Health Coach | Speaker | Writer | Welcome to my digital diary! I'm here to help you blend life & fitness to find your health & happy! Thank you for being part of my family & allowing me to add value to your journey!
I used to be a huge sugar burner. I didn’t understand why I had energy crashes, craved carbs & was hungry all the time despite eating plenty of food.
Even when I was eating in a surplus, training for performance & muscle gain. I was eating plenty of meat paired with more rice, rice Chex, & rice cakes – no matter how large my meals were I was always hungry 2 hours later.
It was super frustrating & not convenient at all as I work in healthcare & don’t have time to have meals every 2 hours.
I fluctuated from a sugar burner, to metabolically flexible, & everywhere somewhere in between during my health & fitness journey.
Since going meat-based with my diet I no longer have these issues of being a “sugar burner.” I now can incorporate smaller portions of white rice based carbs like rice cakes around pm training with minimal negative issues. I really don’t crave them anymore, nor need them. Becoming metabolically flexible, which just means you’re able to burn both glucose & fat as fuel, was the biggest life changer. It took much experimentation & patience!
I can easily fast overnight & in between meals for hours, without having to force or feel like I want to rip someone’s head off because I’m hangry
I don’t worry about multiple snacks available at all times because I have to eat every 2 hours. That’s food freedom for me.
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
Cringe: can’t you just give me a meal plan & tell me what to do?
I can but is that truly gonna change what you’re telling yourself?
Take fans of opposite teams, you’re going to get 2 different stories during a game depending on their perspective, right?!
Huge correlation between happiness & health. Happier people naturally make better food/lifestyle choices. Happier people also tell themselves a different story.
So how do we find your happy?
That’s what I’m here to help you discover. It’s not just about macros, workouts, & diets. There’s more to nutrition & helping someone gain their health back than prescribing a meal plan.
The one ability the most successful people & clients possess is the ability to forgive themselves, learn, & pivot.
A meat based or “Carnivore” lifestyle works for me! This is one of my meal prep staples. Airfryer #meatbars are LIFE! Recipe here!
I feel the root of most people’s unhappiness comes from unmet perceived expectations of society.
Social media for example: wonderful connection & education tool but can also be a dagger in someone’s heart & perception of themselves.
We confuse success & happiness. Really they’re 2 different things. The richest people in the world can be the most miserable.
The poorest can be the most content & happy. It’s all about your thoughts, perception, & the reality you create for yourself.
Happiness is knowing how to navigate through challenging times. That’s what we’re here for, to teach you
Flipping the script as I say.
I talked about gratitude showers a couple days ago, I don’t care what you have to do to get yourself in a more positive mindset, fucking do it.
I personally go on an abundance rampage.
Its where I tell myself out loud how beautiful I am, how abundant my life is, how grateful I am for every single thing no matter how minuscule. Instantly I’m in a better mood.
Get rid of the what if‘s & I should‘s. Quit shoulding on yourself. Get to a place of forgiveness & acceptance. That’s contentment.
Just like in business, done is better than perfect. What you think you want, or what you think will happen may not be the thing that you need right now. You still need to take action, however, to move the needle forward.
The Universe is in control & it gives you what you need. It also gives you what you attract, so the energy you put out is very important.
Who and what do you want to attract?
You always end up where you’re supposed to be & it always turns out better than what you thought in the end.
No one can take away what you put in your mind. Create your own reality. The greatest prison is the one you create in your own mind.
To me, I’m living in a castle. I have the healthiest happiest body ever. I am the most beautiful girl in the world. I am surrounded by the most magnificent people. My life is joyous and fulfilling. I’m rich in so many ways more than just monetary in nature.
That’s the story I tell myself. Am I all of these things? Who knows. Does it matter? Fuck no.
All that matters is what I think.
If you see your life as a list of achievements, titles, & what you look like — you’re missing the meaning of life.
You’re not being present & you’re not enjoying the journey of the story writing & connecting with others.
You don’t live, goals, you live the journey.
Katie Kelly, @lil_bit_of_fit
Stop being a victim in your story. Be the hero.
I want you to write down 3 things that if you did them each week would bring you a deep sense of happiness.
It could be working out. It could be spending time with loved ones. It could be creating things. It could be teaching your kids something or taking care of the household. It could be spending time outside in nature, in the sunshine. Reading a book by the pool. It could be writing Blogs. It can be anything.
That’s where you start and you build from there. One brick at a time.
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,
“I forgot to eat.” Something you will never hear this girl say now. Years ago, I wore my ability to restrict food like a badge. Result: constantly being cold, loss of appetite, & zero energy. There were days I had to pull over to catch a quick nap because I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Workouts I thought I was gonna pass out. Blood pressure super low, like 80/58 low. I remember the doctor saying do you feel lightheaded a lot? I had a DM from a woman this week & she made the statement she was never hungry & didn’t understand how eating more macros would help. So I put it this way…
Dying animals have no appetite & don’t eat. Thriving animals fight for their food. Which one do you wanna be?
Katie Kelly/ Coach K / @lil_bit_of_fit 🙂
A decrease in hunger after living in a calorie deficit for too long is our body shutting down to survive. This is why females eating below their BMR or at a low body fat don’t have a period. Your body is preserving energy to live. This is commonly why you’re constipated. Digestion slows. This is why you’re cold, no energy. Your hormones & systems down regulate to compensate.
Low quality food, deficiencies Should you eat if you’re not hungry? Or when you’re not feeling hungry but know your body needs food, what should you do? Always eat when there is physiological/internal cue – in other words, when you either feel that hunger pang or become aware that your body is in need of nourishment. 2 guiding factors of what to eat & how much: 1. Inner Wisdom — how the body lets us know that we need food, or have had enough to eat. Growling stomach. 2. Outer Wisdom — knowing what your body needs even if it’s not exactly asking for it. Knowing you haven’t eaten in hrs. I hope this helps! Swipe for things I had to do to get a healthier happier leaner physique that may also help you!!
I hate tracking my food. – something I hear every day Let’s have a come to Jesus moment y’all… When you do “structure” “right,” the freedom follows with ease. Which means if things aren’t progressing the way you’d like chasing a specific goal you must gain self-awareness & data to help you make the correct adjustments. Once you do that & create a “structure” that serves you & your goals, they become second nature & aren’t viewed as rigidity anymore. Your habits & routine become part of you. Some things you had to do before you created your structure you may not have to do anymore, a.k.a. tracking. Too many people view “structure” as ubiquitously restrictive in a “bad” way. It’s not bad. Just like fasting isn’t bad or a dirty word unless you abuse it. They’re TOOLS. I get it, you be scrollin the gram & people are telling you you don’t need to track your food, or diet, or eat low carb, or drink, or eat meat, or are a vegetarian – whatever…. But what most of these people aren’t telling you, The ones that have found a solution that works for THEM is that they spent years: ➡️learning about nutrition, different diets, macros, calories, trigger foods, etc ➡️tracking their intake in some capacity ➡️unlearning self sabotaging habits & behaviors ➡️rewiring their eating & daily routine habits (most of us, me included, didn’t grow up with nutritional guidance) ➡️doing the inner work to build better habits, develop better awareness of their body’s signals, change their inner narrative, & spend time in multiple different nutritional “seasons” (maintenance, deficit, surplus), often multiple times “Eating whatever you want” looks easy for these people because they’ve done the work. The freedom I & they have NOW comes from the work we did years, decades prior. You learn thru making mistakes & having patience what actually works for your body. You LOSE the fear & you gain 2 things: 🧠knowledge 🙏self-trust So… you want the freedom? Put in the work. All things we learn when you work with me.