My story & weight loss journey transitioning to a meat-based, “carnivore” diet & losing 60 lbs!

Katie kelly fishers indiana lilbitoffit carnivore fat loss journey

You asked the questions, here are your answers! Documenting my story & weight loss journey on the carnivore diet!

Chronic bloating, constipation, weight gain, feeling like your body is fighting against you – all the feels, right?!

That is what I lived for 3 decades. Hopefully my story can help shed light for you!

Without further adieu, let’s dive into your questions!

1.) Introduce Yourself

Anyone else get anxiety when asked this question? Like where do I start? 🙂

Indiana farm girl & Purdue University grad, I like to say that I’m a multifaceted human!

I have many loves, interests, & hats.

So who is this awesome chick? 😃 My name is Katie Kelly. Professionally, I’m a multi-modal travel clinician đŸ©ș💀 with Aureus Medical & functional nutritionist with over 20 years experience.

I specialize in improving your health & fitness goals utilizing a flexible, non-dogmatic carnivore nutrition approach while providing high performance coaching.

On social I’m better known as Coach K & want you to know I have struggled just like you!  I created this safe space over 10 years ago & welcome you to this amazing community! 

More importantly, I want you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!

I believe in vibrational living in life, fitness, money, health, & relationships. Intuition is one of our greatest gifts! I’m here to help you discover & follow yours to a more abundant, joyful life!

Vibrational living is being in alignment with your true self—choosing thoughts, behaviors, habits, & environments that nurture, expand & empower you. Living with an awareness of your energy vibration & understanding of yourself completely change your reality, creating your heaven every single day.

I mentor to help you find your power & solutions to create the body, career, finances, relationships, purpose & fulfillment you’re seeking.

I’m just a sweary, Indiana farmer’s daughter who went from a sick (Crohn’s Disease & bulimia), overweight (lost 60lbs via the carnivore diet, CrossFit & Orange Theory), broke bish (was 50k+ in debt) to a thriving, self loving human here to inspire, educate, & mentor! 

Welcome to my digital diary & wellness blogs full of life lessons learned the hard wayđŸ«¶

I post content about self improvement anywhere from fat loss, budget beauty, decorating, disordered eating, feng shui, Crohn’s, self love, entrepreneurship, healthcare, food, fitness, finance, laughs & everything in between to a social media audience of 47K+!

Thank you for allowing me to add value to your lives! Grateful to have you part of my digital family ❀

As far as nutrition, I specialize in gut health, sports & performance, disordered eating, low carb/carnivore approaches to healing. I help you to optimize life by creating a success routine.

All preferences & skill levels are welcome with a no diet dogma or one size-size-fits-all approach to health, wellness, fitness, & nutrition.

You can catch me via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit

pictures aren't worth 1000 words
I appreciate everyone who allows me to add value to your lives!

2.) How Did You Eat Before Carnivore?

I grew up as an overweight kid. I was told to lose weight & tried to diet before I was 10 years old. My self-esteem & body image issues started at 8. Standard American Diet, being a “farm kid” we ate the home cooked stuff. I had no portion control whatsoever.

Kids were mean, & I couldn’t tell you how many times I was told, “If you’d just lose weight you’d be pretty like the other girls.” This translated into, “You won’t be successful, loved or worthy unless you’re thin & look the part.”

Following came the years of disordered eating & orthorexia — binging and purging with intermittent phases of anorexia. I would gorge & then hide Reese’s wrappers, tubs of ice cream, bags of chips, crackers, cookies – anything I had denied myself.

Then the guilt-restrict cycle would kick in as I layed there with puffy cheeks & bloodshot eyes from throwing up food. I had a food addiction and carbs were not only a big autoimmune & gut trigger, but they were like giving an alcoholic a drink.

I found CrossFit in 2013, was a competitive athlete & then beat my body down into a hole of metabolic adaptation, exacerbated gut issues, & hormonal imbalances due to over exercising & under eating.

It took 4 years for me to reverse diet up to my true maintenance calories so know this is a long journey. Have patience.

I was misdiagnosed with IBS, as many are. Went through tons of testing & doctors.

Honestly, I feel the only diet I haven’t done is a vegetarian diet. I’ve done’em all.

As a CrossFit athlete fueling for my sport, I leaned more towards a high carb diet. (Knowing I had a poor relationship with them.)

3.) Why Did You Try Carnivore to Begin With?

carnivore gut healing katie kelly indiana lilbitoffit
All the deets here!!

My last Crohn’s flare was about 4+ years ago, which was when I started the Carnivore diet approach. I knew I needed a reset. I was stressed out, eating out more, sleep was terrible, and I felt horrible. I had put on 10lbs of inflammation & felt I was insulin resistant. So I thought, this is my time. I’m gonna commit, cut the carbs & clean my shxt up.

As for my relationship with carbs, I am an abstainer. I am not a moderator when it comes to food. You need to determine which one you are too, an abstainer or a moderator? I do better with food rules and an all or none approach. I cannot have just 1 cookie, that leads to wanting the whole pan!

My own personal experimentation, data keeping via tracking food, journaling symptoms & triggers were my best “doctors.” Figuring out my trigger foods took YEARS. Years of getting to know myself, my needs, and how my body responded to food and stressors.

As far as my specific needs, I don’t digest veggies, fruits, fiber, gluten, dairy, lectins, high oxalate, or high fodmap foods well. ⁣That’s a lot, right?!

trigger food gut lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana carnivore

I noticed when I finally got my gallbladder out, I could eat meat just fine. My digestive symptoms went away.

I suggest for anyone else out there struggling with chronic bloating, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, heartburn, feeling like your food just sits there and you’re bloated and look 6 months pregnant every night, etc — these are warning sings. They are not normal and sign of an imbalance. An elimination diet like the carnivore diet is a great first step. Seek help from a qualified coach, dietitian, or practitioner. Coaching options & services are available here.

trigger food gut lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana carnivore
Tap photo for full post

Often we don’t realize the ‘healthy’ food we’re eating are the culprits because we cannot properly digest and absorb them. Often the plants, pre-packaged frozen meals, diet bars and shakes are the culprits. That’s what happened to me. The fiber, fruit, and veggies were causing me more harm because of my compromised digestive system. I’m grateful for these experiences because now I’m able to help clients pinpoint their trigger foods too and start the healing process.

Repeat after me, “We are what we DIGEST and ABSORB.”

My safe foods when having a gut flare were always soft meats like fish, ground meat, rice Chex cereal, eggs, plain rice cakes, & white rice. Basically a low residue diet & absolutely no fruits or vegetables. I could not break them down, they caused bloating & agony.⁣

⁣Nutrition is not a one size fits all. Reason we need to track, experiment, & realize templates or cookie cutter meal plans rarely work long term.

I created a whole Biohacking guide with my favorite products and supplements HERE. Fitness over 40, I look and feel better than I ever did at 20.

before and after weight loss

4.) How Do You Personally Approach the Carnivore Diet?

People are more familiar with the term “Carnivore Diet.” I prefer to reference it as a meat-based diet. That’s because there are 50+ shades of the Carnivore Diet. I feel you have free will and choice to eat the meats & foods that make you feel your best. You don’t have to be strict carnivore (beef & water). We all have different trigger foods, preferences, and individualized needs. I like to use the flexible & functional meat based approach to nutrition.

I call my myself a “Liberal Carnivore.” I believe in flexibility. The majority of my meals are ground meats such as ground beef & ground turkey/chicken, pork, eggs, steak, ribs, ground lamb & veal. I personally don’t like organ meat after experimentation.

Tap for two of my favorite recipes here!

If I feel I need a refeed day of higher carbs, I would choose white rice or plain rice cakes around workouts. They don’t typically bother my digestion in moderation. Rarely do I go over 50g of carbs, my average is around 20g daily. I don’t deny myself or feel guilty if I need to consume them for my health, gym performance, & recovery. All carefully portioned, of course. Now I find I don’t need or crave them any more.

Another common question I get is, “Do you drink?” Not much anymore. If I do choose to enjoy socially, I set boundaries to no more than 1-2 beverages. Usual choices are an occasional craft cocktail like an old fashioned or tequila.

**Disclaimer: This is what works for ME. I am not a medical doctor giving advice, simply sharing my experiences.

As far as macros and ratios, again, we are all different. I prefer a higher protein approach for my needs. As far as my activity & physical stats for comparison, I’m currently 41 years old, 5’1, 100 lbs , cross train via Orange Theory, lifting, & occasional CrossFit. I train 5 days a week, average 13-15k steps/day.

Just to clarify what a macro is if you’re a beginner.

My “sweet spot” for maintenance seems to be around 1850-2100 calories per day, ratios around 65% Fat, 30% Protein, 5% Carbs. I eat when I’m hungry, fast when I’m not. Fasting window is around 16-20hrs. I prefer to work out fasted most mornings during the week. Largest meal post workout with another meal around 1-3pm. I don’t force fasting and I don’t do extended fasts. Average 2lbs of meat daily.

I do track occasionally with food & macros via My Fitness Pal. I track weight, sleep, & steps via my Fit Bit Sense 2. I’ve also teamed up with NutriSense utilizing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). What gets tracked gets managed. Not necessary, but I’m a data girl 😉 It helps me make more educated decisions and adjustments.

My fitness routine is outlined here👇 This varies with travel assignment & my life season. It’ll give you a good sense of what a typical day is like.

Here’s an older guide to help you as well👆

5.) What Benefits Have You Seen Since Starting the Carnivore Diet?

A TON! The biggest benefits have been no gut issues or flares, increased, steady energy (once adapted, it took me about 8 months), no carb cravings or binge eating urges, no more constipation, normal appetite and satiety, no more inflammation, and eventually, fat loss.

I didn’t go into the Carnivore Diet chasing fat loss or weight loss, I went into it chasing better health. I preach this to my clients, chase health and healing first, everything else will fall into line. The problem with yo-yo dieting is chasing unrealistic goals and expectations with an unsustainable diet &/or training approach.

I outlined all my food, macros, weight transitions and experiences here in this IG post. Tap photo!

6.) What Negatives Have You Found With the Carnivore Diet?

I’m gonna be real, I gained 15lbs total when I started the Carnivore Diet. After 1 year, I lost that 20lbs, however. I wanted to quit many times and felt like shxt early on trying to adapt. I listened to the veterans and my own intuition, kept going.

Your appetite does correct and level out. Performance in the gym does suffer, initially. Depends on what modality of training you prefer. Take it easy. I significantly reduced my workout volume and intensity with no HIIT for about 6 months. Did a lot of walking and lifting simple weights, keeping my heart rate in a lower range.

About month 8/9, I noticed I was able to hit it harder in the gym and everything else was falling into line. That’s about when my weight started dropping as well.

Meal timing is important, especially when timing appropriately for your workouts. If you eat larger meals, make sure you give yourself plenty of time to digest them. Meat and fat are naturally “heavy” and the body has to work hard to break them down for digestion, affecting your energy levels. Again, everyone is different.

7.) Do You Exercise on the Carnivore Diet? What Do You Do?

Yes, absolutely! The gym is my sanctuary. I found CrossFit in 2013, drank the Kool-aid. My love affair has been ever since the first sound of a barbell dropping. My weights, intensity, and volume have changed with my seasons. I no longer train like a competitive CrossFit athlete. Yes, its hard to beat the competitiveness out of me, but is absolutely necessary for longevity.

I modify weights and movements to my needs. I listen to my body and rest when needed. Workout 5 days a week, rest 2. I get in about 13-15k steps a day. Also enjoy body building and orange theory!

I feel the term “CrossFit” gets an unfair bad rap. It’s simply a term and just another modality of exercise. I love it because it combines strength and conditioning made up of functional movements performed at a your desired intensity level. The intensity and approach are up to you. Anyone can do it and you determine the pace and modifications of your workouts. Invest in a quality gym with quality coaches. Three Kings Athletics in Noblesville, IN is my second home and family! Owned by Bryn Jafri.

8.) What Piece of Advice Would You Give Someone Who Is Interested in Trying This Diet, But Hasn’t Taken the Leap Yet?

Thinking about carnivore in terms of 3 phases is helpful starting:⁣

1.) Just get adapted – eat meat, find the low carb sources you love, cut the junk, find what eating windows work for your schedule, track to make sure you’re eating enough food.⁣

2.) Focus on healing any G.I. issues & give it time. Be patient & consistent. You don’t feel good all the time, as with any diet it takes time to find your groove. Most hit a slump around 2 weeks. You didn’t develop gut issues overnight and you didn’t put on 30lbs overnight.⁣

3.) Thrive & THEN play around with fat loss or muscle gain goals. You’ll be more self aware & educated once your reach this point.⁣

⁣Highly recommend getting the book Carnivore Cure by Judy Cho & Forever Strong by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon.

Not until someone is adapted & healed do I recommend any kind of playing around with fat loss cuts.⁣ For some it may take 3-6 months or it can take years depending on what kind of healing (gut, hormonal, metabolic etc) you have to do.⁣ Honor your biofeedback. Biofeedback means my quality of sleep, energy level, recovery, performance, mental clarity, menstrual cycle, sex drive, hunger & satiety cues, etc.⁣

Tips for tracking more accurately:

  • Pick meats that are easier to track. Ex: ground meats like beef/turkey/lamb/pork. The protein & fat grams are not as variable as say a ribeye or chuck roast.
  • Weigh your meat raw before you cook. Meat shrinks down something like 20-30% when you cook it. It can account for a big difference in protein/fat grams & calories if you’re logging the oz or grams of cooked meat vs the actual raw weight. Fat will differ as well, especially if you’re draining or dabbing the fat off your meat after cooking. Here’s a good resource explaining what happens.
  • Measure out your fats (butter, bacon fat, tallow, etc) Don’t guess. Weigh it out on a scale for most accuracy. Most of us use teaspoons or tablespoons but I don’t recommend eyeballing until you master accurately weighing food.

Reasons you may be gaining weight on low carb:

  • You’re eating in a surplus. As with ANY diet you choose if you are eating in a surplus chances are you will put on body fat. It’s part of it. This is when you should be focusing on muscle gain & strength.
  • You’ve been eating in a chronic deficit & your body is finally getting the nutrients it needs to function & grow muscle. You WANT muscle growth. More muscle=more food=more badass.
  • You’re snacking too much on things like pork rinds, fat bombs, or fake keto junk like Atkins bars. Guilty đŸ–đŸ» They’re easy to overeat & nutrient deficient. Go back to the basics. Simplify. Meat, water, coffee, no sweeteners, no supplements.
  • You’re choosing highly palatable low carb foods like ribeyes, bacon, & cheese & eating when you’re not really hungry. It’s like when you’re not hungry but then they bring out dessert. Most of us will have that extra piece of cake. Choose foods that are satisfying & get the job done. I find ground beef to be most satisfying.
  • You’re overly fasting &/or overly training. Chronically high cortisol & hormone imbalances affect your weight, recovery, energy, & fat loss. Reduce your intensity & workout volume. Walking & simply just moving does wonders. Don’t over complicate your workouts. SLEEP. Shorten your fasting window or STOP fasting.
  • You’re eating too much protein, throwing hormones & your biofeedback off. Try increasing your fats & start with protein around 1g per lb of lean body mass, your goal weight, or 20-30% of your daily calories. Our energy sources come from fats & carbs. Take away your carbs & what do you have left? Fat. Don’t fear it. Play around with it you’ll find your threshold.

A Guide On How I Fixed My Fat Loss Levers: Leptin Resistance, Insulin Resistance, & Cortisol Balance Hacks

How I Fixed My Fat Loss Levers: Leptin Resistance, Insulin Resistance, & Cortisol Balance Hacks

9.) Do You Think the Carnivore Diet Will Ever Be Accepted Mainstream?

Never say never, but I doubt it. Carnivore is just like being a vegetarian only we prefer meat. No one bats an eye when you say you’re a vegetarian, but you say you only eat meat? They look at you like 4 eyes. The awareness, research, and education is spreading, however, so that is promising!

Is any diet really mainstream?

There’s hundreds of ways to eat. All that matters is you pick the one that suits YOU.

10.) Where Can People Follow You?

Everyone is welcome to become part of my digital family here, and Instagram, @lil_bit_of_fit If you’d like to be added to our email list, click here!

Thank you all for reading and allowing me to add value to your lives! I hope my experiences on this journey can allow you to find your authentic puzzle pieces to life!

oxox Coach K

Confessions and Life Lessons of a “Middle Aged” Cougar

cougar leopard blonde katie kelly fishers indiana lilbitoffit confessions

WTF is considered middle-aged anyways nowadays? I remember when I thought 30 was old?!

lilbitoffit blonde leopard katie kelly fishersi ndiana leopard
Who doesn’t love a good leopard print? Amazon find 🙂

I have a big birthday coming up, the BIG 4-0! For many, this is a death sentence. It’s all downhill from here…

…like you magically turn the page, become less attractive, less desirable, boring – kind of like an old penny you find on the ground.

But for me, I feel a sense of pride & appreciation for my body & my life at this point. Every wrinkle, scar, sun spot, stretch mark & dimple of cellulite, baby. Let’s throw a couple divorces in there, too. LOL.

(I did LOL)

They all tell my story.

Did you know my friends used to call me “Momma Cougar” after my FIRST divorce?

–those are stories for another day (& another drink).

What can I say?! I’ve historically been attracted to younger men. My last husband, yes, SECOND divorce, was 10 years younger than me.

Amazing man, really, I did pick a good one. No need to end things on bad terms. Remember that thing I preach? Learn to let people go with a loving heart. Your life will be more peaceful that way, I promise.

Other things that will make your life more peaceful: treat your body & mind like a temple, ladies.

Eat well, lift weights, be happy, do sh*t you love, don’t wait on anyone or anything, always remember your worth, & remind yourself you ain’t got time to teach, try to change someone, shrink to their level, or be someone’s mom.

Change takes time y’all. I’m 3 years “Carnivore” with my lifestyle & healthier than ever!

I call myself “Vintage.”

Vin·tage /ˈvin(t)ij/

of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality CLASSIC

There are 10 years between these 2 photos. Like a fine wine, bitches,

Does my life look different than I thought it would at 20? Hell to the mf, YES!

I thought I’d be happily married, 2 kids, a dog, white picket fence, workin a 9-5 M-F, still doin Jazzercise at church. When in reality, I happily live alone in an apartment with my cat, Pete. I’m divorced, kidless, have more hats on my coat rack when it comes to jobs than you can shake a stick at.

Unapologetically living life in hair extensions & lashes somewhere between scrubs & leggins. I’m clothed in purpose, smashing #meatbars with my 2 boyfriends, Al & Abe (my airfryers) on the daily.

I love every minute of it & I laugh.

I laugh because life is funny. You think you can control every outcome with precision as long as you do everything PERFECT. As long as you make all the “right” choices, it’ll go as planned. Doesn’t matter if it’s with love, money, or your body. It applies across the board. Just roll with it.

Thing is, I’ve aged, but I’m not aged. I think and feel and breathe like I always have. I’ve grown wiser, but not stupid. There’s still a ton of dreams that will be realized, adventures to be had, and a life to be lived.

I hope you feel that way, too.

My advice?

Keep going. Be your best YOU. Take every day as a blessing. Tomorrow is not promised. The best is yet to be, even if today is in shambles.

Yesterday is a bridge to nowhere, but tomorrow is a bridge to everywhere.

Carpe Diem!

I’ll leave you with some life lessons because, well, that’s how I roll.

No aesthetic #glowup & extensions can overshadow the lessons you’ll learn with life. I hope these spark a thought-provoking flame for your own reflection.

Unapologetically Be Yourself

I too feel the word “authentic” gets thrown around & over used nowadays, but it still doesn’t discredit its truth & power. I’ve learned no one can be me & it takes way too damn much energy to try & be someone else. What happens is you lose yourself & attract the wrong kinds of people in your life.

Success is Not Defined by Numbers, Titles, Productivity, & Achievement

I am worthy simply because I exist. Not because of my weight, the titles before or after my name, how many hours I’ve worked, my relationship status, or numbers of likes or followers. Success is defined by me, happiness is defined by me, relationships are defined by me, Joy is defined by me & I create my reality.

Love Shows Up For You Every Day
Love shows up every single day if you let it y’all. Let go. It may not be in the exact form, person, or way that you think but it’s always there. Let the Universe take care of the how, why, & when. You just gotta roll with it & have fun on the journey to whatever it is that you want. Pay attention to the signs & pings that you’re drawn to, like places you’re drawn to, food you love, jobs, workouts & gyms that call to you, people that always show up in your life or your mind. Those are signs.

Take Time for You & Realize There’s A Big Difference Between Alone & Being Lonely

Remember when being alone was boring & scary af & you thought that made you a loser? My alone time now is like Church & something I’ve come to cherish. I have to have it to refresh. Taking time for myself is vital to all my relationships. You can’t serve anyone with an empty cup.

Just Do It

I’ve most definitely learned that magical things come from working outside of one’s comfort zone. I admit I LOATHE being a beginner. I wanna be a master of everything like right now. Starting new jobs are extremely hard but I know as soon as I find my groove I rock whatever is thrown my way. Fear of failing, fear of embarrassing myself, fear of exposing myself stifled me for decades. Now, it might take me some time to pursue something, I may have to figure some sh*t out first, but I will never have a dream I don’t follow because I don’t believe in myself.

Be Present, Speak Up, Gratitude, Always

Being present – really fckin hard for me too. I miss out on the beauty of the now when I don’t slow down tho. Take time to pause. Literally tell myself this numerous times a day. Speaking up & standing strong in my beliefs also plagued this recovered people pleasing crowd follower back in the day. You just end up a watered down version of yourself. Gratitude is always the answer, like walk. If in doubt, walk, you’ll hear me say. Every single day is a blessing & I don’t dare take that for granted. In the last 10 years, I’ve witnessed how precious life & health are. I look for little ways to celebrate everything, I wake up & say thank you to the Universe & God every morning. I tell my plants, appliances, & my cat Pete I love them. I know, I know
I’m a special kind of weird.  I make a point of reflecting on the people & things I’m grateful for
and THIS my friends, all of THIS in its collective has made all the difference.

Cheers to defining your own life . Here’s to many more years of awesomesauceness! (Yup made that up)

“Glow Up” on your own terms!

oxox Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Pimp your easy carnivore meal prep!


I understand that not everyone can smash the same food day in & day out like a machine, especially when cooking for a family.

You know what they say…variety is the spice of life. đŸ˜‰

Meal preppin the same #basicafmeals every day is a great way to break yourself into the world of meal prepping & macro skill building. 

**Disclaimer, these are just suggestions & options — everyone’s needs, sensitivities, triggers, diet preferences, macros, etc will all be different**

As always, proteins (meats & eggs) should be the center & priority of your meals. Your optimal energy sources come from your fats & carbs.


Meat Options

Spice Options

Condiment Options

Cooking Method Options

Recipe Options

High & Low Fat Options

Some of my meals staples too


Don’t forget I have a 354 page Meat & Macros guide which includes a whole section on meal prep, recipes, fat loss guides & MORE available in the link in my Instagram bio!

Lilbitoffit’s Keto Carnivore Feta Meatballs

Love the savory flavor in these bad boys!

Keto Carnivore Feta Meatballs!

Choose whatever ingredients suit your need best! I exclude the pork because I’m sensitive for example. Lamb & beef still taste fab!

Also, goat & harder cheeses in moderation  don’t seem to bother me as much as other cheeses for my fellow lactose intolerant peeps.


200 g (7 oz) ground lamb

200 g (7 oz) ground pork (optional if you’re sensitive)

200 g (7 oz) ground beef 

100 g (3.5 oz) Feta cheese Goat or sheep

2 eggs 

Garlic to taste (optional, powdered or fresh, you’re choice)

2 tbsp ghee or butter

1 tsp black pepper (optional)

1 tsp paprika (optional)



(Will vary on size & ingredients)

FAT: 7g




You can Airfry & bake these too but I find the meatball texture & crispy exterior do best in a frying pan.

Ps if you don’t have a sensitivity these taste amazing dipped in a little marinara sauce!

Have fun, be creative, keep calm & carnivore on! 

How many calories should I be eating?

“How many calories do you eat?” “How many calories should I eat?”

Fabulous question & one that is unique for you. Just because your neighbor eats a certain amount of calories or follows a certain diet or just because I do doesn’t mean it’s correct for you.

Lemme explain

The number of calories someone requires to maintain their bodyweight is unique & specific to them. Therefore, just because 2 people are the same height, weight, age & gender, doesn’t mean they should consume the same amount of energy (which is calories) per day.

Daily caloric requirements are influenced by many factors including these & swipe for cheat sheets!âŹ‡ïž

â–Ș Occupation (active vs sedentary)

â–Ș Training frequency & intensity

â–Ș Recent dieting history (metabolic adaptation, disordered eating, etc)

â–Ș NEAT levels outside of work (walking for ex)

â–Ș Diet quality, thermic effect of food (whole foods vs highly-processed)

â–Ș Overall health & hormone status

â–Ș Sleep Quality, Stress

â–Ș How much muscle you have

It’s a matter of perspective. What you think is “alotta calories” is highly subjective, as different people will have different interpretations of what they consider to be “alotta food.”

Also, macro requirements will depend on the individual as well, everyone has a different threshold of energy & macro ratios of which they thrive. 

Pay more attention to the below vs hyperfocusing on numbers:

â–Ș Energy availability is in a great position to optimize health, performance & recovery

â–Ș Your diet includes whole foods highly bioavailable & packed with essential nutrient requirements

â–Ș Your relationship with food is healthy, hunger & satiation cues are on point

Enjoy the cheat sheets, experiment, & have fun! Don’t be afraid to eat!

You got this! How many calories are you crushing? đŸŠŸđŸ„©

How to hit your protein & examples of meat based meals on carnivore, low carb, and keto

Meal prep cheat sheets to help give y’all visuals on examples of how to break down meals. 

Had tons of questions about how to hit 50g of protein. The biggest tip is TRACK YOUR FOOD! 

I like MyFitnessPal.

Educate yourself on what it is you’re consuming in meals. You don’t have to track forever, but self awareness is an investment that will serve you for a lifetime.

Here are cheat sheets of a variety of meats & animal based foods to make this as easy & basic af as possible!

You can eat 2-3 meals/d or even 4 of you need to. You guys can do things however you want, there is no right or wrong way.

Protein requirements will vary for different individuals, your goals, food & training preferences, health history, digestibility, etc…

I still recommend weighing out your meat raw, which is the information available on the label. Meat shrinks down 20-30% in weight after cooking. I find most people are either weighing & logging meat incorrectly &/or are inefficient at eyeballing. 

Also included the “meat your macros” with #MeatBars examples if you like 2 meals/d.

Hitting protein goals is a non-negotiable. Starting out hitting your maintenance macros is also highly recommended when adjusting to this way of eating (WOE). Use the to find yours.

Our need for protein becomes even more important if we’re avid exercisers, in a muscle-gaining phase, a fat loss phase, &/or as we age.

My typical range is .8-1.2g/lb of bodyweight for most active individuals. The leaner the individual, the higher protein most can tolerate or require. I’ve had some even prefer up to 1.5g/lb of bw especially if they’re carnivore & in a fat loss phase. Those with more body fat, I’d likely have aim closer towards that ~0.8 recommendation.

Some examples I’ve used with clients:

21-40 y/o, 105 lb, 5’0-5’2 lean individual = ~105-158g protein (~1.0-1.5)

30 y/o, 120 lb, 5’2-5’3 lean individual = ~120-135 grams protein (~1.0–1.1)

30 y/o, 160 lb, 5’3-5’5 individual = ~130 grams protein (~0.8)

45 y/o+, 130 lb, 5’3 individual = ~130-145 grams protein (~1.0-1.1)

Happy meal prepping!

How much protein should you eat and how to get in 30+ grams

Wonder how much meat you need to consume to hit 30+ grams of protein? Don’t want to track your food?

Here’s a cheat sheet of a variety of meats & animal based foods to make this as easy & basic af as possible! Protein requirements will vary for different individuals, your goals, food & training preferences, health history, digestibility, etc

I would still recommend weighing out your meat raw, which is the information available on the label. Meat shrinks down 20-30% in weight after cooking. I find most people are either weighing & logging meat incorrectly &/or are inefficient at eyeballing. I was too! I also made the mistake of not adding the fat back on my meat after cooking which accounted for hundreds of calories less than I thought I was consuming. This can make or break your progress.

Hitting protein goals is a non-negotiable just like getting quality sleep. Protein helps us build muscle, recover, & keeps us more satiated in contrast to eating carbs. Most find you’re hungry an hour or so eating a carb based meal or snack.

Our need for protein becomes even more important if we’re avid exercisers, in a muscle-gaining phase, a fat loss phase, &/or as we age.

To quote + current research: “if you’re of healthy weight, active, & wish to build muscle, to aim for 1.6–2.4 g/kg (0.73–1.10 g/lb) in grams of protein.”

My typical range is .8-1.2g/lb of bodyweight for most active individuals. The leaner the individual, the higher protein most can tolerate or require. I’ve had some even prefer up to 1.5g/lb of bw especially if they’re carnivore & in a fat loss phase. Those with more body fat, I’d likely have aim closer towards that ~0.8 recommendation.

Some examples I’ve used with clients:
21-40 y/o, 105 lb, 5’0-5’2 lean individual = ~105-158g protein (~1.0-1.5)
30 y/o, 120 lb, 5’2-5’3 lean individual = ~120-135 grams protein (~1.0–1.1)
30 y/o, 160 lb, 5’3-5’5 individual = ~130 grams protein (~0.8)
45 y/o+, 130 lb, 5’3 individual = ~130-145 grams protein (~1.0-1.1)

Now go smash some meat!


Coach K

Body recomposition & losing body fat on higher protein carnivore

Body recomposition goes hand-in-hand with making sure your body feels safe enough to lose body fat which means you’re eating adequate calories for optimal body function, aka: you’re in good hormonal & metabolic health.

When I started my fitness journey my goal was to lose as much weight as possible on the scale. I had no idea what body recomposition meant. 

I got down to 105 lbs, by basically starving myself & doing cardio all the time. My current body looks completely different now, same weight. 

Know that the body you desire may take years to build & develop, mine has taken nearly a decade.

I was shocked at a check up for insurance at work 10+ years ago when they told me my body fat was 25% at 105lbs. Huge wake up call! I was #skinnyfat

I went carnivore 2 years ago, took a higher fat approach at first, gained weight (15lbs) my body fat was higher at almost ~26%. I switched to a higher protein/moderate fat approach & that is truly when my body changed to the lean physique you see today.

I’m not saying this is right for everyone but I just wanna explain you don’t have to fear food &/or higher protein even when you go low carb. 

You can make your diet cyclical too. You don’t have to follow a higher protein approach forever just make sure however you’re eating it aligns with whatever your body goal is.

People freak out & they think just because they’re not in high levels of ketosis they’re not gonna be able to lose body fat. 

I was never in a high level of ketosis & I still managed to lose 20lbs. Finally took an inbody scan & my body fat is now around 14-16% which I realize is pretty low for a female. I’m being transparent about my journey & experiences. This is the lowest my body fat has ever been & the best I’ve felt.

No matter what diet camp you belong to, if you’re gonna crush 2 habits a day please make them be SLEEP & eating enough protein đŸ˜Ž đŸ„© đŸŠŸâŁ! 

Swipe for tips that helped me!

Simply sharing my personal experiences & years working with clients as a nutrition coach. I hope these help you however you need!

I also have a 354 page guide I brained dumped everything learned throughout my years as a nutrition coach & on a carnivore diet.

Tap for Link!

Link in IG bio to get yours! I created a special discount price for you guys today! 😉 


Tips that helped me

You don’t have to cram all your protein down your pie hole in 1 meal/d or fast. Split up up your meals for optimal digestion, satiety, energy, & adherence.


It’s not only hard on your digestive system to break down protein but large meals make it even that harder. ⁣


If you’re experiencing that crash post meal, take a look at your meal size. You may do better with more frequent/smaller sizes. ⁣


Protein helps us build muscle, aka we look better naked. It also keeps us satiated & full. Trust me, if you’re eating enough protein in your meal you’re not gonna want all that other bullshxt.⁣⁣


I’ve 2 ends of the spectrum, those eating barely enough to keep a bird alive, & the opposite with my meat based peeps, smashing 200-300g of protein because they fear fat. We gotta balance them out y’all. ⁣


Protein is even more important when we are in fat loss deficits & as we age. We want to maintain as much lean muscle mass as possible so often we need to increase our protein needs.⁣


My general recommendation is 1g/lb of body weight if you’re in a normal healthy range, or goal weight if you have more weight to lose. ⁣

Super lean, active individuals typically require higher protein levels. Some up to 1.2-1.7g/lb. (I fit that profile, active + lift, 5’1, 105lbs, ~16%bf. I consume ~160-180ish g/d. Doesn’t mean you need to eat like this but an illustration that everyone’s needs are different.)⁣


General Client Examples:⁣

đŸ€ 105-110lbs, 5’0-5’2 females ~110-130g⁣

đŸ€ 115-130lbs, 5’1-5’3 females ~120-140g⁣

đŸ€ 135-150lbs, 5’4-5’6 females ~140-160g⁣

đŸ€ 155-175lbs, 5’5-5’8 females ~155-180g⁣

đŸ€ 175-200lbs, 5’8-6’0 females ~175-200g⁣


Save, tag, share w/yo frans🎉 

Meeting your Carnivore Macros with Lilbitoffit’s Crispy Airfryer #MeatBars & cheat sheets for different body goals

Q: If I eat 2 lbs of meat what would my macros be? Also don’t know what my macros should be for different goals?

Basic AF “Meat Your Macros” with Crispy Airfryer #MeatBars + Carnivore Macros Examples 

Please read the visuals & captions. I answer many redundant questions if you guys would read the posts in it’s entirety. I say this with love❀

Tap photo for all the Cheat Sheets on IG


There are 100 different ways to “Meat” your macros. All of our bodies/goals/histories/needs are different, which means all of our macro nutrient ratios are going to be different.⁣


I’m not saying you guys have to eat this way but I’m breaking it down so y’all have a visual!Using 2 meals/d as a generic simple “meal plan” AGAIN, go your own way most of us carnivores eat 1-3 meals/day, avg 2. 

⁣ QUICK REMINDER ON HOW TO WEIGH, LOG, & TRACK MEAT CORRECTLY! âŹ‡ïž and check out this article if you are not consuming all of the fat that’s in the bottom of your air fryer, or you blot or drain your meat:

Please check out this article!

In a Fat Loss Cut? Most of you will choose 1-2 meals/day. Maybe you’re fat cycling too

In a Muscle Building Phase? I suggest 3 meals/day to get your calories in 

Many of you are choosing super lean meats like chicken breasts because you’re still stuck in that bro diet mindset.⁣ Talked about this in a YouTube video yesterday – YouTube link in IG bio!


Our fuel sources are carbs & fats. When you take away carbs, the fuel source you have left are fats. 

If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances & low energy, check your fat to protein ratios. Your protein may be too high.  You have to eat ample fat for healthy hormone balance & to get your calories up to function like a normal human being.⁣

Swipe for all the meal prep & macros examples to help you!


Coach K

Common Link Notes:

Purchase 354 page Ultimate Meat & Macros Guide PDF Link đŸ€—

Complete Supplement & Product PDF Guide link

#MeatBars Recipe Guide


Coaching FAQ’s

All links:


Why I Don’t Eat Plants, Gluten, or Fiber and What I Do Instead

I personally do not digest plants, gluten, fiber, nuts & seeds, lectins, or oxalates well. Figured this out thru trial & error & 3 decades of living with gut issues.

You can catch the details of my story & whole first year one the Carnivore diet here in this interview.

The research points to YES according to Dr. Mark Hyman. Gluten has been found to negatively impact the lining of the gut, creating “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability, even in those who do not have celiac disease.⁣⁣⁣
The lining of the gut is supposed to be strong & tight, keeping food, waste, & microbes inside the digestive tract. Gluten can cause the release of an inflammatory protein called zonulin, which opens up the junctions in the lining of the gut & causes gaps, allowing particles to leak into the bloodstream (where they don’t belong) & creating an immune response. This sets the stage for systemic inflammation.⁣⁣⁣
To summarize world renowned gut specialist, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, animal foods are the foods that FEED the human body & SUSTAIN the physical structure of the temple you live in. Because only animal foods can provide the right quality protein & fats to build your physical structure. Our human digestive system is perfectly designed to digest & absorb animal foods.

Tap photo for cheat sheets on recipe for #meatbars

These are basic physiological facts.

Plants are indigestible for human beings. In order to digest plants mother nature created ruminant animals. They are equipped to digest plants, like cows, they have 4 stomachs with specific microbes. You have to have the right kind of microbes to digest plants & fiber efficiently.

We don’t have a rumen like cattle. We have 1 stomach that releases hydrochloric acid, which creates a hostile environment for many microbes, which is why the stomach is the least populated area of the digestive system. This acid & digestive enzymes are specifically equipped to break down meats, fish, dairy, eggs.

Plants do not digest to a large degree, they are than passed through the rest of our digestive system. We digest a small amt of water, things like vitamin K, vitamin C & some phytonutrients

Our body — muscle & fat & organs, are structurally almost identical to animal based products. Only animal foods provide the optimal protein to build YOU efficiently.

The more they study plant proteins, gluten is the most common, the more researchers find it is unsuitable for the human body & damages everyone in some way.

Light bulb moments right?

And fiber?
Which is what all my doctors told me to add back in along with fruits & veggies when I was experiencing chronic constipation & slow transit digestion are all like sandpaper on my insides.

Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. It’s abrasive to the gi tract & damages the epithelial cells. Bacteria ferment fiber, creating gases like carbon dioxide, hydrogen, & methane.

Now do you understand why you’re getting gas pain in building when you keep adding fiber & more plants to your diet?!

A Journal of Gastroenterology study showed stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduced constipation & its associated symptoms. Showed complete resolution of constipation, bloating, & painful bowel movements within the study group on a zero fiber diet.

Now do you understand why I stick to meat & eggs & my digestive symptoms & constipation are completely gone since going meat-based?!

You just need to eat food you digest & absorb properly. All of us will be different but biologically most of us will do better on an animal-based diet.

Choose food that doesn’t cause any digestive distress or emotional issues triggering self sabotaging habits.

Hands-down for this cattle farmer’s daughter👉that’s meat for me.

This is me this morning getting in my workout!

I feel great, I love the way I look, I feel strong, & I’m never hungry. I 💯 support our farmers & give gratitude to Mother Earth & all creatures giving their life so we can thriveâ€ïžđŸŠŸ

#crohnsdisease #carnivorediet #crohnswarrior #carnivoreketo #animalbasednutrition #carnivorewomen #ketocarnivore #meatlover #meatbaseddiet #animalbaseddiet #glutenfree #carnivorewomen #carnivoreathlete #lchfdiet #femalebodybuilding #carnivorefatloss #carnivorebodybuilding #noplants #nofiber #ibs #constipation #crohns #colitis #bloating #carnivorediet #zeroplants #ketocarnivore #eatmeat #lilbitoffit #carnivore