One Habit and Two Books That Will Change Your Life

Some people say ‘go big’ or ‘go home’…as if going home is a bad thing?!
Haha! I guess it’s all in your perspective, right?!

I mean heck yeah I’ll go home. I’ll go home & take a nap if I need one.😂

As a type A, it’s hard to beat the hustle & grind out of me.

My dudes, give me an early mornin & BIG cup of Strong Coffee Company 👉🏻 link here: & watch this girl work. It’s my favorite time of the day.

It’s like magic 🪄

Two books that transformed my life & methodology of mindset & habits:

@realcraigballantyne The Perfect Day Formula
@jamesclear Atomic Habits
Both on Amazon Favorites List here:

Highly suggest everyone read these.

One change that will massively impact every facet of your life — find your magic time.

Everyone has a time a day where they are 10x more effective at the GSD than the rest of the day. FIND IT.

Most successful people have a refined early morning routine, habits, & thus, successful SYSTEM that ensures optimization.

Every day is a new day to make a different decision. No regrets. Learn from past decisions & choose to not stay there.

The past doesn’t need you & the future hasn’t happened yet, it hinges on your present 🎁

“You are where you are because of your choices. There is nothing to gain by regretting. Review your decisions for lessons and make a new decision to change.” @realcraigballantyne

Go getcha some. ☕️ 💥 🦾