11 Habits That Helped Me Lose 60 Pounds And Will Help You Achieve Happiness and Fulfillment

Might be one of the most impactful things you read this year.

Self reflection and confession time.

You may relate to this if you’ve been frustrated with food, your body, & let’s be honest here, — adulting so hard.

Thank you for reading vulnerable pages of my storybook❤️

Swipe thru some chapters. Read more about my weight loss journey here.

The root of the word ‘Inspire’ is ‘in spirit.’ I reflect on my own journey—from thinking money and material things would bring happiness to realizing that true joy comes from using your gifts to serve others.

Be Unique. The opposite of bravery is to conform.

Be a Leader. A “true leader knows when to follow” means that a good leader understands the importance of not always being in charge, but also recognizing when to listen to and learn from others on their team, leveraging their expertise in specific situations instead of insisting on making every decision themselves.

Be Love. The more you truly love the more you get back.

Be Truth. Honor your truth more often.

Be Kind. One of the rarest things in the world right now. It changes lives. It is free.

Be Beautiful. Celebrate your beauty. Humble confidence, flexibility, adaptability, positivity, reliability, and being someone who strives to always be useful are some of the sexiest and most beautiful things a person can be.

Be Movement. Movement is health. Emotions are physical too. Movement is medicine and life. Stagnation builds resistance.

Be Growing. You’re either growing or dying. You choose.

Be Playful. Approach life as play! It’s a constant evolvement of experimentation and experiences. That’s it.

Be Forgiving. It will set you free. It’s either medicine or poison. It’s the poison that poisons you.

Be Courageous. The most courageous people experience the greatest emotions, and therefore, the greatest life experience. Courage is taking action in the presence of fear.

A current reflection…

As I sit here listening to this podcast and reflecting about my recent experiences with food and my body… (tip: journal your thoughts and realizations. They are pages, secrets, and solutions to your best life.)

💭🤔Katie: Why I can eat carbs and still stay lean & not gain fat per se (maybe a little water weight gain, brain fog, & inflammation from eating shit I know I shouldn’t for a few days…Like cookies lately 😆 🍪 freaking love cookies. Confession.)

💭💡🎙️🧠💪🏼While listening to podcast episode: It’s because I’m metabolically flexible. I gave myself time to heal via strict carnivore for years. I healed my relationship with myself. It’s because I walk after I eat. If I do consume carbohydrates or a larger amount of calories, no matter what food I’m consuming, my body uses them efficiently now. My cells are happy. My hormones are happy. Because I sleep, eat, get sun, & love the shit out of myself 99% of the time. My daily routine supports this. 

✅I have realized my body absorbs and utilizes carbohydrates more efficiently and shuttles them into my muscles and as repair versus fat storage more now at 42 than it ever did in my 20s and 30s. This is the power of simple movement and functional fitness. My entire day is my workout. My job is active and challenging af moving patients all day as a radiologic technologist. My workouts are play vs punishment now. Or something I “have to do” to stay lean.

✅I never realized how powerful fidgeting and being an active person was on maintaining a healthy body fat level and weight. I thought my workouts were the only things that mattered, which they do and have helped me build the body that I have today, but the most impactful factor was the food I put in my mouth, my

Mindset & inner narrative, and how active I was throughout the day.

🚶‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏋🏼‍♀️Get up and move throughout the day! Workout snacks and wonder walks are everything! I am rarely sedentary. I am always up moving and doing things. 

📈I find I do feel better cycling carbohydrates or days of larger amounts of calories about every three days. This is just a Recent observation. I will admit I feel better following strictly an animal-based diet. The carbs that I feel best consuming are plain rice cakes, plain white rice, and gluten-free, Whole, natural food options. Confession: I am able to consume sugary treats every once in a while, but I do realize these affect me like drugs, it’s hard to stop, and I always want more. But rarely do I ever gain weight anymore from eating these, which does bring me a sense of safety and comfort, but I do realize how out of control And high my blood sugar gets after consuming them. 

🥩🍚So considering my recent experimentation and observations, I stick to meat, eggs, healthy animal fats, and occasional dairy 99% of the time. I INTUITIVELY sprinkle in occasional refeeds of higher calorie &/or carbs via low fiber, gluten free, rice based options.

🏆As long as I get in ample movement, lift more and utilize my muscles shuttling those nutrients and calories efficiently, + get adequate sleep 👉 I function like a mf champ. 

❤️I love the way my body looks and feels. I’m proud of myself for learning to separate emotions from science and what my body is doing. I take everything as data and I don’t take it personally. 

👩🏼‍🏫I learned macros, tracked food, coached hundreds of athletes and people, tracked my steps, wore a continuous glucose monitor, experimented with all different kinds of fitness and was a competitive athlete, and have done everything in between including  tracking ketones and blood sugar. I fucked up and continue to mess up more times than I can probably recall. It’s all ok! So are you! 🫶

👏 I no longer need to track these things for validation because they’ve become part of who I am. I don’t “have to” because I know exactly what my body is doing.

‼️I recently quit wearing my fit tracker and tracking anything because I realized all of these things were taking energy away from myself and my day that I could be focusing on purpose and service and wealth building and other things that mean more to me. I don’t need these things to be my healthiest anymore because I’ve done the due diligence to learn all of them. So a reminder, you don’t have to do this shit forever, but learn it so that you don’t need them anymore!

❤️‍🩹If I eat too many carbs one day and I feel like shit, I own that, I give myself grace, and take actions appropriately the next day to feel my best.

🥳Don’t be afraid to experiment. Don’t be afraid to mess up. That’s how we learn. That’s how we learn about our bodies and what we need to do to look and feel our best. You don’t have to fear carbs or any food for that matter. View them a tool and a learning experience. 

🙌You will never know if you don’t try new things. I used to fear carbs, getting fat, basically I feared eating altogether. I would throw up my food to “undo” what I had done. I abused my food. I abused exercise. I abused myself. 

💊🙏Forgiveness, gratitude, and love are the true medicines. Be a leader and a forever student. Learn, grow, evolve. Once you know better, do your best and DO BETTER. That doesn’t mean perfect. We’re never perfect. We fuck up all the time. That’s just how it is. Your character is revealed by how you respond next.

**Steps off soap 🧼 box 📦.

***Pats myself on back. 👋 😆😎🤗😉🙃

Oxox Coach K

A letter to myself and hopefully inspiration for you.

Katie Kelly is a nutritionist, writer, travel registered radiologic technologist, Indiana farmer’s daughter, Crohn’s warrior, experience collector, and athlete of life. Former hot mess down 60lbs + financially free with nothin’ but an airfryer & a prayer. Location: Aging gracefully somewhere between scrubs & steak.

On social, she’s better known as Coach K, but most of all wants you to know she’s struggled just like you. More importantly, she wants you to believe in yourself, your health, your voice, & your ability to live your best life!

Looking for more from Katie? Join her newsletter here❤️

Brutal Truth About Life That Will Make You Rethink Everything 

A few painful things I learned while self healing: If you’re angry or regretful you’re hoarding & livin’ in the past. If you’re worrying, you’re livin’ in the future. If you can look back & smile, look forward & smile, & you’re content…well, that’s when you know you’re livin’ graciously in the present.

And that’s when life all started to make sense.

⁣That truth is what I hold onto every day. It doesn’t mean things are always easy, in fact, I’ve had really frickin hard times on some of these travel Xray assignments, but…

I always learn new things

I always discover I’m tougher & more able

I acknowledge & savor growth is never comfortable.⁣ It’s what has made me perfectly imperfect & wise.

⁣How you handle discomfort says it all & I choose to handle them with grace like a boss😉⁣👑

A trip down memory lane from 1 year ago, Photo dump of a weekend on my travels in #omahanebraska I LOVE it there! Hoping to go back soon! My heart & soul are were happy there. Some places make an imprint on your life & never leave.

I made great friends 👭👬

I joined a new gym @otfpapio⁣ MISS YOU ALL!🍑🧡👟

I learned new skills working at a medical practice🏥⚕️🩺

I road tripped to my 1st horse auction⁣🐴

I discovered cool gyms & cocktail bars & coffee places🦾🥃☕️ @proof192_omaha @proof_omaha was my FAV!

Smashed all the meats⁣🥩

Had fun with my hair!💇‍♀️

Open up to opportunities & people that make life more fun. It’s that simple. There’s no right time or specific version of yourself needed when you’re setting goals, living in alignment, embracing your purpose & loving yourself.

Ask yourself what you’re livin’ for & who you’re livin’ for, & if neither of those answers are YOU,  even if you think you’re weird as hell, you’re livin’ the wrong life.⁣

And if I can offer you anything today, one of the hardest lessons I’ve learned is that it’s MY JOB to create a joyful reality & I choose to treat others better than they’ve treated me.⁣

So let everyday be YOURS. OWN IT & don’t apologize for who you are🫶⁣ Home is wherever you are.


Coach K

Like blogs like these? Come adventure & get FIT with me!

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📕 Gut Healing + 60 lb Weight Loss Blog

8 Mind-Bending Quotes That Changed It All For Me… 

I stumbled upon an Albert Einstein quote one morning that said: “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”

Ooof. Mind blowing 🤯 

I thought about how that statement applied to many pages in my storybook life — to college at Purdue University, to Radiology School, to relationships, my finances, to most importantly, MYSELF. MY self awareness (or lack of). The understanding of ME.

“You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you” — Wayne Dyer

It took me years to learn to respect myself, including giving myself Grace. When people treated me poorly, I was convinced I was to blame or that I somehow deserved it.

Kids made fun of weight, the way I looked, my “poor farmer’s kid clothes.” Boyfriends cheated on me, lied to me, abused me.

When I finally developed enough robustness & self-esteem to honor my boundaries, I was amazed at how much better others treated me.

“Your relationship with others is a direct reflection of your relationship with yourself” – Mark Manson

“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it — it just blooms” — Sensei Ogui

The time you spend comparing yourself to others is much better spent investing in yourself. The only comparison worth making is with the person you were yesterday.

“The only zen you’ll find on mountaintops is the zen you bring up there with you” — Alan Watts

In other words, you’ll never find peace unless it’s within. The same goes for love. The same goes for fulfillment, health, self expression.

“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without” — Buddha

“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for” – Epicurus

In a world that’s constantly seeking more — more results, more performance, more money, more social proof — this immediately brings me into a state of appreciation and gratitude.

When I’m longing for something more than what I have right now I’m living in some imaginary future and I’m missing everything in the here and now. I feel this way about dating apps (& boredom scrolling on social in general) currently. I deleted dating apps & significantly reduced me social time, using it only with intention in time blocks. I feel apps & boredom scrolling steals my presence & blinds me to the wonderful people & opportunities in front of me.

“In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being” — Eckhart Tolle

“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence” — Jiddu Krishnamurti

When we can observe reality without judging or labelling people & things as good or bad, we can think and respond more appropriately. This is a form of wisdom & mastery.

Everything is simply an experience. We attach a label to the meaning of the experience. Only when I learned how to live untethered & to flow like water, did I learn how to truly live a peaceful life.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom” — Viktor E. Frankl

“If you can’t get beyond your stresses, your problems, and your pain, you can’t create a new future where those things don’t exist” — Dr. Joe Dispenza

He then went on to add:

“If you were looking at a timeline of your day, starting with waking up in the morning and continuing until you go to bed that night, you could pick up that timeline of yesterday or today (your past) and place it in the space reserved for tomorrow (the future) because essentially the same actions you took today are the ones you are going to take tomorrow — and the day after that, and the day after that.

Let’s face it: If you keep the same routine as yesterday, it makes sense that your tomorrow is going to be a lot like your yesterday. Your future is just a rerun of your past. That’s because your yesterday is creating your tomorrow.”

“You are an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience” — Wayne Dyer

I know now when my human body fades and dies, my spirit will live on. Not because it’s “mine” but because “My soul is not contained within the limits of my body; my body is contained within the limitlessness of my soul.” — Jim Carrey

And that’s eternal.

“Love is what we are; Fear is what we learn”

It doesn’t matter how far we stray down the wrong path then because there will always be an intelligence that brings us back into our hearts. So, rest easy. Because “We’re all just walking each other home.” — Ram Dass

Love you all❤️


Coach K

Like blogs like these? Come adventure, get FIT, & live your best life too with me!


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📕 How I Lost 60lbs & Healed My Gut Via Carnivore Story

LIES told by your food addiction. My story.

sad girl eating disorder food addiction scale

It can take decades to unlearn. My relationship with disordered eating & poor body image started when I was just 8. 

I spent the majority of my childhood & early adulthood overweight & unhealthy. I was told in middle school by a teacher I was too big to be a cheerleader. Kids were cruel, calling me names like lambchop because I had big 80’s hair & even thicker thighs.

My disorder began with overeating & then restricting to punish myself. I’d try to skip breakfast & barely eat lunch (which I’d “allow” myself sugar free jello, a small travel size cottage cheese & 5 Ritz crackers).

My stomach would growl. I remember being embarrassed if the classroom was quiet enough for others to hear. Inevitably, I’d return home in the afternoon absolutely ravenous & binge on cookies, candy, cereal, chips, & junk food.

These episodes got more & more out of control. I continued eating less during the day, binging at night & sometimes I’d take cold medicine to make me sleep to keep from eating.

Years passed, & my eating habits fluctuated. I had never even considered throwing up until I saw a Lifetime movie about a girl who had bulimia. The process seemed easy. Eat whatever you want, throw up. The first time I purged was in middle school after eating a tub of ice cream. 

Bulimia became a sort of coping mechanism for me. I told myself my obsession with diets & exercise were normal. It was about control. I was dealing with a lot of stress: school, college, later on, relationships, a failed marriage on top of debt & drinking too much.

There were lots of things in my life I felt I wasn’t able to manage. I’d binge & get a rush. Then I’d get an even bigger, better rush after getting rid of it all.

Takeaway: Don’t make my mistakes.
If you’re dealing with an eating disorder or disordered eating & exercise habits, I encourage you to seek help.

Life is more than choosing to shrink yourself as a hobby. Eating disorders like bulimia are often not just about losing weight. They also revolve around issues of control or negative thoughts, like having a poor self-image.

The first step is admitting that you have a problem & you WANT to break the cycle. Don’t make my mistake & fill your memory book with reminders of your eating disorder instead of the truly important moments in your life!

Adopting a carnivore, meat-based way of eating saved my life. It allowed me to lose 60 lbs over my lifetime, put my Crohn’s Disease in med-free remission, & cure my binge eating! Will be forever grateful for the decades of learning and the food freedom this lifestyle has given me! Here’s how I healed and lost the weight!

weight loss before and after katie kelly carnivore

Lies told by your food addiction.

  • LIES told by your food addiction triggering disordered habits

I can’t abuse food & exercise. I’m fine.

Receptors in our gut respond to certain foods we consume by triggering release of dopamine in our brain. Exercise & social media can do the same thing. One of the hallmarks of any addiction is tolerance: progressively needing more & more of a certain substance to get the same effect. When the brain’s reward system is repeatedly flooded with dopamine, it responds by reducing the receptors as a protective mechanism. And as with drugs, people who are addicted to food often binge in order to get the same dopamine rush. The more sugar, alcohol, carbs, fat, & salt (for examples) the greater release of dopamine & “reward” we experience. Dopamine-enforced sensory cues mean we are motivated to have the substance again just by the sight, smell, & sounds of a food (like bacon cooking) or an endorphin high after working out.

I don’t have a problem. I’ll just have 1.

Addiction & recovery don’t discriminate. Most of us that have an emotional trigger to sugar, carbs, & hyperpalatable foods like dairy, cheese, bacon, keto/sugar free treats, ribeyes, ribs, nut butters, etc are abstainers when it comes to food. Abstainers usually have an all-or-nothing mentality. It’s far easier for abstainers to give something up altogether than to indulge moderately. Trying to moderate becomes an internal struggle & justification of actions like: Should I? How much? Can I stop? I’m a failure! Small portions intensify cravings & lead to wanting more. Avoidance of food helps cravings pass. We do better with food rules, meal plans, tracking food/macros, fasting windows, & meat based diets. avoiding trigger foods like carbs & sweets.

This is the last binge. Diet starts tomorrow.

Habits, habits, habits. Our habits make US. The issue with food vs drug addiction is we HAVE to eat. We cannot live without food, it is literally life fuel & what we’re made from. We often use it as a reward or punishment. When you chronically restrict, then binge over & over again, it becomes a cycle we deem as “normal” (as f*cked up as it is we justify it). We also physiologically cause imbalance & lose the ability to sense true hunger cues & satiety, making over eating & binging more prevalent. This happens by throwing off our hunger & satiety hormones, leptin & ghrelin. The more we participate in these behaviors, the more our brain is wired to believe they’re accepted & normal. Ima be blunt when it comes to sugar & carbs, the more you eat, the more you crave them & harder it is to stop the cycle.

I’ll stop once I reach my goal weight.

“You’re just not trying hard enough!” Sound familiar? I remember telling myself I “just didn’t want it bad enough.” Once I was skinny all my problems would go away & I’d be happy. Guess what? They didn’t & I still wasn’t happy even when I reached my “goal weight.” I still had an addiction to food & exercise, I still binged, & my health was worse. I gained weight back because it wasn’t sustainable, physiologically trashed my hormones, gut health, & metabolism. I ignored the poor relationships I had with myself, food, & exercise. Have you ever told yourself you, “Didn’t deserve to eat & needed to workout more!?” Let’s try harder to love ourselves & seek help over restriction & self loathing. I promise you’ll get a lot further & life will suck a whole lot less.

I’m just health conscious. I’m not obsessed.

NO. This is called Orthorexia & leads to you chronically yo-yo dieting, exercise hopping, over training, pissed off & life sucking all the time. Orthorexia nervosa is perhaps best summarized as an obsession with healthy eating with associated restrictive behaviors. However, the extreme attempt to attain optimum health through attention to diet may lead to malnourishment, loss of relationships, & poor quality of life. Basically, this is you making shrinking your body your biggest hobby & priority in life. It gives you food anxiety, social anxiety, & you lose yourself. You compare to everyone, often get lost in all the information, & are confused af all the time. Hire a coach or practitioner to help guide you. More does not always mean better results when it comes to over exercising & restricting food.

The weight on the scale doesn’t trigger me.

Ever wake up & feel great only to step on the scale & see you gained 3lbs & instantly you hate yourself & the whole day turns into a dumpster fire? You look in the mirror & tell yourself you’re “fat” & only eating bread & water or whatever specific diet food all week simply because you base your worth on your appearance & number on the scale. Fat is not an emotion. You most likely are FEELING: stressed, sad, anxious, vulnerable, angry, ashamed, jealous, alone, etc. These feelings are often triggers for continual emotional eating &/or exercise abuse if you use food & exercise as numbing & coping mechanisms. Complete this statement: “_____ happened & triggered me. I am not “fat” & do not need to punish myself. I am actually feeling ______ & choose to do _____ instead.”

Orthorexia Warning Signs

  • Compulsive checking of nutritional labels & obsession about the “health” of ingredients & specific foods.
  • Obsession with steps, fit trackers, & calories burned.
  • Feeling compelled to exercise to compensate for what you ate, when you’re ill/injured, sacrificing your mental health/work/social life to burn off calories & workout.
  • Refusing to eat anything but foods that are deemed ‘healthy’ or ‘clean’.
  • Unusual interest in the health of what others are eating, fitness goals, & exercise routines.
  • Food consuming your every thought & feeling guilty if you didn’t workout or “ate the wrong things.”
  • Showing high levels of distress & anxiety when ‘safe’ or ‘healthy’ foods aren’t available or you’re presented with social situations.
  • Obsessive following of food and ‘healthy lifestyle’ blogs on social media.
  • Body image issues such as body dysmorphia.

Watch your words. Common phrases that encourage disordered eating & exercise habits:

  • “Diet starts tomorrow, or Monday, or January 1.”
  • “I deserve a ‘cheat meal’ or ‘treat’ because I’ve been, ‘good’ all week.”
  • “I already messed up my diet, might as well splurge & start again tomorrow or Monday or January 1.”
  • “If I eat that I’ll need to make sure I workout enough to burn it all off.”
  • “I’ll be happy when I reach my goal weight.”
  • “I don’t deserve to eat that.”
  • “I can’t do that until I lose the weight.”
  • “You just don’t want it hard enough.”
  • “It’s fine, we’ll work it off in the gym tomorrow.”
  • “Whatever, calories don’t count today.”
  • “I already messed up, might as well make a whole day/week/month out of it.”
  • “Ugh, look at everything I ate. I’m so fat.”

Final Thoughts

When you are scrolling thru pictures on social media, remember your worth lies in your essence & your heart. You’re amazing for the sum of everything that you are. What you look like is the least most interesting, magnificent thing about you. What is: Your intelligence. Your kindness. Your relationships. Your smile. Your wrinkles. Your impact. Do not let comparing pictures & the constant pressure to shrink yourself believe that you aren’t enough & you need to be more. Go build your life & embody your big beautiful world. Self-love is an important part of a happy life. When we love ourselves, it becomes easy to go through life. There’s no judgment, fear, or low self-esteem, & instead, there’s immense gratitude & compassion towards our own selves.

The best thing is that self-love helps us have healthier relationships with the people in our lives. It’s a true win-win situation!

Coach K

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Shockingly Embarrassing Acknowledgments about Life and Love That Changed Everything For Me

I had a patient tell me I had really BIG blingy earrings in the ER one day💎✨😂… 

I find in general people are afraid to step outside the norm.

Y’all, the more we embrace the concept of being colorful & XTRA, the more we will normalize people feeling comfortable in their own skin.

When my patient commented on my appearance in the ER, I was so freaking proud of myself in that moment because instead of being triggered, I thought f*ck yeah, I’m doing my life right.

I feel amazing, regal, beautiful, luxurious, abundant & I’m not afraid to show up. I no longer live life trying to shrink myself. (Note most of my jewelry is affordable & from Amazon. These particular earrings were Kate Spade AB crystals. LOVE. OBSESSED.)

There are threads that connect our past, present & future selves together. 🧵🪡🧶They’re unique to us. No thread is identical.

Btw… my patient smiled, I looked at her with loving eyes, & I said, “Hell yeah, I love my big earrings 👉just like life. Little person, big personality. That’s how my mom describes me.”

I experience JOY crafting & creating my character of the day. That’s me creating my heaven + my reality. You can create yours too! That’s the magic of thoughts become things. 🪄🦄 

💫I manifest the feeling of my reality via my writing, my words, my wardrobe, my accessories, the way I take care of myself, the way I present myself. 👉It all comes from me. We co-create life. Utilize your resources & inner beauty.

I truly do enjoy the “ #travelnurse “ life. (I’m a travel Xray tech & clinician for newbies here) The decision to partake in this unique lifestyle didn’t come lightly, however. I did it scared shitless & had self doubt, too. 

What if I suck?

What if I’m homesick?

What if people don’t like me?

What if I hate my assignment?

What will people think of me?

What if, what if, what if…

I’m elated embarking on this journey. It’s exciting, enlightening, challenging, adventurous, fulfilling, pleasurable & painful af too.

You become a more resilient, able, adaptable, loving, insightful, resourceful, badass & bombdiggitty human in my opinion. 

Dudes, we rock 🤘🫶💀💕🚑🏥 Travel healthcare workers UNITE!

I realized in a rock-bottom point in my life years ago that I was stuck in a stagnant, hyper vigilant state. I was addicted to the complacent, “busy life” instead of one of inner peace & fulfillment.

GSD (get shit done) is a dopamine hit with pros & cons on both ends of the spectrum.

On one hand, it made/makes me super successful, productive, & proud, but on the other hand, also burned out, tired, cranky, oftentimes sick. It can feel on occasion I’m stuck in a phase called “chasing the next best thing,” missing out on the sweetness of life. I forget to be present.

I’m clearly aware of it.
Back then I simply didn’t know how to change it or how to evolve into a better version of me. Some things that helped me understand myself & other people to get what I wanted 👇

I’ve lost 60lbs in my life’s time and kept it off. I documented my healing, weight loss, & carnivore journey HERE just for you in case you’re struggling like I did.

My complacency with life was a protective mechanism. I armed myself with “safe” decisions & stagnancy because of past trauma:

being a people pleaser

always feeling like I had to achieve to receive love

feeling I had to look a certain way or weigh a certain weight to be seen as beautiful & worthy of love

wanting to change myself to be accepted & validated…I could go on & on here. 

Ego got me into debt because I would buy shit just to look the part instead of because it made me feel amazing or enabled me to express my creative authenticity.

It’s taken over 40 years for me to acknowledge & accept the following things that are seen as weird & non-traditional to society. 

I’m exuberatingly proud to say that I am OK living an extremely satisfied, loving life being self partnered & non traditional.

Self partnered to me is living life on my own terms to feel, look, & be my best…AND THAT MEANS designing a life optimized to help me live my most peaceful, happy, easy, joyous, abundant, loved filled, & purpose driven life possible.

I don’t give a shit that my light shines differently. And you have permission to shine bright yourself, as bright as you want, however you want! ✨🪩✨

Huge observational revelations I scripted one morning trying to make sense of myself & life. They’re a tad bit triggering but honest af. Maybe you’ll relate to them too!

🧠I sleep in cycles & when I’m tired, I don’t pay attention to the time or whether it’s deemed morning or night. Chock that up to probably working weird 3rd and first shift cycles. I am always responsible/respectful of my work schedule. I feel my best when I honor my natural sleep/wake cycles. I sleep really well 😆 in the back of my Ford Ecosport (named Ruby btw 🚗) where I’ve made a little bed. I had to take naps on my lunch breaks to conserve energy on many travel assignments and road trips. I travel often & this has been a Godsend in keeping my energy/health as a priority.

🧠 I am a biohacker 🤷‍♀️ To answer y’all’s questions about my anti-aging & biohacking routine, I wrote a blog HERE for you.

🧠Music is my life force just like food. So is my wardrobe, colors, & the vibe of my environment. They immensely influence my mood & energy. I’ve learned how to change & utilize these to my benefit. I have playlists & colors that I’ll wear & listen to to reflect the mood I’m in or vibe/state I need to be in. Playlists I enjoy are my Denim & Rhinestones list, coffee house jazz, classical pop, nature sounds, country, red dirt music, caffeine & kilos playlist, etc. morgan wallen, post Malone, & Warren zeiders always 🙂  A HUGE VARIETY! 🎶 Spotify playlist HERE

🧠I feel my best when I’m caffeinated. Haha! I do enjoy coffee & occasional alcohol in moderation. I don’t drink alcohol much tho. If I’m going to partake in alcohol or a cocktail, it’s to enhance an experience like a special occasion or my favorite venue. I don’t drink to get drunk anymore. Not worth it, dims my light & numbs my abilities. I’d rather go to bed early & get up early. If I’m going to partake in alcohol, it’s usually early in the day, socially.

🧠I eat when I’m hungry & eat what I’m hungry for. I do whatever form of exercise/workouts feel good to me in that moment. Here lately it’s Orange Theory, zone 2 cardio, walking, occasional CrossFit & strength training. I look & feel my best when I honor my body without force. I do better digestively & energy wise eating one large low carb, MEATY meal early in the day & sipping on my daily chocolate nutritional shake from @acheiveequilife or @nuethix_formulations Medipure DS during daylight hours. (LINK to discounts & products IN IG BIO & HIGHLIGHTS btw)

OR one larger meal in the morning post workout & a small snack around 1pm-ish.

Meat bars and my airfryer are my jam. You can find recipes and videos in this blog HERE.

I have a whole recipe book full of low carb deliciousness! 👇👇


cook with coach K carnivore recipe book

I prefer eating alone or intimately with few people vs eating out. My energy is best with liquid meals (I am more satiated with real food however, that’s why I keep one large meal in the morning) I do fab fasting longer hours overnight (like 20 hrs) That’s when my digestion is the best.

🧠I prefer being a lone wolf. I am social, but do it in doses on my own terms.

I have very few people I am comfortable sharing my space with (traveling, sleeping over, adventuring, etc): my parents, + my 2 besties @lisamitchellindy & @just___jess___

They are my persons & make my life FULL❤️ no matter how little or how much we talk, or are/aren’t physically around one another, I know they are always there & we pick up where we left off. People that feel like Freedom & Home. Thank you for being my biggest adventures + safe spaces.

🧠I define & base my relationships on how they make me feel. Traditional relationships, the married then kids then picket fence things, feel like masks & facades people put on to appease society. They simply don’t feel aligned. It’s not that I haven’t tried being the bride with the white picket fence in the past, &/or I’m not open to love, I’m just open to love & relationships on my own terms that serve me best. And why is it that the majority still feels they HAVE to have kids?

I understand this is “weird” for most people. Let me explain what is aligned to me…

💕I typically don’t stay over at peoples houses. I feel more comfortable in my own home around my own energy.

💕I enjoy driving myself, Uber, & travel solo.

💕I enjoy & sleep better alone.

💕I like going to bed early + getting up early. My mornings are everything to me & set the tone for my entire day.

💕I am energetic in the morning & more productive. I don’t lay around in bed when I first wake & I’m not one to lay & cuddle for hours. (I like cuddling & I love physical affection, but I don’t want it first thing in the morning I have things to do 😂 Same with Sex…I LOVE passionate sex, but would rather have it spontaneously throughout the day or in the middle of the night. I don’t like it first thing in the morning because ya girl dedicated to her routine)

💕I love people & being in an aligned relationship. I’ve realized I am frankly super happy & satisfied doing my own thing on my own time and I would hope that other person would feel the same. Then when the time is right, we come together later when our energies & attention are aligned to be a freakin POWER COUPLE.

🧠I love being by myself🤷‍♀️ Took me decades to get here. One thing I’m SUPER proud of myself for cultivating. It’s effortless. I am my own best friend, in my own energy. I openly love myself a ridiculous amount👉 I’m not afraid to admit that. It’s taken me over 40 years to love the essence of my being & my body & being able to just BE me. 

🧠I don’t feel the need to be a wife. I look forward to a life partner that agrees with my lifestyle, my ambition, my goals, my personal boundaries, & similar beliefs. I prefer someone that compliments me in their own unique way. I prefer diversity, someone not exactly like me. I like the wisdoms that comes with challenge & variety. I like someone that wants to build something together, I like someone that is OK with me striving to always be my best. 

🧠I desire someone that doesn’t want to change me. I am able to evolve & compromise but the moment you tell me what to do when I don’t want to do it & it doesn’t feel aligned, you’re trying to change me. The relationship will not work. I say this with love because I want you to be your best too. (I’m speaking to whomever my life partner is here.)

➡️➡️I call this kind of writing/journaling scripting. Simply get your thoughts out. I suggest trying it to everyone out there! Visualize/journal your thoughts & what you desire! That’s why I write all of these down in the morning on my notes page in my phone. It has helped me make sense of my life, myself, make better business decisions, relationship decisions, health, & body decisions, money decisions, etc.

🧠I am an impulse shopper. I’m an emotional being & I buy shit on a whim. 😂 I’m aware of this. I don’t shame myself for it. It just is what it is. If I buy something when I’m being emotional & I don’t love it, I require myself to take it back. It’s a self love boundary. Because money is freedom and I want to utilize it in the best way possible. I’ve made investing & saving a game that is SEXY & FUN TO ME! That’s how I’ve been able to create wealth, including getting myself out of 50k+ in debt! If finances & wanting to be a high performance achiever are things you struggle & want to improve, book a consult call with me. I’ll coach you how to do this specifically for your situation. I’m not just a “ nutrition coach “ 😉. Email me, katieokelly2@gmail.com

Sign up for our email newsletter community! I drop all the tips, guides, inspiration, specials & more every week!

🧠I love to save time & make my life effortless. I love Amazon➡️easy returns, effortless shipping. I love Instacart. They save me time going to the store & having to be around other people when my energy is low.

🧠I don’t shop in stores often because I buy shit I don’t need 😆another reason I like Amazon. I tend to only get what I’m inspired to buy. I love goodwill and thrift stores. Sometimes I just want to dress in a different style or a different color for a day or a week. I don’t need to buy designer I just buy what I feel good in. It can be a dollar or it can be $500

🧠I invest in what I feel is worthy of my well earned and deserved money. I tell myself I’m gifting the universe when I invest in other peoples crafts and skills or wardrobe. I don’t care my hair extensions and lash extensions are expensive 💁🏼‍♀️they make me feel amazing! The same with my lip injections. I love the way I look & I don’t care that other people criticize me for investing in this form of self-care.

🧠I love an effortless, energy giving life. I like auto brew on my coffee maker, I organize my space in a way that makes sense to me. I purge and clean old energy & stuff constantly. I update my wardrobe all the time with the seasons, with my seasons. If something frustrates me, I get rid of it, I change it, I cut it out of my life, I optimize it, or I delegate it in someway. I am here to love every bit of my life and I have the power to change whatever I want.

🧠I know I don’t have to do everything myself. I can utilize my resources. I am worthy and deserving just being me, I deserve being paid for just being me, in whatever form that means, I don’t have to perform or achieve or look a certain way to be incredible.

I record these reclamations/thoughts/acknowledgments simply for observation & self nourishment reasons with so much self-love, not ego.

And now I can go out & serve everyone to my best ability because I know my blueprint.

Oxox Coach K

Love you. Mean it. 

Who’s Coach K? Wrote this for you, my fellow warriors working to be the best versions of yourselves!

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Catch me daily via the Gram! @lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

Fixing the Fear of Gaining Weight and A Simple Guide to Ways I Learned to Love Myself

This will probably trigger you…
It triggers me everytime someone asks me. “How do I learn to love myself?”

Straight up, I’ll tell you, you are the reason you’re not where you wanna be.
And it’s because of fear.

I tell you this as your coach & fellow human that understands.

For the majority of you following along my fitness journey via the interwebs, I feel confident saying we have many things in common, including this painful topic.

You see I realize now, as my 41 year old self, fear of gaining weight totally stifled my potential, controlled, & basically wrecking balled my life in every facet.

Every facet of life is connected. I categorize mine as health, self, wealth, & relationships.

My disordered eating & self love journey started at the age of 8.

Fear of gaining weight & self loathing caused me to live decades in agony & struggle.

I ate all the wrong things for me. All the “healthy” sugar free food & crazy diets that tore up my gut, hormones, & metabolism.

I starved, binged, purged, & over exercised myself to exhaustion, inflammation, & imbalances.

I didn’t have many friends & missed out on SOOO many memories because I feared eating food, both because I didn’t wanna go over my calories & be “fat” & I feared being judged for not being able to eat “normal” due to my Crohn’s.

I didn’t ask guys out, I doubted myself. I was never athletic enough, skinny enough, lean enough, strong enough, pretty enough, smart enough…

I never reached a body goal I was happy with no matter how thin I got or how strong I got. Not because I wasn’t a hard worker, I worked my ass off, but because my relationship with myself, my negative mindset, & fear of gaining weight controlled ME.

I had a DM from a woman desperate for me to give her magic macros & all the answers to get a lean physique.

First thing she said, “I’m afraid to gain the weight back, but what I’m doing isn’t working.” She was eating tons of lean protein, little fat, stated she was hungry all the time, fasting, working out like a fiend…sound familiar?

I said you’re right, it’s not working. The main issue isn’t not having the perfect macros or workout regime, it’s because you’re letting your fear of gaining weight block your doors of abundance & success.

It’s preventing you mentally & physically from making the correct decisions & courses of action. Your body also responds to your thoughts & feelings, if all you think & feel is self hate, despair, & poor health – that’s what you’re gonna get.

She said, “I never thought of it that way.”

I said, “Exactly.”

So I wrote a list of simple things I did to help me learn to love myself for you to refer back to. Make these yours however they fit & resonate.

I hope they give you HOPE that you can learn to love yourself too.

Simple Ways I Learned to Love Myself

  • Self awareness means to know & accept yourself. It’s impossible to love yourself if you don’t even know who you are. Invest in discovering what you believe, value, & like. And yes, this will mean making mistakes, but you’ll learn & discover what you do like.

I asked myself these questions:
What are my strengths?
How do I want to feel in my body, relationships, & finances?
Who matters most to me? Who are my people?
What am I ashamed of?
What do I like to do for fun?
What am I worried about that consumes my thoughts?
What are my values? What do I believe in?
If I could have one wish, it would be…
Where do I feel safest?
What or who gives me comfort? What or who do I numb with?
If I wasn’t afraid, I would…
What is my proudest accomplishment?
What is my biggest failure?
Am I a night owl or an early bird? How can I arrange my life to better suit this part of me?
What do I like about my job(s)? Does it bring me joy & fulfillment?
What do I do to show myself love & self-care?
Am I an introvert or an extrovert? Am I energized being around others or being by myself?
What is/are my happiest memory/memories?
What am I grateful for?

  • Say “no” when you need to. It doesn’t make you a bad person, it makes you smart & more able to fully yourself & those around you. Boundaries are one HUGE form of self-care because they let others know that you are deserving of respect.
  • Comparison is the thief of Joy -Stop. Others aren’t better or worse, more or less than you; we’re all just different. You are worthy simply because you exist. Period. The reason we struggle is because we compare everyone’s highlight reels to our behind the scenes.

The reason we struggle is because we compare everyone’s highlight reels to our behind the scenes.

  • Know and own your strengths. We all have tremendous gifts. refer back to those questions in number 1. And again, stop comparing. When you’re busy, distracted, & always stuck in comparison “whoa is me” mode, it’s hard to acknowledge & access these vibrant qualities. Focusing on your strengths will increase your positive feelings for yourself & inner & outer vibration.
  • Let go of the past. Your past mistakes and imperfections don’t need you anymore. Cut the cords physically & energetically. Embrace your humanness. Mistakes are normal. Imperfections are part of what makes you, YOU. Everything is an experience. That’s it. You can choose & begin again every day.
  • Accept that some people won’t like you no matter what you do. All that matters is you love YOU. People view you from their own lens of life experience & trauma. We do this to others too. So think about that before you go to judge someone. Don’t waste your time trying to please people who are impossible to please or people who just aren’t that important to you. Being yourself means you have to give up your people-pleasing ways and embrace your authentic self. People pleasing leads to you losing yourself & ultimately building resentment.
  • Make JOY & fun unapologetic priorities. We were meant to live this life in Joy. Put something you love & look forward to on your agenda every week. Anticipation is a key stage in helping you feel happiness; by having something to look forward to, no matter what your circumstances, you bring happiness into your life well before the event actually takes place. That’s you vibrating those happy feelings we all want which helps us attract abundance into all areas of our lives.
  • Practice gratitude. Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to focus on the good in yourself and in your life. Name at least 3 things you’re grateful for when you wake up every morning. Flood your mind & morning with positive quotes, images, intentions for your day. This is an enormous part of my morning routine. I speak out everything I’m grateful for no matter how silly they seem. I can’t tell you how many times I say, “Thank you God & Universe” during my days. And it has made all the positive difference. Even for small things like a light turning green, or a parking space, or bills or expenses that enable me to live a life of comfort & joy.

Here are some things I like to do that help me live in positivity & gratitude:

  • Waiting in a checkout line, compliment someone. Acknowledge people & say good morning. Buy someone’s groceries or coffee. Be kind to the homeless & less fortunate.
  • Leave sweet notes for your partner, spouse, kids, roommates, coworkers, etc telling them how much you appreciate them. Send a kind text.
  • Send people gifts on Amazon. OMG, one of my favorite things to do! Get their address & send them something to brighten their day! You can do this anywhere & anytime without even leaving home or getting out of your pj’s!
  • Tip well & express gratitude for exceptional service. Give well deserved reviews. I do this at restaurants, bars, on instacart & amazon, surveys about services.
  • Thank the Universe, God, Collective- whatever & whoever you believe in for letting you live another day.
  • Thank Mother Earth & farmers for our food.
  • Express your appreciation for the weather.
  • Daily, write down at least 3 things you feel grateful for.
  • Look in the mirror & appreciate all the miraculous things your body does for you. What do you love about yourself?
  • Open the door for people. Help the elderly. Talk to everyone no matter who they are. Tell people who serve you THANK YOU!
  • Take nurturing, loving care of your body! Y’all, health is truly priceless & your greatest wealth. Give yourself the gift of feeling physically strong & thriving – move, exercise regularly, eat healthfully, hydrate, get 7-8 hours of sleep most nights, say no to gluttony, & minimize alcohol &/or other numbing mechanisms. The most successful, happy people are those with daily success habits & a routine that helps them thrive!
  • Write yourself a love letter. Get it out, you’re amazing! This puts all the wonderful intentions out there & that’s what you’ll attract back to you. We attract what we ARE. Attraction also includes the words ACTION. Do the things that embody the person you desire to be. Repeat this list in the mirror every morning. Write them out on post it notes & put them where you can see them.
  • Surround yourself with a nurturing, up leveling environment. This includes everything you consume: people, books, movies, social media, food, drink, jobs, where you live, where you hang out, etc. Who you spend time with reflects how you feel about yourself. People who feel worthy surround themselves with positive people. Sometimes loving yourself means you have to end relationships & things & let them go. Let them go with LOVE.

Things that keep me HIGH VIBE⚡️✨:

Pinterest scripting (saving photos I wanna manifest & those that make me feel AMAZING, LUSCIOUS, VIBRANT, EMPOWERED, etc)

High vibe music

Exercise, walking, nature

Infrared sauna, red light therapy 

Positive podcasts & audiobooks

Coloring & Canva design

Talking to my people, writing

Smiling at someone, hugging

Doing something kind for someone 

Gratitude shower 

Putting on makeup, hair/wardrobe accessories 

Dressing in sparkly vibrant clothes/jewelry

Massage, Doing my nails, lash & hair extensions

Organizing & cleaning my space 

Wearing certain colors #colortherapy 

Start with the ones that feel easiest for you & work on something new every week. A reminder you can do hard things, especially when the hardest thing feels like loving YOU.

oxox Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development.

You can find her personal weight loss & healing story here.

She’s been involved in travel nursing & radiography for 20 years! She’s a writer, connection maker, nutritionist, & entrepreneur who loves helping others & squeezing every drop out of life!

Katie grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves.

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation with weight loss & Crohn’s disease.

She competed as a competitive CrossFit athlete in her early 30’s. After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, & hormonal imbalances, she is passionate about helping others find self-love, achieve their health & business goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

Dangerous Language & Things I Removed for an instant beauty + happiness upgrade

Had a lady tell me one time I was narcissistic & a materialistic “influencer” because I had hair & lash extensions + lip filler.

Anyone else been criticized for evolving yourself because YOU wanted to? Tends to trigger shamedoesn’t it?!

@msrachelhollis had a podcast I listened to that was straight fire🔥 Spoke to my soul & explained feelings about our looks & how we present ourselves to a T! Another great podcast is with Michael Sandler & Mitch Horowitz.

🎙️📙Included podcasts & book as resources for you on the last slides in this blog!

Little did this woman know my thin hair is due to malabsorption issues because of my #crohnsdisease I don’t care if anyone else approves of the way I look or dress anymore because I know I live for ME.

I work my 🍑off, invest my money where I see fit + Im providing income for those amazing creators that allow us to look the way WE want!

If I feel good about myself, then everyone else, including myself, benefits from that good juju energy!

Live YOUR color. Dress in colors & the way that invokes the feelings & essence you want to exude! Colors that make your life vibrant! We all have our colors & preferences. They match our auras & energy! Think about that before you step out your door!

We act in accordance to the image we see of ourselves. So what kind of life & health do you want to live & how do you want to feel about yourself? What do you need to do to be that & live that? That’s all you need to know. There’s your answers.

Do you think you’re beautiful? Healthy? Strong? Loved? Successful? What are you telling yourself? #thoughtsbecomethings 

Peep the book psycho-cybernetics. The author believes that if we can simply program ourselves to think the right things & reboot our self-esteem, we create a better/happier life!

#PsychoCybernetics explains how thinking of the human mind as a machine can help improve self-image, which will dramatically increase your success, health, love, & happiness.

If you need permission to be whoever it is you want to be, here it is.

Hi 5 to all my other self love leaders. I’m right there beside you raising that trophy 🙌🏆

Oxox Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit : http://www.instagram.com/lil_bit_of_fit

Blog: Lilbitoffit.com

All links:  https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

Do I block love?! Deliciously inquisitive gut check moment.

A friend asked how they could pray for me this morning…. I’m not asked that often…

…to be (grossly) honest & raw with myself (yuck. I don’t like triggered feelings either, I’m just like you) I feel it’s an uncomfortable, icky/weird trigger for me?! 🤔🧐 — Not in an ashamed shade, or ego shade, but in a realization that as well & fucking awesome as I have done healing myself & loving myself completely, I feel I have done it to the point I still have resistance to letting people love & take care of me because I know I can now take care of myself in my whole entirety. 👀 

Just because you’ve healed doesn’t mean you’re perfect. 

There’s SO much depth to the phrase, “progress not perfection.” 

It’s not just a picture of your “stereotypical influencer” posing in front of a mirror. (Because when you hear that phrase, I feel most of us, especially in the nutrition & fitness space, that’s what we picture.)

I still have blocks around trusting people, both men & women. Although I always see the good in all things, I’ve placed a protective layer of sparkly, delicate, beautiful LACEY shield of guardedness around myself.

Vulnerable personal goals I am working on is to allow more LOVE❤️ in (In whatever aligned color/form I need. I trust God & the Universe knows what’s best for me)

To all my other peoples out here that are curious/betterment seeking/wisdom seeking/& a human/spirit that still struggles…take what you need, leave the rest🫶

Thank you to my friend that touched my heart & sparked the inspiration behind this message for me & y’all out there. In that moment I realized, “Katie, you give to so many people, do you let your guard down to allow other people to love & take care of you?

Gut check moment✔️ 

My response to my friend (& you can use this too)…

“Pray I have the strength & the love in my heart to be open to make people’s lives better, to take care of myself (and others) as appropriate. To follow my highest alignment, love, & compassion consciously & confidently to live my true story.”

Oftentimes it takes a gut check moment to turn up the thermostat in yourself to rise like a phoenix 🦅 🔥❤️‍🔥 to transform your identity in the most ferociously, fierce, nourishing, delicious way possible 😉 

We turn up the thermostat to transformation via Faith. Intention. & Association.

FAITH: in whatever you believe & in yourself.

INTENTION: with your thoughts, behaviors, decisions, & habits.

ASSOCIATION: in your environment, everything you consume, the people, places, things & habits you surround yourself with.


Thoughts of the morning. 

🤚 Drop the Katie’s channeled “meat head/hippie/woo woo” mic 🎙️🪽 message. 

Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit : http://www.instagram.com/lil_bit_of_fit

Blog: Lilbitoffit.com

All links:  https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

Vibrational Living: how it helped me attract love & money, heal my gut, lose fat/weight, & continuously/effortlessly create & live my dream life

𝚂𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚕𝚢 & 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍 & 𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚍 𝚊𝚏✌️ #𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 

These are my favorite sparkly PJ pants. They came from @target Little girls size 14. They are not “flattering” at all & I could give a shit less. A former version of me would not wear these because I didn’t look “skinny” in them.

💁🏼‍♀️𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗺𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱, 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗾𝘂𝗲𝗲𝗻, 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗲.

I prefer this me, this 41 year old, weird as shit version of me probably more than any other version of me. (And I’ve been a lot of versions of me! 👀) 

I’ve been a competitive CrossFit athlete, runner, cardio queen, jacked, fat, skinny fat, partnered, single, married, divorced twice, with men, with women, confused af, broke af, happy af, lost af, fuggn you name it.

If you scroll my feed & peep highlights I’ve been all shapes & sizes & everything in between. (𝙼𝚢𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐/𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎/𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝙸𝙶 𝚋𝚒𝚘) link below 👇


I now embrace an intuitive, vibrationally lead life. And I wish this for all of you too. I wish you healing, happiness, & love. #vibrationalliving #vibrationaleating 

𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 👉𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬.

Enjoy my thoughts from this morning. I hope they lead you where you’re meant to be.

Take what you need, leave the rest.

Love yourself.

Be kind

Don’t be a dick.

 🤷‍♀️Life is really that simple.】

Book suggestion👉Please read 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬…changed my life. short read. I live by these 4 agreements & my own personal creed which I share in IG stories.

Vibrational Living. 

What is it, how it helped me attract love & money, heal my gut, lose fat/weight, & continuously/effortlessly create & live my dream life.

Let’s get real here (y’all know if you’ve followed me for a while that’s how we roll)…👉I used to be a sick, overweight, unhappy, lonely, broke bitch. 🤷‍♀️It is what it is.

We don’t filter around here because real life isn’t filtered. It’s dirty, it’s beautiful, it’s pain, it’s pleasure & every shade of 50 shades of fucked up AND amazingness & everything in between. ☀️☔️ 🌈 🎨🌱🌹🥀


It’s death. It’s rebirth. Its peaks. Its valleys. It’s sunshine. It’s rain. The only thing that is guaranteed is that things are going to change.

I’ve lost 55lbs of weight, self-loathing, scarcity energy, + a bunch of fucks I did not need to give as a younger version of myself. I fully believe releasing that anxiety & emotional weight was actually what helped me open my chakras & release the physical weight.

I like to stay away from labels & allow myself + others to have the freedom to eat & live & love as they choose. I called this vibrational living. I eat this way & workout this way. I love this way. I invest my money this way. I dress this way👉 I do everything this way.

This is what my MO means when I say “I don’t do rules I do what feels right.”

Straight up, Here’s what’s making you fat, sick, sad, anxiety stricken, broke, unfulfilled, & lonely: (I did all these things too. But I chose to make a decision & stick to my commitments to change & co-create a better me & the life of MY dreams)

Thoughts about feeling MIS🚫aligned in Vibration📴Anxiety is NOT your problem. Anxiety & triggers are just trying to get your ATTENTION. 

WHY you feel anxiety, depression, unfulfillment, self loathing, sadness, loneliness, &/or WHY you binge eat, over spend, people please, over work, sleep around, drink, smoke, self sabotage, etc…

…you don’t feel safe, seen, heard, understood, accepted in your life/body/relationship/job/whatevs you wanna out here. You lack purpose & are confused af. You’ve lost yourself. You don’t trust yourself &/or other people.

Self sabotage is addictive. It can be like a dopamine hit. Anxieties & triggers are your smoke detector in your kitchen.

Identify self sabotaging behaviors. Your body would be FAILING you if you didn’t recognize you were lonely, sick, unhappy & all the other feels too.

Start the change by by SHOWING up. Shift & become your own safe house. Then you can be one for others. 🏡 💕 

🤘Go first & just be weird.

You need communication AND connection. You can have one without the other which leads to imbalance. Stop the ‘shame spiral’.

Steps to building a non-anxious, vibrationally aligned life:

#1 – Choose YOUR TRUTH & reality.

#2 – Choose true connection with yourself & others.

#3 – Choose freedom & joy in every sense of the words!

#4 – Choose mindfulness, nourishment, kindness, inner peace, belief, self love, optimism, goodness in all.

A question that changes it all: What do I need right now? Now pause. Breathe. And answer from your heart & your gut.

Love you. Mean it. 🫶

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit : http://www.instagram.com/lil_bit_of_fit

Blog: Lilbitoffit.com

All links:  https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

Breaking cycles, color therapy, current obsessions, & life realizations

I was always drawn to mood rings…

Today’s Message & Ponderings: Breaking cycles, color therapy, attracting health/abundance/love by the way you dress (present yourself), current obsessions, what I’m most proud of & life realizations

🗣️On breaking a cycles👉channeled message… 

Themes for October: clearing out the cobwebs & RE LAUNCH!

A “LFG”. A wake up to what has been dormant inside of you. A reboot, a transformation, an innovation. A time to go for what is right in front of you. It’s not out of reach anymore, It’s here. This eclipse portal is going to provide you with so much insight, wisdom & understanding (even if you feel like you don’t have the whole direction. Join the club. I feel you.)

  • What areas have you not been developing or harnessing at full potential? 
  • What weakness do you need to work on?

Take fitness for example. Are you not working out intentionally at the gym? Are you there but not fully committed & doing what you need to be doing with your workouts?

Are you wanting to make changes in your diet, but not fully committed to that? Are you “shoulding” all over yourself? 

Don’t be angry if you’re not getting the results you want because you’re not putting in the work or resting when you should be resting.

Are you struggling in your relationships but not taking the time to efficiently communicate with your partner or friends or family? 

It’s ok. It takes time to develop & bloom. The valleys allow you to feel where you don’t wanna be to give you the energy to ascend up the mountain to a better destination, your “peak.” 🏔️🌋🌄

There are no finish lines only the journey & the experiences along the way. 

The eclipses in October will give you the energy to uncover what needs to change.

Love yourself along the way. Self observation/critiquing doesn’t have to be mean or hard or harsh. It just is.

In the current world today we’re so disconnected from our bodies & our minds. We let distractions of the outer world muddy the waters. 

Spend time in nature, spend time alone, spend time in quiet, disconnect from social media. Unfollow accounts. Read a book. Connect with strangers, actually talk to people & get your nose out of your phone.

Something my mom told me a long time ago, stop, living your life through your phone. And that changed everything for me.

You’re back, but you’re different.

You’re always a different version of yourself. So it’s OK if you repeat cycles, just observe the energy around the cycles & why they’re happening.

Maybe you’re meant to go through those cycles again as a different version of yourself. It’s time to step out of your chrysalis.

This is the time around the holidays that people start putting themselves & health (as well as finances) second.

They start feeding the fiend instead of the friend, especially when it comes to overindulgence with the food & spending.

Thinking of food with this perspective helped me heal my bulimia & binge eating, addiction to exercise, & orthorexia.

You want to feed the friend not feed the fiend. Your body is a machine. It loves you. It keeps you alive. Food is your friend that loves you & keeps you alive. Keep the nourishing things close to you & get rid of the rest.

Feeding the friend = self loving exercise, nourishing food, portion control & mindful eating, fueling your body & eating for FUEL, positive self talk & inner chatter, surrounding yourself with a positive growth invoking environment, sleep, self care, nature, deeper community connections, personal development, avoiding trigger foods/people/places/habits, saying NO when you don’t want/need something without feeling you have to explain, resting.

👆Get the idea? 🫶🥰


color therapy podcast walaa

Follow @walaa.colorways & her work

Color therapy is a huge tool in my life to increase my frequency, give me energy, more happiness, attract more abundance, more love, better health, and enable myself to be the person that I want to be. I don’t consider myself materialistic, but an aficionado of creative expression. My wardrobe is a HUGE part of who I am, how I feel, & express myself. I dress accordingly. It is true what they say, how you present yourself not only dictates the way you present yourself, how you feel about yourself, AND the way that others treat you as well. 

Personal ponderings

Fuchsia, Gold, & magenta are my favorite colors the majority of the time. (Fyi: Fuchsia is usually a more pinkish-purplish color, whereas magenta is more reddish. Nerd alert 🤓🚨🙋‍♀️)

I find I am typically drawn to bold, bright colors & neutrals.

I don’t typically like dark colors or black. I used to wear a lot of black when I was younger. I’m aware now this was because I wanted to hide, I didn’t feel good about myself, & I thought I looked skinnier in black, which came from a scarcity self loathing mindset.

I am currently drawn to:

  • Anything sparkly ( 😂 ALWAYS)✨💖🪩
  • pinks 💓 & purples 💜
  • orange 🧡
  • golds 💛(Boiler up) 🚂
  • Colts blue 💙😉🐴🏈

+ Decadent neutrals like:

  • camel 🐫 
  • white 🤍
  • cream🍦
  • rich browns🤎


  • Western/rustic/ranchy (again, always 😆 🌵🏜️🐮🤠👢Yellowstone af)
  • Regal (think queen, victorian era)
  • Lacey, pearly (think feminine, denim & diamonds)

I find I get the most compliments when I dress in: Sparkles, Blue, Red, & Pinks

Our aura colors change based upon how we feel. I’ve always been in tune to this about myself. Even with other people, I can feel their vibrations & energy. I wear m headphones a lot when I go to the store & when I’m at the gym because I’m so sensitive & it helps me simply focus on myself more.

It’s “weird” but I can sense what’s going on in someone’s life, their emotional state, even see & hear their thoughts sometimes. I thought I was making the shit up when I was younger but now I realize this is one of my biggest gifts (and also a bit of a curse.) 

I have to wear my headphones OFTEN & make sure I stay consciously present in my own body & mind & spend a LOT of time alone (which people interpret as me being antisocial, stuck up, etc. which isn’t the case at all.) I do it so that I can love others & serve others at my fullest. I have to serve myself first because of this. 

I have to ground often (time in nature & solitude) I have practices in place to energetically & physically cleanse what is not mine everyday. (Infrared sauna therapy, red light therapy, colonic enemas, nature, workouts, meditations)

🧿🧠Personal observations at this snap shot in storybook time

Proud of myself for being unattached to things, people & places. (For you👉Research stoicism. That’s your homework if you’re not familiar 😉) Unattachment has taken a long time to develop & embrace. I finally released fear + labels & truly embodied & embraced my authentic story + everything that makes me (not what I think I need to be for other people).

Truly enjoy conversation & deeper connections with people. Anyone from coworkers to strangers, to patients, to my family & friends. Quality over quantity. These give me energy with the right people.

Such Gratitude for the special friends in my life. They mean much to me. The ones that don’t make me feel guilty for not keeping in constant contact, but always making me feel loved & supported no matter how much or little we talk or physically see each other.

Super proud of myself for loving my body & health, food & workouts & everything that I am enough to not feel the need to chase body goals or change myself anymore. No more self judgment from a criticism standpoint, but an appreciation & observation standpoint.

Super proud of myself for being able to stay present and savor the things I truly enjoy and consider decadent. Especially with carbs, spending, & alcohol. They no longer control me. I no longer use them as numbing mechanisms but something I use for enjoyment. I no longer drink to get drunk, but to savor what I desire in the moment in self loving moderation. Same with safe carbs & spending (I now say investing &/or gifting the Universe).

I no longer feel guilty for spending money like I used to. I tell myself now when I spend I’m gifting the Universe & the people I invest in.

If I know I made an ego or impulse buy, I return it & say thank you for however it served me. Amazon is my best friend, easy returns! If I buy something, I also make myself release/give away something. I don’t like clutter, I like a clear, organized fresh space.

I purge my space weekly. Anything that feels heavy or hordes old energy I now am unattached to & get rid of.

As far as career & fulfillment, I realized it doesn’t matter what job I’m doing or task I’m doing, I simply like doing things, learning, being productive, connecting with people, taking care of people & as long as I’m satisfied in what I’m doing, everything will be amazing. I love being physical & mobile & moving energy. 

 I don’t have to have a particular job to be worthy or successful or important, I just have to do what lights me up, be kind, & mostly importantly, leave myself & other peoples’ lives better than before they met me. 

I realize no matter what I do & put out into this world. My purpose is to make people feel something.🥰

I realize I have the absolute perfect professions for me as a radiologist technologist (which I used to doubt in the past). I literally see people’s’ inner beauty & this matches up perfectly with my medium gifts + being a nutritionist. I finally feel I am on my divine path without the need to question everything.

Current Obsessions:

  • Fanny packs
  • Soft, Comfy, loose clothes, Joggers
  • Gold jewelry
  • Cute/girly/sparkly hair ties, bows
  • Chill vibes, positive affirmation music
  • Music: Warren Zeiders, Zack Bryan, Bailey, Zimmerman, Morgan Wallen, Post Malone
  • 90s music, 90s/2000s shows
  • Travel healthcare (love working with Aureus Medical & adore my recruiter Lesa Modde. I’m currently finishing up my assignment in Quincy, Illinois at Blessing Hospital & embarking on a new 20 week assignment in Omaha Nebraska with Williams Family Medicine on November 6th. I have been with Aureus since 2015)
  • Being at home in Indiana with my family on the farm
  • Ribs, higher fat, lower volume carnivore diet
  • Omad & fasting for better energy management, and digestion
  • My mom’s home Cookin
  • Aura of a Women perfume (random find at TJ Maxx. I was actually blessed with another bottle yesterday in Quincy. I happened to look up and saw a bottle on the shelf. You can’t find it anywhere! Thank you Universe!)

OK I need to stop mind vomiting now. 🤭🤣🫣

Thank you to all who read the randomness of the daily K🫶 

I hope these messages, ponderings, & pages  of my storybook help you discover the depths of yourself & bloom into the most brightest, boldest, beautiful YOU! 💐 

Oxoxo Coach K

bio carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana fishers

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit

Blog: Lilbitoffit.com

All links:  https://linktr.ee/lil_bit_of_fit

You can simply book a call via email: katieokelly2@gmail.com