I’ve talked about my CrossFit boobs plenty times before. I also grew up ashamed of my cellulite & stretch marks.
I love & live in bralettes. They’re functional & more comfortable. I giggled as I tried on “real bras” for a boudoir shoot.
My biggest fears used to be getting fat & failure. I was ashamed to show my body in any way shape or form. I always wore a T-shirt over my bathing suit. I hated my legs.
Ya know what I learned?
I earned my cellulite & stretch marks. My boobs may not be the size I’d like but my arms & shoulders are pretty spectacular.
Hey, at least I got a handful
It used to really bother me being smaller. I felt being petite I looked like a child.
I’m grateful at 40 to have finally learned to love & celebrate the skin I’m in & show it proudly. I can’t wait till my next #boudoir shoot in August!
SWIPE for some hard truths about cellulite, stretch marks, social media & body image you may need to hear.
I’d love for you guys to share these with somebody else who needs to read them too!
Love & hugs

Coach K