Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
I’ve reached this “weird” stage in my life where I simply want the people around me to be happy & feel good about themselves – same for me. I’ve spent the majority of my life wanting people to think that I’m special.
Aging isn’t all that bad y’all. I feel I’ve fully embraced the phrases, “With age comes wisdom” & “Like a fine wine.” My 20 year old self would never be able to give less f*cks about things like what others think of her or be ok with telling someone to f*ck off that needed to be told to f*ck off without batting an eye. Ya know what I mean? 🤷♀️ 💁🏼♀️You?! I’ve never understood how people fear getting older. Guess it’s a combo of being stuck in the past & FOMO? Perhaps the most reflective & effective exercise I’ve developed as I’ve aged is paying attention to the little words & phrases I’ve either heard or said that light people up. A simple smile, phrase, or kind word can change your day! Y’all know I preach the power of thoughts & words, why not use them for good? So I wrote down a few of my favorites to share today. These phrases aren’t designed to help you get laid (…or maybe they will? 🤔 I dunno…you’re welcome?!😜) or manipulate someone from a negative place. They are simply a collection of phrases I know I love to hear. They make people smile. They make me smile.
“You are amazing!”
“I believe in you!”
“I was thinking about you.”
“I appreciate you.”
“I value your opinion.”
“That means a lot coming from you.”
“Thank you.”
“I miss you!.”
“I admire __ about you.”
“I love your energy!”
“I saw this & it reminded me of you.”
“Thank you for being such a wonderful human.”
“This world is a better place simply because you’re in it.” As a kicker: 4 words that have changed my life & may be something you need to hear today too… “Be kind to yourself.” 🥰 …and heck, let’s add “Don’t be a d*ck.” in there too. 🙃😄 oxox Sorta Sweet, Sorta Beth Dutton Coach K
Wonder how much meat you need to consume to hit 30+ grams of protein? Don’t want to track your food?
Here’s a cheat sheet of a variety of meats & animal based foods to make this as easy & basic af as possible! Protein requirements will vary for different individuals, your goals, food & training preferences, health history, digestibility, etc…
I would still recommend weighing out your meat raw, which is the information available on the label. Meat shrinks down 20-30% in weight after cooking. I find most people are either weighing & logging meat incorrectly &/or are inefficient at eyeballing. I was too! I also made the mistake of not adding the fat back on my meat after cooking which accounted for hundreds of calories less than I thought I was consuming. This can make or break your progress.
Hitting protein goals is a non-negotiable just like getting quality sleep. Protein helps us build muscle, recover, & keeps us more satiated in contrast to eating carbs. Most find you’re hungry an hour or so eating a carb based meal or snack.
Our need for protein becomes even more important if we’re avid exercisers, in a muscle-gaining phase, a fat loss phase, &/or as we age.
To quote + current research: “if you’re of healthy weight, active, & wish to build muscle, to aim for 1.6–2.4 g/kg (0.73–1.10 g/lb) in grams of protein.”
My typical range is .8-1.2g/lb of bodyweight for most active individuals. The leaner the individual, the higher protein most can tolerate or require. I’ve had some even prefer up to 1.5g/lb of bw especially if they’re carnivore & in a fat loss phase. Those with more body fat, I’d likely have aim closer towards that ~0.8 recommendation.
Some examples I’ve used with clients: 21-40 y/o, 105 lb, 5’0-5’2 lean individual = ~105-158g protein (~1.0-1.5) 30 y/o, 120 lb, 5’2-5’3 lean individual = ~120-135 grams protein (~1.0–1.1) 30 y/o, 160 lb, 5’3-5’5 individual = ~130 grams protein (~0.8) 45 y/o+, 130 lb, 5’3 individual = ~130-145 grams protein (~1.0-1.1)
Body recomposition goes hand-in-hand with making sure your body feels safe enough to lose body fat which means you’re eating adequate calories for optimal body function, aka: you’re in good hormonal & metabolic health.
When I started my fitness journey my goal was to lose as much weight as possible on the scale. I had no idea what body recomposition meant.
I got down to 105 lbs, by basically starving myself & doing cardio all the time. My current body looks completely different now, same weight.
Know that the body you desire may take years to build & develop, mine has taken nearly a decade.
I was shocked at a check up for insurance at work 10+ years ago when they told me my body fat was 25% at 105lbs. Huge wake up call! I was #skinnyfat
I went carnivore 2 years ago, took a higher fat approach at first, gained weight (15lbs) my body fat was higher at almost ~26%. I switched to a higher protein/moderate fat approach & that is truly when my body changed to the lean physique you see today.
I’m not saying this is right for everyone but I just wanna explain you don’t have to fear food &/or higher protein even when you go low carb.
You can make your diet cyclical too. You don’t have to follow a higher protein approach forever just make sure however you’re eating it aligns with whatever your body goal is.
People freak out & they think just because they’re not in high levels of ketosis they’re not gonna be able to lose body fat.
I was never in a high level of ketosis & I still managed to lose 20lbs. Finally took an inbody scan & my body fat is now around 14-16% which I realize is pretty low for a female. I’m being transparent about my journey & experiences. This is the lowest my body fat has ever been & the best I’ve felt.
No matter what diet camp you belong to, if you’re gonna crush 2 habits a day please make them be SLEEP & eating enough protein 😴 🥩 🦾!
Swipe for tips that helped me!
Simply sharing my personal experiences & years working with clients as a nutrition coach. I hope these help you however you need!
I also have a 354 page guide I brained dumped everything learned throughout my years as a nutrition coach & on a carnivore diet.
You don’t have to cram all your protein down your pie hole in 1 meal/d or fast. Split up up your meals for optimal digestion, satiety, energy, & adherence.
It’s not only hard on your digestive system to break down protein but large meals make it even that harder.
If you’re experiencing that crash post meal, take a look at your meal size. You may do better with more frequent/smaller sizes.
Protein helps us build muscle, aka we look better naked. It also keeps us satiated & full. Trust me, if you’re eating enough protein in your meal you’re not gonna want all that other bullshxt.
I’ve 2 ends of the spectrum, those eating barely enough to keep a bird alive, & the opposite with my meat based peeps, smashing 200-300g of protein because they fear fat. We gotta balance them out y’all.
Protein is even more important when we are in fat loss deficits & as we age. We want to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible so often we need to increase our protein needs.
My general recommendation is 1g/lb of body weight if you’re in a normal healthy range, or goal weight if you have more weight to lose.
Super lean, active individuals typically require higher protein levels. Some up to 1.2-1.7g/lb. (I fit that profile, active + lift, 5’1, 105lbs, ~16%bf. I consume ~160-180ish g/d. Doesn’t mean you need to eat like this but an illustration that everyone’s needs are different.)
“I embrace uncertainty and uncomfortable life situations with courage. I face new experiences with my mind and heart wide open. I choose growth and expansion with roots that run deep & a heart with great wings.”
Home Sweet Home
The roads less traveled lead you to some of the most important places you’re meant to be.
Had a chat with a follower this morning and she said she just felt lost and asked how I found my way to my present day life. She asked what it was like growing up as a Farmer’s daughter.
I’ve posted about this before. This mornin I glanced at the number of followers I had, 25K. Holy crap. It’s exciting & terrifying at the same time.
Y’all are my digital family & I realize the last time I talked about this that was about 15,000 followers ago…
…and I felt the sense of humility, awe, & honor wash over me.
A lot of people over my 39 yrs have asked me:
“So what was it like growing up as a farmer’s daughter?” and “How did you get here?”
Never in a million years did I ever dream so many people would give a shit as to what I had to say or felt.
Walmart & hand me down born y’all. Raised on Spam, bologna & cheese, baby. 🥪
Humble beginnings🙏🏻🇺🇸 & if you ask me how to prepare tofu or fake meat I’m gonna tell you to throw it in the trash.
Eat your BEEF.
If you’re new here, I’m not one to sugarcoat, literally or metaphorically, so if you’re lookin for a watered down PC version of a girl who simply poses in her underwear & posts nothin but a inspirational quote without grit, purpose & somethin to say behind what she shares…go somewhere else.
And if you don’t like what you see on my feed or what my followers support, bless your heart, go somewhere else.
It’s hard to sum up completely to do it justice on the impact of the roads less traveled in my life but here goes…
Being raised on a beef cattle & crop farm in small town USA, Indiana, is one of my favorite things in the world. It’s the dirt, literally, I grew my life on.
Not only are my parents my heros, my teachers, my protectors, & my role models — they are my best friends & easily the hardest working people I’ve ever met in my life.
Doesn’t mean we’ve always seen eye to eye, doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten my a$$ kicked a time or 2 (or 10 😂). I always know I have a forever home to go back to.
And that doesn’t always mean a piece of land but the people. My family & friends that would become family are where my home is.
My dad & mom taught me 2 of the coolest jobs in the world — a farmer & what it means to be a caretaker.
I don’t think you fully realize as a kid the impact & importance of growing up rural, provided for but not rich in terms of money by any means, & being a caretaker of people, animals, & the land.
Now, thinkin back when other kids at school talked about what their parents did — doctors, lawyers, business people (all great professions, no disrespect) — how incredible is it that I got to say my parents help feed the world?
Pretty fxckin awesome if I don’t say so myself.
From early mornins & late nights workin cattle, to vacations being whatever cattle show we were going to, I was taught always be the hardest worker in the room & your character & integrity are everything — nothin has shaped my life & personality more.
Things I learned:
work 1st, play 2nd, family is everything
don’t leave the gate open. Ever. But learn to live like someone left the gate open
strength is everything. Physically, mentally, emotionally.
just when you think they won’t do you like that, a mf will def do you like that. Be honest & keep your integrity.
if you can handle weaning calves with your family, you can do anything.
how to cook, clean, drive, & do your laundry by the age of 10
the circle of life & being tough
keep your skin thick & immunity high, rub some dirt on it
importance of seasons
the feel of rubbin your fingers through a calf’s hair & the soft feel of holding a purple champion banner after working your a$$ off
you’re never too good to pray or better than anyone else
nothin tastes better than an ice cold crown and Coke, cheap pizza, & home grown meats after a hard days work sitting on a show box or tailgate, dirty af, with your people
Hats off to all my fellow farm people & livestock people, you’re the best in the world!
The second half of her question, how I got here?
My first job ever was working on the family farm.
My second was working as a lab assistant in an animal science lab at Purdue University where I graduated magna cum laude with a bachelors of science degree.
My third job was a vet tech.
My fourth was a well-paying job with a pharmaceutical company after landing a competitive internship.
I hated it.
I was making good money but I was miserable. It was cut throat, money & number driven, & I felt like I wasn’t helping anyone.
I felt lost.
After swallowing my pride & many tears later, I made the decision my happiness was worth more than a paycheck.
I went back to doing what I loved, which was healthcare — went back to working as a vet tech. And for anyone who has worked in this field, you know we don’t do it for the paycheck or benefits. We do it for love.
I married a farmer young at 22 (divorced at 27). Self employed, we needed insurance & benefits. So being the martyr & people pleaser I was — I made another sacrifice & got a job as a phlebotomist in patient access at a local hospital.
Turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life. I met my second love — healthcare, for my first will always & forever be agriculture.
I’ve worked in healthcare now for 16 years, it’s been full of struggles, numerous jobs, healthcare facilities, positions, learning new skills, a lot of tears & a lot of time aboard the hot mess express — with my health, personal life, relationships, my addictions, disordered eating, shitty mindset syndrome, debt, & trying to figure out what the fugg my purpose was.
I then fell in love with CrossFit & nutrition in my early 30’s & the rest was history.
I now balance my personal business as a blogger/nutritionist/coach along with being a radiographer, the best career in the world & I love it.
Guess what? I’m still getting my shit together! 😂 It’s a forever process because we never stay the same, we’re always evolving.
You only fail if you stay stagnant & fail to learn the lessons.
If you have a goal & are pulled to something bigger than yourself, if you have something you really really want — GO FOR IT!
I was once told, “You will never make it without me.”
Deuces✌🏻 I think I’m doin all right 😉
No obstacle will stay in your path if you have the strength to find the solution to go around it & an appreciation of your story along the way.
The roads less traveled lead you to some of the most important places you’re meant to be.❤️
Listen, I have “Crossfit boobs.” Aka card toting member of the #ittybittycommittee to all my newbies round here…confessions of another dirty bathroom photo + Pete 🐈⬛
I am 55lbs lighter now than my heaviest weight. I’m 5’1… snack sized, fun sized, been called a spinner before 💁🏼♀️whatever you wanna call it 😂
Our bodies change hourly sometimes.
I do not have flat abs by the end of the day typically. Y’all it’s called food & we gotta eat. You didn’t get “fat” in that hour, you just ate & lived.
The majority of the time I haven’t washed my hair in a week (I really do only wash it once a week) & I’m standing here in my @jcpenney underwear & @kincaidsmeatmarket in Fishers
I’m lucky to wash my face at night because I’m lazy af & work 60 hrs a week. I need to do better on this account 😂 🧼 Dirtball status x10
Being a sustainable lifestyle lean, eating food ya love, having a supportive community & relationships you love, movin your body & doing workouts you love, havin purpose, fulfillment, & happiness are so much sweeter than any piece of cake or savory piece of bacon or any shredded ab or muscle striation I could ever have.
I’m telling you this because I know there are a lot of you in the same spot I was. Still self sabotaging on the weekends.
I spent decades fighting against my body’s needs. Chronically dieting, eating food that triggered tons of physical & emotional problems, getting nowhere. Nowhere but pissed off until I learned about food, owned what diet & fitness I wanted to do, how to periodize my nutrition properly, & the fact I actually needed to EAT.
In all reality it took me a decade to build the body that you see in front of you.
It’s really simple now guys I just eat meat because I love it & it makes me feel good. And I eat a lot of it. At least 2lbs a day. Some days that I’m really hungry I can smash 3lbs & I’m 105lbs. You can eat & eat well.
🦄Your vibrance
🦄Your joy
🦄Your clarity
🦄Your flexibility
🦄Your mind
🦄Your relationships
🦄Your energy
🦄Your life
Remember, the diet you follow doesn’t matter. Your ability to adhere to that diet protocol does. Your body’s metabolic state & ability to appropriately adjust to that diet does.
Here’s your reminder: Don’t spend your life fighting against yourself. You have so much more to offer the world than worrying about what someone else thinks of you.
4 things to be grateful for: what you currently have, where you currently are, how far you’ve come, & the person you’re becoming.
If you had told me 2+ yrs ago I would be where I am today, I would’ve told you you were crazy.
2 yrs ago I was 37, 20lbs heavier, married, confused af, still trying to find my way in life, food, & fitness.
I realize as the woman standing here today, 39, 20lbs lighter, divorced…I will always be finding my way in life, food, & fitness & that’s ok.
Realize change takes a lot longer thank you think and it’s a life long process.
This is my year of ‘I want to…’, not ‘I should…’⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If I can teach you anything today let it be this…stop ‘shoulding’ yourself.
Things that helped me to stop the shoulding:
1. Align with your values. When your actions are aligned with your highest values, then you’ll be assured you’re ‘doing the best that you can with what you’ve got at that time.’ By living a values-driven life, there will be less room for the word ‘should’ in your vocab.
2. Strengthen your relationship with Self Trust & Self Awareness. Listen to your intuition & allow it to guide you. Spend time alone to reflect on all the moments that you have listened to your gut & it’s served you well. That’s your proof.
3. Talk to yourself. Notice the times your self-talk involves the word ‘should’ – because change will only happen with awareness. Being aware of your inner critic will allow your inner-nurturer to appear.
Things to tell yourself:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“This is good enough & I am ok with it.”
“I am doing my best.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“I am more than enough.”
“I don’t owe anyone anything. I validate myself.”
By ditching the word ‘should,’ you start nurturing the badass that you truly are ❤️🔥
We weren’t meant to live in a constant state of restriction. Feeling like sh*t, no energy no matter how many coffee or Bangs I shoved down my pie hole, chronic constipation, no body comp changes, cold all the freakin time – THAT was my normal back in the day.
I committed every sin I’ve talked about here on the interwebs. I used to CrossFit my a$$ off hours a day 7 d/wk on 1500 calories, eating all the carbs & plants, wrecking me mentally & physically. I wondered why I could never recover & I never looked “jacked” like other female athletes that weren’t working “half as hard” & eating twice as much as me.
Like a fine wine bitches. 😉
Fast forward today, my 39 year old self finally fit the puzzle pieces together & learned not to fear food, not to see it as something I had to earn or burn off. I’m 5’1, 105lbs. I workout 5 d/wk, I lift & CrossFit, I walk a lot, and I eat ALOT. I avg 1850-2000 calories a day most days, primarily ground beef, eggs, lamb, & Perdue ground chicken.
Reminder, maintenance calories are how many calories we can eat in a day & maintain optimal body function without seeing any changes to muscle & fat composition. In other words, chillin like a villain.
If you’re eating below where you need to be calorically & basically feeling the exact opposite of the signs we’re talkin about in the slides of this post, you most likely need to do what’s called a reverse diet. Don’t know how? I have a whole 354 page EGuide with a section dedicated to this very subject.
Included are some things you may not want to hear:
A healthy body loses body fat & any weight you gain in the process of gaining health is weight you needed to gain.
It may take years to get the body you want going through numerous periodization cycles.
There is a cost to being a certain level of lean.
That athletic body you covet just may weigh more than you think.
Unless you’re a newbie & never worked out before or dieted, fat loss takes a calorie deficit, muscle gain takes at least maintenance & more likely surplus. Pick one. You cannot do both at the same time.
Also, our bodies are all different. What weight & body fat % one person is might work great for them as far as hormonal & metabolic health, others it may not be optimal & you may need to eat more to remedy any issues.
And if you refuse to eat more when you need to restore your health, you have far pressing more important issues than looking good in a bikini.
Honestly, I think one of the most empowering things you can do to remove weight is to separate what you view as a negative thing or quality from your identity.
Instead of saying things like:
My life sucks
I’m fat, lazy, a failure, a loser, etc
I can’t
I’m unlovable, unsuccessful
I’m not special
I’m weak
or whatever the hell ya wanna put here…
Recognize the feeling & frame it as an action or quality that you are consciously working on rather than an unchangeable part of who you are. It’s not who you are, it’s what you feel you are. Feelings are fleeting & malleable.
I want you to repeat everyday, & I DGAF if you think it’s stupid, it will change your life if you believe:
“Everyday in every way I am better and better.” – that’s it.
Today’s Message…
The Universe always replaces what exists in your life with something bigger and better, only if you believe. Release what’s stuck, release holding on to the past or resisting change. Welcome new skin & new energy. Let go of what needs to be removed. There’s great blessings in surrendering & allowing the Universe to take care of you.
Tap for full post on IG
Swipe, save, tag, & you have my permission to share freely…to all humans out there just tryna be better.
Please read the visuals & captions. I answer many redundant questions if you guys would read the posts in it’s entirety. I say this with love❤️
Tap photo for all the Cheat Sheets on IG
There are 100 different ways to “Meat” your macros. All of our bodies/goals/histories/needs are different, which means all of our macro nutrient ratios are going to be different.
I’m not saying you guys have to eat this way but I’m breaking it down so y’all have a visual!Using 2 meals/d as a generic simple “meal plan” AGAIN, go your own way most of us carnivores eat 1-3 meals/day, avg 2.
QUICK REMINDER ON HOW TO WEIGH, LOG, & TRACK MEAT CORRECTLY! ⬇️ and check out this article if you are not consuming all of the fat that’s in the bottom of your air fryer, or you blot or drain your meat:
Please check out this article!
In a Fat Loss Cut? Most of you will choose 1-2 meals/day. Maybe you’re fat cycling too
In a Muscle Building Phase? I suggest 3 meals/day to get your calories in
Many of you are choosing super lean meats like chicken breasts because you’re still stuck in that bro diet mindset. Talked about this in a YouTube video yesterday – YouTube link in IG bio!
Our fuel sources are carbs & fats. When you take away carbs, the fuel source you have left are fats.
If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances & low energy, check your fat to protein ratios. Your protein may be too high. You have to eat ample fat for healthy hormone balance & to get your calories up to function like a normal human being.