answer the majority of your questions what I went through transitioning & how I healed via a meat based, “carnivore” lifestyle.

I’ve received hundreds of messages asking about the journey of recovery from disordered eating, poor body image, food addiction, orthorexia, & Crohn’s disease.

Living decades with these devils on my shoulders since the age of 8, I’ve learned a lot.

After going “carnivore” with diet & changing my perspective on health & fitness, I never binge & am healthier than ever at 40 years old & med free in remission.
I want the same for you.

How did I crack the code? Brain dumped as many resources as I could in this blog for you.

First, I stopped looking outside myself for solutions, online & advice from friends, doctors, & latest fads. Instead, I decided to compassionately look inward & get curious on what life & fitness meant to me.

I started observing myself to understand my thoughts & actions.

I found without exception, I binged in response to 3 different situations that left me hungry physically & mentally:

  • When “restricting” & trying to eat like everyone else instead of ME
  • When avoiding an emotion or lacking purpose
  • When neglecting my own pleasure & needs

My priorities now are: Great food in the form of animal based nutrition — quality sleep & exercise — simple joy & inner peace.

I’ve learned to consider fitness a lifestyle I love, not a chore.

A CHAMPION means to be someone that loves the work of becoming one more than the idea of becoming one.

Hope these tips help you! Feel free to swipe, tag, save, & share any post of mine on IG freely! That’s all that I ask of you is to share anything that has helped you or will help someone else! What’s mine is yours!

***Disclaimer: This is in no way, shape, or form medical advice, I am simply sharing what has helped me***

  • IBS vs IBD lilbitoffit hopeful gut healing guide
  • hopeful gut healing guide lilbitoffit




  • Ultimate Meat and Macros Guide lilbitoffit


  • cook with coach K carnivore recipe book


  • lilbitoffit's product and supplement guide

You could have picked a bunch of other people to follow & allow influence into your lives, but you chose me. Thank you for giving me a platform & portals to share with you my thoughts, experiences, & life through my lens. Thank you for being my most incredible supporters & being part of my digital family. Cheers to many more years of health, happiness, abundance, community, & choosing to live life on our own terms!

OXOX Coach K


99% of People Don’t Know About These 5 Tiny Habits That Put Fat Loss on Autopilot

99% of People Don’t Know About These 5 Tiny Habits That Put Fat Loss on Autopilot

My poor body image to the point I remember putting a belt around my tummy rolls in middle school under my jeans so I looked thinner. I needed to “suck it in” then maybe they’ll be nicer to me. 

I remember being as young as 8 comparing my body to skinnier girls in class. I thought restriction was the only way to weight loss. 

I feel your pain if my story resonates with you too.

Yes, research has concluded that a “calorie deficit” is the only way to lose fat. It is science, but we are emotional creatures & they play a huge role in our habits, which become us.

Many fitness experts & diet gurus come up with complicated diets, workout plans, & supplement stacks that require a lot of work, & frankly, are unnecessary. I know for me, if it’s not easy, I ain’t gonna do it. My time, energy, & mental real estate are too important to worry about unnecessary things.

I’m sure you’ve heard the mantras like “eat less, move more” & “no pain, no gain.” Seriously, if it sounds hard, do you think people will be more likely to stick with it?

In short, this silliness & overabundance of info out there have forced many of you to choose inaction, which isn’t helping you to move the needle forward.

Self-discipline & willpower can be weak on any given day, leading us to make bad eating decisions & eventually fail at reaching our fat loss & health goals.

Plus, we can’t deny the fact that various foods influence hunger & hormones to varying degrees — so not all calories are equal.

When I embarked on my fat loss journey, over time, I realized if I adopted a simplicity approach, I was more likely to stick with it because:

“What’s simple & attainable on a daily basis IS SUSTAINABLE.”

So I created 5 simple concept habits that require minimal effort but go a long way in making fat loss automatic — meaning you don’t have to rely on restriction, self-discipline & willpower which result in basically life sucking.

Enjoy these cheat sheets & I hope these help you on your way to SUCCESS & LOVING YOUR BODY!

  • 99% of People Don’t Know About These 5 Tiny Habits That Put Fat Loss on Autopilot

If you questions about how I healed my gut & lost 55 lbs via the carnivore diet, I show you how here in a detailed personal blog on my journey !

how carnivore healed my crohn's disease and binge eating

If you need some hand holding, I’m here to listen. Coaching & resources in link in my IG bio. If you’re serious about making a real (EASY) change, would it be crazy to book a call with me?

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

I’m 40. Happiest, Healthiest & Most fit I’ve Ever Been. Here’s How…

i'm 40. Happiest, Healthiest & most fit i've ever been.

Imagine having one life to live, yet f*cking it up.

Yikes, right?!

I know a few things about starting over. I have done it more times than I want to admit including health problems with my Crohn’s disease, eating disorders, getting myself into debt, romantic & friendship break ups, including 2 divorces. Yup, Double Divo Club…carb toting member.

The main thing about starting over is that you are not starting from zero. It is impossible to do that, given that we are complex creatures with memory & experience.

The best way to start over is to reflect on goals, your memories & experiences, and think about what drives you, your purpose in life, your reason for living.

The change of life means changing your approach! Listening to older mentors helped me “start over” without being angry at myself. 

Working out more & eating less wasn’t going to help me. Shrinking my body & punishing myself with restrictions & addictions weren’t going to help me, but changing my lifestyle & mindset to include the things that worked positively FOR ME, did.

I’m 40. Happiest, healthiest & most fit I’ve ever been & here’s how…

Biohacking Guide Here

How I Healed My Gut & Lost 55lbs Blog Guide Here

All Resources, Coaching, Guides, Discount Codes Here

oxox Coach K

  • i'm 40. Happiest, Healthiest & most fit i've ever been.
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

The Simple Guide I Used To Heal My Gut And Find The Right Diet

the simple guide i used to heal my gut and find the right diet

In the 40 years of my life, I’ve attempted to get into “better shape” & heal my gut more times than I wanna admit. I’ve been a plethora of different shapes & sizes depending on what season of life I was in.

But FINALLY something stuck. My motivation & drive were at an all-time high. Things started working & I stuck to my plan more than 2 weeks 😆 Most importantly, the carnivore WOE (way of eating) turned into my new lifestyle.

I’ve had tons of questions on how I want about figuring out what worked. So I mapped out my thought processes & phases just for you!

I share symptoms & trigger foods I encountered. I hope this helps you figure out what’s best for you!

Swipe, share & save on IG here!

***I also have a complete Meat & Macros Guide where I documented everything I have learned throughout this journey. Click the link in my Instagram bio to snag yours! Link:

****I understand this is a LOT of info. My story & journey is also posted on my blog for easier reading here, in IG bio, & in highlights:

*****Biohacking Guide to all my favorite recovery and anti-aging products here with links:

Was this journey easy? No.
Did I feel great all the time? No.
But what did happen within a couple weeks, my carb cravings were gone, I was satiated after meals, I was no longer binging & purging, my inflammation & gut issues had all but disappeared & I embraced stepping into my new chapter of life!

oxox Coach K

  • the simple guide i used to heal my gut and find the right diet
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Becoming Superhuman: How I Work 14+ Hours A Day, Balance 4 Jobs and Fitness

becoming superhuman

You are where you are in life because you choose to be there.⁣ Face the truth.⁣

On some level, you feel like you deserve to be where you’re at in life, even if you don’t like your life. I’ve been there.⁣

If you’re getting paid “less than you’re worth,” if you agree to a certain wage, you literally accept that wage as what you’re worth.⁣

If you keep people in your life who don’t treat you well, you’re keeping them there because you have low self-worth. After all, if your self-worth was high you wouldn’t allow people to treat you that way.⁣

The secret to a sexy life you love? Well, it’s not exactly what I thought it would be. It’s actually in doing the “unsexy” the majority of the time, following what you love to do, & creating systems to make your life successful!

You see I figured out that “life” truly happens in the interlude & inbetweens.⁣ It’s creating your heaven everyday.

My “regular” daily life?⁣

Workout. Work. Write. Create. Read. Learn, Sleep. Fun. Repeat.⁣ Grind & hustle my a$$ off & I love it.

I found by walking the line of structure & spontaneity, that THAT in between was the secret sauce to finding the sexy life.⁣

For me, the only way to facilitate such sweet serendipity was to keep leveling myself up in life — unlocking access to richer experiences, better health, & deeper people. That meant cultivating upleveling habits, environments, mindset, & goals.⁣

So, if you’re puffing cig after cig before getting drunk at the local bar every night the only “serendipity” you might unlock is a clumsy, dumpster fire make-out sesh with someone with more baggage than a trash truck & hangover the next morning.

Swipe, save, & share: becoming superhuman. This is how I manage it all!

Biohacking products all here with discount codes!

oxox Coach K⁣

  • becoming superhuman
  • becoming superhuman
bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Motivational writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, financial struggles, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle.

Katie also has over 17 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. She works with people of all walks of life as a nutritionist & personal life coach to help them authentically optimize their lives to find health, wealth, & happy!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Biohacking That Helped Me Instantly Feel Better & Reverse Aging

Biohacking that helped me instantly feel better & reverse aging

I don’t know one person that wouldn’t want to know the secret to the foundation of youth. As one living with Crohn’s Disease & lived 40 years of struggles ranging from obesity, bulimia & anorexia, cervical cancer, renal stones, having my gallbladder removed to any color of 50 shades of f*cked up & addictions you can imagine…I’d try & experiment with anything to look & feel my best.⁣

You can read more about my healing and transformation journey here.

Disclaimer: these are what have worked for me. Take what you need, can, believe in, whatevs, & chuck the rest. You do you. You are more than welcome to DM me with questions. No unsolicited advice here. Aholes not welcome. Everyone is entitled to eat, workout, & live in a way that makes them feel amazing & a badass. I’m simply journaling my experiences as a resource for you to be your own health advocate & do your own life admin.⁣

**All links & discount codes available in IG bio & highlights**⁣ 

Biohacking is a term simply used to describe do-it-yourself biology. It involves people making incremental changes to their bodies, diet, & lifestyle to improve their performance, health, & well-being. Some types of biohacking have been around for many years, such as intermittent fasting.⁣

Biohacking ranges from efforts to improve brain function, treating dis-eases & disorders, looking more youthful, to faster weight loss. ⁣

Some favorites I incorporate into my life & success routine include things like:⁣
Red Light Therapy⁣ @emrtekinc
Grounding (Earthing)⁣
Meditation & Writing⁣
Infrared Saunas⁣
Blue Blockers⁣
Organic & Natural Products vs Conventional (beauty products, cleaning supplies, cooking products, coffee, water, teas, etc)⁣
Supplements @nuethix_formulations
Intermittent Fasting⁣
Functional Crossfit @3kings_athletics
Restore Hyper Wellness @rhw_fishers
A Meat Based primarily Carnivore Diet (I call myself a Liberal Carnivore. I’m not dogmatic about it)⁣
Colon Hydrotherapy⁣

You’ll wanna save & share this resource!

  • Biohacking that helped me instantly feel better & reverse aging
  • Biohacking that helped me instantly feel better & reverse aging

I stopped obsessing over fat loss & focused on holistic health.

The biggest one in my opinion. Excess weight & inflammation come from not only physical triggers but also mental & emotional triggers. Unpacked trauma, habits, & addictions manifest as both physical & emotional inflammation.

I believe the secret to having it all is believing abundantly you already do. Those that choose to walk along the path of abundance experience a completely different life. Opting to live life to the fullest, exuding happiness, generosity, creativity, fulfillment, inspiration, & joy.

Your physique, energy & overall health will never flourish or look/feel the way you want if you do not get healthy first & stop obsessing over numbers like the weight on the scale, body fat %, excessive number of steps you get in a day, & how many calories you restrict.

Master your emotions & circle or you become a prisoner to them.

I eat optimal protein, calories, & foods that nourish my body, mind, & spirit.

Due to my autoimmune allergies, Crohn’s disease, past disordered eating, & addiction to food/carbs/sugar, I experimented & found a meat based “carnivore” WOE (way of eating) worked best for me. Been carnivore for 3+yrs

I generally eat between 1g-1.5g of protein/lb of body weight. I’m 5’1 & 105-108lbs on avg. I trust my body, eat what I crave & do whatever form of exercise it feels like doing that day. I do not punish myself for eating. I do not earn, burn, or use food as a treat. It is honored with respect & literally the life fuel we are made of.

I eat mindfully, slow, chew thoroughly & until I’m 80% full. I wait 20 minutes after eating to allow my satiety cues to let me know I’m full. Eating enough food also helps balance hunger & satiety cues. I maintain my weight on 1850-2100+ calories/d after giving my body time to heal. That meant initially gaining 15lbs during a reverse diet & adaptation period. Took me a year to lose that weight. Be patient.

I embraced aging is inevitable, but living well with a young spirit & nourished vessel is a choice.


  • Eat the right way for you & in appropriate doses.
  • Get exercise & quality sleep everyday.
  • Stress your body optimally. Challenge=Change.
  • Track your data if things aren’t working.
  • Avoid fake, processed, sugary drinks & foods.
  • Its never too late for dietary & lifestyle changes.
  • Mind your thoughts & circle or they’ll mind you.
  • Saunas, red light therapy, grounding, & cold therapy are fabulous for longevity, recovery, anti-aging, & detox.
  • Get out in the sun, avoid toxins as much as you can.
  • Live for metabolic & hormonal health, aesthetics will follow if you’re good to your body.

Biohacking Summary

FYI: Full list of codes and links here

SLEEP & WALKING: Anyone can do this. Sleep as much as you can. Take naps. Walk in the morning, take breaks during the day, walk after meals, walk as a night cap. Gtfu & move. We weren’t made to live like sloths.

GRATITUDE, Positive Affirmations, Abundance Mindset: basically loving MY life unapologetically, doing shit I love, & giving less fux. Try it. I lovingly dare you.

Not CHRONICALLY DIETING: eat enough optimal food for daily function & activity consistently to be a badass, eat at least at maintenance the majority of the time, eating daily optimal protein at every meal, getting in daily optimal healthy animal fats. Choose to eat the right way for YOU.

Digestion Support: Intermittent Fasting especially on work days. Occasional Omad. Nuethix Formulations Utilyze Digestive enzymes. (Code: lilbitoffit) Chewing food thoroughly, eating slowly, not stuffing myself, stopping when I am about 80% full. Walking after meals.

Reducing Caffeine & Alcohol: Duh. Leaving this one here, you guys are smart you know why. Stress + hormone balance. Keep caffeine in the mornings.

Meat Based Diet: I eat mainly meat, seafood, eggs, & dairy in moderation (butter/cheese/milk), organic coffee, tea, water. Minimizing/removing processed, artificial foods. This has allowed me to reduce gut flares, put my Crohn’s in med-free remission, lose fat & maintain my weight loss, & feel/perform my best. My specific story & healing protocol is in the link in my IG bio. It’ll answer all your questions on trigger foods, disordered eating, gut healing & carnivore! AGAIN, eat the way that serves YOU best!

Functional CrossFit & Strength Training: @3kings_athletics 5d/wk

Organic Coffee: @bulletproof @foursigmatic @lifeboostcoffee Coffee is one of the most chemically treated plants produced. Organic reduces toxins, chemicals, & molds. Tastes better imo.

No Tap Water: Reduces toxins. Contaminants in our water can lead to health issues, including gastrointestinal illness, reproductive problems, neurological disorders, & autoimmune conditions.

Personal Development: be a forever student of life! Read, write, therapy, workout, eat well, listen to educational podcasts, YouTubes, audiobooks, learn new skills, invest in yourself! Use your time wisely! A list of my favorites are here on Instagram!

Reduce Toxic Products: Beauty products. Fragrance. Plastics. Cleaning products. Microwaving. Cooking products, etc. Use cast iron skillet, Airfryer paper liners from @amazon Love Physician’s Formula & BeautyCounter.

Circadian Rhythm Routine: reducing electronic use. Sleeping more. Blue blockers (Discount Code: lilbitoffit20) Getting outside for sun & grounding especially in the morning. My prescription glasses + blue blocking lenses I got from Eyeglass World. I use them during the day & a pair of amber ones at night before bed.

Red Light Therapy: pads off @amazon, @Emrtekinc Light. (Discount Code: lilbitoffit20) Benefits include: Reduces oxidative stress, inflammation & joint pain, Increases muscle recovery, collagen production & tightens skin, Reduces fine lines & wrinkles, Increases hair growth, Increases energy, Increases wound healing, Improves memory & vision quality, Increases testosterone production, Improves sleep & can aid in fat/weight loss. Use mine at least 20 minutes per day.

Grounding: Mats/Pads & getting outside in nature. Involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth to help with pain, inflammation, fatigue, depression, sleep, & numerous dis-eases & conditions. Got my mats off @amazon I sleep on one & use the pad at work.

Supplements: @nuethix_formulations Cort-Eaze Cortisol Balance Support, Estro-Cort Estrogen Balance Support, Utilize Digestive Enzymes, Nu-Multi Multivitamins, Relax Liposomal Sleep Support. Electrolytes: @goultima, @drinklmnt Tea: Green tea, Matcha, Herba Mate, Red Rose Teas off amazon

Portable Infrared Sauna: got min off @amazon. Love it for detox, recovery, reduces inflammation & pain, & positive hermetic stress. Hormesis is a dose-response phenomenon characterized by low-dose stimulation & high-dose inhibition, & has been recognized as representing an overcompensation for mild environmental stress. The beneficial effects of mild stress on aging & longevity have been studied for many years.

Wellness Treatments & Services: I utilize Restore Hyper Wellness @rhw_fishers Services include Red Light Therapy, IV Therapy, Compression Therapy, Cryotherapy, Infrared Sauna, Etc.

Colon Hydrotherapy & Enemas: flush bowel of toxins, relieves constipation, helps with digestive motility for my Crohn’s disease, gastroparesis, & impaired gastrointestinal motility. I have a home in-shower enema system from @amazon Colonics I do quarterly, enemas as needed. I go to Brandy Mason in Carmel, IN with Carmel Colonics & Terri Hawkins with Natural Rejuventation in Indy.

colonic home unit for shower
This is my home shower unit from Amazon

Hope this was helpful! If you like this, you can follow me on Instagram here!

P.S. Grab your copy of the Cook With Coach K Carnivore Made Easy Recipe Book Here!

  • cook with coach K carnivore recipe book

P.S.S. Grab your copy of the Ultimate Meat & Macros guide Here!

  • Ultimate Meat and Macros Guide lilbitoffit

oxox Coach K