Thoughts on transformation, fat loss, health, & happiness on the carnivore diet

Confessions of another dirty bathroom photo…⁣
Dis me. I’m awkward af trying to get body photos. I dunno how to properly “pose.”😆 but I’m glad I do. They make me proud of how far I’ve come & what my body & mind are capable.⁣

Just a friendly reminder you can do whatever shade of the Carnivore Diet you want (or any other diet for that matter). I feel I’m speaking for the majority of us meat-based folk who love this lifestyle because it works for us. I’m 2 years in.⁣

We really don’t care what you eat or what your body looks like as long as you’re happy & healthy. It’s really none of our business what you eat every day, what workouts you do, what your body looks like, if you show your body & journey or not.⁣
We just love happy people.⁣
Be nice to each other.⁣

I feel I needed to reiterate that again.⁣

I know some people say we all have the same 24 hours in a day, & literally we do, yet realistically we don’t. ⁣

I preach being a DOer. Yes, you either DO or you DON’T. But be nice to those who have children or special circumstances which make going to the gym or a certain fitness goals challenging. ⁣
I’m not giving excuses for “lazy” people but just asking you to be nice. Perfection is never needed, but do remember EFFORT matters no matter what your circumstance & you can still be a person that keeps COMMITMENTS to yourself in whatever way YOU need.⁣

As for shades of “carnivore”…some of us eat a little bit of carbs. Some don’t. Some eat organs, some don’t. Some just eat beef, some don’t. Doesn’t matter.⁣

I for one can do a little bit of plain rice cakes/white rice as far as starchy carbs. I keep these around my workouts if I’m going to incorporate some. I do that because that’s when my body metabolizes & utilizes them the most efficiently for performance & recovery. I don’t eat them often or every day, I simply eat them when my body is telling me I need them.⁣

I also incorporate leaner, lower fat days with higher fat days. This too varies & I also listen to my body & eat accordingly. I’m happy in maintenance. I notice after 2-3 days of eating lower fat, I crave more fat. Because I most likely need more calories, especially after hard training days. My fat macros vary. Protein is around 160-200g most days. I also am very active, CrossFit, & lift weights. So what I do may not work for you. I posted a guide for optimizing eating for workouts yesterday, save tag & share that post. Great resource!⁣

This style of eating works very well for me, my needs, & my body is responding well. I’m leaner than I ever have been before, eating 1800-2000+ calories on avg & ~2-2.5lbs of meat/day. Lean days I prefer ground chicken, shrimp, & 90% ground sirloin. High fat days I enjoy 80-85% ground beef & lamb, eggs, & ribeyes.⁣

My crispy airfryer #meatbars are LIFE & I eat them every day because I love them. And I’m so happy y’all are loving them too! Tag away!⁣

I also haven’t had a Crohn’s flare or binge since I went meat based 2 years ago — the best part! ⁣

Yes, people look at me like I’m crazy when I tell them I really just eat meat AND I prefer “CrossFit.” People told me I couldn’t do it. My bloodwork, mental clarity, energy level, & physique say otherwise. 😉⁣

Listen to you body’s. I am happy to share my experiences & I fully admit I made a lot of mistakes on the way, I didn’t always feel well, I initially gained 15lbs & I wanted to stop numerous times along my journey.⁣

Any diet that serves you best mentally & physically & is high in bioavailable nutrients will always be better than one that lacks the essentials your body needs to function properly.⁣

Love y’all ⁣
Peace love & meat 🥩 ⁣

oxox Coach K @lil_bit_of_fit 🙂

2 years carnivore
39, 5’1, 105lbs, avg 2000 cal/day & proud! I’ve lost 60lbs in my lifetime.

Calorie and Macro Periodization for Dieting

♦️How To Setup Your Macros & Calorie Periodization for a Fat Loss Cut♦️

Save & share this one!

How do we diet smart without totally turning our metabolism and hormones into dumpster fires🔥? #nutritionperiodization 

3 things I believe are under-rated, yet make a BIG difference in progress:


✌️Caloric Periodization

🤟Carb & Meal Timing

Sleep: dudes I don’t care what diet you’re following you’re not going to get anywhere if you do not get your sleep under control.

Caloric Periodization: This is the way we structure our macros (& calories) across time periods. (A week or multiple weeks) The BIG reason 👉🏻 it’s how we create sustainability & adherence. Let’s be real, diets aren’t fun. You’re gonna be hungry. It’s a big stress on our bodies. By incorporating structured refeed and diet breaks we give our bodies and minds the reset we need to stay committed to our goals.

Carb & Meal Timing: Tips I’ve learned overtime throughout my journey… keep your largest meals earlier in the day, preferably post workout. This is when our bodies are most insulin sensitive & metabolize food & carbs more efficiently. Fast 12 hours overnight — this will prevent evening snacking. This is why setting meal times & intermittent fasting are effective tools when dieting & when it comes to adherence. Don’t demonize carbs, use them with respect & with intention. If you have a bad relationship with carbohydrates, check yourself. Self sabotaging habits & emotional weight can be the exact things weighing you down. Avoid trigger foods, mental & physical, keep them out of the house. 

Love y’all! 

What’s your preferred method of dieting? I prefer a one day re-feed a week when dieting! 🤗 👇🏻

Healing and losing the weight often means doing things you don’t want to do

“Your appetite will correct itself.”

Used to think this was bullshxt.

When I started an animal based nutrition approach this is what I heard. In this photo I was about 10lbs heavier on vacation, embracing the journey.

Had many of you ask about this yesterday & my recent weight loss.

I’m excited many of you want to try a more animal based approach & YES I absolutely believe its a wonderful lifestyle of eating which corrects many health issues, but I also want to make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons & not just wanting to hop on the “bandwagon” because you seek weight loss. 

It’s not for everyone’s lifestyle needs, some of you NEED specific kinds of carbs in your diet to feel & function better. Just because I prefer this style of eating doesn’t mean I think everyone should do it. No diet dogma here. We’re all different.

I had a question from a follower yesterday asking what she needed to do to heal gut issues & finally see weight loss. 

I responded with some hard truths.

You will most likely have to do things you don’t wanna do. Things I had to do:

  • Reduce workouts: no more 2 hrs of CrossFit & 20k+ steps a day. More rest days. I have to modify, reduce intensity & steps. Requires me swallowing my ego & not picking weights & movements I don’t need to do anymore for LONGEVITY as a goal.
  • Ate in MAINTENANCE & SURPLUS for almost 8 MONTHS. GAINED 15lbs in the process. Experimented with intuitive eating, macro ratios, fasting, meat, portions, tracking glucose & ketones, etc. Figured out I get better results tracking macros. Ground meats work better as far as tracking, simplicity, & satiety. Carb refeed days via rice cakes or white rice work great when I need them with minimal negative feedback. My appetite did “correct.” I eat slower & know know when I’m truly full.
  • Different fasting windows affect you differently. Don’t recommend any newby to fast, just get adapted to the way of eating 1st. You’ll find what works best. I can fast longer now. I don’t do extended fasts. The longest I go is about 20hrs.
  • What gets TRACKED gets MANAGED. I know a lot of you don’t wanna track but HOW ARE YOU GONNA KNOW WHAT TO CHANGE IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY AWARENESS OF WHERE YOU’RE STARTING? Quality & quantity matter. After a while you master it & won’t have to track but you need to learn quality & quantity & how it affects you 1st. It’s about making EDUCATED choices.
  • If you’re having gut/hormone issues, do a true elimination diet & stick to something longer than a few days or 2 weeks. This takes TIME. You didn’t have these issues after 1 day &/or put on the weight in 1 day. There are no quick fixes or magic. Put in the work. Get help from a coach or practitioner, get tested! Quit guessing. I worked with multiple practitioners, coaches, protocols & diets, & tracked symptoms/trigger foods for DECADES.

Do the DUE DILIGENCE — experiment, eat more, educate yourself, sleep more, have patience, seek help, fix your relationship with food & self 1st, quit binging on the weekends, overtraining, & treating your body like a dumpster fire.

Here’s to embracing the journey!

What fitness and being raised on a farm taught me

Life ain’t always tacos & tequila 🌮🍸but it should be 🎉 😝 (more like beef & bourbon🥩🥃 for this girl.)

In other words, you don’t always get whatcha want but ya get whatcha need. It hinges on your perspective & reaction.

Yes, ‘whatcha’ is a word. Hxll my talk & text can’t even decipher my Indiana twang. Anybody else have that problem? 📲 

Raised on a cattle & crop farm in small town Indiana I grew up hearin things like, “Sexy as socks on a rooster” and “Quit your dickin around” an awful lot. 😂 

Cleaning the barn 💩🐮 was punishment. That and picking up rocks out of the field.

And you did not wanna hear mom say I’m gonna call dad — you knew your a$$ was in trouble.

I wouldn’t have changed my childhood for anything. Priceless life lessons that never could’ve been taught sitting in a classroom — the value of hard work, honesty, the Golden Rule, love, teamwork, responsibility, discipline, & the relentless pursuit of betterment.

Katie what the hxll does this have to do with your bathroom photo this mornin half naked in @Amazon underwear? 😆 — I’m getting to that.

You see these life lessons were the foundational bricks that transferred into my success habits AND fitness.

Most people scroll & look at the after photo & want to be &/or look like that person but they’re not willing to commit & do the work behind it. That’s what you need to think about. 

Can you do what that person had to do to get where they are? (Eat more food, reverse diet, commit to healing & rest, work thru the hunger in a cut, etc)

Is that your story & authentic self?

Have you learned the correct bricks to build your foundation? (Macros, eating maintenance, what foods you can digest, trigger foods, eating schedules, workout schedule, etc)

Growing up on a farm & fitness taught me a few things:

— They taught me I CAN do the hard things. I’m stronger than I think.

— They taught me how to stay committed, not just by what I looked like in the mirror, but simply by keeping the promises I made to myself to be healthy.

— They taught me discipline. Getting those workouts in, working with my 4H calves, hitting the macros, eating foods I can digest vs crap, sleeping over drinking all night.

— They taught me the value of hardwork & that I can do anything I put my mind to.

— They taught me having a serving & loving heart is more important than having a set of abs or five grand champions. 

As creatures on this earth, we either find comfort in not trying or comfort in the extreme. It’s difficult to find comfort in the balance.

There will be bumps along the way. They’re called lessons and remember you don’t always get what you want you get what you need 🌱 🪴 

Cheers y’all happy St. Patrick’s Day from Kelly Farms🍀🍻 

Go make memories, have fun, remember no good story started with a salad 🥩🥗🥂😄

Carnivore Questions Answered and Some Things You Won’t Want to Hear

People are gonna tell you you CAN’T do a lot of things. They’re gonna tell you THEIR way is better than YOUR way…

You’ve asked great carnivore questions over the weekend. I’ll summarize  for those I haven’t had the pleasure to chat with & tell you some things you may not want to hear…

▫️I don’t ‘treat myself.’ My view of food has changed since going animal based. I “treat” myself everyday, enjoy every bite & it all serves a purpose — nourishment & fuel. Food is not a reward/something to earn.

▫️You must experiment with different meats/food/fats, eating/fasting windows, meal sizes/freq, tracking macros vs not, & macro ratios. Your experience will be different than mine.⁣ It takes TIME. It took me an entire year to fully adapt &, yes, I gained 15lbs initially.


Common Q&A’s:⁣⁣

⇢ Majority of my meals are 85% ground beef, ground chicken, & salmon. Avg 2lbs of meat/d, 2-2 1/2 meals/d. Yes I drink coffee. Ground meat is easier to digest & track. I removed pork & dairy, I found I don’t digest’em well. I only consume them on occasion in small quantities.

⁣⁣⇢ I stick to beef bc it’s satisfying & delicious but not SO delicious I want to over eat. For those who struggle with food addiction, like me, find foods that are satisfying & get the job done without triggering over eating or bingeing. We typically do better with food rules, we are abstainers. (Food addicts tend to have issues controlling carbs, sugar, sugar free substitutes, keto treats, dairy, butter, cheese, bacon, pork rinds, hyper palatable & processed meats)

⇢ I track macros loosely. It keeps me accountable & I know where to adjust. Rice cakes/white rice on occasion post workout or in the evening if I need them, portioned carefully, rarely above 50g/day.

⇢ YES, you can CrossFit & carnivore, CAREFULLY. Comes down to allowing yourself to fully adapt to being fat-fueled, meal timing, eating ample calories, & RECOVERY (sleep, rest days, deloads) Macros 10% C – 30% P – 60% F for ME**


⇢ Sleep is a MUST. 7 hrs min. Zzyquil helps. It is what it is, I’m transparent here.


⇢ Still hit 13-15k steps/day⁣, even on rest days, drinkin a ton of water + electrolytes, reduce alcohol, fasting when I’m not hungry (~18hrs avg), eating when I am.⁣⁣ No extended fasts, no snacking.

It’s taken me 38 yrs to understand where my body is at mentally & physically.

And I’ll have to keep figuring it out every day for the rest of my life.

Have patience. Take care of your body it’s the only forever home you have♥️🏠

Easy Cheesy Low Carb Keto Lasagna Recipe

Low Carb Cheesy Lasagna!

Lasagna was always a favorite growing up. The drawback: trigger ingredients and all the carbs. 

What I love about this recipe is its super simple & you can exclude any ingredient that causes you any G.I. distress. 

Italian dishes are notorious for including high fodmap trigger ingredients like onion, garlic, marinara, and dairy. So pick and choose your battles and what ingredients you want to include in your creation!

This recipe from

**Cast iron skillets work best



  • 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 lb. 85% lean ground beef
  • ¼ c. diced celery (optional)
  • ¼ c. diced red onion (optional)
  • 1 clove garlic, minced (optional)
  • ½ c. low-sugar marinara sauce
  • 1 tsp. kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. black pepper (optional)


  • 8 oz. ricotta cheese or cottage cheese
  • 1 c. mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • ½ c. Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 tsp. dried Italian seasoning (optional)
  • ½ tsp. minced garlic (optional)
  • ½ tsp. garlic powder (optional) 
  • ½ tsp. black pepper (optional)


  1. For the meat layer: Heat an ovenproof skillet over medium-high heat; add the oil. Once the oil is hot, add the ground beef, celery, onion, and garlic. Cook, breaking up the meat with a wooden spoon, until no longer pink, 5 to 6 minutes.
  2. Stir in the marinara sauce, salt, and pepper. Reduce heat to low. Simmer, stirring occasionally, while you make the cheese layer.
  3. In a large bowl, stir together the ricotta, half of the mozzarella, the Parmesan, eggs, Italian seasoning, minced garlic, garlic power, and pepper. Spread the cheese mixture over the top of the meat mixture.
  4. Sprinkle with the remaining mozzarella cheese.
  5. Cover and cook on medium-low heat until the cheese is hot and cooked through, 10 to 15 minutes.Meanwhile, preheat the broiler. Broil lasagna until top is browned, 2 to 3 minutes. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Low Carb Taco Casserole! For Your Taco Tuesday!

If you loved the cheeseburger casserole, you’re gonna love this taco casserole! 

Because tacos are good any day that ends in Y!

You can make so many different versions of this casserole, be creative and make it your own! 

Some add onions, peppers, & olives. Omit if you’re sensitive to high fodmap foods. You can also reduce the amount of dairy if you’re sensitive. 

Others also use this as a baked ‘dip’ if you want to use it with pork rinds or your favorite tortilla chips. 

Don’t forget to let me know how it turns out, I love hearing about y’all’s home cookin!


  • 1 pound ground beef
  • 1 packet gf taco seasoning 
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 2 ounces cream cheese
  • 1/4 cup salsa
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon hot sauce (optional)
  • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup grated cheddar
  • 1/2 cup grated pepperjack cheese


  • Preheat oven to 350. Spray an 8×8 baking dish with non-stick spray.
  • Brown the ground beef in a large skillet over medium heat, drain fat
  • Stir in the taco seasoning and water and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the cream cheese & salsa & mix
  • Crack the eggs in bowl & whisk together with the hot sauce and heavy cream.
  • Pour the meat mixture into the prepared baking dish and top with the egg mixture.
  • Sprinkle with cheese and bake for 30 minutes or until eggs are set.

Boom 💥 

Low Carb Taco Tuesday. 

Done ✅ 

Now gimme a 🌮 👇🏻

Lilbitoffit Airfryer And Crockpot Ribs! 2 Easy Recipes!

You had me at RIBS!

I prefer my beef ribs in the crockpot (or smoked), they come out fall off the bone tender vs in the airfryer.

I like my pork back ribs crispy on the outside. Prefer them in the airfryer. I cut them up into singles or doubles so the outside edges are all crispy!

When choosing your ribs, remember there are different kinds of ribs.

  • Beef short ribs have the meat on the top of the bone. They’re a cut of beef taken from the brisket, chuck, plate, or rib areas of beef cattle. They consist of a short portion of the rib bone, which is overlain by meat which varies in thickness.
  • Pork back ribs are taken from around loin, the muscle that runs along the back on either side of the spine. They’re curvier & shorter than spareribs (hence why they call them “baby” back ribs) with lean meat both between & on top of the bones. They’re leaner, smaller, & slightly more expensive than spareribs.
  • Pork spare ribs come from the belly area. They’re thicker, meatier, fattier ribs.
  • Beef flank ribs are typically used for faster cooking in Asian dishes when the ribs are cooked hot & fast. In the flanken style of short rib, this thin cut, which is about 1/2-inch thick, goes across the bones so that each slice contains a few pieces of bone.

Airfryer Instructions

  1. Optional: Season the ribs with bbq spice rub or your preference covering both sides
  2. Cut rack of ribs into sections 4-5 ribs to fit 
  3. Preheat air fryer to 380, place ribs in the air fryer, meat side down, cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Flip ribs over, cook for an additional 10 minutes on 380.
  5. Optional: Once the timer is up, cover with bbq sauce. Cook for 5 minutes on 400.
  • Quick Tips: I cut my pork ribs into 1-2 bone sections so the outsides come out crispy. You can also throw them in the air fryer for around 22 minutes at 380-400 (no preheat). Set it & forget it. Season with salt. Mine still come out good if you’re in a hurry. I prefer just salt as seasoning. 

My Basic Crockpot Instructions 

  1. Set crockpot on low. 
  2. Cut rib rack in half, place in crockpot with 1 cup water. 
  3. Cover, cook over night 8-10 hrs. They fall off the bone. Add whatever sauces or seasoning you like.

Enjoy y’all!!!

Easy Guide to a Low Carb Cheeseburger Keto Casserole Recipe

Dudes it’s cold out. Felt like eating something that was a cross between chili and a bacon cheeseburger. I mean what could go wrong ?! 🤷‍♀️

Casserole Ingredients

** For sensitive tummies I would omit high fodmap ingredients or anything you’re sensitive to like dairy

  • 1/2-1 pound bacon
  • 1 pound ground beef (I like 85%)
  • 1/2 sweet onion **optional
  • 1 clove garlic **optional
  • 4 tablespoons cream cheese **optional
  • 2 tablespoons sugar free ketchup 
  • 1 tablespoon yellow mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 teaspoon salt of choice
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream **optional
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 8 ounces shredded or grated cheddar cheese
  • 1 teaspoon fresh dill **optional


I wrote a whole post on the details of perfecting your airfryer bacon HERE


  • 1lb bacon
I love this Hormel Bacon, its all natural with no preservatives

Bacon Instructions

  • Heat air fryer to 350°F
  • Arrange the bacon slices, twisting slightly to fit.
  • Cook for 6 minutes, flip.
  • Cook for 4-6 more minutes, check for doneness.

Casserole Instructions

  1. Cook bacon first. Add ground beef to skillet and cook until browned. Drain fat.
  2. Add the onion and garlic to the skillet with the beef and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes if you’re adding them
  3. Add the cream cheese, ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, and salt to the skillet and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until combined.
  4. Spread the beef mixture into a greased 8×8 baking dish. Top with the cooked bacon.
  5. Crack the eggs into a medium bowl and whisk together with the heavy cream until combined. Stir in the pepper.
  6. Pour the egg mixture over the beef and bacon.
  7. Top with the cheddar cheese.
  8. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until set and golden on top. Sprinkle with dill before serving if using 


GAPS: Use sugar-free bacon

KETO: Consider omitting the ketchup or lessening the amount, depending on your carb tolerance. 

CARNIVORE/ZERO-CARB: Seasonings & sauces are personal preference.  Omit any ingredients that cause gut issues. Be creative and construct to your own recipe!

Happy eating loves!! 🥓 🍔 🧀