Why digestion affects your fat loss and workouts, especially living with Crohn’s, IBS, and Colitis. Tips to help!

gut supplements fat loss crohn's

I’m fortunate enough to be med free loving with Crohn’s.

I’m an advocate of being EDUCATED & FLEXIBLE, eating foods that are nourishing, suit YOUR lifestyle & needs.⁣

I’m a coach that helps you find your “happy.” I understand how living with gut issues, being overweight, or simply having a poor relationship with yourself paralyzes you.

I’m not a coach that’s gonna give you a specific meal plan, sell you sh*t that doesn’t work, or put on a façade that me or my life is perfect. Perfect doesn’t help anybody, remember that.

I’m gonna share my story & let you decide how to put your puzzle pieces together as your guide.

Specific Products did significantly help me. I don’t have a gallbladder either, fyi.⁣

I created an entire supplement guide just for you! PDF LINK IN IG BIO!⁣ I’m happy to answer questions via comments or dm.

So fueling like an athlete with special digestive needs & why digestion matters.

Here are my top tips living with gut issues as a fitnessor just like you! Swipe!

⁣Why do I eat a meat based diet?⁣
— I’m sensitive to lectins, oxalates, high histamine, high fodmap foods & phytates. ⁣

I wondered for years why I felt like poo after eating nut butters, high amounts of veggies, fruits, fiber, sweet potatoes, breads, & any nuts & seeds. Basically my body hates anything but coffee, gf alcohol, eggs, & meat.

Why I choose a diet based on animal foods

  • Majority of my calories are from the most nutrient-dense bioavailable foods
  • I LOVE & thrive off meat with no digestion issues.
  • Minimal fiber, meaning everything is easy to digest.⁣
  • Low to no sugar, or highly palatable processed carb based foods. These are my biggest triggers when it comes to binging or basically eating like an a$$hole
  • Natural fats & plenty of protein. I’m fuller longer, don’t have energy crashes.
  • My body is more recovered, less inflamed, I eat more food & stay leaner with no binging. My workouts feel great & I simply do what I love.⁣

    I modify my “carnivore” diet to my preferences. There is room for leniency, you are in charge of your adventure.

    I hope this helps you find your happy! Go crush it, Team!⁣

If you need 1:1 support, apply here!

#ibs #ibd #crohns #colitis #carnivorediet

Why Digestion Matters & How It Can Affect Weight Loss: symptoms, triggers, and supplements

Why digestion matters & how to properly take digestive enzymes!

⁣Eating trigger foods, even when I transitioned to carnivore caused a lot of inflammation. I discovered some animal-based foods like pork, pork rinds, PSMF bread, & turkey caused water retention, constipation, weight gain, & poor digestion. 

Enzymes significantly helped! I don’t have a gallbladder either, fyi.

I created an entire supplement guide just for you!

I really had no idea the application of digestive enzymes or how vastly different foods affected digestion early on in my journey.⁣

Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body. Natural digestive enzymes, such as lipase, amylase, & protease, aid in breaking down fats, proteins, & carbs.

First & foremost, if you’re experiencing chronic problems, go get tested, see your doctor, practitioner, or qualified coach. Stop ignoring the root causes.

The best time to take your enzymes is right before, or right as you start eating. When in doubt, check the label. Usually anywhere from 10-20 minutes right before you eat is ideal.⁣

Most of us lack stomach acid. We don’t slow down when we chew our food, we’re always in get sh*t done mode & this is the 1st step in the digestion process. ⁣


💊BETAINE HCL &/or ACV: increase stomach acid to breakdown down macros, especially proteins & fats. Take prior to eating.⁣

💊OX BILE: great for people without a gallbladder, especially doing keto/low carb/carnivore. Take prior to eating.⁣


💊FISH OIL & MULTIVITAMINS: take mid meal.⁣

💊PROBIOTICS: take at night on an empty stomach.⁣

Below are lessons learned, my triggers & symptoms. You may be experiencing similar. Remember we’re all different!


▪️bloating after eating dairy, carbs, larger meals, too much sf gum

▪️reflux, poor digestion, inflammation after eating larger quantities of pork & turkey

▪️constipation when eating too lean too long & too many pork rinds 

▪️bloating & constipation after eating PSMF “bread” (egg white powder sensitivity)

▪️Bloating after larger lunch & dinners

▪️poor digestion in general later at night (which is why I don’t eat “dinners” & eat early in the day)

▪️gas & gi bleeding eating plants, grains, & most carbs other than white rice

▪️right lower quadrant pain during flares

▪️chronic constipation & slow transit digestion if I eat trigger foods, don’t get sleep, or am stressed to the titties

▪️low stomach acid & reflux eating trigger or meals too high in fat for my threshold

▪️low energy after too large/high fat meals

▪️energy crashes after eating carbs

▪️inflammation & water retention when eating triggers, too many artificial sweeteners, carbs, shitty sleep, too much stress, too much alcohol, workouts too high in intensity/volume/frequency


▪️Gluten⁣⁣, corn, fiber, grains

▪️Artificial sweeteners, preservatives⁣⁣⁣, most seasonings

▪️Nuts & seeds, popcorn, spicy food

▪️High fiber raw veggies⁣, basically all plants

▪️Gas producing veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels)⁣⁣⁣ lettuce

▪️Gritty fruit, skins/seeds

▪️Highfodmaps, lectins, oxalates

▪️Sugar alcohols, sugar free products

▪️Pork, Turkey, & dairy in larger quantities

▪️PMSF Bread 

▪️Meals too high in fat in one sitting

▪️Chewy, fatty meat like steaks & roasts (which is why I choose ground & shredded meat, I digest them better)

Hope these help! If you’re in need of a consultation, I understand what you’re going thru & we’ll figure out a plan of action.

Link to coaching FAQs here.

Who else had no idea how to take their #digestiveenzymes ?🤪 💊 ⁣

How to take digestive enzymes and supplements! Digestion tips to beat the bloat!

The quick & dirty on how to properly take digestive enzymes. ⁣

⁣These were one of the first supplements I tried when experiencing chronic bloat, gas, pain, cramping, etc. ⁣ I created an entire supplement guide just for you! LINK HERE!

⁣I really had no idea the application of these supplements or how digestion worked. I’d take them willy nilly expecting my gut flares & issues to magically disappear. ⁣

⁣Enzymes play an essential role in physiological processes throughout the body. Natural digestive enzymes, such as lipase, amylase, & protease, aid in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. ⁣

⁣First & foremost, if you’re experiencing chronic problems, go get tested, see your doctor, practitioner, or qualified coach. Stop ignoring you have a problem.⁣

⁣The best time to take your enzymes is right before, or right as you start eating. When in doubt, check the label. Usually anywhere from 15-30 minutes right before you eat is ideal.⁣

⁣Most of us lack stomach acid. We don’t slow down when we chew our food, we’re always in get sh*t done mode & this is the first step in the digestion process. ⁣


💊BETAINE HCL &/or ACV: increase stomach acid to breakdown down macros, especially proteins & fats. Take prior to eating.⁣

💊OX BILE: great for people without a gallbladder, especially doing keto/low carb/carnivore. Take prior to eating.⁣


💊FISH OIL & MULTIVITAMINS: take mid meal.⁣

💊PROBIOTICS: take at night on an empty stomach.⁣

I take primarily @nuethix_formulations products. Link Here. Discount Code: lilbitoffit at checkout! Above are my favs!⁣

⁣Swipe for tips on how to improve your digestion, supplements that help me and common triggers that cause problems.⁣

Who else had no idea how to take their #digestiveenzymes ?🤪 💊 ⁣