How to create the life and body of your dreams by choosing your own adventure

Yesterday I pulled over at Hardee’s & ordered 3 chicken boobies, grilled, plain. (I had to refrain from sayin “chicken boobies”😂)

Back to work today after a fun few days in Nashville!

The dude looked at me like I had 4 eyes. He was like, “Oh you want the chicken club sandwich?” 

I’m like 🙄, “No b*tch, I want exactly what I ordered.” My carnivores, I know you feel my pain when ordering out.


video here

My past self would’ve simply settled for the sandwiches when it wasn’t exactly what I wanted because I would’ve been afraid to order something different.

Do you know we all just supposed to be here Vibin, enjoying ourselves?! That’s it. 

Why do we over complicate things?

-Because we fear judgment & not being accepted.

Manifesting the life & body you want is not about changing your current reality, it’s about shifting into the reality you desire.

Speak up for yourself.

You still have to do the work with food, exercise, money, & relationships.

The biggest steps are self-awareness & learning not to give a 💩about what other people think.

For example: my diet is 99% meat & egg-based. How dare I post me enjoying alcohol or coffee because that makes me different. It opens myself up to criticism.

I’m not sorry they bring joy to my life in moderation & I don’t give 2 fux what anyone else thinks. And neither should you.

It would’ve saved me much heartache in relationships. Because I was too afraid to ask for what I needed in fear they wouldn’t love me.

It would’ve saved tons of debt because I wasn’t buying sh*t I didn’t need just to impress other people or numb my unhappiness.

It would’ve saved years in agony trying to eat fruits, fiber, vegetables & foods that absolutely tore my insides up, exacerbating my Crohn’s.

You don’t have to be perfect or fit a mold to be worthy, to matter, or for your voice/story to impact others.

Do you boo. 

Happy hump day🥩 

Eat meat, lift weights, be happy😃 

Oxox Coach K

Love people for the humans they are

I cringed. Conversation starter…saw a T-shirt this mornin that said, “The best man for the job is a woman.”🫣

Why do we feel the need to have to hate on the opposite sex? I’m so grateful my parents taught me it’s OK to be a “girl” & it’s OK to be strong like a “man” too. They just wanted my brothers & I to be ourselves.

Listen Linda, I’ve been divorced twice, but I still LOVE & appreciate men. I’m grateful for y’all. I acknowledge there are some things you men do way better than me, & I’m totally OK letting you do it.

I love everything about women, too, we’re both simply unique. (get yer minds out of the gutter, because I know they went there😂)

My mom taught me I can do anything a man can do, & if I can’t, I can hire it done. 

💁🏼‍♀️Girl boss shi*t level 100

— THIS is more about being a self-sufficient human, not hating on the other sex.

It’s like when I get questions when you could’ve simply Googled & YouTubed that shiz

Ima straight shooter, we real talk on this channel. Y’all can do your own life admin.

I know I don’t need someone to take care of me nor do I feel like I have to have a man to be happy, but I do love the feeling of having someone to protect & take care of me because they want to.

Successful relationships thrive because you see each other as equals & want the best for one another. Your happiness is my happiness. 

Not because either one feels they can’t take care of themselves or are incomplete without the other.

A negative pattern I used to fall into, I would attract partners where I quickly fell into the role of mom, teacher, &/or enabler.

Karen, we ain’t got time for that.

And neither do you guys. Choose a woman that makes you want to be a better man, that lets you be yourself, lets you be the provider, lets you be the more masculine, enjoys taking care of you & most importantly, is your best friend.

Ladies, vice versa.

A healed, confident person is honest, blunt af, & tells you exactly who they are & what they want. If you’re confused, there’s your answer.

How bout we all simply love people for the humans we are & what we bring to the table?!

Oxox Coach K

Would love to hear yawls experiences and thoughts on IG !

The best diet for the athlete and exerciser with IBS, Crohn’s, and Colitis

I thought living with an autoimmune disorder was just going to be my story until I decided to rewrite it.

I’m fortunate enough to be med free, to have my health, to have jobs I love, & a friends circle that is nothing short of bombdiggity!

I’m not one to slap labels & fit into any certain “camp.” I’m an advocate of being EDUCATED & FLEXIBLE, eating foods that are nourishing, suit YOUR lifestyle & specific needs.

Your questions around fueling like an athlete with special digestive needs➡️here are my top tips living with Crohn’s as an athlete! Swipe!

Why do I eat a meat based diet?

I’m over 2 years carnivore! Healthier than ever!

— I’m sensitive to lectins, oxalates, high histamine, high fodmap foods & phytates. 

I wondered for years why I felt like 💩 after eating nut butters, high amounts of veggies, fruits, fiber, sweet potatoes, breads, & any nuts & seeds. Basically my body hates anything but coffee, gf alcohol, eggs, & meat😂 

Why I choose a diet based on animal foods👇⁠

⁠ ✅Majority of my calories are from the most nutrient-dense bioavailable foods⁠

✅I LOVE & thrive off meat with no digestion issues. BM’s more normal. Maybe TMI but for those of us who struggle with gut stuff — shxt matters — literally 💩

✅Minimal fiber, meaning everything is easy to digest⁠.

✅Low to no sugar, or highly palatable processed carb based foods. I found these are my biggest triggers when it comes to binging or basically eating like an a$$hole.

✅Natural fats & plenty of protein. I’m fuller longer, I don’t have energy crashes, I can eat 1-2 meals & be happy all day & not have to worry about having a bunch of meal preps.

✅My body is more recovered, less inflamed, I eat more food & stay leaner with no binging. My workouts feel great & I simply do what I love.

I modify my carnivore diet to my preferences. There is room for leniency, you are in charge of what you put in your mouth. (Get your mind outta the gutter)

If there is a food not animal based, that doesn’t trigger symptoms for you, don’t feel pressured to avoid it.⁠


I hope this can give you HOPE. Go crush it, Team!

Peace, love, & 🥩⁠💕

How long will it take me to lose 30lbs?

lose 30 lbs

Dieting from the inside out & “How long will it take me to lose the weight”…

It’s so much about your mental state and internal work when it comes to finding a diet/workout/lifestyle that works for you.

I really don’t think you can have one without the other. The mental health world and the fitness world should be mutually inclusive.

The problem is too often people are not willing to address their emotional, headspace, inner narrative problems — they just want someone to give them the diet or the workouts or the solution they think is going to solve all their problems when they are the ones that really have to solve the problems. No one can tell you what is going to work for you.

We can tell you as coaches & practitioners what to do but unless you see what the root cause of your issues are & take action to execute the plan, you’re never truly going to make a life change. You’re basically going to yo-yo diet through life


 tough love.

When you just simply lose the weight but stay the same you mentally, most often you’re going to find the weight you lost again eventually.
— Because you didn’t up level to who you truly want to be.

It’s like building a house with no foundation.

Swipe for all the deets & a reality check on how long it REALISTICALLY will take you to lose 30lbs.

Love & hugs y’all!

Coach K

Lifting, carnivore, & how to stay consistent

I ate meat & lifted things this morning, saved a snippet for ya. Swipe on IG

I’ve shifted my focus however completely from fitness & aesthetic goals to my career, having fun, & longevity the past couple years.

The one thing that hasn’t changed is the fact I still have Crohn’s, although in remission & med free, life still takes consistency & intention.

#meatbars for breakfast Airfry, 11 minutes. 380. 93% ground chicken and 90% ground beef. Recipes and videos under highlights on IG. Listed as “meat bars”

I know many of you are struggling right now, not just with your personal life, health & fitness stuff, maybe relationship struggles too.

A client asked a question yesterday that really made me think…She said, “I found your interview with @kelly_hogan91 on her YouTube channel, My Zero Carb Life. You talked about consistency, which I struggle. How do YOU stay committed & consistent?

I replied, “Commitment is defined as a willingness to give your time & energy into something you believe in, a promise or firm decision to do something.

What more worthy thing to believe in, commit to, & invest in than yourself?

It isn’t always, & most often is not, pretty or glamorous. It starts with honestly viewing your current condition with blunt af transparency, awareness, & acceptance.I’d rather be an imperfect human working on relentless betterment, than a facade of a perfect human surviving on bullshxt sandwiches.”

The process…
Truly look at yourself & current state. What are your goals/desires? What do you need to improve to move the needle forward? If you’re clearly not where you want to be, you need to own that. You control how you react & respond to all stimuli.

Picture your future self & condition. Thoughts become things. What thoughts & reality do you want to grow? How would you feel?

A practice that helps me visualize & shift my mindset & energy to a positive place: Pull up Pinterest & consume positive quotes, images, videos, anything that shifts my state to a happy place. I’ve made boards & folders there with intentions & desired goals. These things you’re seeing, feeling, & saving are YOU as your future self.

Triggered much?
Know you know better.
Right meow 


With love,

“Sorta sweet, sorta Beth Dutton


Coach K

Sunday Church: self care, boundaries, the mess is your message

Here’s your Sunday reminder you don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Don’t build your house to sit back & watch it burn.⁣

A phrase reminding you how important boundaries & self-care are. ⁣

Can you believe it’s mid May already???!!!!⁣

Listen, you don’t have to wait for the new year to start building again or start over.⁣

“There is an Indian proverb that says everyone is a house with 4 rooms, a physical, a mental, an emotional, & a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in 1 room most of the time but unless we go into every room everyday, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person. “⁣⁣
— Rumor Godden⁣⁣
Don’t ignore your souls urge for solitude & adventure. ⁣

Listen to who & where it’s drawn to. Don’t question it. We tend to over complicate sht, stop doing that😆 ⁣ ⁣ Sometimes you just have to have a good laugh & fall on your face to start over again.⁣ ⁣ Sometimes it means spending time by yourself or saying fck it & going on that adventure.⁣
Don’t build your house in other people & don’t hand them the matches. Build your own & tend to your rooms.⁣

I get life.⁣
Rooms get messy.⁣
There’s beauty in the mess.⁣
The mess is your message only you can write.⁣
What are you doing for yourself today⬇️?⁣

Love y’all!⁣


Coach K

#sundayvibes #sundaychurch #lifelessons #catmomlife #plantmomlife #lifeisgood #butfirstcoffee

Answers to your fat loss questions

Listen, I belonged to the “I’m working my azz off (literally) club why am I not seeing results?” for decades.⁣ ⁣

Weekends were always excuses, social time was always an excuse, Ive been good all week so I deserve this…it’s easy to make excuses. ⁣
Happy swiping! ⁣
Answers to your fat loss questions! ⁣

Tons of cheat sheets, these are all included in my 300+ page Meat & Macros guide, by the way, which you can check out & snag in the link in my Instagram bio under Coaching FAQs!⁣

The majority of the questions asked this week were centered around not seeing body change or fat loss despite cutting food & hormone basics.⁣

Most of the time they come down to these things that you don’t want to hear. ⁣

If you keep doing what you’ve always done you will always get the same result. ⁣
You deserve to look & feel great!⁣
You’re worth the change.⁣⁣
Feel free to save tag & share, what’s mine is yours! I create these for you guys! You don’t have to ask my permission 💕💕 (I appreciate those of you who do🙏)⁣

Oxox Coach K⁣

Things you may need to do if you have special diet needs that may come across as rude, but are not

katie kelly lilbitoffit

“You know it’s actually rude for you not to eat their food.” or “Oh come on, one won’t hurt you.” 👉🏻Things I used to hear when I was going through my own food battles. Holidays & social functions were the worst.

On the outside we may look fine but on the inside we’re suffering.

I spent decades with food triggers, sensitivities, gut issues, constipation, bloating, G.I. bleeding, unexplained weight gain & disordered eating on top of it all.

I spent way too many years of life with social anxiety, especially challenging when dating or trying to be social.

I’m also a highly sensitive person when it comes to environments, emotions & other peoples’ energies. I like to eat alone. 

Maybe you can relate too.

I don’t shame myself for all of these things that make me different anymore. 

These are things I do & had to learn to do throughout my journey to be my healthiest. They often times are perceived as being rude for those who don’t understand special digestive needs.

The hard truth is, it’s hard to learn to love yourself for being different. And it sucks being called or thought of as rude. So let’s raise awareness on this!

Tag, save, & share freely via IG! Show this post or use the tips to help others out there who don’t understand or are struggling too💟🌈☀️🥩🥰🙏

Happy Friday y’all!! 


What my disordered eating journey gave me

Smiles and the sarcasm have always been my forte – loving my body & myself, not so much. 

Just takin a moment to be grateful. Feeling really comfortable in my skin lately❤️

Been takin a little extra time for me lately.

It’s taken 40 years to REALLY know who the f*ck I am. To love myself, be comfortable in my own skin, & unapologetic about everything that makes me, me.

I started my Instagram over 10 years ago. 

The transformation has been, honestly, I don’t even have the words for it. Speechless🤷‍♀️

2 quotes for ya by Stephen Covey:

“I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

“Focus on the compass not the clock.”

Life lessons if I may share…

Learn from everything that comes your way. Respect your elders. Explore. Take risks. Eat your meat. Savor friends. Love your body & focus on health not a number. F*ck up. If you’re gonna worry about something worry about how you’re going to serve & help someone everyday. GIVE. No matter how nice you are there are people who will never hit the like button just because it’s you. Do it “for the gram” anyways. At least you’re fuggin doing it.

The most important transformation is on the inside. Show up for yourself.

So I’m showin up with what my mama & daddy gave me⁣⁣⁣

what being a farmers daughter gave me

with what my health & disordered eating journey gave me⁣⁣⁣

what delicious meats gave me⁣⁣⁣

what CrossFit & lifting gave me⁣⁣⁣

what time with friends, family & nature gave me⁣⁣⁣

what freeing myself from my own bullsh*t gave me⁣⁣⁣

what loving my seasons & mistakes gave me

and just what this life gave me. 



Coach K

I’m single, broke, and miserable

love girl blog header

As one who has made all the wrong decisions before making the right ones, one thing in life I am most grateful are all the things I’ve done wrong that didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped because they taught me how to do things right & how to roll with life.

I made all the wrong decisions with my health, relationships, & finances.

Had a message from a gal this mornin, she stated she was single, broke, & miserable. I felt her anguish, & I’m here to tell you you define your reality. It is what YOU make it.

Sometimes it takes a heart break &/or us f*cking up in business/health/relationships to shake us awake & help us see we are so much more than what we’re settling for.

I refuse to live a life of mediocracy. I decided this yrs ago, 2018 to be exact, when I was living out of my office, showering at gyms, going thru a heartbreak, barely had enough money to purchase groceries, & no idea what the f*ck I was doing or where I was going.
I just knew I was meant for more.

Things still aren’t perfect but I am so grateful for what I have, hopeful & excited for what’s ahead. I am ruthlessly resilient & diligent. Mental fortitude, getcha some.
Ain’t nobody gonna save you or cut you a check but YOU.

I responded to this gal, “There’s always something to be grateful for & if you’re not living life happy, you’re doing it all wrong. But that’s OK because along the way you’ll figure out what to do right.”

She said she couldn’t find anyone she was compatible, no one checked the boxes.🤔

Y’all, everyone will tell you to find someone with the same interests as yours, same values, yada yada…like it’s a parameter instead of a goal that can develop. And none of us are easy to be with, let’s be honest. You shouldn’t be trying to change anyone else in the process either. Let people be. And don’t accept any less yourself.

Don’t settle for ambiguous texts. Stop idolizing men or women that don’t also put you on a pedestal & do for you. If you’re wanting to up level & be a high value person, stop dating beneath your standards because you’re lonely.

Don’t settle for scraps when you deserve that whole piece of prime rib, baby🥩

Yes, you have to have some common ground. But come on, how many failed relationships have you had that started out with this criteria of checking boxes & looking for compatibility?

I’m embarrassed to say how many I’ve had 👀

They fail overtime because you don’t leave room to learn from each other, you don’t go into a relationship open minded & realize you’re both going to change as people & you have to learn how to evolve & grow together or you’re better off growing apart.

That doesn’t mean you have to hate each other. That means you have to love the other person enough AND yourself enough to know the difference.
Lovingly let people go. That’s you loving yourself. And if you can’t do that you have a lot of inner work & baggage to unpack.

My perspective has changed, I view compatibility as loves achievement – not criteria that has to be met prior to trying to get to know someone.

Imagine creating & transforming a life with the right person. The one you chose to be your favorite.

“Your favorite” should not only be the one who makes you happy but they should be the one who pisses you off, who challenges you, who loves you for all your weirdness, who tells you what you don’t want to hear but need to hear, & continues to choose you every day.

Live life happy.
Compatibility is loves achievement.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

As for me, I have no interest in settling. I read a quote that said, “Settling is what sediment does when it falls to the bottom of a sea or lake, right before it compresses for several million years & turns in to a fossil.”

I’d rather be a fine wine🍷, expensive glass of bourbon 🥃, & some Waygu beef 🥩 than a fossil.

Drop the mic 🎤

Oxox Coach K