How to eat more when it’s hard

reverse diet lilbitoffit katie kelly girl coffee computer bed

Q: “I’m trying to work calories up but I don’t feel hungry. I know I need to but I am petrified to gain weight because I only feel
noticed when I’m skinny.”

Note what you said here: you fear weight gain because you only FEEL NOTICED when you’re a certain size.

The “health” I was constantly congratulated for:⁣
-weight loss ⁣
-thinness ⁣
-self control / dieting ⁣
-exercising for calories burnt ⁣
-a lower number on the scale ⁣
-a lower number on my pants⁣
-*looking* healthy⁣

The health I rarely was congratulated for:⁣
-weight gain ⁣
-acknowledging disordered eating ⁣
-quitting dieting⁣
-exercising for body and mental health⁣
-ditching the scale ⁣
-going up in size ⁣
-*being* healthy ⁣

External validation is like a drug. When you’re told how great you’re doing, how “healthy” you are, it feels like a high. ⁣

Internal validation is like a daily vitamin. When you tell yourself it’s ok, that your health is not defined by what you thought it was, & it feels like comfort.

Let that sink in.

Eating more food can be uncomfortable, mentally & physically. It’s a mind fxck. Especially if you struggle with digestive issues like IBD, IBS, Celiac, etc.
Especially when we’re told to eat less & do more.

The majority of my clients fall into this category. We need to reverse diet & heal before we even think about a cut.

  • reverse diet lilbitoffit katie kelly girl coffee computer bed

It may take being strategic about the types of food you choose to aid in digestion, nourishment, & get those calories up so you can go on being a bada$$.

Things we work on if this is the case:
⁃ choosing lower volume foods to help get calories in if you have problems with feeling too full like adding fat butter/tallow/or bacon fat
⁃ choosing higher fat meat
⁃ choosing softer meat like seafood, ground meat, & shredded meat vs steaks & roasts
⁃ eating smaller more frequent meals, not fasting, being more active
⁃ protein shakes


carnivore lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Truths in life and fitness you may or may not want to hear

truth in life and fitness katie kelly lilbitoffit

Listen Linda, I dieted A LOT & did a ton of cardio in my teens, 20s, & early 30s.

I had never back squatted or even fathomed stepping into a squat rack until my early 30s.

I did pump classes and ran until my a$$ fell off, literally.

When I started CrossFit I gained about 10 pounds of muscle. I hated it. I didn’t like the scale creeping past a certain number I had in my head that I thought made me worthy and beautiful.

I was afraid to eat anything, carbs especially. Everything hurt my gut. I followed whatever diet Insta famous Sally was doing or my favorite CrossFit athlete.

Tried to eat Paleo forever because that was the CrossFit thing. Everything besides meat that is on the Paleo diet I cannot digest because of my Crohn’s disease. Dumb

My sleep was terrible. Cortisol was jacked up. I never rested. I worked out 2-3 hours a day.

It’s taken me almost 40 years to find my sweet spot & the physique you guys see you today.
It took me a decade to build muscle & look like I actually worked out.

girl before and after weight loss photo lilbitoffit katie kelly
I was 160lbs at my heaviest at 5’1. I’m now around 105-107lbs at 40 yrs old & 3 years on the carnivore diet. I am also med free and my Crohn’s disease is in remission .

Stop saying you’re too old, or you don’t have time, or it’s too late to make a change. Unless you’re freakin dead, you have time.

The biggest shift you can make is your mindset and the belief that you can achieve whatever you want to.

  • life and fitness truths lilbitoffit katie kelly

Swipe for a list of truths you may or may not wanna hear, but they’ll change your perspective. Save & share on IG!

What would you add to that list so we can build an Army of well-fed humans & a stronger community?

lilbitoffit katie kelly indiana
Hailing from Fishers, Indiana, Katie is an aficionado of health, mindset, human connection, & entrepreneurship. Writer, speaker, doer of many things, she grew up on her family’s beef cattle & crop farm where agriculture was her first love. She is a Purdue University graduate well known for her storytelling of life lessons & personal transformation through her own relationships, Crohn’s Disease, disordered eating, CrossFit, & adapting a carnivore diet lifestyle. Katie also has over 16 years experience as a Registered Radiologic Technologist, Nutritionist, & Sales Consultant. You can catch her via Instagram @lil_bit_of_fit & blog,

Client call question: Is eating 1,000 calories the same as eating 2,000 calories but burning 1,000 calories off during exercise?

fat loss tips

Client call question: Is eating 1,000 calories the same as eating 2,000 calories but burning 1,000 calories off during exercise?

A: NO. Not only are you lacking the calories needed to fuel your body appropriately to get the results you want, you’re also lacking in micronutrients, which your body needs to function at its best.

Let me point out a big issue: 1000 calories is not sustainable nor enough to sustain a toddler.

By eating so little your body begins to down regulate and fight against you, your metabolism drops, you lose muscle, your hormones begin to go wonky & the list goes on.
Basically you create a dumpster fire for yourself & attain the dreaded #skinnyfat for many.

This is what happens when you don’t strength train, abuse cardio, &
under eat, losing muscle & increasing body fat. You may lose weight but your physique looks nothing like the picture you have in your head.

I explained to my client It would be far easier & more effective to eat 2000 calories & train intentionally.
We should set ourselves up for a successful fat loss cut by reverse dieting if we need to, construct a success routine, then shoot for a small deficit & reassess.

During my last mini cut I only reduced my calories by about 300-400. That’s it.

Let me reiterate we shouldn’t obsess over our fit trackers, earning or burning food.

A much better option to overtraining & under eating is to create a lower caloric deficit, stick to that for 2-3 weeks & then reassess.

The weight loss is slower, easier, more sustainable, more enjoyable, & life sucks a whole lot less


So if this sounds like you & you’re at a point where you’re no longer seeing progress & don’t know what to do, I’d love to help.
Link for coaching options


Coach K

#fatlosscut #fatloss #lowcarb #carnivorefatloss #meatbaseddiet #carnivorewomen #ketodiet #diet #carnivoretransformation #getlean #losebellyfat #lchfdiet #fitmom #strongmom #lowcarbdiet #losebellyfat #fatlosstips #crossfitgirls #girlswholift #fitness #indyblogger #indianapolis #fishersindiana #carmelindiana #weightlosstransformation #fatlosstransformation #carnivorecoach #beforeandafterphoto

Signs you’re eating at your maintenance calories & what you need to do if you are not

Y’all wanna know what most people get wrong when it comes to dieting in general?

Not dieting. 

We weren’t meant to live in a constant state of restriction. Feeling like sh*t, no energy no matter how many coffee or Bangs I shoved down my pie hole, chronic constipation, no body comp changes, cold all the freakin time – THAT was my normal back in the day.

I committed every sin I’ve talked about here on the interwebs. I used to CrossFit my a$$ off hours a day 7 d/wk on 1500 calories, eating all the carbs & plants, wrecking me mentally & physically. I wondered why I could never recover & I never looked “jacked” like other female athletes that weren’t working “half as hard” & eating twice as much as me.

Like a fine wine bitches. 😉

Fast forward today, my 39 year old self finally fit the puzzle pieces together & learned not to fear food, not to see it as something I had to earn or burn off. I’m 5’1, 105lbs. I workout 5 d/wk, I lift & CrossFit, I walk a lot, and I eat ALOT. I avg 1850-2000 calories a day most days, primarily ground beef, eggs, lamb, & Perdue ground chicken.

Reminder, maintenance calories are how many calories we can eat in a day & maintain optimal body function without seeing any changes to muscle & fat composition. In other words, chillin like a villain. 

If you’re eating below where you need to be calorically & basically feeling the exact opposite of the signs we’re talkin about in the slides of this post, you most likely need to do what’s called a reverse diet. Don’t know how? I have a whole 354 page EGuide with a section dedicated to this very subject.

Included are some things you may not want to hear:

A healthy body loses body fat & any weight you gain in the process of gaining health is weight you needed to gain.

It may take years to get the body you want going through numerous periodization cycles.

There is a cost to being a certain level of lean. 

That athletic body you covet just may weigh more than you think.

Unless you’re a newbie & never worked out before or dieted, fat loss takes a calorie deficit, muscle gain takes at least maintenance & more likely surplus. Pick one. You cannot do both at the same time.

Also, our bodies are all different. What weight & body fat % one person is might work great for them as far as hormonal & metabolic health, others it may not be optimal & you may need to eat more to remedy any issues.

And if you refuse to eat more when you need to restore your health, you have far pressing more important issues than looking good in a bikini.

Keepin it real,

Coach K

The 5 top habits that helped me lose & keep off 55lbs + Carnivore Tips for Body Transformation!

The 5 top habits that helped me lose & keep off 55lbs + Carnivore Tips for Body Transformation!

Tap for YouTube

We cover your questions:

  • Top 5 Foundational Habits to body transformation
  • What can I eat on Carnivore?
  • Caution Foods
  • How do I curb cravings?
  • Diarrhea and constipation?
  • Meal timing, how much do I eat?
  • Macros, building muscle, losing fat?
  • Slow digestion tips?
  • Easiest way is to prep food?
  • Easiest food to track & digest?
  • How do I save money on Carnivore?
  • Ordering out? What do I tell others?
  • Do I have to track glucose & ketones to lose body fat?
  • Do I need to eat plants in fiber?
  • I’ve had bariatric surgery/a gastric sleeve can I still do Carnivore? Tips?
  • Is carnivore good for IBS & IBD?
  • Do I count carbs or net carbs? Can I eat honey & sweet potatoes?

Show notes⬇️

Purchase 354 page Ultimate Meat & Macros Guide PDF Link 🤗

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