Spend less time worrying about these things to lose more body fat

Do you get anxiety when you look at old pictures or how many calories you burned or how rigid you need to be on your diet?

I’ve talked to a lot of you about this today.

Its ok if your diet is different now than it was then. You have control over your choices. And just because you have 1 or 2 days of consuming more than you normally do doesn’t mean you’ve failed.

You need to focus & track the important things. See below & make sure to save, share, & tag this post on IG!

You need to have self-awareness over chronic self sabotaging habits. 

If you are constantly worried about the number on the scale or how many calories you burned or how rigid you are with your diet because you fear other people will judge you, or how long or how much you need to be fasting & these things lead to binging & physical &/or emotional harm, we have some self healing work to do.

This exact conversation comes up in coaching consults on the reg. Whether my clients are in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s or beyond. Disordered eating & body image issues do not discriminate.

This concept was hard for me to accept, too. We change, it’s what we do. If you are taking care of yourself, feel good, & nourishing your body with food, so be it if you’re doing things a little differently than others.

If I have a rough body image day & miss a smaller or leaner or stronger version of myself, I quickly remember how miserable I was at certain times in my life. Then I’m grateful. 

I thought about food constantly, had intense anxiety around food in social situations, was a slave to my exercise. I worried more about what other people thought of me than what I thought about myself.

You give up your power. Your hobby then becomes chasing a smaller version of yourself. And I’ll tell you right now it doesn’t help you lose more body fat more times than it does.

Engage in movement you love & eat food that supports your physical & mental health. 

Food is a part of life, not your whole life.

Focus on the important shit that truly will move the needle forward. 

Oxox Coach K

Operation build a booty and sculpted shoulders! Effective movements and workouts!

Operation build big a booty & shoulders for 2022? 🦾🍑 — it’s a vibe 😉 

No, you don’t have to switch up your workouts every time the wind blows. I’m asked this on the reg. I rarely switch up my body building basics routine. I focus on consistently getting my sessions in & consistently lifting heavier than I did before. Swipe through!

Real results are not from complicated movements, booty bands, supplements, & endless cardio.

There is no quick fix or hack to building muscle. Building muscle aka “Tone”

It takes time. Patience. Consistency.

It takes intentional training & programming.

It takes eating more food & putting an end to chronic dieting.

It takes putting an end to freaking out everytime the scale changes.

It takes Periodization.

It takes choosing optimal exercises, rinse & repeat over & over.

When it comes to muscle building for a specific body part the exercises you choose are kind of like the food you choose for your diet.

One “healthy” meal doesn’t make an effective diet. It’s the consistency of meals consumed over time.

Invest in good trainers & coaches to teach you how to do these properly. Form is everything. Basics are everything. Eat your protein and simply get to the gym!

If you are not doing any of these, have fun & add them to your arsenal 🦾🍑 🥩

Oxox Coach K

Building muscle on the carnivore diet without carbs

Q: Can I build muscle on carnivore without carbs? A: YES. It comes down to eating enough food + resistance training.

Tap photo for all the cheat sheets to help you on IG!

Before we jump into this, the most important things to remember: 

1️⃣you actually GTTFG (go to the fxckin gym)

2️⃣you eat your meat & ample fat to support your goals, hormonal + metabolic function, & energy

3️⃣you love what you do & eat

4️⃣they’re intentional & appropriately structured to help you achieve your goals

Be realistic about your goals & expectations. All our goals will be different. If your goal is to simply move your body, have fun, be healthy, & get some mental stress relief – that’s a great goal too!

⁣That will still keep you consistent👏🏼 

⁣Movement is medicine.

Most often, these are not the people I talk with, most are looking for a specific aesthetic look, often being “toned” & “look like they work out.”

2 of the biggest roadblocks:

1️⃣You’re under eating & not willing to eat MORE to actually gain the tone you want.

2️⃣You don’t know what to do to actually gain muscle, & refuse or don’t like to lift weights because you don’t wanna get “bulky.”

I hear “I’m just not hungry” ALOT. And I always put it this way: a dying animal doesn’t eat, a thriving animal fights for its food. Which one do you wanna be?

Body recomposition changes, mean building muscle. As you build muscle typically you will lose body fat too. That takes more food. 

You will feel fabulous.

You will feel strong.

You will feel badass. 

And that feeling is addictive. 

Get addicted to being healthy, strong, & committing to your health in the appropriate ways to get you what you want. Because guess what?! Your fat loss cut will be super easy after going thru this period of focusing on getting strong & eating what your body needs 1st.


There’s a reason bodybuilders look the way they do & this is the picture most clients give me when I ask them what they want to look like. 

Bodybuilders commit to their structured programs, they periodize nutrition which means eating more & gaining body fat at some point because they need to to regain health.

The principles & science don’t change, they still apply for building YOUR dream body.

Eat your meat. Lift your weights.


Coach K

New Years resolutions and habits to bring into 2022.

➡️How bout them Boilers? 🏈 💛🖤🤍 #btfu

➡️I slept until almost 7. Our patient numbers in the ER are insane. Grateful for a day off right meow.🐱 

➡️I Googled #fengshui for the new year yesterday & they said to wear red or yellow underwear for good luck 🤷‍♀️🍀🩲 contemplating buying some😄 although I really hate wearing underwear. Jus sayin. I know I’m not the only one, don’t lie.

➡️Set routines not resolutions for the new year. You have to BE the lifestyle & the person you want. Routines will get you there, vapid resolutions with no true intention or action will not.

➡️Figured out how to keep Pete from waking me up when I don’t have to get up early. Set my auto brew on the coffee pot maker till later. ☕️ 🐈‍⬛ He hates it when I work on my computer in the mornings. He’s a Snuggle bug.

He wants to sit on my lap!

Holy sh*t tomorrow is a new year. I know they say as you get older time flies by, they ain’t kiddin. We’re only here for a short blip. 

Simply sharing things on my mind & heart this mornin. Swipe through for lessons I wished I’d learned earlier & “That Girl” habits to bring into 2022.

Click for full post on IG!

I just want to thank y’all for your love, your kindness, your dedication to yourselves to learn & grow & do that with me, here.

I promise the time that we spend here together is never wasted & I’m grateful for each & everyone of you!

To all my past, present, & future digital family, I love you guys! 

Let’s have us a year 🎉 🥩 🥂

Eat the meat. Go to the f*ckin gym. Be kind. Don’t be a d*ck.


Sorta sweet, Sorta Beth Dutton

✌️ Coach K

Q&A: What should my macros be for a high protein carnivore diet, maintenance calories, and fat loss tips?

First, disclaimers:⁣

There are 50 shades of a meat based diet. Some people include small amounts of carbs, some do fat or carb re-feeds, some do not. Don’t be that Ahole that shames other people for including other things & different approaches into their diets because you don’t. We all have different needs/preferences. I see it too much. No need for dogma of any kind, we are here to learn & support one another. Choose what work best for you.⁣

Seems most “higher” protein carnivores are around 40P/60F, 50P/50F, 60P/40F as far a protein/fat macro ratios. Always go your own way, again, we’re all different!

⁣I’m showing you what I’d do for myself as far as macros, not saying you have to follow these, but a visual & calculation breakdown were requested. If you need coaching, fill out an inquiry here & I’ll send details via email.

Your 1st steps in choosing any kind of diet need to be:





As far as Carnivore, get adapted & heal FIRST. I wrote a blog from an interview on my experiences the 1st year of my carnivore journey. Please read that interview here (link also in IG bio to blog post) — it will answer the majority of your questions as far as my story, living with Crohn’s as an athlete, adapting, transitions I went through, & my special digestive needs & trigger foods.⁣

⁣I don’t recommend any kind of manipulations with the carnivore diet for fat loss until you are adapted, eating at maintenance, & thriving confidently with this lifestyle.

Fat Loss Tips:⁣

  • Create a calorie deficit from pulling from your fat macros. Protein should stay consistent (around 1g/lb of body weight or goal weight for most) Tracking will help. It creates awareness & more educated decision making when making adjustments. Protein for most/meal should be around 30g minimum, most do fine around 40-60g/meal if you’re eating 2-3 meals/d.
  • Choose meats that are easier to track & control like ground meats & eggs.⁣ Leaner meat will naturally be lower in calories.
  • When in a calorie deficit, & this will depend on your degree of calorie deficit, it can be helpful to increase your protein macros to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible especially if you’re strength training. (YOU SHOULD BE)
  • If you’re fat cycling for fat loss, try 4-5 lean days/wk, 2-3 higher fat days/wk. Its helpful to have higher calorie (high fat days) on days of higher activity or harder workouts. You can also reserve these for days of social events for easier adherence.
  • Diet breaks & structured refeeds can be wonderful tools to create adherence, consistency, & decreased hormonal & metabolic stress. ⁣I included a graphic on different kinds of periodization.
  • Intermittent fasting can also be a wonderful tool to allow larger meals for satiety while staying within your allotted calories. Choose eating windows that work for you & your schedule.⁣ Do not abuse fasting. Extended fasting is not necessary, most do fine fasting 14-16 hrs overnight. It will bite you in the a$$ by increasing stress on the body if you abuse them. Same for overdoing protein sparing modified fasting (PSMF). PSMF are more applicable to people with significant weight to lose, of higher body fat, & kept only 2-3 days/week. If you cannot control yourself with portions after fasting because you’re SO ravenous, decreases your fasting windows.
  • If in doubt, WALK. Simply increasing steps & choosing lower intensity activities will be easier on your body yet still help create a calorie deficit by increased activity.⁣
  • If you’re including carbs in your training & fat loss diet, keep them around workouts. Your largest meal I prefer post workout for recovery & optimization & earlier in the day. Taper meal sizes as the day goes on.
  • If you’re waking up starving, having sh*tty sleep, peeing all the time, low energy – these are signs you may need higher fat, higher calories, &/or a period of a diet break or refeed. YES, hunger will be part of a fat loss diet, but you also want to optimize hormone & metabolic efficiency as much as you can. That’s what diet breaks & refeeds are for. If you’re body & mind are stressed to the titties as I say, it will not drop body fat easily or optimally.
  • Sleep is a nonnegotiable, 7-8 hrs/night. If you eat carbs, a little before bed can help decrease your cortisol level. Do not eat late, heavy meals. You won’t sleep well & your digestion will be a dumpster fire. If having loose stool after meals &/or wonky digestion, include some digestive enzymes before or mid meal to help, decrease meal sizes & decrease fat. You will adjust. I use Nuethix Formulations Utilyze, Discount Code: lilbitoffit

Full Post on IG with Cheat Sheets Here

oxox Coach K

Lilbitoffit Crispy Airfryer Chicken Nugget Recipe

AirFryer Chicken Nuggs! 🍗 

The kids love these! ✅ 

Tap to save post on Instagram!


  • 1lb ground @perduechicken (yes the brand matters 👋 chicken snob. It tastes best)
  • 2oz cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • Dash of salt (I rarely measure 👀)
  • Pork Rinds for the coating (I prefer Epic brand baked pork rinds but use what you want. I find it takes about 2-3 bags of the small Epic packages & about 3/4-1 bag of the regular sized pork rind bags)


  • Mix ground chicken, egg, cream cheese, & salt in a large bowl
  • Crush pork rinds up
  • Roll chicken into a “meatball” or use a spoon or scooper to scoop & coat the meatball with the crushed pork rinds (warning, it’s sticky af. That’s chicken for ya)
  • Place meatball or nugget (however you wanna shape your chicken) in the air fryer. Space evenly. Spray your basket if you need to.
  • Airfry for 10 mins at 400°
  • Flip your nuggs & cook for another 5-10 minutes at 400°, depending on your desired crispiness or texture. I like mine CRISPYYYY so I do 10.
  • ENJOY!!