Do I block love?! Deliciously inquisitive gut check moment.

A friend asked how they could pray for me this morning…. I’m not asked that often…

…to be (grossly) honest & raw with myself (yuck. I don’t like triggered feelings either, I’m just like you) I feel it’s an uncomfortable, icky/weird trigger for me?! 🤔🧐 — Not in an ashamed shade, or ego shade, but in a realization that as well & fucking awesome as I have done healing myself & loving myself completely, I feel I have done it to the point I still have resistance to letting people love & take care of me because I know I can now take care of myself in my whole entirety. 👀 

Just because you’ve healed doesn’t mean you’re perfect. 

There’s SO much depth to the phrase, “progress not perfection.” 

It’s not just a picture of your “stereotypical influencer” posing in front of a mirror. (Because when you hear that phrase, I feel most of us, especially in the nutrition & fitness space, that’s what we picture.)

I still have blocks around trusting people, both men & women. Although I always see the good in all things, I’ve placed a protective layer of sparkly, delicate, beautiful LACEY shield of guardedness around myself.

Vulnerable personal goals I am working on is to allow more LOVE❤️ in (In whatever aligned color/form I need. I trust God & the Universe knows what’s best for me)

To all my other peoples out here that are curious/betterment seeking/wisdom seeking/& a human/spirit that still struggles…take what you need, leave the rest🫶

Thank you to my friend that touched my heart & sparked the inspiration behind this message for me & y’all out there. In that moment I realized, “Katie, you give to so many people, do you let your guard down to allow other people to love & take care of you?

Gut check moment✔️ 

My response to my friend (& you can use this too)…

“Pray I have the strength & the love in my heart to be open to make people’s lives better, to take care of myself (and others) as appropriate. To follow my highest alignment, love, & compassion consciously & confidently to live my true story.”

Oftentimes it takes a gut check moment to turn up the thermostat in yourself to rise like a phoenix 🦅 🔥❤️‍🔥 to transform your identity in the most ferociously, fierce, nourishing, delicious way possible 😉 

We turn up the thermostat to transformation via Faith. Intention. & Association.

FAITH: in whatever you believe & in yourself.

INTENTION: with your thoughts, behaviors, decisions, & habits.

ASSOCIATION: in your environment, everything you consume, the people, places, things & habits you surround yourself with.


Thoughts of the morning. 

🤚 Drop the Katie’s channeled “meat head/hippie/woo woo” mic 🎙️🪽 message. 

Coach K

Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of healthcare, fitness, & personal development. Travel Radiographer, motivational writer, nutritionist, Medium — gifts of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture & healthcare were her first loves. 

She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through Crohn’s disease & life as a radiologic technologist with 18 years experience!

After decades of struggling with her own health issues from Crohn’s, obesity, disordered eating, infertility, hormonal imbalances, & being a competitive CrossFit athlete, she is passionate about helping others find self love, embrace their gifts, achieve their goals, & create sustainable success habits for an EXTRAordinary life!

You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit :


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