What old facebook memories taught me about adulting & aging gracefully

Cringe worthy.

Like, “Dear Baby Jesus, did I really put that out in the world?” SMDH

My old social media posts, ESPECIALLY those on Facebook often make me wanna hide underneath a rock. On the other hand, some make me smile, some laugh, some wonder if I even had a brain or any sense of style. Those you see & you’re like, “WTF was I wearing &/or WTF was I thinking dating that person?!”

Come on, laugh, let the WTF’s flow! Judgment free zone!

As I’ve aged & became more comfortable & in love with myself, I realized they are also clues & puzzle pieces to the way I absorbed the world, evolved, & learned to eventually (hopefully), more successfully navigate as an adult.

Don’t know bout ch’all but I still feel like I’m a kid. I remember when I thought 30 was old & by 40 all the fun sh*t was over.

Hell I’m just gettin started!

I don’t consume much social media nowadays as compared to when I’d scroll endlessly without INTENT. Key word – Intent.

I use it more for content creation & connection. It is easy to get sucked into the rabbit hole. Be careful to not place your worth in your profiles. I enjoy using mine as an educational tool & expressive extension of my personality, but I choose not to use it as a barometer of my worth, existence, or social resume.

The other day tho, up popped a FB memory that went back 16 years to when I was married, unhappy, confused af, an addict to food, alcohol, & toting around a sh*tty midset, “shoulding” all over myself. 

It read, “Fck this adulting, bout to get fckedddd up!”

Welp, glad my use of sentence enhancers haven’t changed.

But instead of feeling shameful, this 39 year old human felt such a sense of pride & gratitude. Pride for how much I’ve grown & gratitude for this space in life, in time – with all of you!

I know y’all relate to this too. Just wanted to check in with ya in hopes you’re also sittin in this space of awareness, love, & acceptance instead of shame, sadness, & regret.

Laugh y’all! Life is meant to be lived in JOY! No ragrets.

Anyone wanna share your “walls of shame?”

Oxox Coach K

Yesterday’s magic is today’s science

Yesterday’s magic is today’s science.

What you think is magic may just be science that you don’t quite understand yet.

Stay with me here…

I’ll relate this to all of those quick fixes you think were magic, for example:

cutting carbs

slashing calories

choosing a specific diet camp

Changing your morning routine & adopting a more positive mindset…

…yesterday you may have thought these were magic when in reality it all comes down to:


how your body works

the power of your thoughts

how your behaviors & habits are wired & learned

the impact of your past on your present & how you choose to move forward

The point of this post is to do your own life admin. Be a forever student, be open to learning new things & experimenting fearlessly. 

Stop relying on other people to tell you what to do without learning why things work and why they don’t and why you are making the choices and thinking the thoughts of your every day. 

You have all the answers you need.

I’ll leave you with this…

…when we lose our intuition to listen to ourselves & allow ourselves to become lost in information & what everyone else is doing — we lose everything.

You can hire the best coaches, teachers, doctors etc, but if you don’t learn from yourself, learn to trust, & stop worrying about what other people think of you or your decisions — you’re allowing other people to live your lives for you.

Tough love ❤️ 


Coach K

Full body workout routine plus the top tips that helped me lose the most weight

Q: I only have 2-3 days to work out a week? Any tips on workouts I can do? And what changes helped you lose the most weight? ➡️Swipe, save, tag & share!⁣

Here’s a very basic but solid full body program example if you’re planning on resistance training & working out 2-3 d/wk.⁣

You don’t need to make training overly complicated nor do you have to excessively do cardio & HIIT. Stick to walking & basic movements focusing on getting stronger with each of them.⁣

Most of us want to save time & get in & out of the gym as quick as possible without sacrificing workout efficacy.⁣

I put 2 exercises back to back to make 3 simple super sets. Aim to do each super set for 4 sets of 8-12 reps – slowly with good form. ⁣
Form always 1st before adding more weight to prevent injury.⁣

Take 1-2 minute rest between sets in order to ensure adequate recovery.⁣
I know this is the hardest part for some of you, including myself. It’s hard to beat the crossfitter out of you when you’re focusing on bodybuilding. 😂 🏋🏼‍♀️⁣

Gradually increase weights each week. If you’re consistent, you can switch up your workout after 4-6 weeks. ⁣
No one says you have to switch up your workout if this is working for you either. Go your own way as with everything in Food, Fitness, & Life. ⁣

If you’re looking for a step by step plan to lose weight, actually keep it off, & improve gut issues &/or emotional issues with food, apply for a consultation in the link in my IG bio. ⁣

Can’t afford coaching?⁣
I created a 354 page guide that will teach you anything you need to know about meat, macros, & getting the body you deserve❤️ Also in the link in my bio👩🏼‍💻📲⁣ link here

Oxox Coach K

Sunday ponderings and the intimacy of being alone

The intimacy of being by yourself isn’t intimacy most can grasp or understand. The silence & how your energy isn’t affected by anything else is a sense of peace & freedom like no other. 

Embracing who you are when no one is looking & not worrying about what other people think of you. I realized actually how much I loved myself, how I’m my own best friend via swimming in the intimacy of being by myself. 

And that has allowed me a happiness, sense of joy & openness to receive as well as give on a level I never thought it was possible. #sundaymorningview #sundayponderings

Cheers to the final day of my 4, 12 hour shifts in a row. Dear baby Jesus I see light at the end of the tunnel 🙏 💀 ⚡️ 

I wanna hear your Sunday ponderings below. I know some of these you guys will relate to. I hope you laugh. 

Laughter is the best medicine ❤️ but most of all I hope it gets you thinking & appreciating your journey & the person you are becoming!👇

  • I Love a fun Texter. Like throw some GIFs in there. You can never have too many emojis. Sprinkle a lil video or audio messages every now & then. But don’t blow up my phone all day. Instant anxiety for the responder in me.
  • Life hack. If you use your weekends building the life & the person you want you won’t have to spend your weekends trying to escape reality.
  • Whatever you are not changing you are choosing. Read that again.
  • Are you making the decision because it’s what you truly want or because you fear something else? Maybe even something better? But the fear of the unknown is outweighing what your gut & heart are trying to tell you.
  • Don’t let loneliness make you reconnect with toxic people. You wouldn’t drink poison just because you’re thirsty.
  • Delete, unfollow, block, unfriend, erase, & disconnect from anyone & anything that robs you of your peace, love, & happiness.  On social media & in real life. You don’t need to be around people & things not on your level & don’t appreciate your value.
  • It’s not your job to fix & detox people. It is your job to detox the part of you that relates to the toxicity & what needs fixed. 
  • If you’re going thru hell keep going because why would you want to stop there?

Love y’all & wishing you the happiest of Sundays! Oxoxo Coach K

When life is too much and passing by too quickly this is what you need to do

I scrolled past a post on Pinterest that read “Put yourself at the top of your to-do list & watch how everything falls into place.”

I realized the past month I was not living this. I realized I was working wayyyy too much. Which isn’t anything new. 👀 🤦‍♀️

 But I was almost in tears the other day. I had a conversation with myself. I said, “Katie you are abundant & rich in so many ways but you are really f*cking poor in time. How do you truly want to live & what do you need to remove?”

Freedom & time are everything to me.

I found myself frustrated, getting angry at things I wouldn’t normally get angry about. 

But I’m also grateful for this contrast for showing me what I enjoy & what I don’t like about my current situation. 

That’s where I find my answers, I learn everything the hard way.😂

I resigned from the VA last week. After a few months, it was way too much on my plate, I didn’t have the time they deserved, & frustrating me more than making me happy.  

— That’s when I know I have to cut cords.

Is it just me or does it feel like life is on super speed? Like where da fugg did the past 3 years go? 

I realize I am working the majority of my days…either in radiology, content creation, client calls, coaching, business odds & ends, interviews, podcasts, videos, etc…

You know those notifications your phone sends about Screen Time 👀 well mine pretty much says b*tch do you ever not work?

I’m super happy right now with life y’all.

I realized today I don’t have any complaints & I don’t have anything in my life that I know I can’t change.

I just let life unfold. I don’t complicate things anymore. Especially things like relationships (or lack of 😄) & controlling my body.

If life has been passing by quickly & a bit much for you too, here’s your permission to chill & cut the cords you need to cut.

You don’t always have to be a human doing, don’t forget to be a human simply being.

You can’t open doors to people & opportunities if you don’t leave space in your life & schedule to receive.

I wanna check in with y’all too. How are you doing

Oxox Coach K #saturdaymorningview 

I used to be hungry all the time: what I learned about hunger

Confessions of another dirty bathroom photo…

I ate 63g of carbs yesterday.

I used to be hungry all the time.

I hate sharing my food.

Other things I don’t share are toothbrushes & wieners but those stories probly aren’t IG appropriate & sure to spark conversations that’ll go down the gutter rather quickly.

Been throwin in some 2 a days the last couple weeks on days I have evenings free to experiment. Been craving carbs after my workouts in the evenings, so I honor my body & listen to her. My carbs of choice are rice cakes, easily tracked, portable, & don’t typically cause gut issues in moderation with my Crohn’s disease & autoimmune needs. Quantity varies, I am able to moderate these now. So far so good.

They help me with recovery, lower my cortisol, & help me sleep. Transparently sharing my experiences – go your own way. I stick to meat & eggs for everything else, rice cakes only post workout after an evening WOD with the 5:30 crew. I don’t crave them when I don’t need them. Rest days & days I stick to my morning workouts I don’t want them. Proud of my body & mind for supporting me in intuitive, nurturing ways compared to my self sabotaging self years ago.

Went back to CrossFit & Beats class more regularly. I realized how much more enjoyable & effective my workouts are with community. Being more social was a 2022 intention of mine, Its fed my soul & stoked my hunger in more ways than one & got me thinkin…

I remember being hungry all the time even after a huge meal, I still wanted dessert. I noticed my friends were able to eat smaller portions & be satisfied. I felt ashamed. As I aged & became more self aware, a sense of amazement & awakening crept over me…  

Did this mean that the bottomless hunger I felt wasn’t physical hunger after all? Could I sit down at a meal & push away my plate, full & satisfied, without the urge to overeat?

I could, but only after I figured out that I wasn’t only hungry for food. I was hungry for enjoyment & satisfaction, & not just in my belly, but in my whole life.

Somewhere as a kid, between farm chores, playing with My Little Ponies & going on my first diet, I lost track of the idea that I was allowed to enjoy my body, my food, & just being alive. I decided that always feeling hungry & vaguely dissatisfied was part of growing up.

I had to learn the bigger lesson – that hunger isn’t simply about filling our bellies, but about something deeper: a hunger for connection, enjoyment, & love.

From my own experience & awakening of learning to feel full, body & heart, I hope you find ways to satisfy your inner hunger. To be continued in another post at some time, let this be a conversation starter with yourself.

oxox Coach K

The biggest question asked this week and your answer: what is your daily food & fitness routine?

  1. The fact I match my coffee cup is making my OCD so happy right now. 
  2. Most common question yesterday from y’all was about my daily routine & workouts so I’m gonna post the helpful infographics to give y’all ideas for the week!
Fyi! Special flash sale on the complete guide to meat & macros here!

There’s a LOTTA newbies round here, welcome! Bookmark these, save them as a reference as you wish.

If you’re lost on your path to success, go back to where it all began & start fresh.⁣

You asked me how I figured out my routine, & it came from decades of making all the mistakes. My routine also changes with my learning & seasons.⁣

When I began this Instagram years ago I used it as an outlet for myself & an inlet for others to join in my life journey. An honest & real depiction through the most incredible rollercoaster ride I will ever be on. ⁣

Success, whatever your definition, won’t come easy. Habits & routines constantly evolve through your life. But there will be life truths that always ring true to bring you back to the ground where your roots were planted. ⁣


1.) You will never become the person you want to be if you don’t take care of your body. ⁣

2.) You are the sum of your surroundings. ⁣

3.) A wish is not a goal. ⁣

4.) The most important relationship you have is with yourself. ⁣

5.) The beauty is in the mess. ⁣

6.) Rich is in the eye of the beholder. ⁣

7.) The most important food in the world is soul food. ⁣

Your life is a field of dreams. And like a farmer, you only reap an abundant harvest if you nurture the soil. Remember if you can’t love the reflection in the mirror with tummy rolls you’re not ready to love the reflection with a six pack. Appreciate your seasons. ⁣

I mapped out my new daily routine here + workout structures, swipe away. ⁣

I also created a PDF version with clickable links & clickable images to take you to the appropriate information. @swanwick @goultima @nuethix_formulations @emrtekinc @amazon 

Link to guides in IG bio as well!⁣

As always, hope this helps you create a routine of your own!!⁣

⁣PS you can purchase your copy of the workout guide here: This Workout Guide + Free access to the Lilbitoffit’s 100 page Guide to Optimizing Food & Fitness 

**If you guys need to use other methods of payment, feel free to email me or reach out via Instagram and I will get you fixed up ! Email: katieokelly2@gmail.com

IG @lil_bit_of_fit


Coach K⁣

Phrases that change lives and make the world a better place

I’ve reached this “weird” stage in my life where I simply want the people around me to be happy & feel good about themselves – same for me. I’ve spent the majority of my life wanting people to think that I’m special.⁣

Aging isn’t all that bad y’all. I feel I’ve fully embraced the phrases, “With age comes wisdom” & “Like a fine wine.” ⁣

My 20 year old self would never be able to give less f*cks about things like what others think of her or be ok with telling someone to f*ck off that needed to be told to f*ck off without batting an eye. Ya know what I mean? 🤷‍♀️ 💁🏼‍♀️You?!⁣

I’ve never understood how people fear getting older. Guess it’s a combo of being stuck in the past & FOMO?⁣

Perhaps the most reflective & effective exercise I’ve developed as I’ve aged is paying attention to the little words & phrases I’ve either heard or said that light people up.⁣

A simple smile, phrase, or kind word can change your day! ⁣

Y’all know I preach the power of thoughts & words, why not use them for good? So I wrote down a few of my favorites to share today.⁣

These phrases aren’t designed to help you get laid (…or maybe they will? 🤔 I dunno…you’re welcome?!😜) or manipulate someone from a negative place. ⁣
They are simply a collection of phrases I know I love to hear.⁣
They make people smile. ⁣
They make me smile.⁣

  • “You are amazing!”⁣
  • “I believe in you!”⁣
  • “I was thinking about you.”⁣
  • “I appreciate you.”⁣
  • “I value your opinion.”⁣
  • “That means a lot coming from you.”⁣
  • “Thank you.”⁣
  • “I miss you!.”⁣
  • “I admire __ about you.”⁣
  • “I love your energy!”⁣
  • “I saw this & it reminded me of you.”⁣
  • “Thank you for being such a wonderful human.”⁣
  • “This world is a better place simply because you’re in it.”⁣

    As a kicker: 4 words that have changed my life & may be something you need to hear today too…⁣

     “Be kind to yourself.” 🥰⁣
    …and heck, let’s add “Don’t be a d*ck.” in there too. 🙃😄⁣

    oxox ⁣
    Sorta Sweet, Sorta Beth Dutton⁣
    Coach K⁣

#wordstoliveby #lifelessons #lifebylilbitoffit

5 habits I learned that make you the most charismatic mofo in the room

Had a message recently from a woman who asked me how she could feel like a woman of worth walking into a room.

Some deep sh*t, right?! I’m thinkin now what kind of baggage do we have to unpack for this one? 🤔😆cause we all got our bags.

So I brainstormed. 

It really comes down to charisma & mental toughness. As you sharpen your ability to be more charismatic, you open up so many more doors for yourself. 

The work is dirty. It may hurt. It may make your eyes well up. And it’s absolutely necessary sometimes to find your sparkle ❇️ 

A lil bit about my story…

This child was called fat. This child was called ugly. This child felt she would never be the girl that sparkles when she enters a room. This child is me.

I was told to lose weight & I tried to diet before I was ten years old. My self-esteem & body issues started at 8 years old. 

I hated my body. 

I was told on numerous accounts, “If you just lost weight, you would be as pretty as all the other girls in school.” 

Hurt like a bxtch every time. 

Translated into: You’re not special. You won’t be successful &/or loved unless you’re thin & look the part.

Swipe through the slides on IG, continued with much love, growth, & inspiration on your Monday❤️ I’ll add the content & slides below for my non-social media peeps.

Oxoxo Coach K

Tap for full slides and post on IG

5 habits I learned that make you the most charismatic mofo in the room

You Listen More Than You Speak

You like to be heard & understood, right?! Take time to lend a listening ear.

The most interesting person in the room is the most interested. Be curious about what other people have to say. The best way to learn is to listen.

I’ve found this also keeps you from saying something ignorant or rude. LOL! Goes both ways too. Sometimes you gotta let someone else make their own mistakes, that’s how we learn.

This also allows you to listen to your own thoughts before you respond. You’ll be amazed the things you learn & notice when you observe. Be hungry AND humble.

How You Do It:

Let the other person finish before you reply.

Empathize with what they have to say.

Reflect on what they said later & how you can apply this to your own life.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” Bryant H. McGill

You Love Yourself As You Are

You see yourself as a confident, smart, & uniquely amazing human. You understand this is not being selfish, but necessary. You catch yourself before letting self sabotaging thoughts take over, you pause & say “I’m worthy simply because I exist.”

You carry yourself like a high value human with purpose. You believe in yourself & your ability to achieve anything in this world. You wake up to positive, healthy affirmations, thoughts, & gratitude about yourself & life before starting your day.

You’re confident affirming things like, “Everyone likes to be around me because I’m me.” & “I’m attractive, confident, successful, abundant, & able.” You do not align to speak negative words to yourself because you know words have power & thoughts become things.

How You Do It:

Affirm kind words to yourself every day & visualize becoming better!

“Self-confidence is a superpower. Once you start to believe in yourself, the magic starts happening.” Unknown.

You Realize Emotions Are Fleeting

Charismatic people are calm, collected, & confident in challenging situations. You choose to seek solutions & embrace rock bottoms & “failures” as lessons, simply experiences, & opportunities for growth instead of shame.

You know that emotions & motivation aren’t always logical, they’re ever changing. You understand motivation is unreliable but discipline will get it done. Cultivate discipline & you can do anything despite motivation or lack of.

You live by the 4 Agreements & never take anything personally.

When your emotions are being challenged in a moment, you handle it like a PRO not an AMATEUR.

How You Do It:

Pause & take a deep/slow breath before reacting. Add self care everyday & fill your cup. Remind yourself anything meant for you will not miss you & a no means there’s something better.

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.” Pema Chodron.

You Speak Up Confidently & Clearly

Frankly you don’t give a sh*t about what people say about you or your experiences. You trust & stand strong in your word, worth, creditability, & authenticity.

You’re okay with learning, apologizing, & constructive criticism. You’re not quick to judge, seek first to understand, & understand hurt people hurt people. Always choose to high road & remember the Law of Karma.

You embody essential qualities of a leader: Integrity, Ability to delegate, Communication, Self-awareness, Gratitude, Learning agility, Influence, Empathy, Courage, Respect, Ability to also Follow. Maybe being a “leader” is not for you, but you still have the charisma to help someone else by giving them the confidence & tools to be a better human.

How You Do It:

Practice expressing what you’re passionate about. Journal your thoughts & opinions. Push yourself outside your comfort zone, no matter how shaky your legs are, that’s how your grow & find answers.

“You have to speak your mind and do the stuff that makes you laugh.” Joe Rogan.

You Live By The Golden Rule

Golden Rule, precept in the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” You treat everyone with kindness & respect, even if you’ve been wronged. You make sure everyone feels welcomed in a room & genuinely want to get to know people every day. You smile at everyone you meet.

John Antonakis from the University of Lausanne has studied charisma for over a decade. He stated, “Charismatic leaders can be loved by those who share their values & loathed by those who don’t.” You, however, focus on adding value to the lives of everyone around you. You also remember to set healthy boundaries for yourself. Don’t let the hate of this world stop you from being kind.

How You Do It:

Greet everyone with a smile. Be present, engage in conversation, make eye contact. Be supportive of your fellow human, there’s more than enough abundance in this world.

“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” Albert Einstein.

Final Thoughts

You can be charismatic no matter who you are or where you come from. Charisma is a skill that can be taught & developed. It will become second nature after repetition just like anything else.

You could change someone’s life just by lending a listening ear, sharing your story, inspiring someone else by your discipline, speaking & standing up for your beliefs, & treating others as you would wish to be treated or better.

And here’s your reminder you’re badass no matter what.

4 things to be thankful for & how to stop “Shoulding” on yourself

4 things to be grateful for: what you currently have, where you currently are, how far you’ve come, & the person you’re becoming.

If you had told me 2+ yrs ago I would be where I am today, I would’ve told you you were crazy.

2 yrs ago I was 37, 20lbs heavier, married, confused af, still trying to find my way in life, food, & fitness.

I realize as the woman standing here today, 39, 20lbs lighter, divorced…I will always be finding my way in life, food, & fitness & that’s ok.

Realize change takes a lot longer thank you think and it’s a life long process.

This is my year of ‘I want to…’, not ‘I should…’⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

If I can teach you anything today let it be this…stop ‘shoulding’ yourself.

Things that helped me to stop the shoulding:


1. Align with your values. When your actions are aligned with your highest values, then you’ll be assured you’re ‘doing the best that you can with what you’ve got at that time.’ By living a values-driven life, there will be less room for the word ‘should’ in your vocab.


2. Strengthen your relationship with Self Trust & Self Awareness. Listen to your intuition & allow it to guide you. Spend time alone to reflect on all the moments that you have listened to your gut & it’s served you well. That’s your proof.


3. Talk to yourself. Notice the times your self-talk involves the word ‘should’ – because change will only happen with awareness. Being aware of your inner critic will allow your inner-nurturer to appear.

Things to tell yourself:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

“This is good enough & I am ok with it.”

“I am doing my best.”⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

“I am more than enough.”

“I don’t owe anyone anything. I validate myself.”


By ditching the word ‘should,’ you start nurturing the badass that you truly are ❤️‍🔥


Coach K
